
Boch diet: Features

Boch diet: Features
Bodybuilder diet, bush is an effective and effective weight reduction technique, which allows you to get rid of fat, but maintain muscle mass.

The main advantage of protein-carbohydrate alternation is to carry it enough simply. In addition, this type of nutrition is suitable for all types of physique: ektomorph, endomorph, mesomorph. Surely you had to hear such concepts as "skinni Fat", "overweight" or "body quality". Despite the fact that the values \u200b\u200bof phrases are diametrically different, however, the essence of their one is the reflection of the condition of the skin and the body.

Boch diet: what is "skinni fat" and where it takes

Hooray, your type is an ectomorphic, you can eat everything you want and almost never gain weight. Great! Many dream of it, but such luxury is not available. However, ectomorphs wave a completely different threat - Skinny Fat!


Characteristic signs of skinnie fat:

  • a weak turgor of the skin;
  • skiing and wrinkle of the skin;
  • no muscle mass.

The reasons leading to such a state are somewhat. First of all - meals. Most often Skinny Fat is those who abuse fast food, loves sweets, alcohol, tobacco. Ektomorphs will not be taken in a pronounced weight due to the fact that they are abused by fast food, but it is worth remembering that the skinny cow is not a synonym for a trembling Lani, and therefore, possess a savory and flabbing body is also bad and not beautiful, as well as satisfying . Boch diet is an excellent choice and solution solution. If you connect the sport to everything, then very soon get an elastic and taut body.

Mesomorphs have responsive muscles and a high level of skin turgora from nature. But with a sedentary lifestyle and abuse of sweets, they can also gain weight. The Boch diet will allow you to quickly and effectively solve nutritional and overweight issues. Well, for endomorphic type, this diet is a real panacea! After all, the diet not only allows you to save muscle mass, but also successfully eliminates fat sediments and excess water.

Diet bus: Detailed description and base


What is the protein-carbohydrate alternation? This is a cycled type of food that implies the alternation of the stages. Days when the diet is used primarily proteins, are replaced by mixed days, and then carbohydrates. This allows you to most promotion and increase the metabolism, as well as burn fat. Most often adhere to a four-day cycle, but it is best to select the mode for yourself. It may be 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, etc. It all depends on personal comfort, and the result in any case will not wait long to wait.

Boch Diet: Calculation of BJW with protein-carbohydrate alternation


So, as we have already found out, the first days are protein. In this period of time, we exclude carbohydrates and we use only protein food. Your diet should be built at the rate of 2.5-4 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight. At the same time, the amount of carbohydrates should not go beyond 0.5 grams per kilogram. Fats - only those that are in meat should also be included in their diet fish oil, flaxseed oil (teaspoon per day). This will be enough to make your skin, hair did not move and deteriorate.

After protein days there comes a series of highly carbon black. And if the protein was two days - then the carbohydrates will also be two. During this period, the Couch diet becomes more diverse. And on the first day you should eat maximum carbohydrates - 4-6 grams per kilogram. It is important to note that we are talking about complex, slow carbohydrates. For a period of diet, the boob is best to exclude fast carbohydrates. The use of protein should also lower up to 1 gram per kilogram of the body.

Slow carbohydrates are a low glycemic index. Cabbage, cucumbers, asparagus, pepper, onions, buckwheat, bunting, lentils, wild rice, iceberg salad, arugula, leaf salad. Vegetables and cereals should be the basis of your diet on a carbohydrate day. You can also use half of the grapefruit fetus for breakfast. He also has a low glycemic index, and he is also rich in vitamin C, B1, B2, and and many other useful substances.

The final day of the cycle is a mixed day. The consumption of proteins and carbohydrates is approximately the same, with a slight bias in protein. You must have about 2 grams of carbohydrates, as well as 2.5 grams of protein on every kilogram of weight.

Products for the boch diet


During protein-carbohydrate alternation, proteins and coys with a low glycemic index should be used - slow carbohydrates.

Squirrels: Poultry meat, rabbit, any baked, boiled or stewed fish, veal, beef, seafood, skimmed dairy products, egg protein (no more than 2 yolks per day).

