
Running for weight loss

Running for weight loss
Right running for weight loss. Basic principles of such running

To combat overweight, there are many ways and one of the most effective is considered to be running. With it, it is also possible to strengthen the entire body as a whole and in particular the cardiovascular system. For systematic classes running for weight loss, there are no obstacles and restrictions. It is equally useful to run both in the gym and in the stadium or in the park, along the shore of the sea or river, etc. The main thing is to always have a desire and desire to look better and to be in a tone.

Bege use for the body

As you know, you need to train the muscles of the whole body, including the heart muscle. Due to the run, it becomes greater and stronger, which contributes to an increase in the intensity of the function of the poverty of the blood, as a result of which the blood circulation is improved. During such physical exertion, the vessels expand and positive changes begin to occur throughout the body, for example, blood pressure is stabilized.

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Results of the influence of running race:

  • volumes and weight are reduced;
  • the muscles of the whole body are strengthened;
  • the blood supply to all organs is improved;
  • oxygen penetrates each cell;
  • the capacity of the body increases, as well as its resistance to the harmful effects of viral diseases;
  • improves the work of the body's protective function;
  • the process of metabolism is accelerated;
  • cholesterol levels decreases;
  • develops coordination of movements;
  • the body itself displays the remains of slags and toxins through sweat glands;
  • the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced to zero;
  • the brain rests from intellectual and mental work.

The scientific way it was proved that regular classes running extending life for about 6 years, and also contribute to the incredible growth of brain cells that are responsible for memorizing information. People with awesome-vascular dystonia are especially useful to run at least several times a week. Running in the mornings for weight loss is equivalent to several cups of strong coffee.

The basic principle of running for weight loss

Probably, each at least once in his life came across a sudden desire to start running to lose weight. The closet contains suitable clothing and shoes, and next to the house there is a school stadium or park. Many people think that 20 minutes a day is enough to bring themselves in order, but it is not so, therefore the results are minimal.


With a slow run, glycogen, which is in the liver, produces the right amount of energy for the muscles of the whole body. It is enough for about 40 minutes of active physical classes, so if your jog lasted less than this time, then the body will replenish the missing part of the glycogen immediately after meals. Based on them, fat is not used as a source of energy, and excess weight remains in place.

When the flow of blood to fat cells becomes greater, then their oxygen saturation increases, which means that the body has completely switched to power from them. In this case, breathing becomes a rapid and you can feel easy exhaustion. In order to run to bring active benefits in the process of weight loss, you need to spend at least 1 hour on it. Only then metabolism begins to work hard and weight over time leaves.

Basic Rules Slimming Rules

Running is the most "convenient" and fast way to lose weight, so they can be used with any weather and at any time. Relieve weight with the help of an ordinary run can anyone, however, there are a number of rules that need to be adhered to.


List of rules:

  1. Try to run regularly. Three times a month is not enough to achieve the desired results and forms. How much to run to lose weight everyone chooses itself, but the minimum amount is 2-3 times a week. During this time, your body will be able to reboot to the desired level of load and will eventually begin to get rid of the fat stock.
  2. Run with minimal speed. Your heart should work calmly, without overload, so buy a special device that will measure your pulse. Permissible norm - 140 beats per minute, based on this, you define the optimal pace for you.
  3. The first month is indicative for you, therefore, 2 km is considered an acceptable distance in the event that your body is not prepared for physical exertion. At the same time, you can test yourself for strength - any difficulty with health will immediately manifest.
  4. Make everything gradually. If you have successfully passed the adaptation period, then the next month of permanent workouts can be increased to 5 km at a time.
  5. Check special windproof clothing for sports. In addition, it should be waterproof, since harmful substances from your body go along with the sweat, so the more you need, the better.
  6. After jogging, refrain from the use of water - just rinse your mouth. Only an hour after the workout is allowed to drink and eat. You need to run with the "empty" stomach - if you have gathered to run in the evening, then smoke 2 hours before jogging.
  7. During the preparation of different dishes, add salt in small quantities, as it delays excess water in the body.
  8. Any training should begin with muscle preparation for upcoming loads, i.e. With stretching and warm-up.
  9. Professionals recommend breathing while breathing only through the mouth, because the occupation of running for weight loss is one of the types of aerobic load and proper breathing may contribute to the workout process.
  10. Try to accustom yourself to get up early and go on a jog, because if you run in the morning you can lose weight and cheer up, besides. Early easy run will give you energy charge for the entire working day.


Running is only half of the case, since any sports requires proper nutrition:

  1. Refuse sweet, flour, acute and oily food.
  2. Try to prepare to supplement your menu by fat burning cocktails from natural components, vegetables, fruits, meat with high protein content, and sweet replace dried fruits or honey.
  3. Your last snack must be 3 hours before sleep.
  4. Drink in large quantities of water, fresh juices, green tea or tonic drinks.

Interval Running Slimming

Interval jog is a training with an alternation of fast, slow run and walk with small pauses for recreation. The standard distance for each of the steps is 100 meters.

Stages of interval run:

  1. At the first stage, you go a fast sporting step in order to warm up the muscles and strengthen the influx of blood to them.
  2. The second stage lies in a light run at the same distance.
  3. The third stage is a quick run in the pace in which you can do it.
  4. At the fourth stage, you again go to a slow run, completely restoring breathing and then again everything in a circle.

During the interval run in the body and the body, some physiological processes are committed. For example, quick running occurs with the maximum cost calorie, and the energy comes from the recycled glycogen. After that, when you move to an accelerated step, the glycogen stock in the liver is replenished due to the splitting of fat cells and simple carbohydrates, i.e. Your volumes begin to gradually decrease.


In addition, the quick run promotes the strengthening of blood flow to muscle tissue - fats begin to oxidize and the energy you need is allocated. After half an hour of such a phased jogging, you will feel incredible fatigue, however, the adipose tissue will be burned for another 5-6 hours.

Running for weight loss in the gym

To enjoy running for weight loss, the nearest sports room with specially equipped tracks is perfect. During the first visit, you should adhere to low speed until your body gets used to such a kind of training. You need to start just from the usual step in the usual pace, then go to the steady step and only then on the slow run for 10 minutes and then again the usual step. After some time, you can start modifying your classes - change the slopes of the track, increase the speed and duration of the run.


Special attention should be paid to the choice of clothing for active power loads. In order for training to bring pleasure, you need to choose light, comfortable clothes and shoes. Breeches for weight loss from special dense tissue, which create a sauna effect remain popular among sports amateurs. The body sweats in them much more, which means that both fat deposition, especially on the hips and buttocks, are burned far faster.

Contraindications for slimming running

Even despite all the benefits that runs, there are still contraindications for people suffering from heart defects, weak blood circulation, heart rate disorders, mitral stenosis, the thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. It is forbidden to run for any colds, chronic diseases, since the nature of the disease may change.

During running, your feet on the split seconds are completely detached from the ground and then fall on it again. At this point, the joints and the spine are exposed to a huge load, which sometimes exceeds your weight. All the strength of the strike falls on the "share" of your feet, which in its area are inferior to the size of your body. The asphalt track aggravates the strength of this blow, so doctors advise to choose a softer coating space for jogs - a parking road or a stadium specially intended for sports. The gym with a treadmill can only be visited in the case when weather conditions do not match your mood to run a little.


How many times run a day to lose weight everyone chooses himself. The main thing is that the workouts brought only pleasure, then the result will be appropriate. Good mood and pleasant music in headphones will help you spend time in the fresh air with the benefit for the body.


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