
Songs and poems on September 1. Songs about school on September 1

Songs and poems on September 1. Songs about school on September 1
September 1 is a big holiday for each participant, so you need to congratulate the verse or the song of the organizers and the participants themselves.

September 1 is a heart-based holiday, where there is a reason for both sadness and joy. After all, this day means entry into conscious adult life, and for others the beginning of the last year carefree childhood. One thing can be unambiguously argued, this is an exciting event for everyone - both for parents and their children. Despite all the excitements, the holiday always comes out cheerful and complete colors that bring children with touching songs and poems.

New poems first graders on the line 1 September

So the long-awaited day came, when the kids walk in the first school class - this is what all parents are afraid and newcomers are waiting - first-graders. The beginning of the autumn marked the beginning of the school year. The smallest present on this grand festival of life, this is, of course, first. They have already managed to close the doors in the beloved kindergarten, and now, dressed in elegant clothes, children became participants in the first in the life of a festive line, which is dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. The feeling of emotion flies in the air. Not only newcomers and their parents are worried, but also the whole teacher composition. What to learn poems on September 1 for first-graders, because they should be short, and accommodate all the essence of this holiday? You can choose one long verse and divide it between class students or dwell on short, entrusted to learn only to one student. It is very important to be able to convey in verses the delight of this moment!

The preparatory process by the first September begins at least 2 weeks, so the parents have the opportunity to cook poems with first-graders on September 1 for the ruler, as they say, "having learned on the teeth."

Poems for preschoolers by September 1. Technique how to quickly learn a poem

Do you know how to help your child quickly learn a poem? Surely, you have never heard from other parents, what kind of children have good memory and how they remember uncomplicated quatrains. Everyone knows that memory needs to develop and do it needed from the diaper. Consider the technique of the right and rapid study of poems for kindergarten on September 1:

  1. The main task of parents is to read verse with excerpt, the correct intonation and is quite loud. The child needs to understand the meaning of the read. If there are strangers, you need to explain their meaning.
  2. After reading the child, you need to ask exactly what to tell the essence of heard.
  3. An important factor is the child's interest in this poem. He must like him, so you need to select words on the basis of the child's preferences. Prepare several options and provide a selection of a student.
  4. Read verse several times. You should not force the child to sharpen all the lines at once, for the first school day there will be 1-2 lines.
  5. Even during the study, do not forget about the expression, do not leave this moment at the end. Initially, the faceless sound will remain in the memory of the child and against the background of emotions, on September 1, he can also pronounce him. In addition, the parents will have mechanical skills without constraint and expressing poems.
  6. If talking, the child is too in a hurry, swallow letters, it must be suspended and not taken by the learned lines, arguing that it is not clear to you.
  7. Most children are nervous that they can forget the entire verse from experiences. Here you need to be able to instill faith to your child in the fact that everything will go well and his teacher will always come to the revenue, which will tell if you need.

Funny poems on September 1:

Many people know about the long-time customs dedicated to the Day of Knowledge: the beginning of the autumn holiday is marked by the poetic wishes of preschoolers, which are already beginning to prepare for the first class - these are the guys from the older kindergarten group. On the eve of September 1, they jubilate the poem so as not only to congratulate first-graders, but also to show that they are also ready to cross the school threshold soon.

Of course, it is impossible to imagine a solemn line without private poetic lines dedicated to first graders from graduates. They can tell a lot and give advice for the younger generation, which only comes in adulthood. First of all, is patience and excerpt. After all, high school students almost passed their school journey and did not put her hands when something failed. They knew that the help was always near - teachers and classmates.

Poems by September 1 for high school students:

Poems graduates on September 1

The first of September for graduates is the beginning of the most difficult year. Their feelings are mixed: they are joyful, and at the same time sad. They need to adequately say goodbye to the school, because it comes a completely adult life before the thought of which they covers the thrill and the feeling of ignorance. Now their task is in the right parting word for their shift.

Poems first graders from graduates on September 1:

Poems for parents on September 1

We must not forget about parents, because it doesn't matter what kind of class is their child, they always worry and worry about his progress. These are the main fans who will always help and rapitate efforts. That is why it is impossible to forget about them in this bright holiday - the day of knowledge. We present interesting poems for parents on September 1:

Poems to teachers on September 1

The teacher is the most main mentor who leads and accompanies the child in the knowledge of the world of science. It is from him that as far as the first grader will strive for study. Find the right approach to each student, it is not an easy task. The teacher can do everything - and help, and teach, and support, for which they thank you so much. With the help of the poem, it is possible to express all the warmth that the disciples feel to their teacher.

Poems director on September 1

The director is the main person in the school team, and the first of September for him is also an important holiday, this is at the same time the end of important training related to the beginning of the school year, and the beginning of new programs and events that are waiting for its approval and complete returns. Therefore, a holiday can not begin without congratulations to the most important thing - the director. We offer new verses on September 1 for the director:

Modern songs on September 1

September 1 is a significant event for a child and for parents. They are preparing long before it started, picking up elegant dresses and costumes, teach poars and songs, try to keep up with the times, because no one will not surprise the song "teach at school", but the song in modern rhythm and with easily memorable words will give originality meaningful event. We offer you new songs on September 1.

Song about school on September 1:

New songs on September 1

What kind of school holiday without songs? Preparation of the solemn ruler is necessarily accompanied by a selection of several songs. It can be cool songs that are dedicated to the first September, remake or well-known motifs. For example, the song "Learn at School" will make not only the older generation of grandparents, but also affects the living parents. An equally interesting option for the first September may be the execution of the song alterations on the motive of the Chunga-Changi melody.

But the song for first-graders on September 1 should be bright and memorable to explore the smallest.

Song on September 1 minus one:

School songs on September 1 must bear the stake of positive, because life in school is full of adventures, new friends and knowledge. We think these words of songs will wander all on September 1.

The song of the first grader:

Song about fun study:

Whatever a song or verse on September 1 you chose, remember, with your help, the child everything will turn out. Follow the simple instructions that will help easier to memorize the poetic lines, dance and sing with the child the desired song and after a couple of days the student will start having a word or tell the verse.

Video: Modern song on September 1 from grade 11


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