
Vasures burst on the legs - what to do?

Vasures burst on the legs - what to do?
The main causes, treatment and prevention of the appearance of blood vessels bursting on the legs.

The female body is more often subject to stress. A woman on average 1.5 times more man spends time on her feet: work, child, cooking in the kitchen.

Over time, from such loads and frequent stresses, you can find that your vessels on your legs burst and bruises appear even from light blows. Vascular cells are a system of arteries of subcutaneous veins and blood vessels. Vessels are a message of the message, the main blood deliveryers in the body, enriched with oxygen to vital organs.

The main causes of vascular diseases

The main reasons why the vessels burst on the legs are:

  • Improper nutrition. The saying is true: "We are what we eat." Women who are fond of protein diets are at a potential risk group of vascular diseases. Undoubtedly, the effect of such diets is: a person is rapidly losing weight, however, the lack of a fiber of fresh vegetables and complex carbohydrates, which are contained in cereals, leads to the fact that the body begins to rebel: the vessels become flabby and lose its strength.


  • Bad habits. Smoking, in addition to the harm, is inflicting uninvited damage to the entire circulatory system. That is why the state programs for the health of European countries (France, Germany, the Czech Republic, etc.) introduced a high excise tax on smoking goods: they value the health of their citizens.


  • A sedentary lifestyle. Hypodynamia has long been known as the first enemy of health. The norm of physical activity for a person is a passage of 14,000 steps per day, which is approximately 8-10 km.
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  • Pregnancy. Due to the occurrence of additional load during pregnancy, vascular stars or varicose veins can occur. To avoid this ailment, it is recommended to wear special pull -up or bandage, as well as adjust your power in order to avoid further problems with blood vessels.


  • The presence of acquired or chronic diseases:obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease. In this case, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly take medications prescribed by the doctor to combat these diseases.


  • Deficiency in the body of vitamins E, C, P, constant stress, inflammatory processes in the kidneys, prolonged infectious diseases also provoke oxygen starvation of blood vessels.


Risk group: Diagnosis of the disease

Very often with vascular violations, you can feel:

  • periodic dizziness;
  • the darkening in the eyes and “stars” with a sharp change in body positions: climbing the stairs, sharp stood;
  • the appearance of bruises on the body even from light blows;
  • the occurrence of a mesh of vessels on the surface of the skin;
  • cold even in warm rooms.

These signs are the first alarming bell and the symptom that you have violated the work of blood vessels.

In risk groups are people with a sedentary, sitting work: office employees, drivers, computer scientists, etc. Also, this can be attributed to employees who have to spend most of the time in a standing position: sellers, hairdressers, teachers, etc.

Representatives of these professions are recommended to perform an easy set of exercises to maintain muscle tone and blood vessels, as shown in the video:

If even after regular gymnastics you feel malaise and your vessels burst on your arms and legs, you should not make a diagnosis for yourself, it is better to consult a doctor.

Vascular stars: characteristic symptoms and treatment

Symptoms. The capillary mesh occurs as a result of the expansion of intradermal vessels. Such a “decoration” in the form of an emerging vascular mesh can be found not only on the legs, but also on the face, in the neckline.

The characteristic features of vascular stars are:

  • the appearance on the skin of purple spots or translucent capillaries in the form of a snowflake or sprockets with branches of 1-1.5 mm;
  • pallor and soreness when pressing the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

Capillary nets appear after prolonged taking hormonal or contraceptive drugs, after abortion or pregnancy. Also, the appearance of vascular stars in women can be a sign of a cyst or ovarian fibroids.

Treatment. For the female body, the appearance of vascular nets does not pose a special threat. However, it is also not worth starting the process, since the appearance of this ailment is a sign of beginning varicose veins.

Treatment of blood vessels bursting on the legs is carried out surgically using methods:

Sclerotopia. The drug is introduced into the places of vascular stars to restore blood vessels, after the procedure in the processed areas, redness can be observed, which go after 2 hours.

Laser coagulation. The doctor directs the laser beam to the plots adjacent to the vascular stars and at an angle of 65-70 degrees and warms them without affecting the lesions. Warm temperature helps to activate blood circulation and rapid blood circulation through the vessels even in areas with plaques.

Varicose veins: the main symptoms and treatment

Symptoms. This disease is the most common among women. The main sign is the bloating and deformation of the veins, the appearance of nodes is possible due to impaired blood flow.
Varicosis does not appear immediately. At first, the legs often begin to get tired, then the vessels on the legs burst in the sections as shown in the photo, during a long walk you feel the severity, begins to reap and crush shoes. According to primary signs, many mistakenly take varicose veins for edema.

Treatment. Doctors who treat varicose veins are called phlebologs. The type of treatment for varicose veins is one - surgical intervention in the vessels of the legs. Although you can try more simplified methods: laser or radio frequency coagulation; Flebectomy.

