
What is cryomassage. Cryomassage of the face and body - how the procedure is carried out, results, photos before and after. How to make cryomassage at home

What is cryomassage. Cryomassage of the face and body - how the procedure is carried out, results, photos before and after. How to make cryomassage at home
It has become even easier to care for the skin. Cryomassage will help eliminate serious cosmetic shortcomings in just a few procedures.

Cryromassage or cryotherapy is one of the most popular procedures. With the help of liquid nitrogen, you can get rid of acne, rosacea, suspend the aging of the skin of the hands and even enhance hair growth. It does not cause pain. The service is provided in almost every cosmetology room. Let us consider in detail the advantages and disadvantages of treatment with cold, as well as how to make cryomassage at home.

What is cryomassage

The procedure was carried out for the first time in Greece. Translated means "stroking cold." Liquid nitrogen is applied to the skin frozen. At the same time, sensitive areas are avoided - skin under the eyes, eyelids, lips and so on. For accurate use, a special applicator will be needed.

On average, the duration of the procedure takes about 15 minutes. Half an hour after cryotherapy, you can go out into the street. Cold causes red spots and swelling. Such manifestations do not indicate an adverse reaction. To calm the skin after the procedure, cosmetologists recommend using a moisturizer. Microtrauma will disappear during the day.

The maximum duration of therapy is 14 procedures. Between the sessions take a break - 3 days. It has no age restrictions. Experts recommend it to both women and men. Is it possible to do cryomassage during illness? Indeed, there are several restraining factors.

Cryomassage contraindications

It is forbidden to carry out the procedure for patients with history:

  • oncological diseases;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • mental disorders;
  • mercharosis and herpes;
  • burns, wounds on the skin;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • "Cold" allergies.

The principle of cryomassage

Freezing helps to maintain the beneficial properties of products for a long time. Cryomassage in the same way also affects liquid nitrogen. Contact of the cold with nerve endings improves biochemical reactions in the body. The skin receives a sufficient amount of oxygen. Due to which metabolic processes are established.

About the features of cryotherapy more detailed in the plot:

Indications for cryomassage

  1. It has an effective effect in the first manifestations of skin aging. Experts also recommend the procedure as a prevention.
  2.   Eliminates swelling of the skin. Suitable for eliminating symptoms after plastic.
  3. In combination with other oily skin care procedures. Cryotherapy helps to get rid of expanded pores. Reduces the likelihood of acne and acne.
  4. Prepares the skin of the face, bodies for cleansing, peels or plastic.
  5. Reduces the manifestation of acne and rosacea.
  6. Eliminates pigmentation and scars.
  7. Eliminates small wrinkles. Restores the natural shade of the face.
  8. Enhances the effectiveness of biorevitalization and mesotherapy.
  9. Heals demodecosis.
  10. Relieves a burning sensation, pain and a feeling of heat after microdermabrazia and peeling.
  11. Corrects age -related changes. Will help get rid of the second chin

Get rid of acne with cryomassage

Cryomassage of the face helps to get rid of the black type of acne and a small focus of pustular elements. Cosmetologists carry out the procedure on the skin lines. The average duration of exposure by cold nitrogen is about 15 seconds. The session takes no more than five minutes. The effectiveness of a decrease in the spread of bacteria has been proven. Pores narrow, local immunity rises.

The tug method is used for patients with multiple purulent rashes. After healing, pronounced scars are formed. In this case, the procedure is carried out for a long time. You will need a thorough effect of cold on scars and pustules.

Cosmetologists do not remove a cotton swab until a characteristic whitewitter of the skin appears above the element. During one session, the processing of each site can be repeated several times. This contributes to a thorough exfoliation of the skin. As a result, acne is emptied and heals. Scars are smoothed.

We treat demodicosis cryomassage

Curing patients with demadecosis is a difficult task. After all, the ticks of the family demodex live on the skin of absolutely healthy people. But their immune system blocks the reproduction of the parasite. This slows down or completely prevents the development of the disease.

Therefore, all external measures of the fight against the demodex end in failure. After a successful, seemingly cure as a result of contact with other carriers, infection again occurs.

Cryomassage of the skin of the face in this case has a more effective effect. It not only controls the spread of ticks. The work of the nervous, immune and endocrine system is also stimulated. The body's own protection increases.

Nevertheless, cosmetologists do not recommend using the procedure as monoscitation. It is possible to achieve maximum effect only in combination with drugs (against ticks) and general hypothermia.

Rosacea procedure - the main nuances of cryomassage

The treatment will need a thorough diagnosis. It is allowed to use the method only if pink acne has not progressed for several years. Otherwise, cryotherapy will cause redness, vessels will expand. A vascular mesh will appear.

Cold affects the skin lines, including the redness area, as well as the location of the vascular mesh. The duration of the procedure is no more than 10 seconds in one site. Superficial treatment is carried out. The session takes about 4 minutes.

After massage, you will not notice pronounced changes. Sometimes a blush or redness appears in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe face. Associated with the blood flow to the skin. Therefore, you can immediately return to current matters.

As a rule, there are no special care requirements. Cosmetologists recommend making a mask (nutritious or moisturizing). Then, a quality cream should be applied to the face after cryomassage. Cryomassage enhances the effectiveness of other procedures and care products.

