
Chicken diet for weight loss

Chicken diet for weight loss
To lose weight, it is not necessary to sit on a "hungry" diet. Dietary program based on chicken meat destroys all stereotypes!

Each woman, perhaps, is familiar to the situation when a strong desire to throw over the excess weight of Merklo due to a sense of confusion when choosing a way of weight loss. Indeed, diets for gaining a slim figure so much that immediately find the most efficient principle of nutrition is very difficult. Today we will tell our readers about a gentle chicken diet, which can always be full and at the same time systematically lose extra kilograms.

The main feature of chicken meat is considered to be the high protein content in its composition. For the human body, this is one of the irreplaceable "bricks", on which our health and well-being are based. An animal protein copes perfectly with a sense of hunger, strengthens the muscles and normalizes the metabolism.

Diet on chicken breast: what is the secret

This diet belongs to protein dietary programs, the purpose of which is to artificially increase the protein content against the background of the lack of carbohydrates. In order to restore the balance, the body is in operationally begins to spend the energy fuel, deferred "about the supply". First, it gets rid of excess water, thanks to which the muscles acquire the necessary tone, then synthesizes the muscle tissue protein in glucose and is only taken for fats.


Meat is an indispensable component of a balanced food diet. This product is valuable with its vitamins and microelements, the deficit of which is impossible to be filled at the expense of vegetable food. At the same time, chicken meat is taken to consider the lowest and calorie and dietary among other types of meat. The product is easily absorbed by the body and contains more protein than lean pork and beef. For a diet, breasts are most suitable - in them the minimum amount of fat, while their favorite chicken legs contain its maximum volume. Before cooking meat, do not forget to shoot with a skin with it, as well as clean it from fat, which accumulates under the skin.

The diet is based on a chicken breast, leads to the work of the digestive tract and causes the body to actively use its internal energy reserves.

"Pros" and "Cons" chicken diet

The following facts include the benefits of such a power method:

  • therapeutic effect - chicken broth does not contain harmful cholesterol, it helps the body to recover faster after a long period of illness, strengthens the immune system. Its regular use is the prevention of heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, as well as ischemia of the heart muscle, and collagen, which is also included in chicken, improves the condition of the body's connective tissue;
  • glorifying action - the use of chicken meat maintains a stable nutrient level in the body, eliminates the risk of depletion, malaise and decline. You will lose weight and at the same time feel great!
  • easy and high performance - in the week per week, the chicken diet can lose from 4 to 6 kg of overweight;
  • reliability - if you get out of the diet correctly, the former weight will not return back;
  • does not prohibit eating other products, and dishes with chicken in the role of the main ingredient - a great set;
  • chicken meat is an affordable product that everyone affords.

Among the disadvantages of chicken diet, we note that in some cases such an image causes a stomach disorder and general ailment. To avoid this, it is best to consult with a nutritionist before starting weight loss.


Chicken diet: We become slimmer correctly

So that the results of the chicken diet do not wait long to wait, in the process of weight loss, follow some recommendations:

  1. Fry chicken meat can not. But you can diversify your menu with boiled, stewed, baked and cooked chicken stewed.
  2. Chicken diet eliminates all flour, roasted and sweet.
  3. Chicter should be approximately 50% of the daily diet. The second half of the diet fill in fruit, vegetables, croups (except for manna). You can drink water, tea without sugar, natural vegetable and fruit juices. Salt will have to abandon, learn to emphasize the taste quality of dishes using various seasonings, fruit vinegar and olive oil.
  4. On a chicken diet you need to drink plenty of water - 1.5 - 2 liters per day.
  5. The general calirage of the diet should not exceed 1200 kcal.
  6. Food should be fractional: Eat gradually every 4 hours.
  7. PREPARE Diet by physical exertion.
  8. Refuse to eat alcoholic beverages.


Varieties of chicken diet

Slimming on chicken meat has many variations. Such food programs differ in the duration and composition of the menu.

