
Azhelainic acid action on the skin. Preparations with azelic acid - application, reviews. Azelain acid in acne cosmetology

Azhelainic acid action on the skin. Preparations with azelic acid - application, reviews. Azelain acid in acne cosmetology
Azelain acid is inexpensive and at the same time an effective means that will help noticeably improve the condition of your skin.

Healthy and shining skin without signs of inflammation and irritation is, first of all, beautiful. But is it only in aesthetics a question?

The state of the skin is inextricably linked with the inner state of the body. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the lifestyle, diet, maintain a water balance, as well as do not forget about motor and physical activity. Help your skin look immaculately called numerous care products and hygiene. Depending on the active ingredients included in their composition, the product action will be more or less intense. A good therapeutic effect in the process of treating skin diseases is provided by means of azelainic acid, which gained widespread in cosmetology.

Unpleasant Guest - Acne

One of the most common lesions of the skin are rash. The foci of inflammation, which manifest themselves in the form of acne, acne and furunculus, are able to spoil even the most attractive face.

Principles of acne

Skin rashes - the phenomenon is unpleasant. Inflamed acne do not add attractiveness to anyone. Numerous cosmetic and medical drugs that are designed to eliminate such unpleasant "neighbors" as acne can bring both benefit and harm. Moreover, only an integrated treatment approach will give a steady positive result. To avoid a negative skin reaction to acne reaction, observe the basic rules for using drugs:

  • Before using any special tool, medical advice is needed. Recommendations of the dermatologist, and if necessary, and other specialists will help to choose an effective and safe agent.
  • An important factor affecting the condition of the skin is nutrition. Review your diet, eliminating products from it, activating the work of the sebaceous glands - sharp spices, canned food, oily food, coffee, alcohol, sweet and carbonated drinks, sides with a high carbohydrate content (pasta, rice). Turn on the dairy products (cottage cheese, natural yogurt), fresh vegetables and fruits, fruits, lean meat.
  • Funds for daily skin care must take into account the individual features of the latter. This statement applies not only to lotions, tonic and soap, but also to means for peeling, creams, scrubs.
  • It is categorically not recommended to squeeze acne on their own. So you not only provoke additional skin irritation, but also enhance the inflammatory process. In addition, there will be non-psychic scars and scars on the site of the affected areas.

Treatment of skin rashes

To eliminate acne, a wide variety of drugs have been developed. The main action is directed to:

  • Elimination of the focus of inflammation.
  • Reducing the blockage of greasy ducts.
  • Reducing the volume of skin production.

All variety of medicines can be divided into several groups:

  • Azelainic acid medicines.
  • Funds for outdoor and internal use, based on the action of the "work" of vitamin A - retinoids. Preparations are effective, but should be used strictly under the control of the doctor. After the treatment of treatment during the year, pregnancy is extremely undesirable due to the possible development of fetal defects.
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments, gels and creams.
  • Disinfectants and drying products.

Azelain Acid - What is it?

What is this connection and is it possible to get rid of unpleasant skin rashes with it? Azelain (or carboxyous) acid is an organic compound that is present in a number of cereal crops (such as wheat, rye, barley), and is also produced in the human body. In addition, this substance can be obtained as a result of synthesis of oleic or linoleic acids. Despite the "loud" name - acid - the connection effect is sufficiently soft and cannot cause the burn of the skin.

Azelainic acid: effect of substance

Due to its properties, azelainic acid gained very widespread in cosmetology. What effect can be achieved as a result of the use of products with this component?

  • Anti-inflammatory property. Red spots that are in the foci of inflammation, gradually go to no. Thanks to this action, the tool manifests itself well in the treatment of Rosacea.
  • Antibacterial impact. Successful struggle with pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria) allows the use of a product during acne treatment, acne. This property of azelainic acid allows it to be used as a means of acne.
  • The antioxidant effect is manifested in the neutralization of the active forms of oxygen.
  • Keratolytic effect. The organic connection activates the operation of the skin, due to which the accumulation of pollution and surplus sala will be avoided.
  • Lines and smoothes the skin surface. The use of means with azelainic acid contributes to the removal of roughness and uneven areas of the skin surface, increases the elasticity of the dermis.
  • The bleaching effect of the substance allows to successfully use the connection to eliminate excessive pigmentation of various etiology. Acid affects the processes that stimulate the increased production of melanin, as a result of which the skin lightening occurs.
  • Promotes skin saturation with oxygen.
  • Effectively eliminates the manifestations of seborrhea.

Advantages of azelic acid

Other cosmetic products have such complex effects, but azelic acid-based preparations have a number of advantages in front of them:

  • The compound does not cause addiction, therefore cosmetic products with azelainic acid can be used for a long time.
  • Azelainic acid has a soft and delicate effect on the skin, which minimizes the risk of allergic reactions.
  • The organic substance can be used both in the case of fat and dry skin.
  • Preparations with this acid can be used throughout the year, even in the summer.
  • The recovery period after passing the peeling procedure using azelic acid is much shorter (a couple of hours) than after purification by fruit acids (about a week).
  • The procedure for cleansing and restoring is simple and does not require special preparation or exclusively in the salons.

Indications for the use of azelainic acid

In which cases, the use of organic compound will be justified? The substance, as well as the drugs with the inclusion of acid, is recommended to use if available:

  • Cooperosis.
  • Increased pigmentation.
  • Acne.
  • Rosacea.
  • Acne rash, other rashes.
  • Seboriy.
  • Demodecosis.

