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Fractional nutrition

Fractional nutrition
Fractional diet for weight loss: rules, tips, menu. The essence of fractional nutrition

The fractional nutrition system was originally developed for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Now fractional nutrition is successfully used in the fight against excess weight. The essence of fractional nutrition lies in regular meals in small portions, with a frequency every 3-4 hours.

Fractional diet for weight loss


Otherwise, this system of weight loss is called the "diet of pasture." The name came from the English word "Grazing" that translates "fall".

Nutrition allows fractionally to cope with a sense of hunger and eat foods exactly as much as the body needs to be full of life and saturation. As you know, in the intervals between the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), a sufficient amount of time takes place, so the body develops special hormones stimulating appetite. As a result, during the use of food, without feeling saturation, a person eats more norms.

Even with prolonged breaks between meals, the body puts off reserves in the form of fat. Proper fractional nutrition allows you to exclude overeating, as a result of which a person receives a sufficient amount of food, and the digestive system independently copes with previously set fat reserves.

You can get used to nutrition for this system of weight loss after 7-14 days.

Fractional diet options for losing weight


There are two ways to lose weight using a fractional power system. Each of them must choose independently, depending on employment during the day and on the specific needs of the body.

Method 1 fractional power

  • It is necessary to take food immediately as soon as a feeling of hunger occurs.
  • To bite during the day should be very small portions.
  • As “snacks”, fresh fruits, a piece of bread or low -fat cookies are used.
  • The fractional nutrition menu for weight loss is made depending on individual preferences.
  • Food is taken every hour or even more often (every half hour).
  • Every day you need to drink two or more liters of water.
  • During losing weight, you need to listen to your body in order to prevent overeating, but also do not starve.
  • 2 fractional power method

  • Suitable for people with strong employment or for those who are in a team, where it is inconvenient to eat every hour.
  • The daily amount of food should be divided into 6 servings.
  • Three portions will be full meals, and the rest - “snacks”.
  • The fractional nutrition menu for a week is made depending on individual preferences.
  • Every day you need to drink 2 or more liters of water.
  • All flour and sweets are necessarily excluded from the diet.
  • Advantages of fractional nutrition


    • Adhering to fractional power supply, diet and strict food restrictions are not required, because you can use all the usual products (with the exception of harmful ones).
    • The body quickly gets used to the fractional diet.
    • Calorie consumption decreases gradually, so the body of a losing weight is not experienced.
    • With fractional diet, there is no feeling of hunger, unlike other diets.
    • Adhering to fractional nutrition, you can avoid deposition of fats in problem areas (on the waist and hips of women, in the sides and abdomen in men).
    • It does not have many medical contraindications, unlike other diets. On the contrary, fractional nutrition is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, ulcer, gastritis, colitis).
    • Adhering to the fractional nutrition system, the result of losing weight persists for a rather long time.
    • Suitable for people suffering from diabetes, since timely food consumption of small doses helps to lower blood sugar.
    • Food used by portioned is much better absorbed by the body.
    • The feeling of drowsiness that occurs as a result of oversaturation with food disappears.
    • You can get rid of 4-6 kg. per month.
    • The body is not overloaded with food.
    • Fractional nutrition, reviews of which are only positive, contributes to rapid weight loss.
    • The level of performance increases.
    • Since dense dinners are excluded, insomnia disappears.
    • The metabolism is accelerated, which contributes to rapid weight loss.

    Disadvantages of fractional power


    • Requires constant calculation of calories consumed.
    • Portations for the whole day should be harvested in advance.
    • Requires to control and plan a daily diet.
    • Often those who adhere to fractional power systems have a snack with high -calorie products, which adversely affect the body.
    • Due to frequent meals, the release of acids increases for its processing. Therefore, teeth and the entire mouth often suffer.
    • The feeling of hunger is muffled, so you often have to “force” yourself on a schedule.

