
How to choose a stroller

How to choose a stroller
Tips for choosing children's strollers. Types of strollers.

The variety of selection of baby strollers today is a considerable difficulty for young mothers. It is necessary to take into account a lot of criteria when buying, as well as convenience, wear resistance and price.

The main criteria for the correct selection of the stroller

There are several factors that must be taken into account when choosing:

  • In what period of the year was the child born?
  • Who will mainly roll the child?
  • Where do parents live with a child (multi -storey or private house)?
  • The price of a baby stroller that parents claim to be purchased.

Secondary selection criteria are also taken into account. It can be materials, a brand and color scheme of strollers.


How to choose a baby stroller: types of prams

In their functionality, strollers are divided into several types:

  • stroller-lulka (closed);
  • walking "two in one";
  • walking stroller-through (open);
  • universal "transformer" or "three in one";
  • strollers for two.

In order to know which stroller to choose, we consider in more detail each of them, taking into account the individual characteristics of each model and the price policy of brands and manufacturers.

Closed stroller-bond

Classic children's strollers for newborns are usually used for about 8 months, since in such a model the child is most convenient to lie. Such a stroller, as a rule, costs cheaper than others, but it is suitable only for a short period until the child can sit. If you need a winter stroller for a child, then this option will be the best solution.

Such strollers are made with high sides and can be with a removable cradle (depending on the model), which is very convenient for transportation. If your baby was born in winter or autumn, and you do not know which stroller to choose for winter, stop on this option. Such models are created taking into account the winter conditions and are characterized by large shock -absorbing wheels for convenient transportation.

Strong handles of such models are usually regulated for convenient position and maneuvering, and are also equipped with mittens or couplings for the convenience of the child’s parents. The manufacturer of Tako strollers offers an excellent selection of such models at fairly affordable prices.


Walking stroller "Two in one"

Such strollers are used from 6 months, but if the child was born in the warm period, you can do without buying a cradle and immediately choose a walking option. Baby stroller 2 in 1 can be on 4 or 6 wheels.

These models can be equipped with a soft mattress and add up well, which is convenient for transportation and raising to the floor. The stroller also has two provisions: face to you or on the street. A dense cover will protect the child from the bad weather.

The standard of this model can be considered PEG Perego strollers, which can be quite expensive (about 15 thousand rubles). Such a stroller is supplied with a basket for purchases, a raincoat, a table, a visor and other accessories. Models of this brand are often copied by Chinese manufacturers and are much cheaper.


Walking open stroller-path

If the child is already having a spine, and he can sit confidently, then an open walking baby stroller will suit you. Such a model is formed by a book when you press the levers. Weight usually does not exceed 8 kilograms - these are the lightest strollers. The price of such a stroller will be about 3 thousand rubles.

The design usually consists of a seat and a canopy. There are winter options for canes with more massive wheels, but they are suitable for children from year to year. Such a winter cane is less protected from the cold than a model with a cradle, so the child needs to be dressed warmer. The seat can be thrown back to the "reclining" position, but is not suitable for constant sleep.  For example, the Chicco brand provides a large selection of such models.


Transformer or stroller 3 in 1

This species is the most expensive of the strollers presented, but is fully justified due to its multifunctionality. Such a stroller is suitable for any age of the baby. The situation can be adjusted both to face (from the wind) and on the street.

Baby universal strollers can be equipped with a removable frame with a cradle and a car seat, which is used as a walking option in a sitting position, as well as a basket for purchases from below. The weight of such a stroller is quite heavy and the model is not mobile for carrying in public transport and floors.

The cross -country ability is very high due to large wheels in winter, which you can change to lighter for a warm period. Such a stroller will cost about 15 thousand rubles, but it can be purchased for babies and used until the child wants to walk. Such models are perfectly represented in a wide range of ADAMEX carriage manufacturer.


