
Is it possible to get a piece of land for free - law. Who is the land plot for free. How to get from the state of the land plot for free

Is it possible to get a piece of land for free - law. Who is the land plot for free. How to get from the state of the land plot for free
In Russia, you can get a free plot of land. Who can get a free plot of land from the state: large families, disabled, pensioners, etc.

Do you think to get a free land of land unreal? You will be surprised, but it is quite possible. Despite the high risk of corruption, bureaucratic volokitis and laborious process, get to the property of several acres of land is very real. Such right is enshrined for every citizen of the country according to the Russian Land Code. However, in fact, the recipients of free land are more often a preferential category of the population. In today's article, we will deal with what is needed to get the free plot of land and how to act if you want to get hundreds for nothing.

Plot of land from the state for free: features of receiving a plot

Russia can be obtained free of charge in the property of several land plots for different purposes. It is noteworthy that the Earth is not just leased, but is privatized by the new owner. According to the Land Code of Russia, you can get land for:

  • buildings at home (up to 0.25 hectares);
  • gardening (up to 0.12 hectares);
  • garage buildings (up to 0.02 hectares);
  • cottage plot (up to 0.10 hectares);
  • agriculture (up to 2.0 hectares);
  • farm activities.

The only nuance, under the word "free" meaning that the future owner will not pay for the land, but the payment of official expenses will be completely on the shoulders of the new owner.

Formally, the land can be obtained anywhere in the country. But in fact, the success of this event will fully depend on the selected place. In the Moscow region or in the regions that are close to the sea, to get the land is almost unrealistic. However, in other terrain, especially in the low-developed regions, the free plot is not so difficult. The main thing is to be patient and time to implement the transfer procedure to the ownership of an unlikely land.

The law on the free plot of land

Since 1991, Russia began a new stage of land relations. Thanks to the introduction of a new land code, a private property institution has appeared. Until 2001 lasted the process of becoming a new earth law. Since 2002, Russia is guided by the new land code, which involves the possibility of free obtaining land for certain purposes.

Such "generosity" is due to the fact that the turnover of the land in Russia even today remains on a catastrophically low level. An explanation of this is a large territory of the country and the complex procedure for the transition of land in private property. According to the latest innovations of the Earth Act of March 1, 2015, the regulatory framework is aimed at ensuring the civilized turnover of the Earth and providing the population with comfortable housing and a landmark site.

Who has the right to free land

Today, the state empowers not all categories of the population. Such right can take advantage of the mostly beneficiary.

Free land plots with large families

To large families in our country include families with three and more children. At the same time, children should be dependent on parents. This means that children must be minors or study in part in the university, or have a group of disability involving the need for guardianship.

Is it possible to get a plot of land for free young family

In addition to preferential categories of the population, the land plot can get a young family. However, not every newlyweds I have right. Free plot can get a young family under such conditions:

  • if the family members are official marriage and are citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • if the spouses do not belong to land plots, including leased;
  • if spouses have no real estate,
  • if all family members are spelled out for more than 5 years on one living space less than 15 square meters. m. per person.

Free land for labor heroes

Citizens who have employment awards can count on areas from 8 acres within the city and from 25 acres in rural areas. This category includes:

  • The heroes of the Russian Federation.
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor.
  • Heroes of Russia and the USSR.
  • citizens awarded by the orders of labor glory.
  • cavalers of the Order of Glory.

Other preferential categories with the possibility of obtaining free plot

In addition to the above categories of the population, there is a clear list of beneficiaries that may apply for free weave. These include:

  • veterans of the Second World War and other hostilities (can apply for areas up to 0.20 hectares in the city and up to 0.40 hectares in rural areas);
  • persons with disabilities of the 1st and 2nd group (only garden sites are given for free in the city center);
  • families in which the dependent veterans of the Second World War or Disabled of the Group;
  • families who lost the breadwinner as a result of hostilities;
  • citizens who are registered as needed housing;
  • residents of the village, living and registered in the village at least 5 years;
  • people repressed during political repression;
  • employees in the army under the contract;
  • religious organizations.

