
What is a hot scrub. Anti-cellulite hot body scrub fitness bodysuit, Floresan - how to use, reviews

What is a hot scrub. Anti-cellulite hot body scrub fitness bodysuit, Floresan - how to use, reviews
The article discloses the advantages of using a hot scrub when losing weight and combat cellulite. You will learn not only about the most popular finished hot scrubs, but also about the ways of their independent preparation at home

Each woman wants to have a beautiful and healthy body with taut skin. The modern beauty industry swears with time and offers increasingly advanced cream formulations, scrubs, gels to maintain skin in a tone. In this article, let's talk about one of the most effective means in the fight against the "orange crust" - hot scrub. This agent is produced by many cosmetic brands and in a wide variety is represented on the shelves in stores. The hot scrub can be prepared and at home, using a minimum of simple ingredients.

Hot scrub. What it is

It's hard to find a woman who is not familiar with the word "scrub". This tool that allows its abrasive parts to get rid of dead layers of the epidermis. As these abrasive particles can be:

  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt;
  • ground coffee;
  • grinding apricot bones, algae particles, etc.

There are scrubs for the face, for the body, for the hands, for the legs. This is the means, the result after which the instantaneous and visible with the naked eye. The skin on the touch becomes soft, velvety and smooth. Regularly using a body scrub, you get rid of slags, toxins, filling layers of the upper epidermis, dirt. Many women who are struggling with overweight are also familiar with the magic effect of a hot scrub for the body. What is it? The hot scrub is directed to getting rid of the "orange peel" and weight loss. Its composition is different from conventional body scrubs. Hot Cellulite Scrub In addition to abrasive particles, contains special substances that make your skin get warm. The role of these substances often act:

  • red pepper;
  • black pepper;
  • mustard;
  • cinnamon, etc.

In combination with intense massage, such a scrub has a magnificent effect on the body. The skin instantly becomes red, exchange processes are enhanced in it, blood circulation is improved, you can feel easy burning and pinching. After using a hot scrub, your skin acquires a bright red color, which is considered a normal phenomenon. Blood sticks to the surface of the skin, fatty deposits are broken. "Heavy artillery" in the fight against cellulite is considered to use a hot scrub with wrap. First, you are intensely clean the skin with a scrub, then make an intense massage of problem areas, and then wrap them with food film. Under the influence of heat, the hot scrub begins to work even more intense. It is important to monitor the time of the procedure, because It is quite possible to get a burn. Hot scrub is not difficult to buy. In any large cosmetic store, scrubs are represented from different manufacturers.

Hot Cellulite Scrubs

Do not think that modern cosmetics can save you from the hated "orange peel" without your efforts and efforts. To get perfectly smooth skin, you need to act comprehensively. Be sure to review your diet, eat smaller portions, give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, refuse flour, sweet foods. If you can hold such a lifestyle and nutrition, then hot scrubs will put a "bold point" in the fight against cellulite. Consider the most famous hot scrubs that are incredible in the Internet, because Collected many positive feedback.

Fitness Body Hot Scrub from Floresan

This hot body scrub from Floresan enjoys incredible popularity. As part of this, there are almost all the most famous components against cellulite. On the label you can read the composition of this hot scrub:

  • soybean oil;
  • coconut oil;
  • almond oil;
  • palmaria red algae extract;
  • green tea extract;
  • caffeine;
  • cinnamon essential oil;
  • red pepper extract;
  • glycerol.

As you can see the fitness scrub for the body - "hot" scrub. Many active substances will make your skin simply "burn", and fat cells will "melt". The manufacturer declares the following effects of hot scrub:

  • hot scrub from Floresan contributes to the active acceleration of all metabolic processes in problem areas;
  • hot scrub makes fat cells "melt";
  • hot scrub provides a tide of blood to problem areas, skin heating in these places;
  • caffeine as part of a hot scrub effectively contributes to the process of weight loss;
  • the diatoms of algae in the hot scraper serve as abrasive particles that exude a skin and make it smooth, gentle and velvety.

