
Darsonvalization - indications, contraindications. How is the procedure for darsonvalization faces, heads, hair

Darsonvalization - indications, contraindications. How is the procedure for darsonvalization faces, heads, hair
The article is talking about what kind of skin darsonvalization is and how it is properly used.

Beautiful to be like everyone. However, often age or health state affect the appearance of the skin of the face and body, the hair cover, which can lose their attractiveness. Fortunately, for the correction of flaws of appearance, there are a large amount of funds and techniques. The hardware cosmetology has long been popular among non-invasive methods of facial correction. One of these procedures is darsonvalization. About what darsonvalization is and how it is used, we will tell further.

How Darsonvalization works in cosmetology

Darsonvalization is one of the methods of electrotherapy. Electrotherapy has been successfully used to treat various ailments for several decades. Excellent results of the use of electric pulses in medicine gave impetus in their application in cosmetology. Darsonvalization is currently used as a separate procedure, and in complex treatment, along with other techniques. So, it is used in combination with other techniques of hardware cosmetology, as well as with rejuvenating injections.

This technique received its name by the name of one French scientist. Still a century ago, D'Assonval during the study of the effect of high-frequency alternating current of low force on the human body concluded that procedures with its use bring positive results. Since then, devices that work according to this principle have become more technologically.

The impact on the skin of the face during darsonvalization occurs with the help of two electrodes through which the electric current is like. They are brewed in special flasks with vacuum or pumped in inert gas. Most often argon applies as the last.

Modern devices are equipped with current regulators that make it possible to change its strength to achieve various effects. So, with a low voltage, the patient may not even feel any impact, but when applying corona discharges there is a slight tingling and cracking is heard.

When applying the procedure of darsonvalization in cosmetology, two techniques are used:

  1. Contact darsonvalization. With this technique, the doctor smoothly moves the electrode directly on the surface of the skin in the direction of massage lines. Inside cells and intercellular space, air and cytoplasma ionization occurs, which has a positive effect on the skin condition. Basically, the contact method is used in the dirytty mature skin.
  2. Contactless method (remote). When using it, the electrode during the procedure does not concern the surface of the skin. As a result, a small electric arc occurs between the surfaces. The patient feels weak tingling. At the same time, air ozonation occurs around, the formation of nitrogen oxides and a small ultraviolet glow. The use of remote impact showed an excellent effect in the treatment of acne, small wrinkles.

Results of darsonvalization

When exposed to d'Assonval currents on the skin section, it occurs certain changes that relate to both the upper layers and the entire structure. In addition to the effect on a separate section of the skin, darsonvalization affects the entire human body. When using corona discharges, an anti-inflammatory effect is manifested due to the fact that the electrical discharge oppresses the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The electric arc reflects the ultraviolet glow, and also performs the ionization of the surrounding air. The resulting environment is unsuitable for the life and reproduction of bacteria. The procedure of darsonvalization allows not to use various antibacterial creams and ointments that have a negative impact on the condition of the skin.

Also, D'Assonval currents affect the skin by irritating nervous receptors. Due to this, a favorable effect is achieved due to:

  • Expansion of capillaries and prokapillars, after which blood circulation is improved.
  • Activation of blood microcirculation and lymph.
  • Enhancement of metabolic processes and protective skin functions.
  • Accelerating cell recovery processes.
  • Normalization of the functions of sweat and sebaceous glands.
  • Stimulation of collagen production, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

After the course of the darsonvalization of the face in patients decreases congestion in the skin of the face, the tone increases, the feeling of the skin of the skin is reduced. The face becomes more even, oval clear, the skin has a healthy look.

Indications for darsonvalization

In cosmetology, two types of electrodes use in cosmetology. The mushroom electrode is used in most cases. However, to combat pathogenic bacteria, which are the causes of the appearance of urnets, acne and small wounds, use a strip electrode. Do this in order to accidentally do not transfer bacteria to normal skin areas.

