
What is cryolipolysis - indications, contraindications, photos before and after. Cryolipolysis - How is the procedure

What is cryolipolysis - indications, contraindications, photos before and after. Cryolipolysis - How is the procedure
CryoLipolyse - a procedure which is able to effortlessly remove the extra weight and the lead body in order.

People who are overweight, lose weight and dream in order to bring the body without much effort. Of course, this only happens in dreams, because the ideal figure requires effort, systematic training and proper nutrition. Yet, to date, there is a procedure that helps to adjust the shape and remove up to 10 kg of fat without surgical procedures and physical labor. It's called cryolipolysis or krioliposaktsiya. For more information about this method of losing weight in today's article.

Cryolipolysis: what it is

The cryohydolization procedure is sufficiently distributed in European countries, so, not one self-respecting salon does not work out without a cryoiliposuction device. Such a tendency was formed due to the existing propaganda of a healthy lifestyle and body care. In general, cryolipolysis is the most innovative, today, the procedure for eliminating fatty deposits and adjusting the figure using the technical apparatus.

The method is to effect on body cell temperatures, below zero degrees. They have different degrees of stability to cold, which is due to the different rate of blood supply, intracellular metabolism and oxygen consumption. For example, skin cells, easily carry cooling and rapidly restored, because skin cover is adapted to contacts with an external habitat. In contrast to them, the cells are subcutaneously fatty fiber, which are in the body in order to accumulate nutrients. This cell structure is not adapted to temperature drops and in cold exposure is destroyed. That is, the adipose tissue when exposed to low temperatures is damaged, the cells are dying and gradually decay.

According to the reviews of cryolipolysis, the benefits of the procedure can be attributed to:

  • slow diefing of fat cells, which does not violate general processes in the body;
  • atraumatic;
  • mineralization of side effects;
  • combination with other manipulations, sports activities and diets;
  • removal of layers of adipose tissue and toxic products naturally through lymph and blood;
  • the body does not appear characteristic depressions due to the redistribution of fat at the site of the apparatus;
  • uniform decrease in volume.

Devices for cryoralipolysis

The fat burning procedure is performed using a special system for cryohydolysis. They are two species:

  • with vacuum noad;
  • with a thin flat surface of metal.

Crichelipolysis devices in which vacuum is used

Devices for cryoliposacia with a vacuum nozzle have a special recess into which the skin is suused and subcutaneously fatty tissue due to vacuum formation. Cooling parts are suitable to the skin from different edges, reduced the temperature of the zone of up to -5 degrees. At the same time, there is an impact on the adipocytes of subcutaneous fiber, causing energy starvation of cells, their destruction and, with time, the elimination of naturally. It is worth noting that the splitting of fat after the cryohydolization procedure is carried out gradually, approximately for 3-5 weeks after cryoliposacia.

The most popular devices for cryoliposuction:

  • Lipofreeze;
  • Zeltiq;
  • Freezfat;
  • Jan Klibert;
  • CRIO-B;
  • Beco.

Devices for cryohydolization with a metal surface of a flat type

The apparatuses for cryoliposuction with a flat surface of the metal are based on the principle of the effective heat selection in the fatty tissue when the skin is cooled by the contact path. For this purpose, heat plates are used. At the same time, the devices themselves have several program levels of protection that control the cooling process and exclude the preparation of thermal injuries.

The most popular devices for a cryoilipolysis with a flat metal surface:

  • Cosmestar Cry X.

Indications for cryoliposacia

The procedure of cryoliposacia can be carried out almost on any zones. Exceptions are:

  • neck;
  • zone neckline;
  • face area.

To date, the abdominal cryoilipolysis is very popular. According to those who tried the procedure on themselves, it is on the stomach that this technique is most effective.

Among the testimony to cryolipolysis, you can note such:

  • alimentary constitutional obesity. This type of obesity progresses in individuals with unhealthy diets, sedentary lifestyle, lack of love for sports loads and over-eating;
  • hypothalamic obesity. This type obesity takes place under hypothalamic lesions (one of the systems of the brain), which disrupts the central nervous system, which is responsible for receiving food. So there is a food character disorder. At the same time, people with food consumption, does not feel satiety, and continues to have in excess of which leads to overeating and the accumulation of fat in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • obesity due to endocrine disorders. People with disorders of the endocrine glands, not rarely obese. All this is due to the fact that changes the intensity of metabolism and the body does not have time how to process food;
  • obesity due to mental diseases. Diseases associated with impaired psyche rarely cause uncontrolled food behavior and cause obesity.

It is worth noting that if the obesity of an alimentary-constitutional cryoiliposuction is carried out as an individual procedure. In other cases, except for cryoliposuction, drug treatment requires.

Cryoilipolysis: photo before and after-

How is the cryoilipolysis session

Cryolipolysis is quite simple procedure, but it is still recommended to perform it in specialized beauty salons or medical centers.

In general, cryolipolysis takes place in several stages.

  1. The specialist makes measurement of fatty deposits and, depending on their structure and volume, selects one of four nozzles.
  2. A gasket from the gel is put on the subsequent processing zone.
  3. The applicator pulls the fold fold and cools it.
  4. The session lasts from 45 minutes to 1 hour.

During hardware exposure, the patient can feel tingling or pressure at the beginning of the procedure. There is no pain in cryolipolysis, although many argue that discomfort and cold have felt during the session. After removing applicators, customers often complain about numbness in the exposure zone and a small chill. In addition, in the venue of the procedure, red or blue remains. All side effects take place within 30 minutes after cryoliposuction.

Cryolipolysis: Price

Cryolipolysis is a fairly common procedure. Despite this method is not cheap: For one session, the cryoiliposuction you will have to lay out from $ 300 to $ 500, depending on the volume of work.

Cryolipolysis at home

Home cryolipolysis can be made using two types of devices to choose from. They are compact enough, mobile and consume a small amount of electricity. The procedure protocol should be selected individually, pushing out the instructions in the instructions for the device.

Cryolipolysis is not difficult to make it very difficult, but do not forget that this technique is a serious procedure and it is not necessary to get involved.

Cryolipolysis: Contraindications

Like all innovative procedures, cryolipolysis has a number of contraindications. They include:

  • reino disease;
  • high body temperature;
  • chills;
  • obesity at the started stage;
  • paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria;
  • cold urticaria;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • the presence of scars, wounds and skin diseases at the site of the intended impact;
  • wearing an electrocardiotimulator.

How the cryoiliposuction is carried out. Video


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