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How to make lip balm at home. Do -it -yourself lip balm - recipes, composition

How to make lip balm at home. Do -it -yourself lip balm - recipes, composition
How to improve your lips with a home balm: preparation tips and a selection of the most useful balms.

A modern assortment of lips care products is able to satisfy even the most capricious and demanding women. Balms for the lips are most popular. They help to give lips a relaxed natural shine, nourish them with vitamins and antioxidants, eliminate dryness and cracks. Some of them are able to shadow the color of the lips and give them a barely perceptible, but very tasty aroma. Unfortunately, not all store balms contain exclusively natural components, which often causes allergic reactions. You can solve this problem quite simply. It is necessary to cook lip balm yourself, and it will be much better and safer than your store analogue. To facilitate your task, we offer you many interesting recipes for home balm.

Do -it -yourself lips balm: what's the superiority?

Probably, not a single balm purchased in the store can boast 100% naturalness. This is easy to justify, because the manufacturer should produce a product that will have an attractive appearance and is stored for a long time. For this, many dyes, aromatic compounds and, of course, preservatives are used.

In addition, the manufacturer is interested in reducing the cost as much as possible in order to get a lot of profit. This leads to a replacement of natural essential oils and fats with a synthetic substance - paraffin. As a result, the balm instead of moisturizing the lips and maintaining their beauty, creates a fat film on the surface, which at best holds on the lips an hour and a half.

Taking into account the above information, it is quite difficult to talk about the benefits of a store. Of course, there are special stores in which you can purchase eco-cosmetics on a plant basis without “chemistry”, but the price for it is very high.

A completely different matter is home lip balm. By making the product with your own hands, you yourself select high -quality components, control the preparation and monitor the expiration date. In addition, you get the following advantages:

  • Careful care of your lips.
  • Moisturization throughout the day.
  • The presence of a harmless composition.
  • The minimum risk of allergies and irritation.
  • The possibility of using children.
  • Savings of the family budget.

Rules and advice on making lip balm at home

Many postpone the preparation of balm, fearing the complexity and complexity of this process. In fact, this tool is made easily and quickly, and you can easily buy all the necessary components in any pharmacy. True, there are several general rules for making balm:

  1. To accelerate the melting of wax, coconut oil or other base, you must first chop it.
  2. All components are added from solid to liquid. That is, first you warm up the base, then add fats, liquid vitamins, and at the end - coloring substances and essential oils.
  3. Pour hot balm until it froze, you can in a jar or a lipstick container. When using the last option, the container must be washed, completely empty and twisted to the end.
  4. The balm should harden at room temperature so that lumps and stratification do not appear in it. Then the balm is stored in the refrigerator, because there are no preservatives in it, and in the warmth it will quickly deteriorate.
  5. If the balm came out with liquid, you need to melt it again and add wax, and if it is a little hard, add vegetable oils.

Subject to the rules of manufacture and storage, as well as when using high -quality ingredients, balm retains its beneficial qualities from 3 months to 1 year.

Lip balm: composition and consumer auxiliary ingredients

Before you start preparing a balm, you need to prepare a clean container. When cooling, the balm quickly acquires a solid shape, so you need to immediately have a suitable jar, container, case from used lipstick at hand.

You will also need a set of basic ingredients. Their list can be changed and combined in different ways-this is a matter of your taste and financial capabilities.

The lip balm is made from such substances:

  • Wax. This ingredient serves as the basis, thanks to which the drug acquires a solid structure and does not melt. You can take bee wax. It has a good antiseptic effect, helps to heal faster fissures, relieves inflammation with weathing or burning in the sun. You can purchase it in markets from beekeepers or in stores with beekeeping products. It can be replaced with flower or Candelil wax, which is found in stores with soapworking goods.
  • Hard fats. This group includes coconut, mango, cocoa and shi oil. Their presence in the recipe for lip balm provides a double moisturizing, as well as a wound healing effect. You can use ordinary petroleum jelly, but besides the moisturizing effect, you will not get anything else.
  • Liquid oils. All vegetable and essential oils are suitable. For example, for dry, wrinkled, dull lips, jojoba oil is suitable, for the prevention of cracks - peach and St. John's wort, and in winter you can add calendula and sea buckthorn oil. Or just add what is at home - olive, linen, pumpkin.
  • Vitamins. Three vitamins are especially useful for lips. Tocopherol rejuvenates the surface of the lips, removes radicals, restores after using lipstick. Vit. A and B5 are responsible for the regeneration of microcracks, eliminate dryness and roughness. Tokoferol (vit. E) can be purchased in a solution or a gelatin capsule (inside it is liquid), vitamin A, B5 - in ampoules.
  • Essential oils. So that you have a natural lip balm, it is useful to enrich it with healing oils. Choose the oil that you like-mint, fir, vanilla, orange, etc. In addition to benefit, 2-3 drops of oil will give your balzam a unique aroma.
  • Honey. This component softens the lips, disinfects their surface and gives the balm a sweet taste. You can use any natural honey.

How to make lip balm multi -colored and aromatic

Having prepared the balm only on the basis of wax or petroleum jelly, you will get a colorless remedy. If you want to give a bright color to Balzam, you can add such natural products to it:

  • Sea buckthorn oil - only 2 drops will be decorated with balm in a warm carrot color. Additionally, this component enrich your balm with vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Berry juice. You can make a pink lip balm using a few drops of red berries juice - raspberries, cranberries, cherries. It is necessary to add juice to melted wax, and boil the mixture for 2 minutes over low heat. Color saturation can be adjusted with a decrease or increase in the amount of juice.
  • Food dyes. This is a more simplified, but less useful option. It is necessary to add a few granules of coloring powder in the wax.
  • Chocolate, coffee, cocoa are the most delicious dyes. With their help, you can get all the shades of brown.

Well, in order to bring the balm to complete perfection, you will need to give it the aroma. For this, 4-7 drops of essential oil (EM) are suitable:

  • The aromas of spices - mint, cloves, cinnamon, ginger. These oils have strong warming properties and stimulate blood flow. This gives brightness to the natural color of the lips, and significantly increases their volume. Therefore, such oils are often added to the balm to enlarge the lips.
  • Refreshing aromas - grapefruit, tangerine, lemon, lime. Oils are not easy to provide a sense of freshness, but they will protect the lips from the exposure of sunlight.
  • Light aromas - lavender, bergamot, vanilla, thuja. The oils are saturated with the balm by an unobtrusive smell, while perfectly protecting the lips from addors.

Using such simple ingredients, you will get amazing lip remedies. To give you inspiration, see what home -made lip balms look like in the photo:

Important! Use essential oils carefully if you are an allergy end or woman in position. Make a sensitivity test - apply a drop to the hand and wait two hours. If there are no manifestations, you can use them.

How to cook a nutrient lip balm

The lips always suffer from the hot sun, harmful substances in lipstick, and even from a banal deficiency of vitamins in the body. Bays with a nutrient composition will help to make basts attractive, juicy and well -groomed.

Limel-chocolate lip balm recipe

Take the following products:

  • Wax - 20 g.
  • Cocoa powder-5 g.
  • Shi oil - 12 drops.
  • Cocoa-butter-1 tsp.
  • Almond nut oil - 10 ml.

How to make balm:

  1. Put the wax and cocoa butter in the vessel and steam both the ingredients to the liquid state. It is undesirable to use the microwave, since microwave waves reduce the usefulness of oil.
  2. Add all the components according to the list to the liquid mixture, stir with a wooden stick. If desired, at this stage you can add vitamin additives and flavors. It is not required to add coloring elements to the balm, since cocoa oil will give it a delicate cappuccino color.
  3. Then pour the mixture into the prepared box, cool it.

Honey-lemon lip honey-lemon balm recipe

You will need:

  • Bee wax - 35 g.
  • EM Lemon-3-5 drops.
  • Flower honey - 1 tsp.
  • Avocado oil - 20 ml.
  • Purovar powder - 1 g.