Cost of aglaine acid

In itself, the organic matter has the kind of finely dispersion powder. The cost of azelic acid in the pharmacy is small. If you try to dissolve the substance in the water, you will succeed, but you have to make certain efforts. At the same time, as a result of combining the connection with alcohol, alcohol-containing liquid, butter or fat, a homogeneous mass is obtained. An alternative to homemade cooking can be the purchase of a finished product, which includes carboxylic acid. To strengthen the effect, try to select the means that in addition to azelainic acid contain salicyl and glycolic acid. The content of organic matter in cosmetic products most often does not exceed 20%. Depending on the volume, manufacturer and composition of drugs with azelainic acid, their price can range from 300 rubles to 1500 rubles.

Azelain Acid: Pharmacy Preparations

Medicinal products, which include azelainic acid, have a comprehensive effect on the cells of the dermis, which helps to cope with many diseases of the skin. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the results of consultation with the dermatologist. Depending on the causes and intensity of the pathological process, the use of drugs can be made within three months. Drugs are applied on pre-purified skin 2 times a day.

Azelik with azelainic acid

The drug is produced in the form of a gel. The components of the drug, including azelainic acid, prevent anx appearance, hyperpigmentation, have bacteriostatic activity. During the long-term use, there is a decrease in the formation of comaons. In addition, the drug has a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the dermis - eliminates the unattractive gloss, removes the foci of inflammation, purifies the pores, lines the skin surface. Cost from 1000 rubles.

Azix-Derma with azelainic acid

Produced in the form of cream. The tool will help to cope with skin ailments as seborrheic dermatitis, pathological pigmentation, acne. The antimicrobial activity of the drug is aimed at eliminating staphylococcus and acne bacteria. Normalizes the process of keratinization in the row. Cost from 339 rubles to 1200 rubles.

SKINCLIR with Azelain Acid

The effect of the drug is aimed at normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands to achieve the cytostatic effect, to eliminate the focus of inflammation in the glands. Such specific medications allowed him to successfully cope with acute rashes. The tool also has an antimicrobial effect. Cost from 330 rubles to 1300 rubles.

Skinornen with azelainic acid

The release form of the product with azelainic acid - gel. The drug eliminates acne, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the fatness of the skin decreases. It is used in the course of the treatment of acne, Rosacea. In addition, the medicine copes well with the foci of inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect. Before conducting the procedure, clean the skin with warm water and gently dry it with a napkin. Apply a gel on the affected areas, slightly rubbing into the skin. Cost from 300 rubles to 1300 rubles.

Acne stop with azelic acid

The tool is effectively struggling with acne rashes. In addition, the drug copes with excessive pigmentation, and also has an antibacterial effect. The dermatologist can recommend this remedy to persons suffering acne and melasm (pigmentation pathology). It is one of the most budget products comprising azelainic acid. Cost 300-350 rubles.

Azohel with Azelain Acid

Product is produced in the form of cream. The tool not only fights with existing problems, but also prevents the appearance of new rashes (including acne, red spots, sections with increased pigmentation. It has a regenerating property, restoring damaged areas of the dermis. Effective both with inflammatory and non-inflammatory shape of acne, with some forms of Rosacea. Cost from 300 rubles to 350 rubles.

Azhelainic acid use: Cream with your own hands

If you do not want to excessively spend on ready-made cosmetics, it is possible to obtain the healing composition at home. To do this, it is only necessary to pre-purchase azelainic acid - sold in pharmacies in the form of powder, packing from 1 g to 25. In addition, you will need: jojoba oil (as an alternative, rosemary or olive oil can be used), water, sucrose, special preservative Microcil, which will increase the suitability of the resulting cream.

  • Prepare a clean container.
  • Place the water and acid of 16.5 and 1.5 ml in it, respectively. The substance is poorly dissolved in water, so the composition must be carefully shaken.
  • After waiting for a complete dissolution of acid, put 1.5 ml of sucrose into the container.
  • Pour 7 ml of oil into separate dishes.
  • Both vessels heat in a water bath, wait for sucrose dissolution.
  • Next, mix the composition to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  • At the end of the preparation, add a microkal drop.

The resulting cream can be used every day and already after a month you will mark the improvement of the skin. If the above technology seems to buy a long and costly, and buy a ready-made product with azelainic acid, take a small amount of alcohol and dissolve a little useful connection in it. The resulting makeup mix with cream for daily use. And although the effect of the effects of ointments with azelainic acid will have to wait a slightly longer, but your skin will definitely thank you with shining beauty and health.

Contraindications for the use of azelainic acid

Regardless of the clinical picture and the appearance of the illness, the independent purpose of drugs with even with the "gentle" carboxylic acid is unacceptable. Means with azelainic acid according to the instructions cannot be used in such cases:

  • It is unacceptable to apply the means on the mucous surfaces of the nose, lips, mouth.
  • Carefully follow your feelings during therapy. If there is a sense of discomfort, burning therapy should be stopped.
  • The occurrence of any kind of allergic reactions should serve as a reason for the cancellation of treatment with the use of organic acid.

Before using any drug, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the experience of its use by other people. With regard to therapy with azelainic acid, the reviews are also contradictory and largely depend on the individual susceptibility of the dermis. However, to achieve a persistent and prolonged effect, it is not necessary to calculate only on the outer treatment of the skin. The approach should be comprehensive and include a diet, possibly receiving additional medicines.


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