    Fractional nutrition rules

    mID Section View of A Woman Cutting Vegetables

    • You need to take food 5-6 times a day.
    • The break between meals should be 2-3 hours.
    • You need to eat regularly. Even if there is no appetite.
    • The size of one portion should be no more than one glass.
    • The most satisfying should be breakfast. Be sure to include carbohydrates in its composition (for example, different cereals, muesli, whole grain bread).
    • For lunch, you need to consume liquid dishes (soups, borscht).
    • Dinner should be “hot”. It may include stewed vegetables or meat dishes.
    • During "snacks" you can consume fresh vegetables, low -fat cottage cheese, grain bread, muchen (only without sugar), natural yogurt.
    • Minimize or completely exclude chocolate, coffee, fast foods, sweets, potatoes from the diet.
    • Plan the diet for the day so that it includes the necessary vitamins, fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
    • Include low -calorie products in the daily menu.
    • Start following the diet of a fractional power system from weekends.
    • Plan the menu in advance, calculating the exact number of meals.
    • Do not include everything in the menu. Only low -calorie and useful products. Moreover, food should be consumed regularly, strictly in time.
    • When drawing up the menu, use the calorie content table.
    • Do not use this weight loss system if you do not have a feeling of hunger with three meals a day. Because here you will have to "force" yourself to eat 5-6 times a day.
    • This system of weight loss is not suitable for those who want to get rid of excess weight very quickly. Such a diet is designed for a long period, but also for a very persistent result.
    • Combine a diet with simple physical exercises.
    • Include a lot of green vegetables in the diet. They contribute to the elimination of fluid from the body.
    • Do not "bite" with fresh fruits, as they stimulate appetite.

    How to make a fractional nutrition menu


    When compiling a fractional nutrition menu, focus on:

    • own sensations,
    • employment level,
    • individual food needs,
    • diet rules,
    • calorie table.

    Before switching to fractional nutrition, do not forget to get a consultation of your doctor.

    Menu compilation steps:

    • In the first 2 weeks, the energy value of your daily diet should consist of 1200-1500 cal. Next, a day should be consumed 1,500-1800 cal.
    • Choose products from the calorie content table, the energy value of which in total will be equal to the necessary daily norm.
    • Divide all the selected products into portions that you will use during the day.
    • Keep in mind that the most high -calorie should be breakfast. Further, the energy value of the used nutrition should decrease.
    • The size of the portions can be reduced gradually. As a result, it should be equal to one glass.
    • If it is difficult for you to adhere to the “mathematical method” of weight loss (calculation of calories), then orient yourself visually. So, a piece of meat that can be eaten should not exceed the size of the ball for tennis, and a portion of vegetables - half a glass or fist.

    Do not include fractional nutrition in the menu:

    • Fat foods.
    • Snec, fast food.
    • Semi -finished products.
    • Sauces.
    • Chocolate.
    • Baking and baking.
    • Frying dishes.
    • Refined products.
    • Packed juices and carbonated drinks.

    Fractional power: menu for 1 day (approximate)


    Option 1 fractional power

  • Breakfast (8.00). Porridge (barley) and bread or muesli. Cheese. Banana or apple (to choose from). Tea with honey.
  • Lunch. Natural yogurt. Bread.
  • Lunch (13.00). Vegetable soup. Boiled meat. Bread.
  • Afternoon snack. Vegetable salad. Cookies and tea.
  • Dinner (18.00). Stewed vegetables, vegetable salad. Fish or eggs.
  • The second dinner. 1-2 fresh fruit.
  • Before going to bed. A glass of kefir.
  • Option 2 fractional power

  • Breakfast (8.00). Porridge (semolina) and bread. Cottage cheese (low -fat) with berries, grapefruit juice.
  • Lunch. Fill without sugar. 2 apples.
  • Lunch (13.00). Vegetable soup. Boiled meat (chicken). Bread. Vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack. Cookies and tea. 1 handful of berries.
  • Dinner (18.00). Stewed vegetables. A portion of brown rice.
  • The second dinner. Yogurt.
  • Before going to bed. A glass of kefir.
  • Option 3 fractional power

  • Breakfast (8.00). Porridge (buckwheat) and bread. Omelette.
  • Lunch. 1 egg. 2 tomatoes.
  • Lunch (13.00). Vegetable soup. Boiled meat (chicken). Bread.
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese. Cookies and tea. 1 pear.
  • Dinner (18.00). Stewed vegetables. Steam fish.
  • The second dinner. 1 banana.
  • Before going to bed. Drinking yogurt.
  • Fractional power: calorie table

    Calorie-products table2-copy

    Fractional power: calorie table

    Calorie-product table2

    Fractional power: calorie table

    Fractional nutrition: photo before and after


    Fractional nutrition


    Fractional nutrition


    Fractional nutrition


    Fractional nutrition

    Fractional power - video



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