By duration

Chicken diet for 3 days

The simplest and most easy-to-person program from all that promises the loss of 3 kg of overweight. The dietary ration menu is very simple - all three days you need to eat boiled white chicken meat and drink enough liquid. During the day, the chicken eat 5 - 6 times (no more than 100 g per serving).

Chicken diet for 7 days

The menu of this diet program can be invented by itself, be sure to consider all the recommendations and limitations for weight loss on chicken. A 7-day diet may look something like this:

  • Monday. Boil 0.5 kg of chicken fillet and 350 g risa - it is for you for a whole day, so eat in small portions. Fees Put with natural juice, and before going to bed you can drink 1 cup of unsweetened tea.
  • Tuesday. Today you have to eat 0.7 kg of chicken meat and 0.5 kg of pineapples. If you can not have an exotic fruit due to increased acidity in the stomach, repeat the Monday menu.
  • Wednesday. Prepare 0.5 kg of chicken, 150 g of white cabbage, 2 medium-sized carrots and 5 apples. At the request of vegetables, it is possible to eat separately or make a salad from them by sprinkling it with lemon juice.
  • Thursday and Friday. These days will be held on the scenario of the environment.
  • Saturday. During the day, eat with small portions of 700 g chicken, biting meat sheet salad.
  • Sunday. Repeat the Saturday menu.


Chicken diet for 21 days

This diet program must be observed for 3 weeks. The main condition is to eat 200 g of boiled chicken breast every day and a small portion of porridge cooked on water without adding salt, oil and all sorts of sweeteners. As you can see, the diet is quite strict, therefore, before you dare to it, you need to consult about this by a nutritionist or therapist. Kashi, by the way, can be replaced with fruits and vegetables. The food is divided into several small portions and eat them during the day, drinking water (no more than 1.5 liters per day). A strict ban on a diet falls on a flour and sweet.

According to the main ingredient

This classification allocates different types of chicken diet based on how the ingredient is used in the slimming program. Let us dwell on each of them.

Diet on chicken broth

This method of weight loss is not for the weak spirit - for 1 week you need to eat one chicken broth. But after the completion of the diet you will become easier for the whole 9 kg! Immediately, we note that such a dietary program is categorically not suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as people who suffer from acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

During the day you need to eat 1 - 1.5 liters of smoke broth (soup) - approximately 1 cup for 5 - 6 times. Soup consumes only hot. Water can be drunk or half an hour before the broth, or through 2 hours after its administration. Strong hunger pangs can be suppressed by dietary loaves, but only occasionally.

To prepare the soup diet best suited homemade chicken. Many people lose weight in the broth, cooked in chicken of Cochin China breed. To make soup, chicken fill with cold water and bring to a boil on a high flame. Then remove the foam and continue to cook the chicken until cooked first on the average, then on low heat. Put in a pan a little celery, carrots, onions, a bunch of parsley and a pinch of salt.

When the time comes to finish a diet with chicken broth, leave it carefully, extending the menu with fruits and vegetables every day. Moderate physical activity will help substantially improve the results of weight loss - jogging and aerobics in the fresh air will be suitable.


Chicken liver diet

Chicken liver - useful dietary product. As a result of its regular use in food, the GTS activity is normalized, and the balance of vitamin B2 is aligned, a sufficient amount of which is the prevention of anemia development.

The calorie content of the fried product is 172 kcal, boiled - 137 kcal. The calorie content of fried chicken liver decreases if you cook it on olive oil. Nutritionists advise the dishes from this product once every 5 days. The weight loss program on pure chicken liver cannot be called definitely favorable for health: 100 g of the product contains almost 600 g of cholesterol, while its daily maximum for the body should not exceed 300 g. The overaffect of a specific substance provokes the development of atherosclerosis.

To wrap itself for the benefit of only the beneficial properties of chicken liver, the product needs to be used within the framework of the usual rational nutrition no more than 1 time per week.