Fitness Body Hot scrub from Floresan is produced in a huge bank, which is very convenient and economical. The entire line of funds is presented in spectacular orange. The tool passed all the necessary testing and verification, is issued in accordance with all safety requirements. The bank contains 500 grams scrub, which means that you will be enough for a long time. Hot scrub fitness according to reviews has several applications:

  • apply a hot scrub fitness body on wet skin intense massage movements. In the scrub, there are oils that help the means are easily distributed over the skin. After the skin is heated, wash the remedy under a warm shower;
  • if your skin is not particularly sensitive to stimuli in cosmetics, you can try a slightly different way to use hot scrub. Spark your skin well, apply a scrub on the body with a uniform layer and leave it for a while. After some time, you will feel the beginning of the impact of the scrub. The skin will begin to "burn", slightly pinch. Then make an intense massage, paying particular attention to the problem areas. You can arm special massages, a brushing, massage mitten;
  • place your skin, apply an anti-cellulite hot scrub uniform layer on problem areas, wrap with their food film. Leave the scrub to act for 30-40 minutes. If burning will be very strong for you, then time can be reduced. Some are offered to create additional heat for better exposure to scrub in the form of wrapped in a blanket or terry towel.

Hot body scrub from planet organic

The hot body scrub anti-cellulite from the planet organic is a unique innovative means for combating cellulite. The Russian brand has long earned customer confidence. In the production of production planet organic, the vintage beauty recipes and innovative production techniques are successfully combined. The hot scrub from the planet of the organizing age will necessarily have to taste connoisseurs of natural ingredients in cosmetics. As part of a hot scrub from the planet organic agent contains:

  • salt of the Dead Sea;
  • white clay;
  • organic avocado oil;
  • organic ginger oil;
  • red pepper extract;
  • Alleleskaya pine;
  • vitamin E.

When opening a jar, you will feel a pleasant smell of pine and red pepper. The scrub has a dark brown and a large number of abrasive particles in the composition. The volume of jars - 300 ml. The manufacturer promises the following effect after applying scrub:

  • a significant decrease in visible cellulite manifestations after regular use of scrub;
  • strengthening metabolism in fat cells;
  • intensive "launch" of metabolic processes in the skin;
  • abrasive particles scrub effectively clean the skin, make it smooth;
  • after the regular use of the hot scrub, the contours of the body are improved, volumes are reduced.

Hot salt peeling for body from the planet organic

In the line of means to combat cellulite there are also special hot salt peeling. Peeling differs from scrub the size of abrasive particles. There are some differences and as part of funds. On the peeling label you can read about the following components:

  • salt of the Dead Sea;
  • glycerol;
  • palestinian pistachio oil;
  • garnet oil;
  • organic oil of neroli;
  • red pepper extract.

The wonderful effects of sea salt on the human body does not need special advertising. The peeling includes a natural salt from the Dead Sea. The manufacturer promises the following effect after applying this tool:

  • the Sea Salt of the Dead Sea has a regenerating, therapeutic effect on the skin;
  • peeling gently, but thoroughly cleans the skin from the dry upper layer of the epidermis, smoothes the skin relief and makes it smooth;
  • red pepper extract has a warming effect on the skin;
  • hot peeling activates metabolic processes in deep layers of skin, "smelters" fat cells, outlines slags and toxins;
  • after regular use of hot salt peeling, the skin is tightened, the body volumes decrease, the external manifestations of cellulite become less noticeable, the skin becomes elastic.

Anti-cellulite hot mask scrub 3 in 1 from Orange Slim

This product is the result of joint work of cosmetologists from Russia and France. They developed remoduline technology based on active ingredients as:

  • petals of bitter orange;
  • caffeine;
  • kelp;
  • pepper oil;
  • jojoba.

This combination of plant components acts as a powerful weapon against the "orange peel". Mask-scrub 3 in 1 is an excellent preparatory tool for the further use of anti-cellulite creams, gels, serums. The use of this innovative agent can be achieved by the following results:

  • intensive activation of lymphotoka;
  • excretion from the body of slags and toxins;
  • smoothing effect on the "orange crust", pulling up the contours of the body;
  • ensures the effect of the salon wrapping procedure;
  • contributes to the removal of excess fluid and reduce body volumes;
  • regular use of the means not only reduces the manifestation of cellulite, but also prevents its appearance.

