
Blood group diet

Blood group diet
Blood Group: Features and Characteristics, Menu, Efficiency and Running Rule.

Recently, a new trend has appeared - apply a diet in blood groups for harmony of the figure and well-being. Such a popular weight loss method, perhaps, in a short time, covered the whole world. And it is not surprising, because blood plays an important role in the human body. Red blood tales are responsible for transporting oxygen to organs and tissues, in addition, it is they who help the immune system to cope with diseases and contains genetic information about a person. True, specialists have a view about this diet divided, some believe that such a way of weight loss is only fiction and there is no relationship between the human blood group and the quality of its food, others say that the method of weight loss in blood groups exists and is one of the most Successful and correct.

Diet, diet and genetics


  1. Initially, the word "diet" itself for most people is an intrusive idea that makes the use of everyday habitual food and eat what is not always to taste, but in the opinion of society is useful and low-calorino. But in cases of a diet for a blood group, everything is completely wrong.
  2. Naturopath Peter D'Aadamo in due time suggested that blood and human food used genetically depend on each other, so for the normal operation of our digestive system, it is necessary to use products related to the group of blood, and this, including it depends on the method of existence and nutrition of our ancestors.
  3. The author of the methodology expresses the hypothesis that it is not necessary to constantly limit itself in the amount of food. Also do not resort to the daily calculation of calories.
  4. The essence of his theory is to approve that all food used by a person is divided into useful, neutral and harmful depending on his blood group.
  5. This approach can be explained as follows: how the use of one type of product can be good for one person, so for another, the same diet will be absolutely not useful.
  6. Of course, proper nutrition in blood groups appeared gradually, at various intervals, someone used certain foods. So, at the beginning of the existence of a person, when he basically ate only meat, was the first group of blood, and when he began to engage in agriculture, the second one gradually appeared. So, food and the human diet itself changed over time, which contributed to the mixing of blood cells and the emergence of new groups.

Blood groups: species and differences


As we know, there are 4 blood groups.

First blood group

  1. She became the basis of our civilization. It appeared approximately 400 centuries ago, when people did not differ in special mental abilities, but were physically strong. Their main activity was - hunting for animals.
  2. It is indicated by the Roman number I or the letter O according to the international classification.
  3. D'Aadamo says that, due to the fact that in primitive centuries, people used mostly meat, diet for 1 blood group in our time should contain a high percentage of meat protein.
  4. The prevalence of the first group of blood is the highest and there are 33% of all residents of the planet.

Second blood group

  1. It can be assumed that in the Middle Ages, women are tired of the constant absence of men on the hunt, and they began to develop agriculture. It is the regular use of plant food that led to the emergence of a new blood type.
  2. This suggests that the representatives of the second group of blood should be less included in its diet meat food, and more concentrate on plant products.
  3. Wearers 2 blood groups need to be neat with dairy products, since at the gene level they can have lactose intolerance.
  4. It is indicated by the Roman number II or the letter A according to the international classification.

Third blood group

It is believed that this blood group appeared when a person began to explore new places, conquer other land and conduct a nomadic lifestyle. It is indicated by the Roman number III or the letter in the international classification.

Fourth blood group

  1. This is one of the most mysterious blood groups in medicine. There are assumptions that it appeared as a result of a gene mutation, when the blood of the blood of Indo-Europeans and Mongols occurred.
  2. The rare blood type is that make up special difficulties in the medical sphere.
  3. It refers to the Roman number IV, and in the international system letters AB.
  4. An interesting feature is that children can get AB (IV) only if parents have 2 and 3 blood groups, it will never be such a type if someone from parents has 1 blood group.

Blood Group: Benefits


If you use food-compatible foods with time with time, the body corresponds to reciprocity and this is expressed by such advantages:

  • activates metabolic processes in the body;
  • helps to throw off extra kilograms;
  • improves the protective functions of the body, that is, strengthens the immunity;
  • slows down the aging processes;
  • improved appearance;
  • the vital tone increases.

Blood Group Diets: Disadvantages


  1. One of the main drawbacks is that there were no serious scientific research to assert with 100% confidence that this method is valid.
  2. But nevertheless, the fans of such a diet every day becomes more and more. In addition, its popularity is not fading for 20 years.
  3. The second drawback is that with the help of such a diet it is impossible to lose weight quickly. This method of acquiring a beautiful form requires a long use of certain products, and better if you have already become studying this topic then at all go to such a power style as a whole.

Diet for 1 blood type


As we know, the immunological indicator is not only a blood type, but also a rhesv factor that is positive or negative. A diet for people with the first group of blood, the indicator of a positive or negative rhesus role does not play.


The first group of blood is called "hunting group", as in primitive times, mainly meat products included in the diet. The rate of such a supply was made to the list of permitted diet products:

  • lean meat (rabbit, beef, veal and turkey);
  • seafood (trout, hake, cod and pike);
  • yogurt, kefir;
  • vegetables, preferably sheet (broccoli, artichokes and spinach);
  • oil should be consumed mainly olive;
  • eggs;
  • beef liver;
  • cereals;
  • fruit (figs, cherries and apples);
  • of beverages - green tea, carbonated herbal teas and water (particularly wild rose, peppermint and lemon balm).


The list of non-recommended products for the first group of blood of the following ingredients:

  • pasta;
  • dairy products with a large percentage of fat;
  • cabbage;
  • fruits (apples, strawberries and melon);
  • foods with a high content of sugar (sweets and bakery products);
  • vegetables (potatoes and cabbage);
  • contraindicated alcohol, apple juice and chocolate.

Diet for a second group of blood


To people from the second group of blood observed positive changes in your body you need to follow the following diets.


