
How to draw a cow in a phased pencil. How easy and beautifully draw a cow for children

How to draw a cow in a phased pencil. How easy and beautifully draw a cow for children
How easy to draw a cow for children. How to draw a cow stickedly a pencil beautifully. Step-by-step draw a cow for beginners.

Learning little less, everyone, ranging from a small child and ending with an adult man. For this, you just need your more desire to create and clearly comply with all rules and drawing stages. And do not even need to be new Chagall or Repin, you can easily draw your original paintings.

Before proceeding to the image of still lifes and landscapes, it is best to try yourself in drawing simple pictures, such as animals. Children always start their first steps in drawing from pets they see in their lives. Most often it is dogs, cats, various birds, as well as cows. Undoubtedly, the grandmother in the village everyone admired this unique animal, which gives such tasty milk. That is why each kid and adult will be interested in trying to draw a picture with a cow. In this article, consider the features of drawing a cow with a pencil for beginners in stages, as well as give detailed instructions and master classes of the image of a cow in various techniques and in several levels of complexity.

Features of drawing cow pencil phased

Drawing is a creative and exciting process that requires a child primarily of great interest and perseverance. That is why parents need to start trying to draw with their baby to draw from the most interesting items for him. Most often, children make their first steps in drawing with simple domestic figures, and then go to more complex images. The cow is a friendly and unique animal, which gives everyone such useful and tasty milk, kefir, sour cream, yogurt. Of course, to draw a cow to a child 2 or 3 years will be quite difficult, so it is better to start trying only on average and older preschool age. It is important to comply with all the rules and features to obtain a beautiful unusual drawing of a cow.

  • First of all, the child must be interested. To do this, you can tell the baby a few fun and exciting stories about the cow. You can also view together cartoons with cow or documentaries about these animals.
  • Also in order to facilitate the process of drawing, you can pick up a few pictures of the cows so that then it was possible to sink separate parts and the image in general of this pet.
  • As noted above, it is best to start drawing a cow with a senior pre-school group or from elementary school, since before this age the children will be difficult to master such a drawing.
  • It is best to start with your child to draw a cow from the simplest cartoon images. Most often, they consist of large parts of simple forms that can undermine a small child. Gradually, you can move to the image of more complex drawings close to realistic pictures.
  • It is recommended to start drawing a cow with his head and muzzle, and then already begin drawing the body and limbs.
  • Draw a cow in stages to children will be easier for a simple pencil, since in this case you can easily erase unnecessary lines with an eraser. Having received a small experience, children can draw this pet with colored pencils, wovers, paints, crayons.
  • Before starting to draw a cow, it is necessary to prepare your workplace. To do this, place a picture of a cow, a blank sheet of paper, sharply sharpened simple pencil, eraser, color pencils. And you can proceed to drawing with your child or yourself, if you visited inspiration and the desire to create.

How to draw a cow pencil for beginners - detailed master classes

Next, consider step-by-step instructions drawing a cow in a variety of options, using a simple pencil, child's desire and your imagination.

Draw a cow for children - master class

Children are creative personality, which from the ever begin to portray their world around their own way. In the same way, it will happen when you start drawing a cow with them. Therefore, it is best to choose a very bright and memorable visual material, which will undoubtedly have to do a little artist. Consider a fairly funny image of a pencil phased pencil.

Necessary materials:

  • Tight white paper sheet.
  • A simple pencil, sharply sharpened.
  • Sharpener, eraser.
  • Colour pencils.

Cow drawing process:

  • First of all, put a sheet of paper in front of the child, it is best to turn it horizontally, so you can evenly distribute all parts of the animal image.
  • Start drawing a cow for this option is best with the body. To do this, approximately in the center of the sheet, draw an obliged oval in a horizontal location. After that, on the left side, I drew a smaller oval, only already in a vertical position. This is the future cow head. Draw also a separation line just below the middle of the head - this is the detailing of the muzzle of the cow. To see the first steps of this pattern in more detail on the provided image.

  • Next, from more oval, draw the legs of the cow. To do this, draw two oblong oval of the forelimbs, after which the rear is exactly the same. In place hoofs make small roundings.

