
Symptoms, signs and diagnosis of Koksaki virus. How the Koksaki virus is transmitted and how dangerous it is. Treatment and prevention of Koksaki virus in adults and children

Symptoms, signs and diagnosis of Koksaki virus. How the Koksaki virus is transmitted and how dangerous it is. Treatment and prevention of Koksaki virus in adults and children
The article describes all the symptoms and signs of the Turkish Koksaki virus. What tests to take, how to diagnose. Treatment of Koksaki virus in adults and children.

The Koksaki virus is a complex of viruses that multiply quite quickly in the gastrointestinal tract of a person. This dangerous ailment was first detected in the same city of the United States of America - Koksaki. Today, more than 30 types of infection are known that relate to such classifications of enteroviruses: A, B and S. The virus provokes the main reason for the development of aseptic meningitis.

Koksaki virus: signs and symptoms

The virus penetrates the feces of an infected person into the atmosphere, through the particles of saliva - which means that they can become infected with the following ways:

  • Food. When using unwashed products or drinking dirty water, non -compliance with elementary hygienic rules (for example, neglect with washing hands before dinner).
  • Airborne droplets. You should not stand too close to the infected interlocutor, because it is likely to get sick yourself.
  • Contact. In close contact with a person who is infected with a virus, when using the same cutlery that the patient used, etc.

If we talk about the Turkish Coksaki virus that flashed this year, then many infected people associate their illness with bathing in the pool. And this is quite possible. After all, if a person in the process of bathing swallows water with the causative agent of infection, then this is almost a 100% guarantee of infection.

The question is very relevant regarding what kind of Koksaki virus has and how it proceeds, but there is no exact answer. It all depends on how strong immunity in a person infected with this virus.

  1. Very often, development goes according to the scenario of the sequence of the “hand-no-rot cavity”. The main signs of the Koksaki virus are a rash on the limbs of the body, resembling bubbles, as well as rashes on the face - cheeks and lips. There is an increase in basal temperature.
  2. With a disease, the throat may turn red. Individual manifestations of tonsillitis appear, which in the context of a particular ailment is called herpangin - the sky is covered with a rash of the same species as on the limbs. The process is invariably accompanied by severe sore throat.
  3. Intestinal disorders are possible.
  4. It is possible to develop meningitis, the appearance of complications on internal organs (the liver and heart most often suffer).

Koksaki - virus in children and adults

Among the sick in Turkey were people of different ages, it follows from this that the virus serotypes are common in the region (there are about 29 of them) and both adults and children are at risk. Read the following information so as not to be taken by surprise.

Some parents try to treat sick children on their own, others call the doctor for any reason. Both the other parents can skip the first signs of infection by taking them as a cold, because the Coksaki manifests itself, first of all, by high temperature. That is why even with minimally similar symptoms, it is urgent to contact a specialist. After examining the child, the doctor will make the correct diagnosis, which means he will write out the appropriate treatment. Will give recommendations for the care of a sick child.

Of course, everyone wants to know how to treat the Koksaki virus? But there is no universal medicine for the virus, so only symptoms can be treated. Medicines are prescribed depending on the external manifestation of the disease. Among the most common drugs are the following:

  • Antipyretic.
  • Solutions for antiseptic treatment of the mucous membrane.
  • In the case of the development of stomatitis, a diet is prescribed.
  • Frequent drink.
  • Ointments to reduce itching.

Commenting on the Koksaki virus, the famous Dr. Komarovsky strongly recommends not to self -medicate, but to contact the virus.

  • If the disease passes easily, then the doctor will prescribe treatment and send home, but in difficult situations it may require hospitalization.
  • If your baby, who has less than three months, has a high temperature for more than two days - rush to the doctor, because in newborns the disease is very difficult, with damage to the central nervous system and heart.
  • In adults, the signs of the disease are more hidden, and therefore only a doctor can identify it. This is explained by the fact that in one class "Koksaki" as many as 29 varieties. Type A will pour out, most likely, into the irritation of the skin, but if the victim is not lucky, and he was infected with a type of B - the consequences can be much more complicated and serious: the virus is able to go into severe forms: meningitis, encephalitis, paralysis, pericarditis, diabetes, diabetes, diabetes Allergic reactions of various severity and so on.

Coksaki virus in pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman is especially susceptible to various diseases and this is not surprising in this, because her body is rebuilt to new conditions of functioning - now it should take into account not only its needs, but also the needs of the child.