Darsonialization is carried out by local in the following problems with the skin of the face, head or hair cover in the following cases:

  • In the presence of dermatitis of various etiologies, common or focal inflammations, acne, acne.
  • With increased oily skin or excessive dryness.
  • In the presence of vascular stars on the face, or big skin porosity.
  • With a reduced tone of the skin, as well as the formation of bags under the eyes.
  • In the presence of small wrinkles and age-related pigments.
  • To reduce the inflammatory response after cleaning the skin.
  • In the presence of infiltrates and small scars after acne.
  • Bad hair growth.
  • Hair bulk and their frequent fallout.

Conducting procedure

Preceded this procedure a mandatory conversation with a doctor, during which the latter should evaluate the general condition of the patient and study it anamnesis. In case of identifying problems, the procedure is better to postpone. If there are no contraindications in the patient, then you can begin the course of treatment.

Darsonialization is carried out only on a cleaned and dry face. The electrode is water along massage lines with circular motions. The duration of one procedure is usually up to 20 minutes. During this time, you can handle up to 4 zones on the face. Usually spend over one course to 15 procedures. To achieve an excellent strong result, conduct 2-3 courses of darsonvalization with a break in 1 - 1.5 months.

Conducting darsonvalization of head and hair

Darsonvalization has a positive effect not only on the skin of the face, but also on the head and hair cover. Stimulating blood circulation, it has a positive effect on the growth of hair, their strengthening. Conduct darsonclusion of the scalp with a special electrode, which has a row shape. Unlike the procedure on the face, which is done on dry and clean skin, special creams are used for hair darsonvalization. Their composition includes vitamins of groups B, selenium, magnesium, anti-inflammatory drugs. Each of them has a specific effect and is applied depending on the problems of the patient, and also enhances the effect of the currents of d'Assonval.

Contraindications for darsonvalization

Hardware cosmetology is considered absolutely safe for humans, so it can be used almost at any age. However, there is a list of pathologies under which this procedure cannot be carried out. Darsonialization is canceled in such cases:

  • In the presence of a patient a pronounced respiratory or heart failure. Darsonvalization is also excluded if the patient's patient has a pacemaker.
  • With cancerous diseases of the skin and internal organs, including compensated states. The use of electric current can provoke the growth of cancer cells, or provoke their activity when compensating for oncological disease.
  • If there is tuberculosis (both lungs and bones). Electrical impact can contribute to the activation of the disease.
  • During pregnancy or lactation period.
  • With overweight hair on the face. Often, darsonvalization is used in the head area to strengthen the hair cover and stimulating hair growth, and on the face it may be the opposite, to become a problem.
  • In autoimmune diseases, especially associated with violations of blood consumption.
  • If there are pronounced inflammatory processes on the skin of the face (glands, furunculaes, abscesses).
  • With acute respiratory diseases, as well as elevated body temperatures.
  • With unstable mental states.

Some patients are trying to hide their problems from doctors to get to the procedure. It is categorically prohibited. Such a procedure does not bring much benefit, but it may cause the activation of chronic diseases.

Where to do damsonization of the skin of the face, head and hair

The relative availability of the cosmetology procedures has caused the salons that offer this service, has become a lot. However, the selection of space should be taken very seriously:

  • Before holding the course, the doctor must carry out a mandatory interview with the patient, and if necessary, carry out additional tests to determine the possibility of carrying darsonvalization.
  • The clinic must have a license for such procedures. It is not necessary to refer to those who offer the services "cheap and angry" - medical influences conducted by non-professional personnel may have unpleasant consequences.

Recently, there has been an opportunity to make darsonialization at home. Individual devices for darsonvalization are quite comfortable, as well as very easy to use. Some cosmetologists after the course of darsonvalization sessions in the clinic conditions advise patients to fix the result of the house. However, it is not recommended to treat the skin of the face of the face by the method. Only a doctor can assign it. It must select the electrode configuration, the mode of operation of the device, the duration of the procedures and their number.

Darsonvalization: photo


Darsonvalization: video


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