  • After that, depict the ears from the cow. For this, a simple pencil draw triangles with rounded vertices, and within them curved lines.

  • At the next stage, it's time to proceed to the detail of the drawing of the cow. Between the ears, draw the horns in the form of sharp long triangles. Little circles will be the eyes of a cow. Circles more can be painted all over the body - so the cow will become spotted.

  • In the lower half of the face below the feature, draw two mug for the nostrils of the cow, and a large circle near the ear. Be sure to cow you need to draw a tail with a fluffy tassel, as well as udder, as shown in the figure.

  • In order for the drawing to be brighter and clear, circle all the lines of the felt-tip pen or gel handle. Also, if you wish, you can paint the resulting cow with colored pencils, having highlight the spots on the body torso with a contrasting color.

How to draw a cow easily - a detailed description

Next, let's try to draw a very interesting and cheerful cow, to portray what is even a little child. And the joyful and playful expression on the muzzle will undoubtedly benefit the baby.

  • Take a blank sheet of paper and start drawing a cow from the very top, i.e. with ears and horns. So that everything turned out correctly and beautiful, it is recommended to draw the head of the cow of the line, without taking the pencil from paper. First, draw a rounded little ear, from which one acute horn immediately goes in the form of a triangle. Next, depict an arc and go to the second rogue and ear - they need to be done the same.


  • At the next stage, one smooth movement needs to draw the entire head of the cow, which has a slightly oblong oval form. Turn into the ears small stokers, and in the upper part of the head two eyes in the form of two small lines located next to each other.


  • Next, at the bottom of the head, we draw an arcuate line in the right corner - thereby separating the muzzle of the cow. In the upper central part, put two points - these are nostrils. And in the bottom draw a cow smile - because the animal should have fun and cheerful. To see more detail how all these parts are drawn, you can in the photo below.


  • At the next stage, we proceed to drawing the tricks of the cow. To do this, start drawing a line from the bottom central point of the head. We carry it down on the required length, make a straight angle for hoofs and lead back up, ending with one limb. We also repeat with the second leg of the cow. Then the arcuate line draw the stomach and go to the rear legs and then smooth back. Thus, the torso of the cow can be drawn in the nearest line.


  • Do not forget to draw a cow tail. Since this cutebird we have a fun, the tail will be directed up with a small neat tassel, as shown in the picture. Also note on the feet of the hoof, for this simple pencil stitch the lower part of the limbs. And most importantly - draw the cow fluttering near the rear legs - semicircle and four oval. To make a drawing of a cow more believable, you can draw stains on the torso stains.


  • A simple and fun drawing of a cow ready. Your child will be in full delight.

How to draw a cow for children 5 years

You can draw a cow in several options. Consider the instructions, how to portray a cow for children for 5 years, which can already cope with drawing various geometric shapes and parts.

Necessary materials:

  • White paper sheet A4 format.
  • Simple pencil.
  • Eraser and sharpener.


  • Start drawing a cow for this option is needed from the head. To do this, approximately in the paper sheet of the paper, draw a slightly elongated semicircle, and immediately under it depict an oblong oval in a horizontal position for the muzzle of the cow. On the face, do not forget to draw a smile in the form of an arched line and nostrils for which you put two small snaps. On the top of the head with two circles, tick your eyes. Circles need to draw in the center, as shown in the figure.

  • Next, to give a cow a more cute and funny look, draw along with your baby over my own little bangs, as shown in the picture. Also depicting ears on both sides of the head in the form of oblong ovals.

  • At the next stage, draw the horns of our storm. To do this, you will show two crescents on the top of the Makushka, whose horns are looking at each other. Next, start drawing the torso. Line from the head, about between the ear and horn. The back of the cow is straight, so the line is black, then close a slightly spinning, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, we make an arcuate line and finish drawing almost in the center of the face with a little displacement on the right side, as shown in the figure.

  • In place, where on the torso, the straight line goes into a semicircle, draw the tail sticking up with a fluffy tassel. To do this, draw a figure in the form of an oblong narrow rectangle, at the end of which a tassel is located like a flower with petals. Draw a cow legs in the form of narrow and long trapezes, which expand to the bottom. On the body of the cow, you can draw abstract specks to give a drawing of realism and naturalness.

