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New Year 2017 - How to meet, what to cook

New Year 2017 - How to meet, what to cook
The symbol of 2017 is a fiery rooster. Ideas for the celebration of the New Year.

Traditionally, the New Year is one of the most long -awaited and favorite holidays, which you want to celebrate so that it is remembered for a long time. On New Year's Eve, a special atmosphere reigns, and both adults and children look forward to it. There is an opinion among the people that how you meet a year, so you will spend it. Thus, with the approach of the holiday, many people think where and how to meet it, what to put on and cook, so that the coming year is successful and happy. 

New Year 2017: Eastern Calendar

In accordance with the eastern calendar, a red rooster will be replaced by an inquisitive and active fiery monkey in 2017. He will begin to dictate his conditions with the beginning of the European 2017, and will enter into its rights on January 28 and, according to the forecasts of astrologers, will be saturated with emotional experiences, important and memorable events. You can’t do without adventure-in the new 2017, something special is waiting for everyone.

The rooster, which is a symbol of the New Year 2017, is considered a bright, very sophisticated and sociable sign. People born under this sign like to charm others, adore attention and praise, usually need compliments and admiration. As a rule, the rooster is a born leader, his authorities are easily overcome by others. He himself is rarely tied to someone, as it is distinguished by intelligibility, some pomp and cannot boast of dedication. He himself is a favorite person for him. Despite this, the rooster is distinguished by sensitivity, charm, bright temperament, as well as success in business and love. It is unlikely that other people will be beaten by other people. Possessing observation and erudition, natural attractiveness, as well as a sharp mind and ingenuity, it easily achieves the goals, signs the desired contracts and captivates the opposite sex.

The fiery rooster is inclined to take control of the situation and defend personal interest, differs in temper and can express its opinion about it to any person. Such "pureness" often interferes with the roosters in communication, but they are not always able to cope with it. Roosters are capable of defending their opinion in any situation. It is also worth noting that roosters are caution, enterprise and practicality, prone to frugality. Love for itself in combination with increased requirements for others can interfere with them when creating a family. It is believed that it is among roosters that you can find the largest number of inveterate bachelors. Nevertheless, they are quite compatible with the bull, as well as a snake. The positive features of roosters include their reliability, the ability to fulfill their promises, as well as self -esteem. In 2017, astrologers recommend people born under the sign of a rooster to set large -scale goals and achieve them.

Where is it better to celebrate the New Year 2017

When planning, how to celebrate the New Year 2017, it should be given first of all that it will be held under the sign of an emotional, active and passionate rooster. In order to please the rooster when celebrating the New Year 2017, it is worth considering everything to the smallest detail in advance - because our success will depend on how we meet him for a whole year.  By and large, where to celebrate the New Year 2017, is not very important.

Nevertheless, astrologers recommend that relatives and friends get together on a festive evening. New Year's Eve is recommended to spend in a noisy company. This circle of communication will be optimal to contribute to the holiday fun and actively.  Do not be afraid that a significant number of people will gather together and considerable gifts for gifts for the New Year 2017 will be required, because it will be possible to do with inexpensive and practical presentations, which are quite approved by the symbol of the year - a rooster.

It is worth noting that it has a rather complicated and chopped character, so you should not get involved in dubious events and conflicts. When planning how and where to spend the New Year 2017, it is worth focusing your strength for maximum self -realization.

Fashionable images for the New Year 2017

It is known that the rooster gives special attention to the appearance - therefore, you will need to carefully consider the details of your image to celebrate the New Year in advance. To do this, you need to choose a bright and fashionable outfit, as well as spectacular makeup.

If you are interested in what colors in the new year 2017 will be the most relevant, it is worth taking into account the recommendations of astrologers. Red, orange and yellow tones will act as the prevailing tones in the year of the Fiery Rooster - thus, it is advisable to put things in the New Year's party, in which one or more of the above tones prevails. Various tones resembling shades of flames, as well as purple, golden and silver, will bring good luck and will be relevant in the outfit of not only women, but also men.

New Year 2017: how to choose the right outfit

To celebrate the New Year in 2017, you will need to choose a fairly extravagant and at the same time impeccable combination in clothing. It is recommended to put aside traditional, faceless and boring outfits. For women, the New Year's party acts as a reason to put on a luxurious evening dress, including with an open back or shoulders. You can also put on a spectacular miniskirt at the New Year's party-it is recommended to combine it with a blouse with an intricate pattern, or a dress-a bright cocktail or in a retro-style, with an unusual finish.


The symbol of the year 2017 LOCK will have to like a boho style that combines drama and naturalness, multi-layer, combining various textures of fabrics, as well as intricate prints-for example, with motives in the style of ethno or pop art, graphic, floral and futuristic patterns, the effect of multi-colored mosaics. In order not to defeat the owner of the next year - a rooster, in the outfit you should not allow hints of predators - it is recommended to postpone accessories resembling about them - for example, from the leather of reptiles.

It is recommended to choose accessories with an unusual design for the New Year's outfit. Dear jewelry with precious or semiprecious stones, silver or gold will look very impressive at the festival - the rooster especially welcomes them. You can also supplement the fashionable image with a catchy large jewelry, as well as a pearl or coral necklace.