  • It should be remembered that during pregnancy, even a simple runny nose can carry a potential danger to the health of the baby that has not yet been born. Any infection, and especially enterovirus, poses a high threat to a pregnant girl.
  • Nowadays, many doctors tend to believe that Enterovirus Koksaki should be added to the list of torch infections included in the list of mandatory research during pregnancy.

Enterovirus is a serious danger to a pregnant woman in that:

  • Perhaps complicated the course of the disease with damage to the central nervous system and all internal organs.
  • There is a great risk of complications that pose a threat not only to the mother, but also by the not yet born child.
  • Termination of pregnancy (miscarriage) or premature birth.

Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases, future mothers carry the Koksaki virus quite easily, and yet, the risk of developing adverse consequences is much higher.

The danger of infection is not only for the future mother, but also for the fetus. The Coksaki virus of group B can penetrate through the placenta to the child. This threatens the following consequences:

  • Intrauterine infection.
  • Disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system (drainage of the brain and various pathological conditions of medium and severe types).
  • Development of development is possible.
  • Furious pregnancy.
  • The death of the child.

Nevertheless, this does not mean at all that in the case when a pregnant woman was ill with this virus, her child will definitely be born unhealthy or die.

  • The Koksaki virus of group B is especially dangerous not during the period of bearing, but directly during the birth and in the first hours after them.
  • In the newborn, the risk of infection is especially high. Probably the development of encephalomyocarditis, in which a high percentage of mortality was recorded (45% of cases of infection ended fatally) and a high probability of developing severe neurological pathological abnormalities.
  • It is important to know that if the baby was infected not at first after birth, but after some period of time, and at that time he eats breast milk, then his life and health does not threaten nothing-the risk of developing any pathologies is minimized . This happens thanks to antibodies that are produced by the mother’s body and, together with milk, get to the baby.
  • Of course, it is better not to get sick during the period of pregnancy, but it is especially worth protecting yourself in the early stages (up to 12 weeks). But even in the later stages there is a risk of infection of the fetus, which is dangerous of his health. Therefore, expectant mothers are better to protect themselves from all kinds of diseases.
  • If the virus is still penetrated into the body, then the first thing that is not recommended to do is panic, because in most cases enterovirus infection is not something terrible for a pregnant mother and child, but passes as an ordinary cold or angina. Therefore, usually the case is by hospitalization in the hospital and the supervision of a doctor behind the condition of the pregnant woman and her fetus.
  • Presetamol, enterosorbents, special solutions, vitamin injections are prescribed during treatment. We will have to periodically take various tests and undergo ultrasound.

Koksaki virus: treatment

The incubation period of the Koksaki virus lasts from three to ten days, when the initial signs of the disease begin to appear. The first stage of the disease is quite acute, with a sharp increase in basal temperature to 40 degrees, a deterioration in general well -being, head and muscle pain.

If the result of Enterovirus Koksaki is positive, then the doctor will prescribe treatment and talk about the ailment in more detail, as well as the treatment methods: how to smear rashes, how to knock down the temperature, etc. Since there is no medicine for this infection, the patients are prescribed the basic treatment, including the following drugs :

  • Antipyretic.
  • Sorbents to eliminate the intoxication of the body: they must clean the intestines in which the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria occurs.
  • Antihistamines are prescribed in the event of various allergic reactions in older children and babies.
  • Antiseptics that smear the rash on the skin.
  • Antibiotics, if bacterial complications are observed during the development of infection.

It is necessary to use more fluids to prevent dehydration of the body, and if this could not be avoided, then special drugs should be taken to restore fluid in the patient's body. Hospitalization is required if dehydration has occurred or factors are dangerous for life. For example, if the patient’s body is very weakened, then meningitis may develop.

Treatment of children differs and includes the basic rules:

1. Strict bed rest, diet with frequent use of liquid and vitamins. It is allowed to use the following drugs if necessary:

  • with sore throat - candies, will not damage the rinse with furatsiline solution;
  • sweeps from the Koksaki virus smear with green;
  • ibuprofen pain relieved in muscles (it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage). It can be given no more than two to four times a day after eating;
  • abundant drink. With severe diarrhea and vomiting, a reidron is prescribed;
  • in particularly severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed.

2. Usually improving the state of health in the patient occurs quite quickly: after two to three days. In the case of the development of complications, consult a doctor.

