
Diet for pancreatitis

Diet for pancreatitis
Compliance with the diet with pancreatitis is one of the main treatment points. An article will tell about the features of diet.

The pancreas covered by the inflammatory process is a verdict for the entire digestive tract. In the pancreas, a number of substances are synthesized that provide normal digestion of food and neutralizing the gastric sour secret. The insufficient number of these substances (hormones and enzymes) becomes the first link in the chain of the problems that a person who is faced with inflammation of the pancreas, or pancreatitis faces. In the dynamics of the disease, there are acute and chronic stages - both conditions are an occasion to transfer the patient to therapeutic nutrition.

Diet for pancreatitis: fundamental moments

Diet is one of the main points of the complex treatment of pancreatitis. Its main goal is to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract using a mechanical and temperature regime. As practice shows, every day of the diet with pancreatitis brings the patient closer to recovery: restores the normal activity of the pancreas, protects the walls of the stomach and intestines from the corroding effects of some food products, suppresses the functions of the gall bladder and retains the liver healthy.

The diet for pancreatitis, as with cholecystitis, involves compliance with table No. 5 according to the singer. The essence of such a power is to limit the amount of fat in the diet with a sufficient volume of proteins and moderate - carbohydrates (namely sugar). In addition, thanks to table No. 5, the patient has positive changes in the activity of the intestine (the peristalsis of its walls increases), and the blood cholesterol levels are significantly reduced. Thus, in addition to suppressing the inflammatory reaction for pancreatitis, table No. 5 according to the Pevzner can be considered an excellent preventive method to prevent fatty hepatosis and diabetes.


The energy composition of diet No. 5 for pancreatitis involves the following ratio of nutrients:

  • proteins - at least 100 g, 65% of them should have animal nature;
  • fats - from 300 to 350 g, about 20% of them should be vegetable;
  • carbohydrates - approximately 350 g. The amount of sugar must be limited up to 40 g per day;
  • salt - no more than 6 - 10 g (food will seem undergrated);
  • liquids in the form of drinks - 1.5 - 2 liters.

The nutritional value of the daily diet on such a diet does not exceed 2600 kcal.

Features of diet and table with pancreatitis

We draw your attention to the important nuances of a person’s dietary nutrition with such a disappointing diagnosis:

  1. The patient's condition with an acute form of the disease, as well as with exacerbation of its sluggish form, requires special mechanical processing of food. All products should be well decorated, darts or steamed. The consistency of the dishes is as gentle as possible.
  2. The most suitable food temperature is from 20 to 50 ° C, that is, the dishes will be neither hot nor cold.
  3. During the treatment of pancreatitis, overeating is unacceptable.
  4. The food should be limited - it is better to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions than to overeat in the morning and evening. If you learn to quench hunger with the minimum amount of food, the food will be well absorbed, and the pain in the pancreatic will also disappear after eating.
  5. It is necessary to refuse smoking and alcohol not only during the treatment of pancreatitis, but also after its completion. The aggressive composition of alcoholic beverages causes the formation of the so -called protein plaques that settles in the ducts of the pancreas. Due to the disturbance of patency, the duct is impossible for a full-fledged outflow of pancreatic juices in the duodenum. Thus, the secret that remains in the sick organ only helps to spread an inflammatory reaction and causes the self -destruction of the pancreas. The presence of nicotine in the body ceases the synthesis of enzymes that neutralize vinegar aldehyde, which appears as a result of the decay of alcohol. This substance stimulates the development of inflammation in the pancreas.


Diet for acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is always accompanied by severe pain. To suppress this unpleasant symptom, the patient must refuse food and constantly rest. In the first days after the manifestation of the disease, you need to refuse food, provide yourself with maximum physical rest, not worry, often apply a heating pad with ice to the sore spot.

The permissible amount of liquid during this period is 1.5 - 2 liters of non -carbonated alkaline water. On 3 - 4 days, you can start eating liquid, strongly boiled porridge on the water and unsweetened tea. 5-6 days after an acute attack, the patient will diversify the protein omelet, wiped buckwheat or oatmeal, a handful of white bread crackers, steamed vegetables. It is necessary to eat small portions 6 times a day.

After some time, when the disease retreats, the menu is replenished with puddings, mousses, casserole and diluted juices. Then the patient is transferred to the 5th number of the diet on the singer with pancreatitis. After removing the attack of the acute form of the disease, a person will always be at risk. In order to prevent the repeated exacerbation of pancreatitis, the image of the nutrition will have to be reviewed once and for all.


Diet menu for pancreatitis: “you can” and “impossible”

Dishes permitted with such a disease must meet the following requirements:

  • provoke not high activity of the pancreas;
  • reduce the number of enzymes produced by the pancreas;
  • quickly leave the cavity of the stomach and small intestines;
  • prevent flatulence so as not to strengthen the already existing pain in the abdomen;
  • easy to absorb and contain a large amount of proteins.