Hot Salt Scrub "Sauna and SPA" from Natura Siberica

Another useful assistant in creating a beautiful and tightened figure can be a hot salt scrub for body based on natural components from Natura Siberica. The tool will help make the skin incredibly smooth due to abrasive particles in its composition, and special warming components activate the exchange processes in the skin. The composition of the salt scrub includes:

  • siberian salt rap;
  • palm oil;
  • pepper mint oil;
  • coconut oil;
  • lavender oil;
  • rosemary oil;
  • extract Cortize Siberian;
  • extract of the larch of Siberian;
  • juniper extract;
  • honey Altai.

Recreate the likeness of the scrub at home is very difficult. The tool has a truly unique organic compound. Each component of this scrub is an incredible positive effects on the skin. Using this salt scrub, you will see the following results:

  • intense warming of the skin, increased blood flow and metabolism in fat cells;
  • regenerating effect. Scrub rich in vitamin C, thanks to which the skin is recovery, return its elasticity;
  • exfoliating effect. Natural salt grains effectively clean the skin, and smooth out irregularities fine roughness;
  • toning and tightening effect, which provided content Kaporskaya tea as part of a scrub;
  • removing excess fluid, toxins, rich in vitamins of the skin. A valuable source of vitamins and mineral salts in the scrub acts Altaian honey;
  • anti-cellulite effect. When used regularly, scrub, you will notice a decrease in the manifestations of the "orange peel".

Cooking hot scrub at home

Do not think that hot body scrub is only available in beauty salons and shops. You may well feel the pleasure of a hot cleansing procedure by yourself prepared scrub. "Home" Scrubs possess a number of advantages:

  • first, you can add to scrub your favorite extracts and oils, combine them in your favorite tracks. Together with the anti-cellulite and cleansing effect you arrange yourself this aromatherapy;
  • second, hot scrubs that you cook yourself, it is much cheaper than their ready-made counterparts. Consider some popular recipes hot scrubs for self-catering.

Recipe for homemade hot scrub №1

you can prepare an effective hot salt scrub at home. To make it, you will need:

  • 10 ml of strong green tea;
  • 15 g of liquid honey;
  • 20 g salt;
  • 10-12 drops of juniper oil.

The choice of salt is very important for a hot scrub. The most valuable, of course, is a large sea salt. Its particles will have skrabiruyuschee effect on the skin. Juniper oil is better to buy in the pharmacy, it must be of good quality. All components are mixed and placed in a sealed container (preferably glass). Keep this in the refrigerator, you can scrub. In composition and flavor reminiscent of well-known salt scrub from Natura Siberica.

Recipe for homemade hot scrub №2

The next recipe for the preparation of a hot scrub is distinguished by its speed and ease. This is a kind of express version of the hot scrub when you need to quickly and effectively bring your skin in order. You will come in handy:

  • 80 gr salt sea salts;
  • 40 ml of grapefruit juice juice;
  • 100 ml of your favorite shower or liquid soap gel.

All components mix and heat the water bath to 37 degrees. Cool up to comfortable for applying temperature and distribute by body. Special attention in mass production is given to problem areas. Grapefruit juice as part of this scrub is ideal for oily skin.

Recipe home hot scrub number 3

The next hot scrub recipe is ideal for dry skin, peeling leather. Also, such a product is suitable for use in the heating period when the air in apartments are overly dry. For cooking you need:

  • 10 ml of sandalwood;
  • 20 gr salt marine;
  • 45 ml of liquid honey.

After mixing the components, the mixture must be heated. Apply a scrub on a warm form.

Recipe home hot scrub №4

The following scrub includes components that intensively warm the skin and enhance the metabolic processes. For scrub you will need:

  • 65 GG Sea Salt (Choose a solo salt for you);
  • 13 grams of black ground pepper;
  • 6 g cinnamon;
  • 65 ml olive oil.

Mix all components, excluding salt. Heat the mixture and then add salt. Make an intense massage of problem areas.

As you can see, in order to maintain your skin in the tightened form, you do not need to make a lot of effort. Hot scrubs for weight loss are presented in a huge variety on store shelves. You can freely prepare such a means and independently from simple tools that you have at home or in the nearest pharmacy. Hot scrub on reviews has an unsurpassed effect on the skin. Clean your body and always be in a good mood!


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