Carbohydrates: Lentils, Pasta "Al Dente", buckwheat, bran, rice Basmati, Chinese noodle, asparagus, zucchini, pepper, rhubarb, soy, avakado, leaf salad, iceberg salad, cauliflower, eggplant, mushrooms, artichoke, ion , celery, fresh raspberry berries, lingers, blueberries, blackberries, apricots, plums, cherries, orange, grapefruit, cashew, almond. All these products are less than 50.

Diet bus: menu for a week

In order to be clearer, we will analyze the diet for the week. This option is an example, you can choose that set of products that is impressed to you personally. He can be anyhow. The main thing is to comply with two rules: to fit in the BPU range for each stage, as well as fractional, frequent meal.



Interval - every 3 hours:

  1. 1st reception: 1 tbsp. Bran (7 gr.) and 200 gr. Curd (0%).
  2. 2nd Reception: Salad from asparagus (200 gr) with onion (20 gr) and a teaspoon of olive oil. Kirin Breast 200 gr.
  3. 3rd Reception: Heck Stew Fillet (200 gr.) With Limon and Parsushka.
  4. Cottage cheese "Tofu" 100 gr.
  5. 4th reception: Seafood 200 gr.
  6. 5th Reception: Omelet from 1 eggs and 100 grams. Milk + squid meat 200 gr.

Such a nutrition will give you 1200 calories, of which 200 gr. (80%) protein, 30 gr. (13%) Fats, 12 gr. (7%) Carbohydrates. This corridor calories conditional, the weight of products for each meal is necessary to calculate independently, based on weight, age, gender, and physical activity. Do not forget that excessive decrease in calories leads to a slowdown in weight loss. During the week, you can vary the products, leaving unchanged only bran for breakfast and clean protein for dinner. It is very important to use bran - this is a source of fiber that allows you to stabilize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and you can avoid the main problem of protein diets - constipation.

Depending on the initial weight, you can be located on protein-carbohydrate alternation to 3 months. But it is very important to use 2 liters of pure water, vitamins and fish oil, since such a diet is not balanced, and the excess protein loads the kidneys. With the help of water and vitamins, you fill the deficit of missing elements and unload the kidneys slightly, flushing them. In addition, the habit of drinking a lot of water will have a beneficial effect on the state of the skin, on the nutritional needs. It will wisely paint your diet. During the diet, your weight will fluctuate: so, during the period of protein days you will lose from 1 to 3 kg of weight, but during carbohydrates from 0.5 to 2 kg will be returned. This is not due to the fact that you suddenly recovered again, the fact is that carbohydrates bind water, and during protein days all the water from body tissues simply comes out. On average, your weight should be dropped from 0.5 to 1 kg. in Week. If more - you too lowered the KJA diet and this is fraught with exhaustion, placebo, stretch marks and leather flabbiness, as well as disruptions, which always come to replace tough diets.

Benefits of forming a menu for a month during a boob diet


Very many sitting on the diet perceive this as a forced, temporary measure and do not particularly care about the diversity of the menu, thereby making a fatal error. After all, in fact, very few people who can eat chicken breasts, boiled, boiled on a couple, degreased cottage cheese briquettes, fresh vegetables in half of the form and green tea liters. It is because of monotony and monotony that breaks are most often happening, because in the world so much tasty! If your weight is higher than the norm and remain for a long time to sit on the diet, then first you need to form a menu, thinking of dishes for days and weeks. Be sure to take care that for the month you have at least 5 options for cooking chicken fillet, fish. In addition, try to use a variety of fish - Heck, trout, salmon, mackerel, cod, polytai, cupid, river views. There are options expensive, there are - budget, but the more diverse your menu is, the greater the chances that you can sit on the Boch diet without breakdowns. For example, instead of fish, you can occasionally make yourself egg-squid salads with onions. It is delicious, inexpensive and very rich in proteins. If there is a grill, then an excellent addition will be a fish on a vegetable pillow or a slightly bold chicken breast in a grain of eggs and bran. However, all these dishes can also be prepared in a slow cooker, an oven or in a frying pan.

