
Graduation Dresses 2015

Graduation Dresses 2015
Fashionable evening dresses for graduation: Tips for choosing

For each young girl, graduation evening is one of the most significant and responsible events in life. Therefore, the choice of dresses becomes the most responsible task to create an ideal image.

You can rent or buy a graduation dress in the salon of evening and wedding dresses and accessories in your city where you can try on the model you like. You can also rent or purchase dresses for graduation 2015 cheap, making an order in the popular online online store at discounted prices. Pick up the appropriate size and style on your parameters will help detailed advice with a qualified seller and a wide catalog of the seller's website with prices and a rich variety of models.

The most original, but longer in time and less economical way is considered to be an individual order and tailoring of the evening dress. According to a photo or picture of the graduation 2015 dresses, the model of which you order, professional workers of the sewing salons will have to remove the measurements from you, choose the necessary fabrics and materials for the decor. Handmade things must be ordered in advance so that the seamstress can adjust clothes after each of your fitting.


Fashionable graduation dresses 2015

Today's huge selection of female evening outfits sometimes puts even the most sophisticated beauties. First of all, it is necessary to consider the features of the appearance of a young girl who should emphasize the dress. The color for the image should be selected not only depending on the last trends, but also considering the individual shade of hair, skin and eyes.

Colors of dresses on graduation for spring color

In the new season of 2015, girls with warm transparent skin shades, blond eyes and honey hair, can stop their choice on such evening outfit palettes:

  1. Blue gamma. The evening outfits of the sea wave color, sky-blue, cornflower and dark blue emphasize the light skin tone, create a magnificent contrast with brown hair and shade the blue eyes of the graduation. sinij.
  2. Solar gamma. The dresses of lemon, yellow, olive and brandy palette are perfectly combined with a warm tone of light skin, shade blond hair colors and contrast with gray-blue eyes of girls.


Colors of dresses on graduation for summer color

For holders of cold shades, ash hair and light skin should be selected evening clothes in accordance with the latest fashion trends:

  1. Green gamma. Mustard, khaki, malachite and mint palettes are flawlessly fit the owners of blond hair, shadow blond eyes and contrast with light skin. zelenij.
  2. Gray gamma. Black, graphite, silver and smoky dresses are perfectly combined with a bright shade of hair, emphasize the aristocratic pallor of the skin and harmonize with the transparency of the view.


Colors of dresses on graduation for autumn color

Girls with warm dark hair colors, golden skin and light green or brown eyes. Stylists recommend choosing outfits for graduation, following fashionable trends in 2015:

  1. Fire gamma. Any shades of coral, orange, brick and scarlet colors are superbly emphasized the tenderness and transparency of the skin, focus on the expressive look of olive eyes and will be perfectly combined with a saturated color of hair. ogon.
  2. Purple gamma. The dresses of eggplant, purple, amethyst and purple colors will smellive the brightness of the hair, it is advantageous to emphasize the pallor of the skin and perfectly complement any visage of carbonous graduates.


Colors of dresses on graduation for winter color

For owners of black hair, brown eyes or a cold shade and darker skin will be a find of the evening dresses of trend in the new season of 2015 flowers:

  1. Beige gamma. Bronze, gold, beige and especially white outfits are amazingly contrast with dark skin shades, without leaving without due attention of coal hair and emphasizing the brightness of the view. belij.
  2. Pink gamma. Extravagant brunettes in saturated burgundy, red, crimson and fuchsia dresses are impossible for the evening, because such shades are perfectly combined with dark skin and brown eyes, which will make your image bold and memorable.


Models of evening dresses for graduation 2015

In addition to the perfectly selected color of the dress, every girl wants to look bright and original so that the model of the chosen outfit is not similar to others. It is important that the evening outfit style that liked the magazine perfectly emphasized all the advantages of the figure and hid some of her features. Therefore, all trend models should be chosen based on the individual structure of the figure and the growth of the graduate, and then move to the choice of the parts of the stylish image.

Long graduation dresses 2015


The evening flowing dress in the floor will create an adult feminine and solemn image, and a bold cut and an interesting fabric pattern attach extravagance. Long straight classic style dresses give the appearance of seductivity. High girls stylists recommend paying attention to the model with sleeves and a shallow cut or a collar under the throat with lace inserts in the neckline area or on the back.

For girls of medium growth wishing to visually lengthen the silhouette, open evening outfits with naked shoulders and arms are suitable. Such dresses are very expressive and do not require excessive finishes. Activate attention to the waist, the bay or section can be using bows on a belt or embroidery from rhinestones and stones.


Black options are taken to consider the classics of evening outfits that will not look boring if they are made with lace and translucent inserts. In addition to the elegance of the black outfit, it is noticeably slim and emphasizes all the advantages of the figure. The image of the form will add unexpected cuts, both at the bottom of the outfit and deep cuts on the back.

Very seductive, models from bodily color inserts decorated with shiny stones, which create the illusion of the naked body. Dresses made completely from such a material will look especially bold, but only fit slim girls, since beige shades always visually increase the figure. Multilayer and air models from the finest materials in the Greek style will look especially solemnly.

