
What is nanochetics

What is nanochetics
How to improve each skin cage

In recent years, the attention of consumers of both sexes has been drawn to a new type of natural skin care products - nanocommetics. Such means want to acquire those people who seek to rejuvenate and improving the skin, but does not want to resort to extreme measures, such as plastic surgery services.

In fact, there are many open questions regarding this cosmetics: how it is produced and from which it is unique and will not harm its use of the skin. We will try to find answers to all these questions in our article.

Nanocuse: that can nanotechnology


Nanotechnology is a whole scientific direction, which is engaged in the study and synthesis of nanoparticles - molecules that have microscopic size (about one billion meter).

If you specify the goal of finding documents on the standardization of nanocomption in the world, then notice that they are missing. The fact is that nanotechnologies in cosmetics and pharmacology apply not so long ago and still continues to be an active study of their properties.

2 types of nanoparticles are used in cosmetology: liposomes and nanos.

  1. Liposome is an artificially synthesized molecule, inside which, as in the capsule, active substances are placed. In diameter, such a molecule does not exceed 10,000 nanometers. The task of liposomes to transport the active components of the skin cells laid in it.
  2. Nanos is an already improved liposome molecule. Its size is significantly less, but it is able to transport only one substance. The shell of the molecule is revealed after entering the skin.

Nanocomplexes are a certain amount of nano molecules, saturated with a substance that needs to be delivered in deep skin layers. Complexes can be different in composition, depending on the problems they are called to decide.

The first information about the technology was reported to American physicist Richard Feynman back in 1959, and the first successful attempts to use Liposomes in the manufacture of cosmetics belong to 1986

Nanocuses: how nanoolecules work in cosmetic preparations


Over the years in cosmetology, creams and lotions have been used, which affect only the upper layers of the skin. Their use allowed to create a protective barrier, soften and dry the upper layer of epidermis, but deep layers of the skin could not get the necessary substances from outside. Therefore, solve serious skin problems, such as angry rash, dehydration or aging, failed with creams. It was necessary to resort to hardware cosmetology or injections of biologically active sera. After all, the effectiveness of the drug depends not on how much useful components included a manufacturer in its composition, and on what percentage of these components will fall into the deep layers of the skin.

An obstacle to the penetration of large nutrient molecules in the deep layers becomes a horny layer of the skin. It consists of protein scales interconnected by lipids. And the nanoolecules penetrate the skin through the intercellular gaps, the distance between which is less than 100 nanometers (this distance is significantly less than the size of large molecules of biologically active substances).

Reaching deep layers of the skin, the nano-molecule changes its structure with a two-dimensional on three-dimensional, its finest shell releases the contents that feeds cells from the inside. The interaction of the nanocomplex and skin cells is as close as possible to the natural proceed in the skin of the necessary components from the body. The restoration of natural immunity cells and metabolism in it occurs, the cell's life is extended and, as a result, it occurs its rejuvenation.

Manufacturers include nanocuses to therapeutic and preventive mixtures. It is a liquid or emulsion, which contains particles or particles compounds up to 100 nm. The nanoparticles themselves are 50% of the volume of the substance, and the remaining 50% are biologically active substances that are encapsulated for transportation to skin cells.

Cosmetic drugs Nanogroups may include in their composition hyaluronic acid, coenzymes Q 10, collagen, elastin, amino acids, vitamins and various vegetable components. Complexes of nutrients are formed in different percentage ratios for different types of nanocuses

Due to its molecular composition, nanocuse does not require the addition of stabilizers and other structure-forming ingredients. The micro-size of the particles allows to maintain the integrity of the emulsion and extend the timing of its activity. The technology is excluded to add preservatives and dyes, which allows us to talk about hypoallery of high-quality nanocuses.

Impact of nanocuses on the skin

Beautiful Healthy Face of the Young Pretty White Woman With Fresh Skin - Isolated On White

The result, even from the use of high-quality nanocuses, can be achieved only if you correctly pick it up. Each nanocompleks performs its tasks and is selected depending on age, gender, type of skin and its problems. Therefore, we can say that everyone who wants to improve the condition of their skin with the help of nanocuses, can choose a suitable product for yourself. It is best to select a tool independently, but to seek help to a qualified cosmetologist who will study the problems of your skin and will help you choose the necessary product.

Manufacturers of nanocuses promise that the appearance of the skin is significantly improved immediately after the first use.

  1. Nanocomplices are purposefully affected by weakened cells, after receiving pulses from them.
  2. Left skin tone, freshness returns.
  3. Smoothed scars and stretching.
  4. The blood circulation increases and the metabolism is accelerated in the tissues.
  5. It goes redness.
  6. The skin is deeply moistened.
  7. The protective function increases.
  8. Brightened pigment stains.
  9. The production of own collagen is launched.
  10. The number of wrinkles is reduced. In the layers of skin, the nano-molecules create a kind of frame-grid, which pulls up the epidermis and deep layers of the skin, pushing out the wrinkles outside.
  11. Face contours are tightened.
  12. Disappears acne fishes and irritation.
  13. Slows down the aging process.
  14. Toxins are displayed.