Strollers for twins

If you have twins, then you need a stroller of a special type. A well -known Italian manufacturer of high -quality children's strollers CAM provides a huge selection of such models. Strollers for two children are with a common place or with two separate cradles. It is worth taking into account the dimensions of the doors of the house and, for example, in the elevator or entrance, since such a stroller will be especially wide.

The option with individual cradles will be more convenient, since you can remove them separately and transfer them without disturbing each baby. If the door passages are especially narrow, then the stroller is suitable for a “steam locomotive”, where the cradle are located one after another. You can also place the kids face to each other.

Such a stroller “steam locomotive” is more maneuverable, in size it is not much exceeding the usual stroller per one and can be used as a walking (if walking blocks are included). There are also models with car chairs and other removable accessories, which will supplement or facilitate the structure and weight for carrying.


Which stroller is better to choose?

To solve this important issue, you need to decide on the characteristics necessary for choosing a baby stroller:

  • Wheels.
  • Weight.
  • Size.
  • Folding.
  • Springs-springs or belts.
  • Cradle.
  • Back.
  • Pen.
  • Hood.
  • Materials.
  • Other accessories.



Since mostly children are rolled up by mothers, grandmothers or nannies, it is necessary to choose a stroller convenient in maneuvering and passage of the wheels. The larger the wheels, the more stable the stroller itself is and the larger level of patency. Large wheels made of rubber have the best depreciation and protectors, which will reduce shaking.

Wheels can be rotating with the possibility of fixing them if necessary. Also, the wheels can be changed to plastic ones, for example, for movement in the snow. It is also worth paying attention to the width of the distance between the wheels for the convenience of passage, as well as the fact that large wheels weight the stroller.


It is necessary to find out what weight you will be able to raise the floor you need. The more details and accessories in the stroller, the harder it is. It is worth noting that aluminum details are considered the lightest, but they are more often breaking.


Also, a very important factor for buying a baby stroller is its size. It all depends on the place of residence of the family. Consider the dimensions of the entrance doors, elevator and car. The stroller should be placed in public transport if necessary.


The ability to fold the stroller

For a car or storage of a stroller of the house, it is necessary to take into account its dimensions in folded form and the complexity of the folding procedure. If the stroller storage area is not limited, then it can not be assembled, as well as acquire large models.


The model on belts will be more convenient and mobile than on springs or springs. The belts allow you to rock the cradle and reduce concussions, but the belts are more often erased. On the springs, the stroller will be more durable, but you need to choose high -quality springs to reduce shaking.


With the cradle, the models become more mobile, as it can be transferred separately from the main building. Also, the high walls of the cradle are perfectly protected from bad weather. If the child grows out of the cradle, you will have to buy a mattress for a replacement.


The seat and back of the stroller should be adjusted, as the grown up baby may want to sleep on the street and the position of sitting will be uncomfortable. It is also worth paying attention to the adjustment of the steps and the possibility of washing and washing the structure.



The pen can also be regulated, which provides control of management. The regulation of height will allow the mother not to stoop and overcome various obstacles. There are also models of strollers with a rearranged handle to protect against bad weather and observe the child. But models with a fixed handle are considered more durable in operation.


The hood should open perfectly in good weather and reliably protect from bad weather - winds and precipitation. There are also models with an additional apron to the hood. They insulate the structure and protect from the rain. Usually performed with polyethylene insert on the outside.


The material can be synthetic or natural, but still has a synthetic winter layer. Also, the synthetic material is more durable, smells less and dries faster. Dark materials are practical, but also faster.

The lining material should only be natural. The lining itself should be removed for washing. It is better to choose a stroller with a light inner lining and with a dim pattern on it.


Bags and pockets

The more pockets and removed bags in a stroller, the more convenient it is to use. Do not forget that if you load the stroller too much with an additional weight, you will have to raise a heavier weight.


The basket should be roomy, easily accessible and comfortable, but its location should not be too low to overcome obstacles. Pay attention to the height of the sides of the basket so as not to lose anything on the road.

