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Care for Gardening

Care for Gardening
How to care for gardensia - a beautiful capricious flower.

Gardenia is a shrub or a small tree. It grows in warm tropical forests of India, Japan and China. There are about 200 different species of these elegant evergreen shrubs.

At home, cultivated only one view - Gardenia jasminoides. It's a beautiful decorative plant may reach a height of 40-45 cm, has a glossy dark green leaves. If you see a gardenia in bloom, your heart will be conquered once and for all! All bush just littered with magnificent double flowers, resembling a rose. Between these fragrant flowers huge number of buds ready is about to open up and shine with snow-white petals. Such magnificence can only be obtained with the right care and constant attention. Gardenia flower pleases their views a week. At first he snow-white, and becomes a gentle cream color with time. Even after the last shall fade flower, gardenia looks great! It has bright and smooth leaves lush crown. Despite the complex care, reviews of gardenia more positive, because its elegant view she can decorate any room.


Care Gardenia jasminoides at home

The plant is very demanding on the light, so it is best to place it on the windowsill. Gardenia that grows on the south window, it is necessary to shade from the sun's daily activity. I do not like a sissy and changes in the form of permutations, or sudden changes in air temperature.

Care gardenia: lighting


Home gardenia good place on the eastern or western window sills, which do not shade trees. During flowering gardenia can not rearrange to another place, or rotate. This may lead to discharge flowers and buds. In the winter, even in the southern windows for gardenia very little light. So that the plant has developed and pleasing flowering gardenia winter it is necessary to illuminate the lamps, positioning them no closer than 60 cm.

Care gardenia: Temperature

Tropical sissy loves heat. The air temperature in the spring-summer season should be 22-24 degrees. In winter, the optimal temperature is 18-20 degrees. Gardenia buds developing at a temperature of not lower than 18 degrees. The roots of this heat-loving plants are very sensitive to cold, so the pot with soil should be warm. Absolutely can not tolerate drafts, as a result of such stress can throw off the buds.

Secrets-growing Garden

Care gardenia: humidity

During active growth gardenia in the home, it is desirable to spray more often. It requires high humidity, because growing gardenia in the warm humid tropical forest.

woman watering plants at home

A particularly sensitive plant becomes during the formation of buds. Dry air provokes precision precision. When spraying the crown of the Gardenia, it is necessary to avoid moisture to enter buds and flowers. If moisture from the buds cannot be avoided, you can replace the spraying on rubbing the leaves with a damp cloth. Gardenia without flowers and zins can be arranged a warm shower.

Gardening: Watering


Care for homemade gardens in spring and summer consists in timely watering. It is impossible to fill a lot of flooding a plant, at the same time, the absolutely dry earth of Gardenia is also not suitable. Water for watering should be taken warm, slightly warmer than the temperature of the Earth, necessarily missed through the filter or resistant within 2-3 days. In winter and fall, the plant should be watered 2-3 days after drying the surface in the pot. It is good to water the gardens of water, into which several drops of lemon juice added. It makes water soft and constantly acidifies the soil. Watering into the pallet this plant is not suitable.

Gardening care: fertilizer

Falkering plants should be carried out every two weeks. It is recommended to use liquid fertilizer for flowering indoor plants. The dosage is indicated in the instructions that should be strictly observed. In the winter months, the feeding is not necessary.

Care of Gardenia: Transplant


If you purchased a flowering plant, it is better not to transplant it until the end of flowering. Adult plants transplant once a year or less often, depending on the state of the soil, or if necessary, change the pot. The most favorable period for replanting Gardenia is an early spring or immediately after flowering. Plant requires drainage and light sourness. If you find it difficult to prepare the right soil for this flower, you can buy a ready-made substrate for azaleas. Slightly smoeming the soil in the pot, remove the plant, smooth the excess ground with the roots. In an adult developed flower, it is possible to cut the roots a bit, remove dry and darkened roots, if any. Young plant transplant without trimming.

Care of Gardenia: Pruning

Crumbles should be made after the last flower has dowed. Pruning technique is very simple: shoots to shorten half, old, frying twigs remove. Flowering branches should be cut. From cut out of shoots, you can prepare cuttings for reproduction of garment. To do this, we take strong semi-restned cuttings with a length of 10-15 centimeters.

Gardening reproduction

Gardening reproduction is very troublesome and it is not always possible, but we have already prepared cuttings, so we safely take care of the difficult process. In the pot with drainage and substrate landing the cuttings, the tips of which are previously treated with a stimulant of the formation of roots. The cuttings are shred in the soil half, watch the two kidneys of the plant in the ground. In order for cuttings to be rooted, they need a warm wet atmosphere. We make mini-greenhouse in every pot with a glass jar or plastic film. Care behind garceing consists in timely watering. When you notice fresh shoots on the cuttings of Gardenia, you can celebrate the victory: the cuttings are rooted! Cropped cuttings grow to a height of 15 cm, then pinch to form a crown of the plant.

Causes of Gardenia diseases

Even with the most good care of the gardens at home, problems sometimes arise. It happens that brown spots appear on the leaves of a healthy strong plant, this is shown in the photo of Gardenia. Sometimes a tropical underage does not make up his blossom or drops buds as soon as they appeared. How to help the plant?


Gardening care: Gardening is black leaves

If the leaves of the garment are black or covered with brown spots, it is necessary to pay attention to the illumination of the plant. Blackshaw blackness in case of soil moistening. Turn the ground in a pot if it is very wet, adjust watering plants. In addition to timely irrigation, the soil in the pot needs loosening. It should be careful not to damage the roots.

How to save the plant in case of strong overvaluation? Let's make Gardens from the pot and transplant to the dry substrate. When transplanting pay attention to the roots. If the roots were injured from the convergence and drew, cut the blackened root sections.

Gardening care: Gardenia is yellow and fall leaves


If Gardenia had a real leaffall, most likely the plant suffers from either the lack of moisture, or from damage by the bypass tick.

The reason for the yellowing of the leaves can be soil moisturizing with cold water. If yellowing on the leaves looks like a drawing, it is necessary to acidify the soil. It is easy to do, watering the plant with water, acidified with lemon juice.

If yellowing appears only on young leaves, the plant lacks the iron. It should be filled with the preparation of ferovit or fertilizer for indoor plants, which contains iron (can be found in the composition).

Care for Gardenia: Gardening falls off buds

Well-formed fallen buds talk about violations in the care of the jasmine gardens. It is necessary to pay attention to the temperature of watering, illumination, humidity. When spraying a plant with buds, caution should be taken.

It is possible to buy Gardena only the production of Holland, it has done a huge path, and the extinguishing of buds can be the result of stress of the plant. It is recommended to clean the drug with a drug zircon, it will increase stress resistance.

Sometimes Gardenia suffer from pests: Tsley, a web tick, shield and others. In such cases, the plant must be treated with insecticide. You can apply decis or intavir. If necessary, handle the plant 3 times and with an interval of 7-10 days.

Care for gardens: how to multiply gloves with cuttings. Video

In this video, it is described in detail how to multiply garpendee with cuttings.


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