Diet on chicken meat with kefir

It is very popular due to its effectiveness of a strict alignment on chicken in white meat, kefir and apples. Observe it is needed within 9 days. The menu of this chicken diet as follows:

  • 1 - 3 day. It is necessary to satisfy the appetite only with green apples (1.5 kg of fruit per day).
  • 4 - 6 day. Now eat one chicken fillet (1 kg during the day).
  • 6 - 7 day. Go to drinking ration and we use 1% kefir (2 l per day).
  • 9 day. The diet ends with chicken broth without salt (1.5 liters per day).


Chicken diet with vegetables

Many women are perfectly responding to a combined chicken-vegetable dietary program, according to the rules of which you need to use approximately 800 kcal every day. For 9 days you need to eat only white chicken, brown rice and vegetables. The first 3 days - rice, the second 3 days - chicken, the last 3 days are vegetable. As a result, you will find a stunning result in the form of 8 - 12 lost kilograms.

Attention! Such an effective, but very tough diet can afford people with strong health, so the consultation of the competent specialist is a prerequisite for the implementation of the Slimming Program.

Diet on chicken eggs

This small-agered way of weight loss, of course, deserves consideration within a separate article, but we will stop and on it, due to its indirect attitude to a diet on Kuryatin.

Chicken egg is considered a low-calorie product - it contains no more than 100 kcal. Systematic use of this product reduces appetite, which, naturally, forces weight to decline scenario. One of the options for slimming on chicken eggs is a 3-day diet, withstanding which you will part with 5 - 6 kg.

The diet is designed for people who are not burdened by any chronic diseases. Here is a menu that needs to be clear:

  • Breakfast. 3 eggs screwed without salt and seasonings, a small portion of oatmeal on the water.
  • Dinner. 5 boiled windscreen eggs and 1 cup of green tea without sugar and milk.
  • Dinner is similar to dinner.

Optionally, every day you can eat some unsweetened green apples.

The diet is generally easily transferred. The main drawback is in the possible development of a sense of weakness in the muscles and the appearance of an depressed mood. During weight loss, you need to make a multivitamin drug that suits you. You can repeat the diet on chicken eggs no earlier than 6 months later.


Chicken - universal dietary product. Even if you do not like to sit on diets, you can control your weight as part of your usual diet. You just need to take a note of several useful and low-calorie dishes based on chicken meat.

So, "diet" on chicken cutlets (no matter how unusual it sounds) and the hunger is quenched, and will not add a single extensive centimeter on the waist. We offer you a simple recipe for delicious cutlets in the oven: you will need vegetables and 600 g of chicken minced meat. Clean 1 pcs. Zucchini, carrots and onions, cut the vegetables with medium pieces, which then grind with a blender. Mix the resulting vegetable puree with chicken minced meat, salt to taste, add a little mankey to the mixture for thickening and form small cutlets from this mass. Put them on a lubricated oil bastard and leave there for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 0WITH.

But another interesting recipe that deserves your attention is a vegetable stew with chicken breast. For its preparation you will need the following set of products:

  • chicken fillet - 2 pcs.;
  • broccoli - 250 g;
  • belococcal cabbage - 250 g;
  • spinach - 200 g;
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • a pinch of salt.


Cut all the ingredients of the straw (except for the inflorescence of broccoli), fold the pieces of fillet and vegetable mass into the pan and pour water there (it should almost cover the products). Tow stew on low heat for 40 minutes.

Reviews about chicken diet are mostly good. With its help for 1 week, you can lose up to 5 - 6 kg of excess weight, without experiencing the all-consuming feeling of hunger. Especially often use this dietary program people who are directly related to the world of sports, because a chicken diet, in fact, can be viewed as a classic "drying" for muscles. Of all the options for such a way of weight loss, a diet based on chicken breast is recognized.

Finally, we suggest you watch the video from which you will learn how to alternate the protein and carbohydrate rations to get enough to lose weight by 5 - 8 kg in 10 days.


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