  • After that, it remains to paint the stains and draw hooves, our cheerful cow is ready.

How to draw a cow just - master class for children

All children are very loved by domestic animals, which they consider real friends. Particularly exciting for them to listen to stories, for example, about cows, watch cartoons about them. It also helps them learn to draw a cow with the most different ways. Consider a simple version of the image of the cow.

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare your workplace. To do this, take a blank sheet of white paper, turn it horizontally to properly draw a pet. Pleep a simple pencil and go stray.
  • In the center of the sheet, draw a big circle, after which it is necessary to portray the circle of smaller, which is located a bit up and on the left side inside the large circle, as shown in the figure. A large circle is a torso, and a small - cow head.

  • At the next stage, Dorisu Morkochka cow. To do this, from two sides of the small circle, drop down two straight lines and smoothly connect them together, as shown in the image below. After that, draw the ears of the animal. On both sides of the circle from above, you will depict two semi-alone or crescent of a small size.

  • Next, proceed to drawing a cow limbs. To do this, from the bottom of the muzzle, lead a straight line a bit at an angle. Lower it slightly below the circumference of the body, draw the letter V, then a small straight line and again the letter V and bring the line to the circle. After that draw the hind legs. More can be seen on the drawing provided.

  • It remains to add cow small details. Top on the head Draw a horns in the form of triangles with rounded corners. On the top of the head, add small ovals for the eyes. Narrow ovals at the bottom will become nostrils. Do not forget to add a tail with a tassel and specks. Below you can draw schematically grass.

How to draw a cow pencil

Many children, and adults, frighten and fear even try to draw a cow. However, there is nothing difficult here, step by step fulfilling all the instructions and the sequence of the image of the animal, you will have a beautiful individual drawing. And your child will undoubtedly be proud of his creation. Consider another master class drawing cow for children.

  • Prepare your workplace. To do this, place a white paper sheet in a horizontal position and take a well-sharpened simple pencil.
  • Start our drawing is necessary from the general outlines of the head and body of the cow. To do this, draw first a trapezoid for the head that the straight line needs to be divided into two smooth parts. After that, from the top of the trapezium, swipe the line to the length you need and round it in such a way that it is over under the lower jaw, as shown in the figure below.

  • Next, the resulting trapezium is rounded and slightly stretch its base, forming a cow's mouth. In the top of the head on the sides, draw ears in the form of ovoid oval. Near the ears it is necessary to portray small horns. In the form of large oval, draw your eyes, do not forget to add pupils. To highlight the nostrils, you can draw two slopes at the bottom of the face.

  • Swipe from the central bottom of the head down and draw a trapezium for the leg. Nearby draw the second leg. Since the cow will sit, do not forget to mark the back leg near the torso.

  • At the next stage, draw a slightly curved back circuit and do not forget to note the wavy stains throughout the body and on the head - it will give a cow a more realistic appearance.

  • In the end, it will be left to add a tail and a drawing of a cow ready.

How to paint a cow beautifully - a detailed description

The above instructions for drawing cows are more suitable for small children of approximately senior pre-school or younger school age. Next, consider a detailed description of how quickly and simply draw a beautiful cow, the image of which is approximated to realistic.

  • In order to draw such a drawing of a cow, you will need the following materials: white paper sheet, simple pencil, eraser and sharpener.
  • At the first stage, it is necessary to draw common contours of the head and torso. To do this, first draw a small circle, and then a big oval, similar to potatoes. Moreover, a large figure should be drawing in such a way that it crosses the small circle almost in the center, as shown in the image.

  • Next, we note the contours of the main parts of the drawing. At the same stage, draw another circle less under a circle for the head and connect them with two concave lines, giving the smooth shape of the head of the cow. On both sides of the head, depict the ears in the form of triangles with a rounded angle and two oval for the eyes in the center of the circle. Draw the front and hind limbs, not forgetting to schematically mark your knees and hooves. Picture a long and narrow tail of the cow.