Balm preparation:

  1. Melt the wax, pour the avocado oil and hold the mixture for a steam 1.5 minutes.
  2. Now add honey with lemon oil, powder.
  3. Pour the mixture into an empty block from the old lipstick and let it harden. Thus, you will get an excellent nutrient 2B1 - lipstick and lip balm.

How to cook fruit lip balm

In anticipation of the approaching summer, I would not easy to moisten my lips, but also to make them bright and unique. Therefore, fruit lip balms will be more relevant than ever.

Recipe for lip balm "Fruit freshness"

List of ingredients:

  • Bee wax - 15 g.
  • Jozhoba oil - 10 ml.
  • Coconut oil - 15 g.
  • Crystalline menthol - 20 g.
  • Vit. E - ½ tsp.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - ½ tsp.


  1. Add menthol powder and coconut oil to the warmed wax.
  2. Then mix little jokes and vitamin E.
  3. If you want the mixture was multi -colored, add sea buckthorn oil.
  4. Let the balm cool down and harden.

Balm recipe for the lip "mango shine"

You will need:

  • Castor oil - 30 ml.
  • Wax - 25 g.
  • Mango oil - 20 ml.
  • Cocoa-butter-15 g.
  • Sweet almond oil-12-15 drops.
  • Acetate tocopherol solution - 1/3 tsp.
  • Essential oils - 3 drops.

How to make a shine for lip balm:

  1. Melt hard fats and wax.
  2. Enter liquid oils and tocopherol.
  3. If desired, add berry juice or rosehip oil.
  4. Pour the mixture into the selected jar.

How to prepare a restorative lip balm

If the lips are very cracked, dried up, inflamed and they need to urgently “reanimate”, you can cook balm with increased regenerative properties.

Honey-olive lip balm recipe

You will need the following products:

  • Flower wax - 3 tsp.
  • Olive oil - 10 ml
  • Lime honey - 1 tbsp. l.

How to make lip balm:

  1. Melt the wax for a couple, pour in the oil and add honey.
  2. Additionally, you can add ¼ tsp. Tocopherol liquid solution and smell essential oil.
  3. Coloring substances are better not to use so as not to annoy the already inflamed lips.
  4. When heated, make sure that the mixture does not boil, otherwise the honey will lose its usefulness.
  5. Fold the balm in a small jar with a lid and send it to the refrigerator.

Recipe for sea buckthorn-vitamin lip balm

The recipe contains the following components:

  • Bee wax - 20 g.
  • The drug "Aevit" - 1 capsule.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - 2 tsp.
  • Shi oil - 2 tsp.


  1. Melt the wax and hard fat, pour in sea buckthorn oil.
  2. When the balm cools down a little, crush the gelatin capsule “Aevit” and pour its contents into the balm. Instead, the drug can be taken. E and a a separately and add 15 drops each.
  3. Pour the resulting balm into the container and leave to harden

How to make a moisturizing lip balm

An important stage in the care of the lips is their moisture. The balm, prepared with his own hand, will cope with this best.

Glycerin lip balm recipe


  • Jozhoba oil - 50 ml.
  • Wax chips - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Glycerin - 20 ml.
  • Mandarin oil - 6 drops.


  1. Add all components to softened wax.
  2. To obtain golden color, you can add rosehip oil, for pink - beetroot juice.
  3. Give the balm to cool completely and use.

Lip Balm recipe with coconut oil and aloe oil

List of products:

  • Vaselin - 2 tsp.
  • Aloe juice - 1.5 tsp.
  • Bee wax - 25 g.
  • Coconut oil - 1 tsp.

How to cook:

  1. From the leaves of aloe, squeeze the required amount of liquid.
  2. Wax, coconut oil and petroleum, mix with aloe juice.
  3. If desired, aromatize the balm with essential oil.
  4. Pour the balm into a shallow jar on a twist.

So it is easy to make many tasty, fragrant, multi -colored and, most importantly, healthy lip balms. You can use various products, so feel free to change the components in your mood. And then with such a balm your lips will be magnificent.

Do-it-yourself berry shine-balm. Video



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