It is worth noting that not all categories of the population that may apply for a free land plot are listed above.

Free plot for "Generic Manor"

The Regional Program "Generic Manor" suggests the existence of extensive land, which has been inherited inheritance several generations. Such a plot can be privatized for housekeeping, build houses or the implementation of other goals permitted by law.

Free land for immigrants

For immigrants in the country there are several state programs, for the development and improvement of land resource in Russia. The most interesting and significant programs can be allocated as follows:

  • Far Eastern hectare.
  • Leningrad hectare.
  • Kostroma hectare.
  • Plots under ILS in Crimea.
  • Plots in the Central and Southern District for immigrants from the Far North.

How to get the land for free

Free areas of land in Russia are allocated from the State or Municipal Foundation. The land, which is already owned by a physical or legal entity can only be purchased, transferred by inheritance, leased or donated to the new owner.

It is worth noting that free land can be obtained only once and for certain purposes. Such goals can be:

  • construction of a private residential building;
  • maintenance of the subsidiary economy;
  • the formation of the country area in accordance with the targeted purpose.

To begin the procedure for obtaining a free land can be three ways depending on specific needs and circumstances:

  1. If you feel about the preferential category of the population, then it will be enough to write a statement in the nearest department of the IFC. Application blank can be obtained from an employee of the multifunctional center "My Documents". Employees of the Center will help to properly compile the document and explain what to do next. When your turn is suitable, you will be invited to draw a land plot. Do not be surprised, it is the draw. In the administration you will be offered to pull the ticket with the cadastral number of the site, which will later belong to you. It is worth noting that if you are not satisfied with the incoming site, you can turn out to be in line again. Waiting period - 3 years.
  2. If you are spelled out in the city where the Regional Program for the provision of land is introduced, then you can, regardless of category, apply for its receipt. For this, as in the first case, you need to write a statement to MFC. The queues in this case will be two: for beneficiaries and for the rest of the population. The period of waiting can last up to 5 years.
  3. As a rule, land plots offer garden societies, outside the urban trail. Such land can get any citizen. The only nuance is a free plot to look for independently among the municipal lands. Finding suitable hundreds, you need to apply for its receipt. In this case, you can reduce the waiting time up to 2 months.

How to get a plot for IZhS: Step-by-step instructions

Free land for the construction of the house is quite possible if you approach this issue correctly and thoughtfully. You need to go a few steps, in order for your site.

  1. Search for a free plot on the Public Map of Rosreestra. Of course, any family wants to live on an attractive plot with good location. That is why Rosreestr suggests to choose for himself under construction from among those offered. You can see the list of unoccupied land on the site This is a very convenient and easy way. By selecting the desired weave, you can get the necessary information online: area, land category, address, cadastral number, cadastral value, allowed use, restrictions.

How to find out if the plot is free:

  • go to the site;
  • select the plot you are interested in;
  • in the "Services" section, select the Reference Information on Real Estate Object.
  • press the button at the bottom of the "Form" page;
  • click on the link to the link with information from the USRP;
  • if the window that opens does not have the section "Rights and Restrictions" - the section is free.

It is worth noting that online can also be required to register rights by clicking on the appropriate section.

  1. Applying for a free provision of a plot. When you chose the desired plot, the next step will be a submission of an application for its provision to the district administration or MFC. The application can be submitted in electronic form on the portal "State Service". Of course, it is recommended to produce such cases with personal presence, contacting local authorities. The application must specify the following information:
  • Applicant's phoe;
  • passport details;
  • phone number, email address;
  • description of the essence of the petition;
  • address or description of the locality where the site is located;
  • cadastral number;
  • list of documents.

