
The recipe for real khachapuri according to Ajar step by step with a photo. How to prepare Adjarskho Khachapuri in Georgian. How they eat khachapuri in Ajara

The recipe for real khachapuri according to Ajar step by step with a photo. How to prepare Adjarskho Khachapuri in Georgian. How they eat khachapuri in Ajara
Georgian cuisine pleases the country's guests with a large number of delicious and aromatic dishes. Among them, a special place is occupied by Ajar khachapuri, who for a long time are remembered by travelers with their taste and unique aroma.

Each nationality, each country have a huge number of national recipes that are their pride and historical value. Such national dishes are the goal of tourists and gourmets who value ancient recipes and dishes prepared with genuine love. This is the only way to prepare real khachapuri in Ajarsky-the business card of the Georgian people.

It is this dish that is always associated with the fields of the fields and mountains of Georgia, with their traditions, tasty and fresh products. Delicious khachapuri in Ajar or other varieties of this dish are certainly the main element of the festive table. Warm, juicy and fragrant khachapuri forever remain in the memory of people who have visited Georgia and tried this treat. Many subsequently try to repeat this dish and experiment with a variety of recipes.

In this article, we consider the distinctive features of the traditional Georgian Khachapuri, we will learn the secrets of preparing khachapuri in Ajars. We give an example of the recipes of real khachapuri in Ajar, as well as a description of the preparation of some other types of Georgian khachapuri.

Khachapuri - a traditional Georgian dish

Khachapuri is a traditional dish in Georgia. It is an analogue of our fast food, only in this performance it is considered more tasty and healthy. Literally khachapuri translates as "cake with cheese." This is the classic performance of Khachapuri. However, during a visit to Georgian restaurants, you will see that at will, a cook can put not only cottage cheese, but also cheese as a filling.

In Georgia, you can find several hachapuri options that can be prepared from puff pastry and ordinary yeast.  If we talk about khachapuri from the puff dough, then it is called the foam. This dish may differ in the place of sale or preparation. In Batumi you can find street khachapuri, restaurant-academic and restaurants. This dish became widespread throughout Georgia, and also fell in love with the inhabitants of Armenia, who came up with a large number of Khachapuri recipes in Georgian and Adjarsky.

Types of Khachapuri in Georgian, which are widespread in local restaurants:

  • Khachapuri is in a way. This khachapuri is a round cake, which resembles a plate in size. Inside such a cake is cheese. There are hacapuri in a way of it in both hot and cold form. It can be taken with you on the road without problems. The Imeteen Khachapuri became widespread in Georgia.
  • Megrelsky Khachapuri also has the appearance of cakes, however, in addition to the cheese filling inside the khachapuri, the cheese is located on top.
  • Khachapuri is in a Hurian. This is a variation of the Megrelian khachapuri, which differs in its form - it resembles a flat horned.
  • Khachapuri in Ajar. This dishes are aside, considered one of the most delicious and differs from the classic recipes of Georgian khachapuri. According to the recipe, Khachapuri Lodoki in Ajar have the shape of the eye. At first, a round cake is rolled up, a recess is made in the center where it is necessary to put cottage cheese and water with flour. Then everything turns into the shape of the boat and is placed in the furnace. After baking into the center of Khachapuri, the egg is broken and a piece of oil is placed. In our country, homemade khachapuri in Ajar have a large number of variations, where cheese, cottage cheese, meat, vegetables, chicken can serve as filling.

Secrets of preparing a real khachapuri in Ajar

Many Georgian travelers, upon returning home, recall the taste of khachapuri and wonder how to cook khachapuri in Ajars. To get a real dish with its indescribable taste, it is important to consider many nuances and know a few secrets. Many housewives prepare Khachapuri in Ajar at home with a variety of filling, which is a mistake. Real khachapuri consists only of dough, cottage cheese or cheese and eggs. Meat, potatoes, vegetables are not suitable for this dish and change it fundamentally. Light and air boats with a filling of fragrant cottage cheese and eggs with a piece of fresh oil - this is the perfect recipe for the very khachapuri that the city of Batumi is famous for.

Consider some secrets of the correct recipe for making khachapuri in Ajar.