Cottage cheese briquettes become a real delicacy, if you spend a little bit. Half Banana, 150 gr. Cottage cheese and 100 grams. Degreased milk in a blender - and here is a delicious and sweet cocktail. For sweet bowls, which are very worried about what can break into sweet, there is also a way out - Stevia. This is a natural sugar, which can be used. Well, and those who accept synthetic sukhzami can afford the mass of all beloved: 11% cocoa + skimmed milk milk and liquid sugar substitute - delicious and dietary delicacy on a carbohydrate breakfast. In addition, you can make cheesecakes, casseroles and many more tasty and useful with berries and fruits in carbohydrate days. Remember: the more diverse food will be, the easier it will sit on the Buc diet.

Boch diet: how not to lose the motivation in the process


Any diet, especially long, is a rather exhausting and complex process. It is impossible to overcome the whole path on positive and confidence in the conceived. Any person has difficult days, disappointment and complexity. To avoid them, you should periodically receive "doping" in the form of self-motive. Motivation tools Multiple:

  1. Own results.

Take control measurements of the volume of chest, waist, abdomen, hips, hands and feet. Also check your weight at the beginning of the diet. Even if you do not immediately be able to notice visual changes, centimeter and scales will help you celebrate change in the body and figure. Well, after a couple of weeks, you can see and how your body has been transformed in the mirror.

  1. Motivating video and articles.

Various videos will allow you not to break and make sure that you are on the right track. Everything that is being done is right, and a beautiful figure is waiting for you, you just need to try. After all, everything is good, outstanding is given by difficulty and effort. Remember your studies, work, personal life, the birth of children - all this demanded efforts and efforts. Something more, and something is less, but nevertheless. Observing the results of other community participants on the Boch diet, you can see that completely not alone. And a friendly conversation and support - this is what you need!

Photo "To" and "After" Diet Boch

A second month is becoming particularly difficult for many participants. Usually, on the fifth week, the weight loss slows down somewhat, many appears the "placebo" effect and the boob diet ceases to seem so convenient and efficient. During this period of time, it is very important not to break and not abandon the process, because so much has already been done. In addition, the frequent change of power modes will not very positively affect the overall health of the body. An excellent way to cheered up the photo of the participants of the boch diet. The network has many photos of girls and men who demonstrate their results and do not hide success. Such pictures will become an excellent motivation towards success. nN8WVRBC4UA.

A competent approach and a clear following plan will allow you to quickly achieve outstanding results. But it is important not only to adhere to the power regime on the protein-carbohydrate alternation, but also to regularly play sports. Even if for you a sport - alien and hated occupation, it is worth work hard and reveal what can give you pleasure. Of course, the gym, group fitness classes, various types of struggle are quite effective tools for burning calories, but if you don't like these directions, you can always find what you like you:

  1. Dancing.

This is an excellent cardio load, which allows not only to work out all muscle groups, but also to develop a plastic, a feeling of rhythm, equilibrium.

  1. Walking

Fresh air walks also have a beneficial effect on the body. We go at least 4 km. A day, and you will very soon notice how much the color of the face is how the body pulled it up and the muscles have risen.

  1. Run.

Running - the most effective and resource-intensive workout mode. For an hour of intense run, you can burn to 1000 calories. Running also strengthens the cardiovascular system, the muscles of the legs and returns the tone of the tissues of the body.

  1. Floating.

Water sport is practically panacea. It is especially good, it will suit those who lose weight on the Boch diet with a very big weight. The fact is that swimming has a beneficial effect on the skin of the skin, returns her elasticity, elasticity and well pulls up. In addition, it is an excellent aerobic load and means for recovering posture.

  1. Charging at home.

If the sport is not given to you at all, then a small charge for 20-30 minutes will help you. Calorie consumption will be small, but you can strengthen the muscles and tighten the skin with time. The main thing is the regularity and proper execution of all exercises. And if you want an additional effect from the diet, then hold the pulse in the zone of the fat. To learn your individual zone, it is necessary to take your age from 220. The result will be your pulse. Permissible deviation by 10 positions in one direction or the other.


Reviews of those who sits on a Boch diet inspire optimism. For a short period of time, people manage to get rid of excess weight and return beauty. But in pursuit of a thin waist, you should not forget a number of cautions that are inherent in any diet:

  • do not lower your day diet below 1200 calories;
  • watch the weight - harmful to lose more than 1 kg per week;
  • observe the principle of alternation;
  • watch out for well-being;
  • visit the doctor before sitting on the boob diet.

Observing these not complex rules, you will get a great result without harm to health.

Boch diet. Video


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