Unlike deep purges, you can do therapy even in the summer. It does not change the photosensitivity of the skin.

The result of the procedure: cryomassage before and after

Cryomassage of the body

It will help get rid of cellulite and lose weight. Experts also recommend therapy for age -related changes, for hardening the body and as a prevention of the formation of a vascular mesh. After consulting a doctor, you can undergo a massage course for treatment:

  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • bruises;
  • painful injuries;
  • arthritis;
  • ligaments stretching.

During the procedure, they act on the skin of the body (with the exception of the head) with gas chilled to a temperature of -140 degrees. The patient for two to three minutes is in a cryocammer filled with liquid nitrogen. The specialist must be observed behind well -being.

Cryomassage does not overcool the body in such a short time. There is a decrease in the temperature of the upper covers. The impact is aimed at thermal receptors. Thanks to the activation of metabolic processes, immunity is strengthened. The effective cosmetic rejuvenation effect has been proven.

Also, cryotherapy perfectly adjusts the figure. The cold causes a rapid narrowing of the vessels. After a few minutes, they begin to expand rapidly. The blood flow activates the metabolism in the processed area. Due to which calories are spent more effective. The skin becomes elastic and smooth. Positive reviews of cryomassage indicate the effective effect of the procedure.

Cryomassage of the head

Suitable for patients with weakened hair. It helps to eliminate the loss and disorders of fat metabolism. Fast cooling causes vascular spasm. Subsequent expansion activates the bloodstream. Hair follicles get more food. Due to this, hair growth is stimulated.

You can also get rid of dandruff. Reducing the production of subcutaneous fat and drying of the skin effectively copes with scales. The general condition of the hair improves. They become smooth, elastic and brilliant.

During the procedure, use a wooden stick and a cotton swab. With their help, the cosmetologist treats problem areas with liquid nitrogen. You will need an average of three procedures per week. The maximum effect is achieved after 15 sessions. You can not be afraid of pain. You will only feel a slight tingling tan. The result of cryomassage in the photo.

Side effects of cryomassage

Cryromassage allergies

Before the procedure, experts advise a cold test. To do this, with the help of an applicator, a small amount of liquid nitrogen is applied to the skin of the forearm. If increased sensitivity is proved, cryomassage is prohibited.

Frostbite of the skin during cryomassage

Long -term exposure to liquid nitrogen causes a decrease in skin temperature to 0 degrees. Provides anti -inflammatory, stimulating and decongestant effect. At the same time, fabric functions are not impaired. If the specialist does not follow the rules of the procedure, and liquid nitrogen during cryomassage will affect the skin much longer, this will lead to frostbite. Along with redness, a strong peeling of the affected area will appear.

Cryomassage at home

How to make a cryomassage of the face at home? Liquid nitrogen retains its properties only in special equipment. Conventional freezing will not work. Therefore, it will not work to carry out the correct procedure at home.

You can use an affordable and effective method - wiping the skin with pieces of ice. For frost, use special forms. Pre -treat them with an antiseptic. After extracting, let the ice grind a little. Then draw along the massage lines of the face. The average duration of the procedure is about 5 minutes.

In addition to standard cubes, you can also prepare an effective cosmetic product. For this purpose, decoctions, infusions of herbs, fruit or vegetable juice are suitable. You can store products in the freezer for no more than five days. Keep in mind that it is advisable to select the recipe in accordance with the type of skin.

For a normal type, mashed potatoes, juices of berries and fruits, an infusion of linden flowers, sage. For dry or dehydrated skin, choose frozen cubes from juice or pieces of cucumber, grapes, kiwi. The infusion of plantain leaves is also suitable. In frozen fruit puree (apple, peach, mountain ash), add 2 teaspoons of olive oil olive oil.

To improve the condition of problem, oily skin with advanced pores, juice or slices of grapefruit, lemon, strawberries, tomatoes, strawberries will help. Constant inflammatory processes will remove the frozen strawberry decoction (use leaves), infusion of black or green tea. Fruit vinegar or lemon juice will help increase the tonic and anti -inflammatory effect. For a combined type of skin, a decoction of birch and burdock leaves, an infusion of calendula flowers, St. John's wort is suitable.

To process the skin with age -related restrictions, choose ice cubes from infusions of raspberries, mint. Anti -inflammatory, as well as a sedative effect, has an infusion of felvarous chopper. It is enough to mix 10 grams of plant leaves with 200 ml of water. Also, with the help of cubes, you can reduce blue circles under the eyes.

Anti -inflammatory effect provides an infusion and decoction of needles, as well as the kidneys of coniferous trees. You can get rid of papillomas using frozen aboveground sections of celandine.

To clarify the skin and eliminate the negative impact of external factors, use the infusion of parsley or decoction of the root. You will need one tablespoon of crushed sections of the plant and 50 ml of hot, boiled water. The plant is suitable for all skin types.

Cryotherapy with cubes in bags is also carried out in salons. But you can independently make the procedure at home without unnecessary costs.

How to use ice cubes you can find out from the video:

Cryotherapy will help get rid of several cosmetic defects. Before the cryomassage procedure, it is advisable to undergo an examination. Choose only trusted specialists. Then your skin will be radiant and elastic for a long time.



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