New Year 2017: hairstyle and makeup

It will be necessary to choose a hairstyle and makeup so that they emphasize the natural beauty and grace - styling with curls, various types of tails and weaving are suitable. The actual trends in the festive makeup 2017 include graphic make-up-without bubbles, with clear lines, monochrome or color, as well as in the style of glamorous grunge-with pale skin and formed quite bright eyes and lips.


In the literal sense, makeup with the effect of “metallic” will help to shine at a New Year's party - smears of metallized shadows in the form of sparkles or sequins for eyelids will look very catchy and stylish. It is worth considering that before applying such makeup, it is necessary to pre -prepare the skin - to align its tone, as well as if necessary to perform a correction.

What to cook for the New Year 2017

Traditionally, the New Year holiday is associated with the smell of tangerines, champagne, herring under a fur coat and olivier. If desired, the festive menu can be greatly diversified by choosing original salad recipes for the New Year 2017 - it is desirable that they are light and unpretentious. Heavy and very spicy foods, dishes with a lot of fat, as well as with the addition of non -natural seasonings, you need to exclude. If desired, any salad can be arranged in the form of a cockerel - for example, from boiled eggs, Bulgarian and black pepper, as well as olives.


Since the rooster is a grassy bird, at the meeting of the New Year 2017 and Christmas, by the way, a variety of vegetarian dishes will come. It is desirable that the menu includes a variety of vegetables, fruits and herbs, as well as a grain dish (for example, made of millet or rice). If we are preparing for the New Year 2017, in the festive basket, in addition to tangerines, you can put those types of fruits that you usually do not use in everyday life - for example, mango, physical, papaya, etc. The meat (of course, with the exception of chicken) is recommended to be served in moderate quantities and on small plates - either as part of sandwiches in combination with grain pastries and vegetables. A small saucer with sprouted grains should be installed in the center of the table. Since the rooster is a poultry, various types of home portioned baking will be welcomed on the table. Aperthyde - light cocktails will help to enrich the guests' appetite (which is translated from English literally means “cock tail”). In addition, it is recommended to serve invigorating drinks to the table - wine, vermouth, mulled wine, various tinctures, films and liquors.


It should be noted that fantasy will need to be shown not only when choosing dishes to the table, as well as when serving it. To decorate the interior and festive table for the New Year 2017 will be required using shades of red and fiery color. The most relevant will be the serving in the style of country, using purely natural materials. For this, linen or cotton tablecloths and napkins, wooden and forged candlesticks, wicker baskets, porcelain and clay dishes are suitable. Candles will need to be placed in the center of the table or for each device. Mandarins, ready-made postcards or independently made by the new year 2017 with the addition of New Year's wishes for each guest can be put on plates.

New Year 2017: holiday scripts

Often, New Year's holidays take place trite, for eating olivier and increasing extra pounds. Those no less, you can go the other way and celebrate the New Year in a new way-for example, at the country or camp site, as well as on the street, in the fresh air. It is important to start a year in a pleasant company, as well as with the right mood. On New Year's Eve, after a feast or on weekends of the New Year 2017, you can go to sculpt a snowman, ride a hill and play snowballs. Such walks will help to charge the body with energy and harden it, besides, the New Year's atmosphere on the street will help to create a special atmosphere of New Year's magic and the holiday in the soul.

When selecting the most suitable scenario of the New Year 2017, the composition of those present, including invited guests, should first be taken into account. You should not distribute the first poems and ditties to them, because such performances can turn out to some extent stretched. In order for the holiday to be cheerful and with a “twig”, it is worth trying to individualize it by compiling an interesting New Year's program.

To do this, you can use the following funds:

  • having selected jokes, games and contests in advance, in them you can, to one degree or another, use all the adults and children present. For example, it is not difficult to take guests with a playing play, ask to portray comical scenes for the New Year 2017 like an erotic dance with the staff of Santa Claus, arrange a drawing contest with tied eyes of a Christmas tree or a portrait of the Snow Maiden. As prizes, it will be necessary to prepare inexpensive souvenirs;
  • you can also prepare a collage or a funny calendar using old photographs in which guests will be able to find themselves. In addition, such photos that cause nostalgia can be hung on a rope stretched through the room;
  • among the guests you can arrange a competition who most extraordinary depicts Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden using improvised means - Christmas toys, rain, scarves, clothes and cosmetics;
  • it is not difficult to entertain the guests, handing them “memorable medals” and letters with playful texts, which will indicate any of their achievements and successes in the year. In addition, you can prepare a spiritualistic session, fortune telling, a lottery with the predictions of happiness and good luck in the new year - for this, notes with the names of the guests, as well as playful forecasts for the next year, are placed in the hats of Santa Claus.


Psychologists recommend that in the process of New Year's preparations and races at some point to pause to let go of the vanity and all their thoughts. Try to take stock of the outgoing year, recall successes, leave experiences in the past, and then feel the anticipation of the New Year and everything that will be connected with it - a new stage in your life, new events and discoveries. On New Year's Eve, you should feel every moment, enjoying the moments of the atmosphere of festive magic. Happy New Year to everyone!

How to celebrate the New Year 2017 - photo


What to cook for the New Year 2017 - video




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