A car for a car

If you purchase a car chair separately, then pay attention to the softness, strength and reliability of materials and belts. Also, the chair should have at least five points with a seat in the car and special places for connecting with the belts of the machine.

Envelope or blanket with a pillow

To make the child warmer in winter, you can buy a special envelope or dressed separately and a pillow. The envelope can be made of natural sheepskin and fastened to the lock. The blanket should not be bought from synthetic winterizer, as the child will sweat under it. The pillow should be low so as not to spoil the posture and not deform the spine.


Other accessories

A transparent cover from the rain, a grid from insects, an umbrella or a visor from the sun, a clutch for a bottle, a bottle, a table and other accessories are not the most important when choosing a stroller and can go both in the kit and sold separately.

Buying a baby stroller

Before buying and going to the store, you can see the model of strollers on the photo on the Internet and decide on the necessary model and price policy. The choice of strollers in the virtual store will be greater, and the price is lower. You can also purchase a nursery stroller in various women's forums for mothers.

A few tips for buying a baby stroller:

  • when making a purchase on the Internet, you need to be careful in choosing a seller, you should not rush at the first cheap price that came across, because you can purchase a poor -quality product;
  • the best baby stroller cannot be cheap - it will be expensive, but the quality and durability will correspond to;
  • the car in the kit is often very inconvenient and it is better to purchase it separately;
  • the wheel of the stroller must certainly be of the same size;
  • plastic parts are light and short -lived, and steel parts are the most heavy and strong;
  • walking strollers and parts should be equipped with fixing belts;
  • the wheels should be equipped with brakes for a complete stop of the stroller on slippery or inclined surfaces;
  • it is advisable to choose the color of the stroller not very bright because of its stinkiness and not very dark, especially for the summer period, in order to avoid overheating;
  • choose models of baby strollers according to the photo on the Internet, and check the functionality in the store personally;
  • do not start only from the name of the brand or manufacturer of strollers, as well as from the functions you need to the child.


We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the advice of the program E. Malysheva and her colleagues “Live Great”, watching the following video.

How to choose a baby stroller. Video

Guided by all of the above tips, you can safely go to the store for a baby stroller. Do not forget to take into account important factors for further convenient use, as well as the fact that a baby stroller is purchased for several years and must certainly be convenient and practical for both parents and the child himself. Do not save on your child, because he will make the first discoveries exactly lying in a stroller.


Anonymous 16.03.2015 Answer

I always wanted twins. But ... .. next time. And now, for Syshka, they bought ANEX Elan. They ordered on an Internet, so there were two weeks of troubled waiting. But the stroller is just super and worth it. Now we have not yet managed to grow out, as we get offers to sell. In our city in the store there are no more. And in the park we are special and most fashionable.

Suprunova Katya 16.03.2016 Answer

and we bought their new model-ANEX Sport, very cool. The manufacturer thought out everything to the smallest detail, in a stroller the child is convenient and safe, and mom is easy. The stroller is easy to control and is very well shocking. But the design is just wonderful, indeed, everyone turns around and ask what kind of model. It's so nice that we go in the park in the best stroller)

Anonymous 02.11.2016 Answer

We ordered a modern stroller for the baby in the internet. The elevator is placed without problems. We walk along our roads perfectly, what we need. I recommend everyone.

Julia 28.11.2017 Answer

Our Anex Cross stroller looks very modern, and the quality is real European. I like her.

Albina 01.12.2017 Answer

Thanks for the useful information! For myself, I chose a stroller Chicso Urban Plus. She is a stroller transformer is already a huge plus, because this makes it possible to save money on a walking stroller in the future. It easily transforms from a stroller for newborns to a walking. The dimensions of the stroller allow you to enter any elevator (and not just cargo), transport in the trunk, and store at home (easily going). Everything is thought out in it, and for the safety of the child and comfort, and the comfort of both the baby and the parent.
