
Simple diets for lazy

Simple diets for lazy
Slimming for some is an impracticable task due to the lack of elementary willpower and the presence of a generous portion of laziness. For such people, special diet has been developed, about which the article will tell.

Which of us does not like to eat delicious? Each woman in the arsenal has several corona dishes that she surprises guests and often indulges a family. What about healthy food? Alas, practice shows that many welcome hostesses have difficulty passing before the need for proper nutrition, regular classes in the gym and systematic calorie counting. Meanwhile, each woman would like to have a beautiful tightened figure. What to do if the natural lie prevents himself in the framework of 90 - 60 - 90?

For those who do not want to sneak over the incarnation of the low-calorie menu daily, burde themselves with exercise and permanently abandon your favorite cakes and sweets, special diets for weight loss are developed for lazy. Immediately make a reservation that "for the lazy" means a reasonable restriction in food and partial change in the usual diet, and not a complete lack of efforts with an indispensable loss of excess weight, as some could get hidden.

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Diet for lazy on the water

Today it is the most popular nutrition system for those who are unloaded to the full coil to achieve a positive result. However, each person has the right to beauty and attractive figure, so we suggest you to move away from stereotypes and try to get rid of excess weight by gentle way.

The water diet for the lazy implies the following: 20 minutes before each meal - the main or snack - you need to drink 2 full glasses of water (this is about 0.5 l). That's the whole secret. When complying with this diet, you do not need to use exactly 5 liters of water during the day, you do not need to deprive yourself breakfast or dinner, you do not need to abandon snacks. Moreover, deprivation of pleasure to climb the worm with something delicious too! For example, asks the soul of chocolates - eat a few pieces, requires a stomach 3 - 4 full meals with calorie snacks and sweet tea - Do not refuse to yourself.

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Some losing weight express concerns that such a large volume of water can stretch the stomach and, therefore, to increase appetite. And suddenly I will grow a big belly, they ask. These are prejudices. Much quickly, you will have a low-rotor belly, if you are used to absorb baking, oily and smoked food, fast food. Water will not affect the size of your stomach and the power of appetite, but the huge portions are not very useful food - easily.

You need to drink water slowly, making small pauses between sips. Water from mountain and artesian sources is suitable for weight loss, as well as ordinary "raw" water. Boiled water, which is nothing but a dead liquid, can not drink - then your body will not receive useful minerals and salts. Please note that during meals and for two hours after meals, water and other drinks are prohibited. You can comply with this diet for lazy about 2 weeks and no more than 1 time in 10 - 12 months. Judging by the reviews, in 14 days you have a chance to stay without 6 - 8 extra kilograms.

Readers, probably, will definitely have questions about the principle of action of the diet. How does she work? Why is it so effective if it does not require any effort from losing weight? In truth, at first, at first, many have completely informed doubts: how can I become slimmer thanks to one water without changing your usual food behavior? We give you some convincing reasons for the normalization of body weight on aquatic diet:

People do not always understand the signals that the organism sends them: Often the elementary feeling of thirst is interpreted as a call of the hungry stomach. It turns out that drinking water before meals, we exclude the likelihood of incorrect identification of your sensations. If you really wanted to drink, and not there, after 20 minutes it is quite possible to be content with a small portion of food.

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Warm water, consumed 20 minutes before meals, is able to fucked a strong feeling of hunger. As a result, compliance with a water diet will automatically reduce your portions.

Replacing a sweet gas and fruit juice with ordinary water, a person prudently protects itself from harmful calories, which would certainly affect its appearance. Remember that before drinking a glass of juice or a cup of coffee, according to the rules of the diet you must first "pour" a fairly large volume of ordinary and completely noncalcory water. As a result, you will most likely make a couple of sips of the second drink or completely refuse it.

The most convincing in this diet for the lazy is the psychological factor. In the process of weight loss on the water, a clear association of any food with a mandatory use of 0.5 liters of fluid is arising, which is most likely not enough for pleasure. Therefore, in order not to feel the filing of the stomach with water again, many women are aware that they could do without the next snack. And the snacks, as you know, are one of the main reasons for the appearance of unnecessary kilograms - between the main meals are so pleased to pamper themselves with a chocolate chocolate or a sweet bun!

Lose weight this diet for lazy helps and due to the fact that water contributes to the purification of the body from various biological toxins, stimulates metabolism, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the condition of the hair and complexion. Adhering to a water diet, you can become cheerful and energetic, as well as increase your performance. Accumulated fat deposits are burned due to the decrease in the daily calorie content of the diet.

Note! The duration of the water diet for the lazy should not exceed 14 days declared by its creators. Otherwise, such an image will be wrapped with a disorder of the bladder, kidneys, an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of edema.