  • Ajar dough for khachapuri. The taste of real khachapuri will also depend on the correctly prepared dough. Classic khachapuri began to be prepared on an ordinary fresh dough, which consisted of water and flour. Later, this dough began to be prepared on the Georgian yogurt, which is called Matsoni. It is important to note that in Georgia there is no single recipe for preparing dough for khachapuri in Ajars. In every corner of this country, khachapuri can be prepared in completely different ways, adding minor changes, which completely changes the taste of the dish. Khachapuri in Ajar at home, many housewives prepare on different tests. It can be puff, yeast, custard. You can use any sour -milk products to obtain real khachapuri: sour cream, kefir, yogurt. It is important to knead the proper in consistency of the dough, which consists of fermented milk products, flour, eggs, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, flour. Flour is added so much to get the delicate structure of the dough - it must stick to the hands. It is necessary to add vegetable oil. This applies to any test.
  • Cheese or cottage cheese for khachapuri in Ajar. In the traditional recipe, Khachapuri with Ajar cheese cannot be used ordinary mature cheeses. During heating, they stretch strongly, and in a cold state they change the taste. True Georgians use young varieties as cheese, for example, Brynza, Adyghe cheese, Mozarella. Very often they are mixed. An important nuance of preparing khachapuri in Ajarsky-the fillings should be a little more than the test itself. If you want to try to make khachapuri using the usual designed cheese, be sure to add cottage cheese to it. So you will get a more juicy and delicate filling. For real khachapuri, the cheese should be broken with your hands or kneaded with a spoon.
  • The formation of khachapuri and their baking. It is also important to roll the dough correctly. If you love crunchy, then the dough rolled very thinly. Lovers of a soft roll can make layers thicker. When preparing yeast dough, he needs to give a little rest. In some recipes, khachapuri in Ajarsky, a filling is laid out on a rolled layer, and then a boat is formed. In others, it can be noted that first the boat is formed, and then the cheese is laid out. Khachapuri can be baked in the oven for about 15-30 minutes, or you can fry in a pan in a small amount of oil. Immediately after the boat is browned, you need to drive an egg into the filling and put a piece of oil. There is better hot.

Recipes for making khachapuri in Ajar with photo

Today on the Internet you can find a large number of variations for a real recipe for making khachapuri in Ajars. The dough for this dish can be used differently, and the filling is also placed different, fundamentally changing the original recipe. Next, we give several step-by-step recipes for making khachapuri in Ajars, which will not be difficult to cook at home.

Khachapuri in Ajar on Matsoni


  • Matsoni - 500 ml.
  • Chicken eggs - 8 pieces.
  • Suluguni cheese - 500 grams.
  • Flour-500-600 grams.
  • Cream oil-50-70 grams.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Soda - 1/2 tsp

Cooking process:

  • First of all, prepare all the necessary products for the preparation of khachapuri in Ajar. This is a classic recipe, so Matsoni is used here.
  • Sut the flour into a large container and add 2 eggs to it. Mix everything well.
  • Next, add salt, sugar and 25-30 grams of butter to the resulting mass. Mix everything with a spatula.
  • At the next stage of preparation, add 450 grams of matsoni and soda, which is pre -extinguished with vinegar or citric acid. Knead well.

  • The dough must be kneaded well, and then leave in a warm place to rest a little.
  • The resulting volume of the dough must be divided into 6 equal parts, which will subsequently be rolled into cakes.

  • Next, you need to start filling. To do this, chop the suluguni cheese on a grater or break it with your hands. Then add to it the yolk of one egg, the remaining portion of Matsoni and butter. Mix everything well and leave for 15-20 minutes so that the mixture is infused.

  • The prepared in advance 6 dough balls must be rolled out into small cakes. Adjust the thickness yourself, it all depends on what kind of dough you prefer: crisp or soft.
  • Each cake of the dough must be carefully rolled into a tube from both sides and clench the ends so that you get a boat. Press the edges a little and spread it to get enough space for the filling.
  • Put the prepared filling in the center of Khachapuri and lubricate one egg with the remaining protein. Thus, make all the remaining boats.

  • Heat the oven in advance to a temperature of 220 degrees.
  • Khachapuri in Ajars is baked for 15-20 minutes.
  • When a crust is browned on Khachapuri, they can be taken out. Immediately drive one chicken egg into each boat. In the original recipe, the eggs should be raw. If you don’t quite like it, you can send our khachapuri for another 5 minutes to the oven so that the eggs grab.
  • You can also take another cheese in the filling, the main thing is that it is soft and young.

Khachapuri in Ajars from yeast dough

If you cannot decide how to cook khachapuri in Ajar, you are scared by the presence of unfamiliar products in the original recipe, then try to make the yeast dough familiar to you. Such khachapuri is also very fragrant and airy.


  • Milk - 125 ml.
  • Water - 125 ml.
  • Dry yeast - 7 grams.
  • Chicken eggs - 6 pieces.
  • Suluguni cheese is 250 grams.
  • Adyghe cheese - 250 grams.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Refined vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Flour (sifted)-400-450 grams.
  • Cream oil - 100 grams.

The process of making khachapuri in Ajar:

  • Prepare all the necessary products for the preparation of khachapuri.
  • Combine the right amount of water and milk and heat a little, since we need to make dough.
  • Add 7 grams of yeast and 2 tablespoons of sugar to a mixture of milk and water, mix everything well and leave in a warm place. The yeast must come to life.