Conservative methods of treatment include the use of compression tights, golfs or a bandage that contribute to the tone of blood vessels.
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Atherosclerosis: causes, signs, methods of treatment

Symptoms.Atherosclerosis is the formation of cholesterol plaques on the inner walls of the vessels. With this ailment, the process of blood circulation slows down on the vascular vessels and at first this does not give reasons for concern.

The characteristic signs of atherosclerosis are: pain during walking, darkening of the skin on the fingers and feet, for a long time non -healing wounds, the chilliness of the legs even in a warm room, constant pain even at rest.

Treatment.The basic basis of effective treatment for this ailment is the normalization of nutrition in the form of excluding harmful food from the diet. Further, the doctor prescribes drugs that lower cholesterol in the body and lead it to normal. In advanced cases, it is necessary to perform surgery on the vessels - to clean them from the resulting cholesterol plaques.

If you start this ailment, it will entail the occurrence of diabetes, obesity, frostbite of the limbs.

Aneurysm of arteries: causes of appearance, symptoms, treatment

Arterial aneurysm is the thickening of the walls and an increase in the lumen of blood vessels.

Symptoms. A characteristic feature is the tuberous increase in blood vessels through the skin. Most often, the source of the disease affects the inguinal region. If the disease is not eliminated in time, the affected area is lost sensitivity, numbness appears, and the skin acquires a bluish hue. In the most advanced case, paralysis of the legs is possible.

Treatment.The most effective treatment is surgical surgical intervention, which is called shunting. The vessels with the help of a catheter are artificially strengthened by introduced frames that prevent the appearance of new blood clots.

If the ailment is launched, the risk of extensive thrombosis, gangrene and tissue rupture is possible.
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Treatment of bursting vessels on the legs: drug methods

When the condition of your vessels requires medical intervention, it is important not to prescribe drugs to yourself, but to contact a specialist.

Although the exception is the vitamin complex with iron, calcium, vitamins B, C, P, which can be purchased at the pharmacy without consulting a doctor.

Individual selection of venotonics based on the type of problem with blood vessels

Venotonik is a drug that strengthens the vessels. Venotonics are of plant origin and can include such substances such as: diosmin, gesel, troxerutin, rutoside, and sometimes these four components in different variations in the complex:

Taking medications with diosmine. It is accepted in the case of heaviness in the legs, seizures in the legs. Vascular -strengthening drugs with diosmine usually go in combination with gesperidine;

Means included in the composition of Troxerutin. It is accepted to have an anti -inflammatory effect. The drugs of this group are the most common and are produced in the form of ointments, gels, pills.

Medications that improve the elasticity of red blood cells that prevent their brittleness are included in the composition of rutoside and are called bioflavonids.

The use of venotonics, including exclusively natural plant components: horse chestnut seeds, donics, hazelnuts, grape leaves helps to reassure blood vessels, and increase elasticity.

Treatment of bursting vessels at home

The use of all masks is similar: we thoroughly mix the ingredients and apply to the site where the veins are inflamed or a net of blood vessels appeared; In tinctures - we connect the components according to the recipe, defend the specified time, and then take dosed into the body, and rubbish are used for external exposure.

  1. Rubor from calendula. 1 cup of calendula petals pour boiling water and insist for 1 hour. Add half a glass of medical alcohol to the decoction. Gut your legs at least 3 times a day.
  2. Tincture of mountain arnica and hazel bark. Take 3 tablespoons of mountain arnica and hazel bark, mix, pour 1 liter of boiling water for 12 hours. After that, the tincture must be consumed half a glass before each meal, at least 3 times a day.
  3. Mask from sea buckthorn. Mix a tablespoon of oil with 1 teal starch. Apply slurry to the damaged area for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off with cool water.
  4. Mask from the collection of herbs. Take 1 tablespoon: the inflorescences of horse chestnut, chamomile, horsetail of the field, yarrow, calendula. Pour a collection of herbs with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Add 3 tablespoons of starch and the mask is ready to the filtered broth. Apply to inflamed veins. Rinse after 15-20 minutes of holding a lot of cool water.
  5. Honey mask. Combine 1 teaspoon of honey with 2-3 drops of lemon. Such a mask helps well from a vessel mesh. But before applying it to the face and neckline, check yourself to an allergic reaction: smear a drop of the mixture on the hand and wait 10 minutes. If redness and itching do not occur, feel free to use.
  6. Drops from horse chestnut. Pour 100 grams of horse chestnut with a liter of vodka or alcohol, put in a warm place and insist 2 weeks. Every day, the liquid must be raked. After 3 weeks, take ready -made drops 3 times a day, 30 drops.