Note that the diet on the water provokes partial loss of such important substances such as sodium and potassium. That this does not happen, during a diet takes special vitamin and minerals. Although this method of weight loss allows you to not give up your daily food, from fried and oily foods, sweet baking and smoked products still stands to refuse. Also remove alcoholic beverages from the menu, sharp sauces, mayonnaise and sweet carbonated drinks. To improve the results 1 day before the start of the water diet, you can arrange a unloading day.

Observing a water diet, you will feel great if you start to eat at the same time, do physical exercises daily and sleep at least 8 hours a day. Be sure to note that contraindications to the diet on the water are:

  • pregnancy;
  • liver or kidney dysfunction;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Acetic diet for lazy

Another diet for the most lazy is called the weight loss technique, which is based on vinegar. If you prevented the idea to eliminate excess weight with water, but you are sure that you will not be able to drink such a volume of fluid at a time, then pay attention to the apple vinegar. As part of the diet 1 Art. l. The vinegar is diluted in 1 glat of water. Cocktail drunk 30 minutes before meals or only before breakfast and before bedtime. It can be prepared and have any dishes and products. Results on this diet for lazy more than impressive - about 10 kg in 14 days.

Apple vinegar has established itself as an effective means for splitting fatty sediments and toxins with subsequent elimination of them from the body. Some women believe that the vinegar, taken inward, is directly related to a decrease in the "orange peel" on the skin in problem places - this is quite possible, since the general consensserizing property of acetic acid is no doubt.


The acetic diet has gained both positive and negative feedback: some respondents assure that they have achieved excellent results thanks to this technique, others are neglected on a minor weight loss.

Important! Contraindications to the systematic use of vinegar divorced in water are gastritis, pancreatitis and increased stomach acidity. Vinegar can harm the teeth because it has an enamel barking property - after using acetic cocktail, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with a large number of ordinary water.

Diet for lazy per week on cabbage soup

The creators of another high-explore diet to reduce body weight offer women lose weight with the help of cabbage soup. The main advantage of this technique is that this dish can eat as often as soon as it wanted. Moreover, the more you can eat cabbage soup, the faster the weight loss process will go.

Of course, one cabbage soup will not be fed, so besides cabbage in the daily diet leave low-fat fish and meat, fresh fruits and vegetables. All these diet products make it possible to use in limited quantities.

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Recipe for making cabbage soup.

To cook soup, take:

  • large onion - 5 pcs;
  • bouillon cube - 5 pcs.;
  • sweet Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • belococcal cabbage - ½ Kochan;
  • canned tomatoes in their own juice - 2 banks;
  • large carrot - 3 pcs.

All vegetables are finely tied and send it to the boiling broth (do not need to fry!) After 25 - 30 minutes the soup will be ready.

Here's what the approximate menu of this diet looks like for the lazy:


Capportine soup can be in unlimited quantity. In addition to him, "feed" your hunger by any fruit, except for high-calorie bananas.


To the soup of cabbage, which can still be without limitation, add vegetables in cheese and boiled form (as you like more). The prohibition is superimposed only on bean.


We continue to eat cabbage soup, like the previous two days. Also, eat fruits and vegetables.


In addition to an unlimited amount of cabbage soup, 6 large bananas are expected and skimmed milk.


All day Eat cabbage soup, and add a boiled chicken breast in the menu or boiled beef slice (about 300 g), how many tomatoes and ordinary water.


From fruit today will have to refuse. Everything else is a cabbage soup, a salad of fresh vegetables, boiled beef - eat to a sense of full saturation.


Today you can eat cabbage soup, vegetable salad, boiled rice, as well as drink coffee and tea without sugar in any quantity.

As you can see, during the week on the cabbage soup, you are unlikely to produce so much so as not to withstand the diet to the end. It is really an effective way to lose weight.


Fruits and vegetables for weight loss for lazy

Another of the easiest diets for the lazy is considered a fruit and vegetable diet. It promises to "burn" 5 kg of excess weight and return a fresh and blooming look. People with oily skin are recommended to eat sour and slightly greenish fruits, and the owners of dry skin of the face are shown ripe and sweet fruits. More remaining the rest of those who can boast of normal skin - they can lose weight on any fruit, choosing them at their discretion.

Note that the main contraindication for weight loss in this method is the various bowel diseases, since large fiber volumes will become too heavy load for this organ.


For one week you will eat both raw and thermally processed fruits and vegetables - baked, boiled stewed. Calculate that the menu for every day of this diet for lazy should be made of 2 kg of vegetables, 2 kg of fruit and 2 - 3 liters of ordinary water. Of course, it is not necessary to eat as much as the creators of the technique are recommended: the main thing is to sit at the table only in those moments when it is impossible to think about anything other than meals.

As soon as you feel that you want to eat, drink a glass of water, and you can quench the hunger with fruit or vegetables after a quarter of an hour. Arrange 5 - 6 snacks per day. After leaving the diet, you can leave one fruit and vegetable day per week as a discharge.

