
Types of temperament

Types of temperament
Each type of temperament has its own pros and cons.

The founder of the doctrine of temperament is hippocrates. It was he who was the first to pay attention to the fact that people differ in the rate of mental processes. Based on these observations, 4 main types of temperament were subsequently identified: sanguine, phlegmatic, choler and melancholic. Temperament is given to a person once, at birth, he is primary. Further, a person receives education, acquires habits and develops character. But temperament remains for life, it determines the emotionality of a person, impressionability, speed of reaction to external stimuli, stability or instability of the psyche.

If you understand the difference in temperaments, and learn to determine which psychotype this or that person belongs to, you will find a secret key to the human psyche. You can predict the reactions of each individual person to a certain life situation. This knowledge can be useful to the leader to know which part of the work can be entrusted to the employee, which he will cope with perfectly, and which tasks are better not to set. The type of temperament is very important in family life: we always want to know about the reactions and inclinations of our partner. It is only important to remember that even the character of a person can be slightly changed, but temperament - he is for a lifetime, there is nothing to be done here. The most successful teams for responsible work, for example, astronauts, polar explorers, researchers are selected taking into account temperaments. This determines the result of the project as a whole and the psychological situation in the team. Currently, it has become fashionable to form a working team from people of certain psychotypes, sometimes during an interview they even offer to pass a test. So the leader is trying to choose employees with a certain temperament to create a favorable environment in the team.

Characteristics of the types of temperament

4 types of temperament are released, but there are about 10 more mixed or intermediate species. The type of temperament can be determined by what qualities are more of a given person. Outwardly determining the temperament of a person will help general activity. After observing others, you can notice that some are always in the spotlight: they are mobile, active, talk loudly, they notice everything. Others, on the contrary, contemplate more and are in a passive state, are immersed in their world.

The second criterion for determining temperament is the emotionality of a person. This is expressed in a quick change in mood, resistance to stress and other external influences.

Type of temperament: melancholic


Melancholic reacts weakly to external stimuli. He is constantly immersed in himself, his thoughts and plans. If there are complex obstacles, a melancholic is not able to overcome them independently. A difficult life situation can end with depression or a nervous breakdown. Melancholic is very vulnerable and emotional, any situation is experienced for a long time inside, analyzed and recalled. Melancholys have a tendency to self -digging and introspection. Melancholys are idealists, they want to see the world around them and perfect and impeccable. It is very difficult to live with such a life installation, because the world is always far from ideal. The movements and external emotions of the melancholys are inexpressive, calm. They do not have persistence and energy, quickly get tired, have low performance. Melancholic love loneliness and cannot tolerate noisy companies.

Due to its high sensitivity, melancholys are able to create penetrating masterpieces. It is known that the melancholys were Lermontov, Gogol, Yesenin, Chekhov, Levitan.

It is difficult to adapt to the Melancholic in the team, it is always inconspicuous and sad. But this is not a problem, there are professions where a person can reveal his potential alone. Therefore, you should not be ashamed of isolation or put on a mask of shirt-pun, because each person is distinguished by their own personality.

Type of temperament: choler


It is easy to recognize the cholera by impetuous quick movements. This is the most striking and recognizable type of temperament. Holeric does everything with rage and passion: works, loves, hates. Its nervous system is very strong, but at the same time unstable, it is very quickly excited. Cholerics are easily achieved by the desired, are an unconditional leader in any company and team. They love competitions, competition, but do not know how to lose. Any failure causes a choleric rage and incontinence. Cholerics love to argue, but the result of the dispute is not the clarification of the truth, but the self -affirmation of this imperious type.

Choleric - a very fascinated nature, can quickly waste strength to the detriment of his health, not paying attention to it. Creators with the temperament of a choleric are able to create exciting works: romantic, stormy and impulsive. These works are conquered from the first note and from the first line. Pushkin, Byron, Beethoven possessed the temperament of the cholera.