Such a diet should include the following foods:

  • staple food - is fruit and vegetables, but not acidic (with the exception of apples, cherries, pineapples and oranges);
  • olive oil;
  • seafood (tuna, salmon, halibut, shrimp and squid);
  • cereals, legumes (lentils, beans, buckwheat and oat flour);
  • eggs and dairy products (yogurt, kefir, sour cream, soft cheeses and eggs);
  • cereal products: buckwheat, barley and barley grains;
  • fruit, preferably not sweet (pineapple, lemon, blueberry, apple, plum);
  • of drinks can be consumed green tea and fresh juices.


Do not recommend to use the following foods:

  • meat products (bacon, pork and red meat);
  • dairy products (that have this blood group, they contribute to weight gain, so you can not use full-fat milk and dairy products from cow's milk);
  • butter - butter and corn;
  • flour products (pasta and semolina);
  • vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms and eggplant;
  • fruits: bananas, mandarin, mango and melon;
  • of black tea beverage can not be sweet and carbonated water.

Diet for blood group 3


At this time, when there was a 3 blood, people have become, one might say, omnivorous and unpretentious in food due to the fact that they have a lot of traveling and scouting new locations.


The list of products for their more balanced than for other groups:

  • yagni meat, calves, young lamb and venison;
  • seafood and fish (flounder, trout, pike perch, heck, halves and salmon);
  • eggs and dairy products (yogurt, soft cheeses, cottage cheese, kefir, eggs and goat milk);
  • olive oil;
  • vegetables (carrots, various varieties of cabbage, pepper and celery);
  • fruits (grapes, apple and plum);
  • flour products (wheat bread and waffles);
  • from drinks can be used herbal chasters (mint, sage, rosehip), green tea and freshly squeezed juice.


It is not recommended to use:

  • meat products (pork and duck meat);
  • seafood (algae, anchovies, shrimps, caviar, oysters and crayfish);
  • fruits (persimmon, garnet and cannon);
  • dairy products - Milk with a great percentage of fatty. Representatives of this blood group are lucky, they can enjoy all the variety of dairy products;
  • sunflower oil and corn;
  • bakery products (sweet dough, rye and grain bread);
  • vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, corn and pumpkin);
  • from drinks it is strictly forbidden to use alcohol, coffee and carbonated water.

Diet for the fourth blood group


The fourth blood group was formed relatively recently. It provides a mixed type of food.


List of resolution foods:

  • meat products;
  • sea Products (Mackerel, Trout, Tuna and Sudak), it is for this blood group that there are almost no prohibitions relating to fish products;
  • dairy products (home yogurt, sour cream, cream and goat cheese);
  • eggs;
  • olive oil;
  • cereals (oat bran, flour, wheat bread and rice bran);
  • vegetables (potatoes, beets, eggplants and broccoli);
  • sweet fruits (grapes, plum, cherry, pineapple and kiwi);
  • coffee and green tea beverage.


It is not recommended to use:

  • from meat products it is impossible pork, subchanits, fat, chicken and ham;
  • from the croup it is better to exclude buckwheat, corn and wheat flour;
  • vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, garlic, celery and beet);
  • people with the fourth blood group are lucky, they can enjoy all the variety of fruits;
  • from drinks it is not recommended to use black tea, carbonated water and alcohol.

We select the menu correct


As can be seen from the list of permitted products, blood diet is a healthy and proper nutrition. And if you stick to the main aspects of such a diet, then you will not only lose weight, but also correct your health. It is also necessary to draw attention to the fact that in a diet on the blood group, a positive or negative rhesus factor does not matter.

Imagine an exemplary diet menu from which you can choose food products depending on your blood type.


  1. Oatmeal, pancakes and green tea.
  2. Buckwheat cereal with beef liver, boiled egg and coffee.
  3. Fried eggs with tomatoes, yogurt and tea with mint.
  4. Rice porridge with omelet, bran bread and a glass of kefir.
  5. Steam cutlets from rabbit, fresh cucumber and tea with Melissa.


  1. Borsch with a non-fat piece of meat and boiled vegetables, egg salad with fresh cucumbers and greens, fresh juice.
  2. Chicken soup with vegetables, vegetable stew and salad with sweet pepper, green tea.
  3. Soup with meatballs, laptop of wheat flour with a small piece of steak, baked in the oven.
  4. Buckwheat soup with veal, salmon in foil and vegetable salad.
  5. Fish soup, vegetable stew with noodles.


  1. Fish cutlets for a couple, fresh vegetable salad and cottage cheese casserole.
  2. Pilaf with grill vegetables and a salad with cilantro.
  3. Baked in the oven slice of veal, salad with cheese, greens and egg.
  4. Goulash from turkey with fresh vegetables and greens.
  5. Beef steak with baked vegetables, fruit.

The application of the above menu options will allow you to eat delicious and useful, the body will sufficiently get all the necessary trace elements and get rid of excess weight.

Tip: In order to be conveniently and clearly apply a blood diet, and both any other diet, make a table of the approximate menu for all week, so you definitely do not forget about it and you can always replenish the refrigerator with the missing products.

Effective diet: parameters


If any diet is observed, it is necessary not only to eat correctly, but also follow your physical data. If you drop only the weight and do not do physical exercises, weighing the skin hard to return to the original condition and lead yourself to the tone. Therefore, try to give preferences to physical preparation depending on the state of health:

  1. Hiking in the park.
  2. Morning and evening jogging stadium.
  3. Classes 3 times a week fitness.
  4. Visiting the gym.
  5. Cycling, skating and rollers.
  6. Hiking in nature.
  7. Take part in active games (volleyball, basketball and football).
  8. Visiting the pool year-round.

Good health and good mood.


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