By the way, a 6-day Mediterranean diet is a more saturated variety of fruit-vegetable ways. In addition to the mandatory daily use of fruits and vegetables, you can prepare dishes from pasta, croup, sea fish, nuts, olive oil and whole grain bread.

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Ginger diet for lazy

This is a very gentle and leisure diet, but extra kilograms will leave stable. Its main advantage is that you do not have to limit yourself largely - it is forbidden only fat and sweet. According to reviews, in 1 week you can lose up to 2 kg, the long compliance with this diet for the lazy promises minus 12 kg of excess weight.

The technique is based on the property of the ginger to dull the feeling of hunger. By regularly using this product in food, you can easily be content with small portions. After some time, the stomach walls are reduced, and you simply cannot eat the amount of food that could afford before!

To start losing weight, learn how to prepare a special ginger drink for weight loss. To do this, cut 20 g of ginger into small pieces, and then fill their 1.5 l of steep boiling water. Add one lemon juice there and honey to taste.

1 glass of ginger drink needed in the morning on an empty stomach, the remaining part is evenly distributed on the portions that need to drink between the main meals. In addition, if you love the ginger very much, you can hugging and add it as seasoning into some dishes.

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Diet for lazy after 50 years

From excess weight you need to get rid of at any age, but after 50 years this problem becomes especially relevant. The fact is that diabetes and various cardiovascular diseases, shortness of breath and sudden blood pressure jumps are developing not without the participation of fatty sediments in the body. In addition, extra kilograms significantly undermine the health of the joints. Obviously, it is necessary to control your weight after 50 even more carefully than before.

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Menopause stimulates the beginning of a serious hormonal restructuring in the female body. While the fatty tissue accumulates muscular - degrades and decreases in volumes.
Slow metabolism, reduced energy costs, improper nutrition and the need to take any medicines (among which hormonal drugs are often present) to dry out a woman on an inevitable extension set.

Nutritionists argue that to extend themselves with strict diets after 50 years, it is very risky - it has come such a period of life when it is necessary to relate to himself and their health carefully. The ladies of this age category should be a prolonged, smooth and, most importantly, the natural process of weight loss: it is impossible to starve, use synthetic means for weight loss is also prohibited.

Nutritionists argue that 3- 4 kilograms are the optimal amount of excess weight that a woman 50 and more years can lose for 1 month, since the negative impact on its health in this case is excluded. The most faithful and effective way to lose weight for the ladies "in the juice" is a reasonable combination of proper nutrition with an active way of life.

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First of all, you need to protect yourself from oily food - it is sausages, meat and a bird of fatty varieties, smoked products, "milk" with a high percentage of fatty. The body is not able to assimilate fat from these products, so it just accumulates it. In addition, it's time to gradually reduce the percentage of salted and sharp products in its diet, as well as minimize sweets and flour.

Fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products should be regularly appearing on the table, and instead of milk it is better to use something dairy. Do not forget about the products with a high content of calcium, since this valuable trace element the body loses over the years. To completely refuse the protein of animal origin, it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bper week you can eat about 100 grams of lean meat and birds, pre-cleaved pieces of leather and fat. Remember that a large amount of animal protein is also transformed into fat deposits.

The weekly menu must necessarily diversify fish and seafood with dishes. They contain an indispensable polyunsaturated acid group N - 3, also known as omega - 3. These substances have a positive effect on the human brain, helping this body to remain young as long as possible. After 50 years in the menu, it is necessary to introduce greens, berries, wholegrain, bran bread or bread baked on coarse grinding flour.

Special attention is paid to the method of heat treatment: ladies that have already celebrated their 50th anniversary, fried is categorically contraindicated. It is best to boil, bake products or master the steam kitchen. Creamy oil for refueling porridge cooked on the water should be replaced by cream. In most cases, the rejection of food after 18.00 (after 19.00 in extreme cases) brings wonderful results in the form of disappeared unnecessary kilograms.

We can stimulate the process of weight loss by accelerating the metabolism. They achieve this with charging that you need to perform every morning. The perfect option will be regular physical exertion. Pay attention to age limits relative to certain types of exercises and load volume. Sports, after 50 years, suggests a gentle attitude to the heart, easy, reducing the load on the entire muscular system.


If you have never played sports earlier, start with active hiking in the morning. Sports walking is preferably practicing outside the house, outdoors. At first you can limit the 20 - 25 minutes of sports activities. Later, solely at your own desire, this time can be increased. Wonderful results can be achieved using a swimming and cycling - so you will always keep your muscles in a tone.

Summing up, we note that nothing impossible does not exist. Keep your weight in the norm - the duty of every person before himself. Caring for yourself in the form of proper nutrition, daily physical exertion and a positive attitude to life - only so you can express respect for your own body and the body. No obstacles, especially elementary laziness, should not prevent you from preserving health and a wonderful appearance for many years. The main secret in achieving success is a sequence, perseverance and constancy. Be healthy!

Simple secrets for weight loss. Video


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