Choleriks love and are afraid in the team. They love that they are open and welcoming for everyone, everyone is noticed and interested in everyone. And their directness, temper and uncompromisingness are afraid. In a fit of anger, cholera is able to blame everyone around, sometimes groundlessly, but then very quickly move away.

Type of temperament: sanguine


Sanguine has a strong balanced nervous system. A very pleasant type of person, open to the outside world, is mobile, fast, friendly. The sanguine is most often the soul of the company, it always abides in a good mood, jokes and rejoices. He loves to be in the spotlight of a large number of people, tries to avoid loneliness. It is distinguished by a remarkable performance, very quickly masters any type of activity. Easily switches from one sphere of application of his forces to another, quickly gets used to the new team and situation. The productivity of the sanguine work directly depends on how interesting it is. If interest is lost, the work can be abandoned or done with indifference. A small disadvantage of this temperament is obsession.

Living, funny and energetic sanguinees create works of art for themselves: assertive and expressive. The sanguine was Honore de Balzac, Mark Twain, Rossini and Vivaldi.

Type of temperament: phlegmatic


Phlegmatic is characterized by a strong stable nervous system. Flematic approaches any business thoroughly, thinking well and weighing well. The labor productivity of phlegmatic is high, despite the fact that it is very slow, is characterized by perseverance, endurance and diligence. External irritants do not have a strong impression on the psyche of phlegmatic. He can remain calm in difficult life situations, not succumbing to panic and emotions. The speech of phlegmatic is smooth and inexpressive, feelings are deeply hidden. Phlegmaticians are afraid to make decisions and think about the team, so they are not suitable for the role of a leader. But they obey and succumb to persuasion. Phlegmatics have a very sensitive sensitive nature, they are capable of empathy. Fleel temperament was possessed by the fabulist of Krylov, composers of Borodin and Glazunes.

Which type of temperament is better?


It does not matter which psychotype you belong to, in pure form, temperaments are very rare. Although the researchers noted that the most striking historical personalities were of strong character and pronounced temperament. This is understandable, because only by perseverance and determination, you can achieve the goal. Therefore, do not hesitate to your outstanding features of temperament.

The composition of society by type of temperament as a percentage looks like this:

  •   sanguine 49%;
  •   melancholy 29%;
  •   choleraiks 14%;
  •   Phlegmatic 9%.

The type of temperament does not affect a person’s ability, you can be a talented melancholic, or you can - a reckless sanguine.   Depends on temperament:

  1. The speed and speed of perception of information.
  2. The rhythm of life and activity.
  3. The intensity of mental reactions: willpower, emotionality.
  4. Attitude to the world around. This is revealed in the openness, which is possessed by extroverts. And introverts, on the contrary, are characterized by isolation.

Aizenka test for temperament


Most often, we independently cannot decide what type of temperament we relate to. Thinking about the abilities of our Self, we are cunning, giving out what we desired. Psychologists have developed special tests for determining the type of temperament where answering questions, you can figure it out. The proposed test was developed by the English psychologist Hans Aizencom, consists of 57 questions and is one of the most popular. There are 2 answers to each question: “yes” and “no”. Try to answer as true as possible.