The term of consideration of the application is 30 days. During this time, the applicant must provide a resolution of the head of the administration on the allocation of land or reasonable refusal. It is important to know that the refusal can be appealed to the higher instances or in court.

  1. Conclusion of the contract with the administration. After approval of your application, the administration will invite you to conclude a lease agreement. You can rent land for a period of 3,5,10 or 49 years, depending on the target. After the conclusion of this document, you will become the legal owner of the land plot.

It is worth noting that the owner and the owner are fundamentally different concepts. Since you made a statement to preferentially obtaining the Earth, the site will be transferred to you without auction. But, nevertheless, you need to be ready for a draw with other applicants.

Where you can get a free land plot

Free land plot, according to a legal document, can be obtained anywhere in Russia. In fact, everything is somewhat different. In the priority of an infertile return - land with low cost in poorly developed regions.

Free land plots in the Moscow region

The most difficult when receiving free land in the Moscow region is to find an overhexious plot. However, even if you found such weave - there is a possibility that the Earth will be interested in other potential owners. In this case, the Earth is put up for auction and is given to the most solvent competitor.

As practice shows, it is almost impossible to get a free plot in the Moscow region. If the Earth fell onto the auction, then the likelihood is high that the price approaches the market, and sometimes even translates its limit.

It is worth noting that only preferential categories of the population can qualify for the free plot in the Moscow region.

Plot of land in Crimea for free

On January 15, 2015, the law was adopted in Crimea, which defines a list of candidates for receiving a free plot. There may be such categories of citizens to qualify for free weavers in the Crimea:

  • large families;
  • disabled WFI and other fighting;
  • veterans of the Second World War and other fighting;
  • liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP;
  • rehabilitated citizens who are recognized as victims of political repression;
  • families with living space less than 10 square meters. per person;
  • family living in emergency houses.

It is worth noting that all listed categories of the population should not be owned by land plots. At the same time, candidates should also live on the territory of Crimea at least 5 years.

Free land plots in the Far East

In the Far East of Russia, the program "Free Hectares of Earth" started. It is aimed at making the infrastructure of this territory more developed and attractive.

Free plot can be obtained in such regions:

  • Amur region;
  • Magadan region;
  • Sakhalin region;
  • Yakutia;
  • Jewish Autonomous Region;
  • Chukotka Autonomous District;
  • Primorsky Krai;
  • Kamchatka Territory;
  • Khabarovsk Territory.

The applicant may be any Russian citizen regardless of category. Future owners can choose a plot at their discretion - on the coast of the river, in a taiga or suburb - no values. It is better to take into account the proximity of the roads and related communications, as it is promised to develop the infrastructure of power only close to large settlements.

Initially, the plot is rented for 5 years. During this time, the owner must choose the type of activity. Earth can be used for:

  • building houses;
  • equip the country area;
  • maintaining rural or forestry;
  • for hunting needs;
  • to keep any business allowed by law.

After the five-year term, the owner can extend the rent for up to 49 years or to issue land in the property (this is done free of charge).

Sale, donation or exchange of the obtained area is prohibited. In the event of death, the Earth goes to hold the heirs.

Sanctions for a simple plot are not provided.

Free plot in the Leningrad region

Today, the leading positions of the Leningrad region is occupied by the Leningrad region. Mainly weave go under private construction.

However, not every citizen can take advantage of the right to free land in the Leningrad region. Such an opportunity is only in such categories of the population:

  • large families;
  • registered in the Leningrad region as needing housing;
  • family members of the deceased Hero of the Russian Federation;
  • young professionals up to 35 years old who work under an employment contract in the Leningrad region.

It is worth noting that applicants for free land should live in the territory of the Leningrad region at least 5 years.

Free Land in other regions of Russia

You can get a free land in any region of Russia. However, each territory has their own nuances of receipt. You can find detailed information in the local administration or by the number of hotline 0-800-50-25-28.

Plot of land from the state for free. Video


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