3. After recovery, a person will be a peddler of the infection for about two more weeks-in some cases even two to three months and up to a year. During illness, the virus is transmitted by all biological liquids, but the longest secretion occurs through feces.

4. If a child who visits a kindergarten or school is sick, then he is isolated, and in the institution a quarantine should be announced for a period of 14 to 21 days. Quarantine is also administered to any institutions where the virus was detected.

Koksaki virus: Features

After the Koksaki virus, specific antibodies appear in the body that prevent a re -infection with this infection. Simply put, this disease cannot be sick twice, since immunity has developed in the body. But, unfortunately, immunity is produced exclusively to the coksaki serotypes, which a person transferred in the process of the disease, but to the rest - not. Recall that today 29 serotypes of this virus are known.

To date, there is no vaccination from the Koksaki virus, and therefore you should think about preventive measures. Observing nine simple rules, you will minimize the risk of infection:

  • The first rule can be called “clean hands”: washing after street walks, visits to the toilet, before eating will protect many infections and parasites.
  • The second rule is called “water”: drink only purified or boiled water. Remember that the Koksaki virus can live in water.
  • Third rule: "Vegetables". Do not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables! They must be washed well before meals and pour them with boiling water.
  • The fourth rule: "fast food." Avoid snack and suspicious public catering places. Eat only freshly prepared food.
  • Fifth rule: "bathing." Limit bathing in ponds with contaminated water and public pools. It should be remembered that the apparent pure water can threaten health. Diving, you can swallow water, so you should swim carefully, and after water procedures, be sure to take a shower with soap.

  • Sixth rule: "Rest." Before buying a ticket to a particular resort, track the epidemiological area in the country, and even more so on the tourist base. This is very important if they are going to take children with them.
  • Seventh rule: "Caution." If you are in the flash zone or epidemic of enterovirus infections, then avoid a large accumulation of the people in closed rooms, limit communication with other people.
  • The eighth rule: "In a healthy body is a healthy mind." This is a long -known law and this is true. The body of a healthy person can defeat almost any disease. Therefore, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in physical culture, give your body a good rest (sleep at least seven hours).
  • Ninth rule: "Do not be afraid of doctors." It is important to regularly undergo the necessary planned examinations. This is especially true for those who work in school and preschool institutions, medical institutions, in the tourism industry or in the field of catering.

Of course, these are not preventive means against the Koksaki virus, but general rules, observing which you can protect yourself not only from this ailment, but also from many other diseases. Doctors recommend doing wet cleaning in the house at least twice a week.

Although the consequences of the Koksaki virus are insignificant, they can cause various complications given below, and therefore it is better to protect yourself than to waste time on treatment.

Koksaki virus: complications and dangers

Although it is believed that the Coksaki “harmless disease”, it can still lead to serious complications. Let's figure out what the Coksaki virus is dangerous:

  • Angina - inflammation of the throat, palatine tonsils, accompanied by an increase in the cervical lymph nodes. It can last up to two weeks-3-5 five days of angina, and redness in the throat lasts 5-7 days.
  • Meningitis and encephalitis - inflammation of the brain cells, accompanied by impaired sensitivity, loss of mobility, the rigidity of the cervical muscles, facial edema (a high tone and tension of the neck muscles are the main symptoms of meningitis).
  • If nonsense is observed, cramps are already progressive meningitis. The acute manifestation lasts up to 5 days, and then for 3 weeks, residual phenomena will be observed: weakness, powerlessness, nausea (vomiting are possible), headaches.

  • Paralysis. Although a rare, but probable consequence of the virus. It can begin both during increased body temperature, and after passing the acute period. Absolutely different manifestations of this ailment are possible - from disturbed gait, to unpleasant weakness in the limbs. You should not be afraid, the virus does not leave long paralysis after recovery - they pass without health consequences.
  • Myocarditis. The complication is observed, as a rule, in newborn children, is an increase and inflammation of the heart muscle, which is accompanied by shortness of breath, impaired heartbeat. Very often leads to the death of the child.

Enteroviral infection of Koksaki became known to the scientific world sixty years ago. The epidemics that the infection caused were manifested in the form of gastrointestinal diseases among preschool children, and were accompanied by an unpleasant painful rash. There is no special medical treatment today, and it is possible to slow down the spread of infection only through the general strengthening of immunity.

Video: Details about the Koksaki virus



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