Prevention of vascular diseases

Having discovered a violation of blood vessels, it is not necessary to immediately run to the pharmacy for expensive drugs, you can try to eliminate the reasons why the vessels burst on the legs and try to return to them elasticity at home.

Regulation of the water balance

First of all, it is necessary to adjust your water balance. From biology lessons, we know that a person is 80% of the liquid: blood, lymph. The lack of moisture in the body entails the fragility of blood vessels. The norm of the drunk fluid per day for each person is 2-2.5 liters of pure water. An individual need for water can be calculated by the formula: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. Drinking such a volume daily, you yourself will begin to notice an improvement in well -being, vigor, you will even eat less, since sometimes a feeling of hunger is a disguised thirst.

Try to eat salt food less - it delayed water in the body and helps to swell the legs. It is useful to drink rosehip decoction, natural juices, fruit drinks, green tea, which are antioxidants and remove toxins from the body along with excess fluid.

Revision of food diet

Secondly, it is worthwhile to reconsider your diet in the direction of useful products: fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meat and fish, sour milk products. By riding yourself from food “garbage”: sweets, baking, chips, mayonnaise, soda, you will facilitate the work of the body to digest polysaccharides, which are carried through the vessels through the body. Every morning, try not to start with coffee, which washes calcium from the body and provokes swelling of the legs, but from the oatmeal waned in milk.

Prepare and make it a rule every day to enjoy the nutrient and useful mixture for blood vessels according to the following recipe:

  • half a kilogram of prunes and dried apricots,
  • 1 lemon,
  • a handful of walnuts (or other) nuts.

Grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder or blender, season 5 tablespoons of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and put in a jar with a lid. The use of this mixture of 3 teaspoons during the day will give a tone to the vessels and strengthen the heart.

Take a rule every day on an empty stomach to drink 1 tablespoon of olive or linseed oil. Such lubricants for blood vessels saturates them with vitamin E.

Support as many dishes as possible in which there is garlic. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and an antiseptic that helps to normalize the tone of blood vessels.

Asian long -livers advise to include soy sauce in their diet and fix their dishes for them. The sauce is a natural antioxidant: it binds radical aging in the body and helps to renew blood vessel cells.

Hardening of the body

Practice hardening and dousing. It is necessary to start with wiping with a damp sponge moistened in cold water and so, gradually bring to cold douses. One of the twelve commandments of the famous healer Porfiry Ivanov reads: “Twice a day bathe in cold, natural water, so that you feel good. Bathe in what you can: in the lake, river, bathroom, take a shower or dousise. These are your conditions. Full the hot bathing cold. ”

Make friends with sports

In this case, it is not necessary to immediately go to the gym. To begin with, it’s enough to start walking. Walking is the most sparing for the cardiovascular system, since there are no overloads and a sharp change in the pulse. If you live in a multi -storey building, for the fortress of blood vessels and the beauty of your legs, walking on the steps without using the elevator will be useful. After work, a couple of stops can be walked. Walk with friends more often, ride bicycles with children. Enter the tradition of the evening promenade by the arm with her husband and children.

The following gymnastic exercises for the prevention of vascular diseases of the legs will be useful:

  1. Lifting to the toe, lowering the heel.
  2. Gymnastics “Eye of Renaissance”, which includes a gradual increase in approaches from 1 to 21, except for the sixth exercise, which is enough to do 3 times in the entire cycle.

Yoga, Pilates, dancing, pool: any sports exercises are useful. They affect the body comprehensively. If you want to improve the vessels on your feet-improve the entire cardiovascular system. The main thing is that the sport is not only for health benefits, but also bring pleasure. Then the training will be constant.


Hydrotherapy is useful for strengthening veins: it will be a contrast shower or a hydromassage of the legs does not matter. Balneological baths also strengthen the vessels. The adoption of baths of herbs: chamomile, celandine, oregano, oak bark, as well as needles and cones will contribute to the establishment of blood circulation in the legs.

Avoiding weights

First of all, this applies to extra pounds that we carry on ourselves daily. Heavy bags of food, suitcases provide your men. Take care of your health and do not overload the lower limbs.

Comfortable shoes - the key to healthy legs

Wear comfortable comfortable shoes and avoid temperature difference. From wearing uncomfortable pads with high heels and pointed socks, it is better to refrain. In cold weather, do not allow the wetting of shoes and legs.

More clearly about the essence, properties and training of blood vessels can be found from the video:

Most people, having a disease of blood vessels, relate to this phenomenon as a norm. Undoubtedly, at first you can improve tone and influence the strengthening of vessels with folk remedies. However, if necessary, do not postpone a visit to a specialist. Your health is in your hands.


Antonina 25.07.2016 Answer

Very correct tips. You need to protect legs in general. I take a contrast shower, and I also smear my legs with platelets. For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins, this is a very good remedy. He helped strengthen the walls of the vessels and made mesh on his feet less noticeable.