  • After the dial is rising, add vegetable oil, one egg and salt. Mix and pour in parts sifted flour knead the soft dough.
  • The dough must be covered with a clean towel and put in a warm place for about 1-1.5 hours for lifting.
  • After this time, the dough is well tanned and put again to approach a warm place for 1 hour.
  • While the dough is suitable, you can start filling for khachapuri in Ajar. Prepared Suluguni and Adyghe gratify, as an option, you can break it with your hands - save the traditions of preparing this dish.
  • Add slightly melted butter to the cheese and mix well.

  • The well -rising dough is cut again and divide into 5 equal parts, roll them into balls.
  • Each ball of dough must be rolled into a cake. On two opposite edges, put the filling of cheese and wrap it in tubes. Then connect the edges so that you get a boat.
  • Push the edges of the boat a little to get more space for the filling. Put the cheese into the recess and grease the edges with an egg.
  • Heat the oven to a temperature of 200-220 degrees and bake the khachapuri in Ajarski for about 15-20 minutes before the appearance of a brown crust.
  • After readiness, take the khachapuri and drive each egg into the center of each. You can put them back in the oven for 5 minutes so that the egg is fried a little.

Fast recipe for khachapuri in ajar dough dough

  • Such a recipe for making khachapuri in Ajar is suitable for those housewives who spend little time at the stove.
  • You need to buy good yeast dough, you can take puff yeast. Defrost it at room temperature.
  • Roll up all the stages of the dough a little and cut each into two parts.
  • Gently make the sides with the opposite sides with your hands and connect the corners so that you get a boat. Do the same with the rest of the dough.
  • Lubricate the resulting boats with an egg.
  • In this version, the boat must be sent to the oven initially without the filling until the crust is browned.
  • Remove from the oven, put the filling of suluguni cheese in the middle and drive one egg.
  • Bake in the oven for a short time, the main thing is that the egg remains a little raw.

Khachapuri in Ajar in a slow cooker

Today it is very popular to use a multicooker in the preparation of a variety of dishes, so on the Internet you can find a huge number of recipes for this kitchen technique. Khachapuri in Ajar in the original performance can also be done in a slow cooker.


  • Flour - 350 grams.
  • Kefir - 210 ml.
  • Cream oil - 200 grams.
  • Fresh yeast - 50 grams.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Chicken eggs - 8 pieces.
  • Brynza cheese - 300 grams.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

The process of making khachapuri in Ajar:

  • Prepare all the necessary products for cooking so that they are at hand.
  • Kefir at room temperature must be mixed with softened yeast and add sugar and a couple of tablespoons of flour to them.
  • Put the dough in a warm place for 10-15 minutes.
  • Pre -melt 2/3 of all butter, cool it and mix it with it after raising the dough with it.
  • Next, drive one egg into the dough and add all the remaining flour. Mix well, it is important that the dough is soft and delicate. Do not score it very much with flour.
  • Divide the resulting dough into 4 parts and roll from to balls. When baking in a slow cooker, it is necessary to monitor the dimensions of the khachapuri. If they are too large, you risk not putting your baking in the bowl.
  • Roll out each ball of dough in a small cake (as far as your multicooker allows).
  • Prepare the filling. To do this, grate the Adyghe cheese or feta and mix it with one egg protein.
  • Put the filling in the center of each cake, then carefully begin to turn off the opposite edges so that you get boats.
  • Add vegetable oil to the slow cooker and put the baking mode for 60 minutes. Place khachapuri there. After the specified time expires, take out the baking and grease with an egg and drive an egg into the center of each khachapuri in the center of each khachapuri. Bake another 10 minutes.

Preparation of khachapuri in Ajar-video

How do khachapuri in Ajar eat-basic rules

In order to eat real khachapuri in Ajar, it is important to know several rules. Especially if you are going to visit a restaurant in Georgia, where such khachapuri are served. If you start to eat this traditional dish incorrectly, indigenous Georgians can be offended by your gesture of disrespect for their culture.

  • First of all, never eat khachapuri in Ajar with a fork and a knife. This is not accepted.
  • No need to cut it into two halves, although sometimes you want to, since it is large enough.
  • It only needs to eat with your hands. To do this, break off two sharp ends of the boat and dip them in the filling of eggs and cheese.
  • After that, you can begin to break off the edges of the khachapuri with your hands and also dagger into the filling. The main thing is to make sure that your filling does not flow.
  • When all the edges are eaten, only the central part with a lot of cheese will remain on the plate. It needs to be turned into a tube and thus.
  • It is this sequence that is correct when eating delicious and juicy khachapuri in Ajars.

Georgian cuisine is replete with originally folk dishes, the recipes of which have been formed for centuries. Khachapuri in Ajar is a traditional dish that has a rich history of appearance and is distinguished by an unusual look and delicate taste.


micado 10.02.2018 Answer

Completely fucked up. Matsun, Matsoni,-it was always, is and will be an Armenian dish .. The root of the word Matsun means starting ...