  1. Are you drawn to new vivid impressions?
  2. Do you have a need for understanding and sympathy of friends?
  3. Are you a harmless person?
  4. Is it easy for you to abandon your plans?
  5. Do you need time to think before action?
  6. Do you keep this promise to the detriment of your interests?
  7. Are you subject to mood swings?
  8. You should think carefully before saying or doing something?
  9. Do you feel unhappy, even for no reason?
  10. Is it true that for the sake of victory in the bet you are ready for almost everything?
  11. Are you embarrassed to turn to a stranger?
  12. Are you able to get so angry with your temper?
  13. Can you commit a rash act, succumbing to emotion?
  14. Are you tormented by thoughts that you said something in vain or did?
  15. Do you think that it is better to spend time with a book than to communicate with people?
  16. Is it easy to hook you?
  17. Do you adore the company?
  18. Are you visiting the thoughts that people are ashamed of people?
  19. Do you have energy ups when you are ready to curtail the mountains, and downs when you feel lethargy?
  20. Are you sure that it is better to have few friends, but verified?
  21. Are you a dreamer?
  22. Do you react to a cry to a scream?
  23. Are you often visited by guilt?
  24. Do you have only positive habits?
  25. Do you know how to relax and "break away" into a fun company?
  26. Are your nerves often as much as possible?
  27. Are you considered a cheerful energetic person?
  28. After completing any business, do you dig in thoughts, what could be done better?
  29. Are you comfortable with a large crowd of people?
  30. It happens that you share rumors?
  31. Can annoying thoughts break your dream?
  32. To find out any question, will you contact your friends or read in the book?
  33. Do you have a rapid heartbeat?
  34. Are you striving to do work that requires tension?
  35. A trembling attacks you?
  36. If you know that your words will remain secret, will you speak like everyone else?
  37. Do you not like the company where they are bothering each other?
  38. Are you suspended?
  39. Will you choose a work based on the speed of action?
  40. Even if everything ended successfully, you play a thought script, how could it end badly?
  41. Do you like to move slowly?
  42. Do you allow yourself to be late for a responsible meeting?
  43. Do you dream of terrible dreams?
  44. Do you easily start a conversation even with a stranger?
  45. Are you often attended by a sense of pain?
  46. Will you be unhappy if you are deprived of friendly communication for a long time?
  47. Do you consider yourself unbalanced?
  48. Among your environment are there people whom you can’t tolerate to the spirit?
  49. Are you confident in yourself?
  50. Do you accept criticism?
  51. Is it possible to feel the pleasure of the party?
  52. You are visited by the thought that you are worse than the rest?
  53. Can you revive an inert society?
  54. Do you agree to discuss a topic in which you do not understand anything?
  55. Do you think about your health?
  56. Are you allowing yourself to be dumbfounded by others?
  57. Are you tormented by lack of sleep?

Deciphering answers to Aizenka test

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Now you can begin to analyze the answers. All 57 questions are divided into 3 groups, each of them corresponds to certain personality traits. If your answer coincides with the proposed below, you can put yourself 1 point. And then calculate the number of points. Write down the number of points in each group.

Group of answers of truthfulness


The answer “yes” was supposed to be questions: 6, 24, 36. A negative answer to the questions: 12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54. After a simple count, we can check how honest we were honest when the answer to questions was. If you got an amount of more than 5 points, your answers are not true. Most likely, with answers, you were guided by the desire to like and others. If the test has shown the untruthfulness of the answers, then the analysis can not be continued.

Group of answers to emotional stability

In this section, you can score up to 24 points. A positive answer to questions 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 55, 57. The less you scored points, the more a stable psyche you have. And vice versa, the more you count the points, the more sensitive and imaginary person you are.

Group of answers to determining the attitude to the outside world

The fewer points you score in this group, the more closed by a person you are (introvert), and the more points, the more likely you are an extrovert. Answer “Yes” to the questions: 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 37, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56. Negative answer to the questions: 5, 15, 20, 29, 32, 34, 41, 51.

Now, in the photo proposed below, mark the points of the points received. Horizontal-points from the group of introverts, and vertically-the meaning of answers to emotional stability.


The found point is a reflection of your temperament. The farther from the intersection of the axes it is, the brighter your temperament is expressed. The proximity of the location of the point to one of the axes means how mixed your type of temperament is.

Having determined your psychotype, you can reasonably avoid uncomfortable situations, choose the right type of activity. Knowing your inner advantages will help to achieve the goals and development of strengths of the personality.

Types of temperament. Video

About psychological types of temperament in Pavlov.



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