Recommended products

The list of permissible products that form the basis of the diet in chronic pancreatitis proves that life does not end during the treatment:

  1. Do not deny yourself bread if you are accustomed to regularly eating it: a small number of slightly dried pieces of white bread or crackers will not be harmful from it.
  2. The first dishes should be vegetarian - in addition to wiped vegetables to soups, you can add vermicelli, semolina and oatmeal.
  3. With pancreatitis, it is not necessary to exclude meat and fish from the diet. One condition: meat products (beef, veal, chicken, rabbit, turkey) and fish (cod, pollock, carp) is better to cook and grind.
  4. You can prepare yourself buckwheat porridge, oatmeal, semolina or rice porridge on water and milk in a proportion of 1 to 1.
  5. All dairy products on your table should be reduced fat.
  6. You can eat eggs - in the form of a steam omelet from proteins, and boiled yolks (no more than 2 pieces) allow yourself 1 time in 5 - 7 days.
  7. The daily menu for chronic pancreatitis is easily diversified with potatoes, zucchini, carrots, beets, pumpkin, cauliflower, green peas.
  8. To make the finished dishes tastier, flavify them with cream (about 30 g per day) and vegetable (about 15 g per day) oils.
  9. Change sugar to xylitol. Fruits and berries are allowed exclusively sweet, without "sourness". This is a wonderful basis for mousse, jelly, pudding and compote. It is best to bake apples.
  10. From drinks, give preference to weak tea with lemon, still mineral water, juices diluted with water (1 to 1).

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Forbidden products

If you were diagnosed with pancreatitis, you will have to refuse products that cause enhanced secretion of gastric juice and the secret of the pancreatic. If the secretion is too intense, excess juice will cause the pancreatic self -digestion.

Diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas is aimed at blocking an inflammatory reaction that has gripped a sore organ. To stabilize your condition for a long time with pancreatitis, forget about the following products and dishes:

  1. Sweet puff and baking, fresh with rye and wheat bread.
  2. Fatty, smoked, fried meat and fish products. There should also be no sausages, canned food and dishes from offal on the table.
  3. Soups on strong broth of mushrooms, meat or fish. Dairy soups, okroshka, beetroot.
  4. "Milk" with a high percentage of fat content.
  5. Porridge from cereals that spur the production of pancreatic juice: pearl barley, millet, wheat, corn.
  6. Eggs and boiled eggs.
  7. “Aggressors” in the form of cabbage, radish, eggplant, radish, radishes, turnips, garlic, spinach and bell pepper.
  8. Candy, chocolate, ice cream, jam. Too sweet fruits and berries (for example, bananas, dates, grapes).
  9. Spices with a pronounced taste. You will have to abandon black and red pepper, coriander, horseradish, vinegar, acute tomato sauce.
  10. Forget about coffee, cocoa, strong black tea, soda and grape juice.


Diet with exacerbation of pancreatitis

If the chronic form of the disease exacerbates, the usual diet is made more scarce. In this case, a carbohydrate-white diet is best suited. The percentage of fats, which can significantly overload the pancreas and gall bladder, reduce to a minimum, leaving only a small portion of vegetable oil.

Until the pain is dulled again, the main part of the food should be liquid and wiped, devoid of salt and other spices. All dishes are extremely warm. In the first 1 - 2 days, the patient can eat lean soups with crushed vegetables, liquid cereals cooked on water (rice, semolina, oatmeal), puree from vegetables, low -fat cottage cheese and non -acidic kefir, weak tea without sugar.

Gradually, the proteins of chicken eggs, fruit jelly prepared for steam and fish are not fatty varieties, crackers can be introduced into the menu. It is strictly forbidden to overeat, but you need to eat up to 6 times a day.


Pancreatitis diet: menu for a week

After the blockade of an attack of acute pancreatitis, you always need to be on the alert, because the pancreas is now more vulnerable than ever and needs a careful attitude. It is important to think over your menu so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Here are options for an approximate diet for pancreatitis. The volume of portions is not specifically indicated, since it is necessary to take into account the physique and weight of the patient, as well as the features of his previous image of the nutrition. The main thing is that they are small.

Remember that a day you can eat 20 g of butter, 200 g of bread, 30 g of sugar and about 7 - 8 g of salt.

Option No. 1

1st meal: mashed potatoes, a piece of dried bread, tea.

2nd meals: protein omelet, steam ties from chicken meat, a piece of dried bread, a glass of milk of the minimum degree of fat content.

3rd meal: chicken soup in weak broth, a pair of zucchini, a piece of dried bread, Uzvar, a handful of dried fruits.

4th meal: fruit jelly or fruit jelly.

5th meal: oatmeal on water, a steamed beef cutlet, carrot puree, tea with milk.


Option No. 2

In the morning, on an empty stomach: a weak rosewerk decoction.

1st meal: a slice of finely chopped boiled lean meat.

2nd meal: protein omelet, rosehip decoction.

3rd meal: milk soup, vegetable puree, a piece of boiled fish, a compote of dried apples and pears.

4th meal: cottage cheese pudding, unsweetened tea.

5th meal: baked potatoes with zucchini, a glass of kefir.


Why is it important to follow a diet for pancreatitis

Compliance with the dietary image of the diet helps the pancreas to get rid of the inflammatory process and the pain that accompany it, and also prevent the development of various complications of pancreatitis.

With the help of a diet, the synthesis of enzymes necessary for full digestion is established, the affected intestinal walls are restored, the body attacks with harmful toxins. Proper nutrition is aimed at normalizing the activities of all organs of the digestive system as a whole.


Complications of the disease

Failure to comply with the diet threatens the patient with severe consequences in exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis or with its acute form. The following diseases can develop as complications of pancreatitis:

  1. Jaundice (on the basis of a disturbed outflow of bile).
  2. Hepatic hypertension.
  3. The ulceration of the digestive tract.
  4. Inflammation of the sheets of pleura.
  5. Difficult passage of juices through the duodenum.
  6. Pancreatic cancer.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Damage to the brain.

How to eat with pancreatitis. Video



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