Short Dresses for Graduation 2015


The outfits of the knee-length or mini are ideally suited to low girls with slender legs, which want to look a little higher due to the visual elongation of the silhouette using a high-heeled shoe or platform. Short models are also appropriate that you can easily move and dance at the prom, which will be quite uncomfortable for girls in long outfits. After all, the graduation evening is, first of all, the festival of youth, so in front and flirty images should be given preference to shortened shapes.

If you choose a mini dress and want to demonstrate the beauty of your feet, then the outfit itself should not be too caller, but rather more concise. The simple cut with the presence of light drapery will be the optimal solution. Selected accessories will create a catchy and original image, and also demonstrate a sense of style.


The shining finish of the short dress will be quite appropriate on the models fitting and emphasizing the figure. Such an outfit will be difficult not to notice under the light of electrical lights during the dance. The dress decorated with rhinestones is better to choose calm and classic shades, so as not to look unnecessarily bold.

Romantic Natures Stylists advise to pay attention to the model with a separated wide belt bodice on the waist, and for low girls, the option will be perfect with a belt under the breast. The skirt can be very voluminous, which will allow the graduate to transform into the coquette of the style of the 60s. Multilayer flowing skirts do not distort the proportions of the shape and give the way of restraint, which can be diversified with elegantly selected decorations.

Cascade Dresses for Graduation 2015


For extravagant natures, stylists advise to choose models with cascade asymmetric podols. Such dresses can be very short in front and with a rear loop or with anterior length below the knees and the hen in the floor. The asymmetric skirt can be multi-layer and lush, which is fixed on the waist, or light air, outgoing from a wide belt under the bodice.

The bodice can be made of a dense corsage material or several layers of satin. Such dresses with an elongated swelling skirt suggest a fairly simple cut of the upper part without straps or with one wide shoulder. The hem of skirt and the loop can be decorated with drapering, embroidery or bright stones.

For those who cannot decide on the perfect length and universal style for the official evening and the next night dancing behind it, the option of transformers with a unlocked long upper skirt is perfect. Such skirts can be made of a transparent chiffon or out of light satin fabric, under which the shorter main part of the dance outfit is hiding. The upper removable skirt can be one color gamut and material with a basic dress or other color contrasting with it.

Lush dresses for graduation 2015


Evening outfits with a lush skirt in the floor will make you the Queen Prom. If you dream of creating a fairy-tale image, then a dress with a multi-layer podium will be the most advantageous option. A corsage bodice of such models is often performed without straps or with a lace neckline.

Lush skirts to the knees will feel like a princess at any celebration. The image will be surprisingly gentle, and the multi-layeredness of such a skirt will not prevent you from dancing on the disco. In such romantic models, the decor is appropriate only on a dense bodice without shoulders and in the form of decorations on the neck of the girl.

Beautiful graduation dresses 2015 for full


For holders of lush forms, stylists are not recommended to stop their choice on shapeless models, which will only add additional volumes of FIG. For low holders of slim legs, shortened models with an overwhelmed waist should be selected, and the vertical folds of the skirt will help hide the flaws of the figure. For high girls with bulk hips, it is better to pick up the fitted flowing dresses in the field with drapery on the chest.

Piscent girls are not recommended to select models with too voluminous skirts and tightly pulling corsages. Do not customize your figure under the model ideal, it is better to adequately emphasize the advantages of its appetizing forms. Therefore, stop your choice on darkeys of dark shades of classic cut with a narrowed skirt-case-case below the knee and slightly decolted bodice.

Children's dresses for graduation 2015


The choice of festive outfit for the most young people is a challenge, both for the girls themselves and for her parents. Often, children dream to appear at a solemn event in the image of the princesses, especially when most girlfriends will look like in this style. Sometimes parents insist on choosing other more original styles, but the final decision should be taken to the child, since it is its first long-awaited ball.

To select the best outfit, you are better to visit the Salon of Children's Evening Drops along with the child. There you can try on all the models you like and come to a mutual decision. Professional workers will help to adjust the dress along the length and individual parameters of your daughter, and will also give a delight tips on the choice of other accessories, jewelry and shoes for the festive image of the child.

If you give your preference to virtual online stores, then there is nothing easier to choose a magnificent and long dress for the appearance of a princess or a classic clock on the photo of the graduation 2015 dresses from the catalog on the site. Experienced consultants will help you choose the best model if you describe the character and appearance of the girl or just send her photos. You can also order a tailoring of your favorite children's dress individually at the qualified seamstress for the embodiment of the children's dream of your girl.


Children's fashion stylists advise to pay attention to the newcomer today the style trend of the color block. This trend is an overlapping of several similar color schemes of clothing on each other or a contrast combination of dresses with a decor and accessories to it. Therefore, choosing a festive outfit of one color Do not forget about the bright, contrasting a focus in the form of a belt, gloves or caps.

To create a more modern and classic image, designers offer models with a trapezoid skirt to the knees or slightly lower. In such a simple and stylish outfit, any girl can feel like a real lady. Fashionable sundress models with concise rolling on wide straps and a multi-tiered bee of different lengths of the free cut will become an excellent alternative to inconvenient magnificent crinoline skirts and enjoy restless girls.

Video tips on the selection of graduation dresses 2015

Recommendations of the famous Stylist Evelina Khromchenko will help create an original image for a graduation:


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