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Compatibility of aquarium fish

Compatibility of aquarium fish
How to choose the most suitable fish to settle the aquarium.

Many beginner and experienced aquarists are interested in the issue of settlement of the aquarium. In such cases, there is a goal to choose the fish compatible together and friendly to each other. There are many opinions on how to solve such a problem in an optimal way. Having familiarized yourself with the basic rules for the selection of the inhabitants of the aquarium and information about the compatibility of aquarium fish, it will be necessary to arm yourself with knowledge and determine the choice. When creating suitable conditions and the selection of a comfortable environment, the population of the water world will delight you for more than one year.

How important is the compatibility of aquarium fish

When the aquarium appears in the house, there is a risk of making a mistake common for beginners - to populate it with various inhabitants who seemed the most attractive, guided by their appearance exclusively by their appearance. In the future, it often turns out that some of them are absolutely incompatible. A similar approach, when the fish is hooked, to the existing inhabitants of the aquarium or when filling it with new inhabitants, are fraught with various problems in the future.  Different species of fish can be compatible (completely or relatively), as well as have absolute incompatibility among themselves. In addition, there is a biological and behavioral compatibility of certain types of aquarium fish.


Separate species reach too large sizes for a small aquarium, such fish can oppress its smaller inhabitants. If you settle predators together with the most harmless creatures, soon you will have to witness the bloody showdowns in the aquarium. In a similar way, you can lose some of the fish - they may be eaten or die due to inappropriate living conditions. To avoid problems after the aquarium with fishing, it is necessary to use a balanced approach. Before the purchase, you should study information about specific types of fish you like and carefully think over everything. It is necessary to select the inhabitants of the aquarium, taking into account their linings and compatibility of the principles of the content of various types.

Aquarium fish compatibility: basic principles for choosing aquarium fish

When selecting the inhabitants of the aquarium, the following information must be taken into account:

  • do not combine large and small species of fish, since this neighborhood may result in the extermination of some or all small fish;
  • predators pose a potential threat to more civilians of the aquarium;
  • when selecting the inhabitants of the aquarium, they should take into account their compatibility in temperament, since active moving specimens can get along poorly with slow and calm fish.

Thus, it is necessary to take into account the typical habits of various types of fish, the features of their content and breeding, as well as the expected final dimensions.


Great compatibility is characterized by fish of the same species, preferring to live in a natural environment with flocks. Grouping in this way in jambs, they defend themselves from the attack of predators. In the conditions of the aquarium, it is also better to contain them in groups, since alone, such a fish will experience tangible discomfort. For example, it is known that certain species of bottom and backfall fish prefer a society to their own kind.

Aquarium fish compatibility: typical errors of beginner aquarists


The following phenomena can act as signs that the fish is not suitable for a particular aquarium:

  • the real or potential size is too large compared to the aquarium inhabiting its neighbors. Even if a large copy does not have visible aggression, most likely small fish will be afraid of it. Small fish can be easily eaten by large individuals;
  • too small fish can be eaten by large fish present in the aquarium;
  • if a separate copy requires a significant area of \u200b\u200bpersonal space (for example, for a fish - a parrot);
  • predators whose natural diet consists of smaller fish can eat them in the aquarium. In addition, omnivorous fish in many cases also do not disdain much smaller neighbors. Thus, predatory and omnivorous fish should not be placed in one aquarium with significantly smaller species;
  • the problem may also appear if the hooked fish begins to gnaw long fins of the aquarium neighbors. In addition, fish with long luxurious fins should not be placed with lovers to bite them;
  • a lively mobile fish can get along poorly with calm, timid and nervous neighbors, and vice versa;
  • if the fish buries into the ground, digs and eats the plants, it may not fit when the aquarist does not want to rebuild the prevailing design of a particular aquarium;
  • the fish may not fit the microclimate of the aquarium, suitable for the inhabitants that are already available in it - the characteristics of the environment in the form of temperature and the composition of water, the degree of mobility, as well as lighting.


Compatibility of aquarium fish: features that need to be taken into account

When buying aquarium fish, first of all, it is necessary:

  • assess the condition of the fish - how much it looks healthy (wariness should cause lethargy, as well as pallor of color). Try to also determine whether a specific individual is too aggressive - such behavior is sometimes found in individual representatives of peaceful species as a whole;
  • the characteristic features of fish should also be taken into account. When choosing "harem" species per male, several females should be selected, fish like a barbus prefer to live with flocks with a predominance of males;
  • it is recommended to choose fish living in different water layers (upstairs, below or in the middle). This technique often helps to successfully combine in one aquarium relatively compatible and even incompatible fish.

To some extent, a table of compatibility of aquarium fish will help to facilitate the task of choosing. It can be used to obtain basic information. In addition, it will be necessary to take into account the conditions for the content of fish, the dimensions of the aquarium, etc.


Do not buy a large number of fish at the same time, it is better to populate several copies into the aquarium and trace how comfortable they are there. If they take root, you can increase the number of the inhabitants of the aquarium. In the future, from the aquarist, it will be necessary to recreate the conditions close to their natural habitat for each breed, as well as a balanced diet. It will be necessary to choose the types of fish, for which a single temperature regime and water composition will be suitable.