  • After that, add a few more details. Draw the horns are quite long and narrow with a pointed edge. Between the horns need to draw crispy bangs, as the cow has a cartoon. In the lower circle, draw two small circles for the nostrils, and in the eyes, check the presence of pupils. Here, notice the bell on the neck, which you need to draw not completely, as shown in the picture.

  • At the next stage, it is necessary to clearly circle all the lines and erase the extra. Highlight the cut of the cow's ears, draw a meal near the rear legs and draw in detail the hooves that must be separated. At the end of the tail, do not forget to draw a fluffy brush. To make a drawing realistic, highlight the rear thigh line and the cockeble bone. The drawing of the cow is ready, it can be painted with colored pencils and add dark stains on the torso.

How to draw a cow's head

Most often in all instructions and master classes, it is recommended to start drawing a cow from the head so that in the ratio with its size draw the torso. Consider in more detail how correctly and quickly draw the face of the cow with a pencil, in the video below.

How to realistically draw a cow - a detailed master class

The most difficult version of the image of a cow is a realistic drawing, which is quite difficult to portray even adult, not to mention the child. However, with a great desire and diligence, you can try to at least approximately draw a real cow for your child.

  • To begin with, put a blank sheet of white paper in a vertical position so that you have a proportional drawing of the cow. Be sure to sharpen a simple pencil - it is easier to draw small details. In this case, you will need an eraser so that you can quickly erase not the resulting lines and details of the pattern.
  • Figure must begin with the application of body contours and head. For this purpose, retreating a little from the center of the sheet to the right, to draw a trapezoid shape with an expanded part at the top and with slightly rounded tip. This is the future head of the cow. Next, from this figure, draw a line back cow, releasing the blade and the coccyx curved lines, as shown in Fig. From the bottom of the head draw a straight line at an angle - it's neck. Mark the contours of her belly, highlighting the places where are limbs.

  • Next, draw a cow legs, highlighting places knees position. From the coccyx, draw a thin and long tail with a small brush on the end. Also, at this stage, mark the location of the udder between the stomach and the back foot. To do this, draw a semi-circle with radiating from it in small ovals. You can see more on the figure below.

  • Next, enjoy a study of a cow's head. Give it a concrete shape, highlighting the location of the nostrils and the eyes of the small convex lines. Draw a cow and two sharp curved horns on the very top of the head. Fully visible, draw the ear, and the second is necessary to represent only the tip. Dash mark the location of the nostrils, and slightly elongated oval cow eyes.

  • In the last step you want to erase all extra lines, then cut around the pencil cows and identify clearly all the details of the picture.

How to draw a cow from Maynkrafta

To date, the most popular game among children and adolescents is considered Maynkraft. The format of this game are cartoons, comics, toys, which consist of blocks. Consider a detailed description of how to draw a cow steps of Maynkrafta.

  • Maynkrafta figures have their own structure - they consist of blocks.
  • Start drawing of a cow Maynkrafta need to head. For this purpose, in the center of the sheet draw hexagon as shown in the figure.

  • Further it is necessary to draw the body of the cow. To do this, draw a box. To accurately understand all the nuances of this, look closely at the photo below.

  • In the next stage of the hexagon is necessary to make a cube. To this end, spend three lines inside the shape golovy.Po either side of the top of the head, draw two small parallelepiped ear.

  • After that, at the bottom of the body need to draw 4 legs, as well as a box. Legs must be the same size and evenly spaced around the trunk.

  • Next, draw your mouth and eyes from the squares, as well as stains throughout the body. After that, the whole drawing can be painted in your favorite shades.

How to draw a cow in cells - video

Cow can be drawn and a little different way. To do this, you will need a notebook into a cell and a simple pencil, and then you just need to carefully draw each cell. You can see this technique for drawing a cow in more detail in the video below.

Photo of drawn cows

Today on the Internet you can find a huge number of different instructions and master classes on drawing a cow for children and adults, as well as for experienced artists. Each individual drawing is a unique image with its features and features. Below is a selection of various photos of drawn cows.

Draw a cow - this is not such a complex process. Even a child can cope with the simplest drawings, and if you do it with him, then creative work will become more fun and exciting.


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