Application of Nanocuses: Features


  1. Manufacturers of nanocuses recommend using its courses lasting from 1 to 3 months. Then after a short break (no more than six months), the course must be repeated again.
  2. Each nanocomplex is designed to solve a specific skin problem (for example, wrinkles or angry rash), and does not affect all the problems immediately. Therefore, funds must be selected individually.
  3. There is a high probability that other cosmetics after using nanoproduks can no longer satisfy the increased requests for your skin to the amount of nutrient elements.
  4. After some time after completing the course of use of nanocuses, the skin gradually returns to its previous state.
  5. Simultaneous use of nano and conventional cosmetics is not recommended. In the deep layers of the skin, not intended for this substance can be penetrated, which will lead to allergic reactions, itching and severe skin peeling.
  6. After applying a nanocrea, you can start a makeup earlier than half an hour.
  7. Nanocommetry can not be used on damaged skin areas.

How safe to the use of nanocuses


Manufacturing of nanocuses - very complex high-tech production. It requires a serious scientific base and in-depth study. As we have already mentioned, this area is still too little studied, so that it can be fulfilled to assert that for the human body, the application of nanoproduks is absolutely safe.

For example, there is no accurate explanation about what is happening with the nanoparticles themselves after they fulfilled their function of delivery of useful elements. Some scientists express the view that the accumulation of microparticles in the human body, which will entail unpredictable consequences.

Researchers of the UK Academy of Sciences found out that nanoparticles easily penetrate through cell membranes and are able to influence the work of the human immune system in an unpredictable manner.

However, much depends on the good faith of the manufacturer. From whether tests were held for specific types of products, whether certification was passed, as well as from the aggressiveness of the products itself (for example, if the cream is designed to rejuvenate the skin for 20 years).

Where to buy a real nanocivity

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Most of the goods patented around the world, in which nanoparticles are used are on cosmetics. You can find skin care creams and sunscreen sprays, deodorants and shaving gels, shampoos and hair conditioners, toothpastes, anti-cellulite lotions and various decorative cosmetics with nanoparticles.

It is very important to understand who nanocuse is made and where you get it. The price of this kind of product is quite high, therefore fakes among the nanosters almost as much as high quality drugs.

In Russia, all cosmetic products must necessarily undergo state registration. If there is no such registration in the drug, think well, whether you are ready to risk and entrust your health with such a brand. To check whether there is a certificate for a particular product, it is not necessary to ask about this seller, you can get information directly on the website of Rospotrebnadzor.

Buying a cosmetic, please note that if it is really nanocommetics, then in its composition must be peptides, dipeptides and lipids.

To date, the Russian market presents:

  1. Trading stamps using nanomaterials for the manufacture of their products: Vichy, Dior, L'Oreal, Estee Lauder, Johnson & Johnson, Kose Corporation, Vichy, Biotherm.
  2. Shopping stamps that produce nanocommale: Nanoderm, Dekaroline, Leorex, Lacvert, Nanopure, Neoglis, Newage, Pro-Tec.

Cosmetics with the content of active nanoparticles can be purchased in beauty salons, specialized points of sale, also ordered through online stores. As for the latter, it is worth it to be extremely attentive. Forums are filled with reviews about dishonest sellers, who under the guise of natural nanocuses sell customers a non-certified product that does not have instructions in Russian, nor even the composition on the packaging. Be very careful when choosing a place of buying nanocuses, because from its quality not only your beauty, but also health.

Nanoderm. - Nanocuses of Russian production


The brand was established in 2011 by Russian scientists in biologists. The drugs were based on perennial scientific developments in the field of dermatocosmetology. The main active ingredients of cosmetics are vitamins and amino acids allocated from apples, seaweed and oats. Also, scientists managed to split a hyaluronic acid molecule, which is a powerful moisturizer and a stimulator for producing its own collagen, and also include it in the nanocomplex.

Often, the transport molecule of nanocuses is created from silicone, which does not dissolve, and gradually accumulates in deep layers of the skin. In Nanoderm laboratories, it was possible to solve this problem. Found the possibility of creating a shell of nanoolecules from non-toxic carbohydrate cyclodextrin, obtained from ordinary potato starch. Thus, the transport molecule itself, decaying, becomes an additional nutrient for the cell.

Special attention is paid to the detoxification of the cells of mature skin during the care process. After all, precisely because of the accumulation of toxins with age, the skin loses the opportunity to save moisture and becomes dry and flue.

Experts have developed products for the face in accordance with the needs of the skin of different ages, hair care products, leather and feet, as well as sunscreen emulsions for adults and children.

All products of the Nanoderm brand are certified in accordance with international standards and has many positive feedback from their buyers around the world.

Lee is dangerous to nanochetics. Video


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