Aquarium fish compatibility: useful recommendations

The above factors should be taken into account in the complex. It is not at all necessary that the fish of about the same size will be able to get along. Often, a small fish needs personal territory and will try to restore order in the aquarium according to its needs. Sometimes two fish require similar habitats, in addition to the degree of water movement, since one of the types of natural environment lives in quiet lakes, and the other in mountain rivers. Do not exotic species of fish demanding on the conditions of content, combine with unpretentious, heat -loving with preferring cool water. The following belief is widespread - if fish in nature live in one pond, they can be made by aquarium neighbors. In fact, this is not so, since predatory fish can be represented in the natural environment - and their prey is nearby. The fish of the same species does not always get along optimally, sometimes males do not tolerate such a neighborhood, compete and fight among themselves. A similar phenomenon can be observed between representatives of fish of similar species and colors.

Aquarium fish compatibility: species classification

Experienced aquarists have long noticed that a huge impact on further fish behavior has a previous place of their residence. A favorable climate in the aquarium can be created by buying various fish with fry and growing them together - in this case, the chances of peaceful coexistence of various species increase.

Depending on the typical characteristics of behavior, the nature and temperament of aquarium fish, it can be classified as follows:

  1. Timply and shy small fish do not have compatibility with a significant number of other types, at the same time they get along well with each other. Guppy, Neons, Tetra Firefly, Glass Prieus and Guras are among peaceful timid species.
  2. Peaceful small fish - these are mainly flock, as well as collective fish (for example, swordsmen, mollinism, as well as black neon). It is allowed to combine several individuals of different types of such fish in one aquarium. They will feel great in a tropical aquarium with a volume of 60-80 liters. Relatively peaceful fish are active species that are characterized by moderate aggression. These include Lalius, Macropods, dwarf cichlids, to a lesser extent of cyncholosomes. They can get along with their neighbors in the aquarium, while it is advisable to raise them along with a small age.
  3. Aggressive predators - for example, astronotics, as well as mbun cichlids (bright representatives of territorial predatory fish). Cichlids of medium and large sizes prefer to live in flocks, do not endure the neighborhood of other species - therefore they should be kept in a separate aquarium. In order for such fish to divide the territory, they should be populated into an aquarium of a suitable size.


Aquarium fish compatibility: popular species

When selecting neighbors for aquarium fish, it is worth taking into account the observations of experienced aquarists:

  • the aquarium fish of neons has compatibility only with small-sized peaceful fish-swordsmen and lailii, as well as shrimp-windows. In addition, neon should be hooked into the container of small or medium dimensions, in large aquariums they are unlikely to be quite comfortable;
  • in large specimens like aquarium goldfish, there is no compatibility with small species - they may well eat neon or freshwater shrimp. Different types of goldfish can differ in size and temperament, so it is not recommended to combine them together - clumsy individuals of telescopes risk being left without food, in addition, water eyes can injure mobile neighbors. Beginners are recommended to start with the breeding of fish veils or Ryukin;
  • aquarium fish parrots are compatible with many shy and predatory fish, although they can accidentally swallow the fry of small timid species - therefore, young neons or tetra fireflies should not be hooked with them. As neighbors, not too small catfish, black knives, aravanas, as well as small and medium sizes are optimal for them, South American cichlids;
  • not too easy to keep a fish cockerel, widely known for its fighting qualities. Nevertheless, it is not worth maintaining it alone. Having paid sufficient attention to the compatibility of the aquarium fish a cockerel, you can choose a suitable company for it - for these purposes, for example, penillation, as well as macropods and a neon iris, is suitable for these purposes. With aggressive and territorial neighbors, it is strictly not recommended to settle Petushkov, as well as with small timid ones like guppies and shrimp;
  • scalars differ in good intraspecific and external linemfulness, as they have a fairly peaceful character. You can observe the compatibility of aquarium scalar fish with guppies and swordsmen, as well as Labeo, catchers, boats and thorns. With telescopes and cockerels, discus and cichlids, it is undesirable to populate them;
  • the blue dolphin cichlid is distinguished by a peaceful disposition with a mild tendency to territoriality, can get along with other non -aggressive species. Sometimes you can observe the clarification of the relations of males, but without causing severe injuries. The optimal compatibility of the aquarium fish is intraspecific dolphin, it is recommended to populate them with the predominance of females into a separate container;
  • the compatibility of aquarium fish of barbuses should be taken into account when the aquarium is settled. For them, the manifestations of aggression inside the flock and in relation to the population of the aquarium of other species are characteristic. Barbuses can pluck fins and tails at Scalary, Guppy, Golden Fish, as well as drive sedentary and timid neighbors like Lalius, conflict with astronotus. For barbuses, a monocial aquarium is optimally suitable, or you can combine them with gurs, options, as well as a boose and catfish.

When choosing a company of fish for its aquarium, you should try to take into account various factors. In this case, the joint coexistence of the population of the mini-water will be peaceful and harmonious.

Compatibility of aquarium fish - photo




Compatibility of aquarium fish - video



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