
Where to go for the new year 2017. Where to rest for the new year

Where to go for the new year 2017. Where to rest for the new year
Overview of the most interesting places in Russia and abroad for the celebration of the New Year.

How do the new year 90% of Russians in 90% of cases? The table breaks from food, most of which will remain for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Without five twelve, we listen to the president's solemn speech, we drink champagne while they beat the chimes, singing the anthem of Russia ... Next, we continue to eat, drink, go to the area on the tree, maybe even ride on the hills. And so from year to year, and so sometimes there is not enough variety! Let's talk about where to go to rest for the new year 2017.

Where to go to the new year 2017 abroad

It should be borne in mind that the period of New Year holidays is considered to be seasonal in the field of tourism, and therefore be prepared for the fact that prices for familiar tours can grow somewhat. It is clear: almost the whole country does not work in such a long period, in children the winter holidays, why not get out somewhere.

To begin with, it should be decided what would you like to New Year 2017? Someone from the harsh Russian winter wants to plunge into the summer: to be bought on the beach, enjoy the sea waves, in a word, swim, sunbathe, rest from the casual fuss and soul and body. Someone such temperature differences are undesirable, and summer sun is much more preferred high snowy mountains: wind, speed, snowboard or skis. And in moderation extremely, and the New Year's mood is not going anywhere: around the snow in bulk, even in the eyes of Ryabit. And someone wants to just distract from the routine and to plunge into the history of this or that state, spending all days on cognitive excursions, and in the evening to fall from the legs, soilly but satisfied. Some travel alone, others with a loved one, the third noisy company, fourth large family or even families. Some countries are allowed without a visa, some are not allowed and require careful preparation and collecting all the necessary documents strongly in advance. Depending on the composition of travelers, their wishes and opportunities and it is worth choosing a tour to one or another country, not forgetting the weather forecast in it to specific dates. It is unlikely that you would be happy, having arrived, say to Turkey in the hope of the sun, the sea and the beach, and there +10 and rains ...


Where to go for the new year 2017 in Europe

If you planned to celebrate 2017 in Europe, you will not regret it in any way, whatever the country you choose! This is guaranteed enchanting show, insane attractions, street walkings, Christmas fairs, colorful fireworks, crazy sales, countless ski slopes, dog sledding safaris and even a visit to the real Santa Claus! So that you choose, it is not necessary to miss for sure!

New Year 2017 in Germany

Lovers of noisy street guild New Year's Berlin will definitely have to do! The city is decorated with millions of multi-colored lights, Santa Claus from Mala to Velika, having fun trumpet angels, in a word, to all that and shouts about the upcoming large-scale holiday.

Germany is considered one of the most attractive countries in terms of shopping. Pre-holiday sales start in December, prices decrease as much to 80%. For these days, the bus that runs on the route that covers all the main shopping centers is launched.

Sylvester (he is also new year) in Berlin, it is customary to meet in an open-air from the Brandenburg gate in the company as indigenous Germans and foreigners, crowds flowing here from all over the planet. Live music, tents with food and drinks and other entertainment - the entrance is completely free! At midnight you will see an unforgettable firework, and then the invited DJs will entertain you until the morning.

Some Berlin Fortresses on New Year's Eve are full of knights, beautiful ladies, Fakirov ... If you are an amateur of such a spectacle, you definitely should be in Citadel Shpandau. Truly gorgeous dinner, ball and theatrical productions will plunge you in the Epoch of the Middle Ages.

Pretty pleasant weather is in Germany in New Year's holidays: from 0 to -4 degrees, it may fall out.

Prosit Neujahr! Happy New Year!


New Year 2017 in the Czech Republic

Prague is a chic beautiful city at any time of the year, but on New Year's Eve especially! The New Year's lights are sparkled everywhere, the festive atmosphere reigns, Santa Claus, and Santa Claus, and local hedgehog with Mikulas can be found here. Over the open sky, it is customary to celebrate the New Year on the Old Town Square under the battle of the eagle. Be sure to visit Karlov Bridge - on New Year's Eve, it is especially beautiful, in addition, there you can make the most cherished desire for the statue of Yana Nepomotsky.

In Prague, it is worth going to the new year also because in comparison with the rest of Europe there are lower prices here, it is especially felt on all sorts of sales.

In the daytime, the temperature is higher than 0, and in the evening and at night can fall to -5: the weather is quite optimal. Over the snow may not fall out.

S Novým Rokem!


New Year 2017 in Italy

Everyone who prefers noisy guides should pay attention to Italy. Representations, fireworks, Bengal lights. You can celebrate the New Year in any restaurant, then go to the disco. Fans of medieval romance should go to any castle with the corresponding costume ideas. Seekers of something unusual for New Year's Eve will come with a mass of proposals to visit the terms on the eve of 2017. Italy is also famous for its ski resorts.

In the mountains, the temperature is minus, the snow is usually in bulk. And in the plain part of Italy, the weather will stand, reminding our autumn: up to +12 and damp. So the wardrobe is worth picking up on the place of your deployment.

Lovers of brand high-quality clothing at low cost is definitely worth visiting Milan and Rome. It is here that the real paradise for shopping, which begins in December, which makes it possible to buy souvenirs and gifts to relatives and relatives, optionally New Year's subjects.

Obviously, in Italy you will find everything or almost everything for a comfortable and cheerful stay in any company!

Buon Anno!

new_year_italy_4_ (1)

New Year 2017 in Finland

Lapland is considered to be the birthplace of the American character - Santa Claus, did you know that she is in Finland? And there is a whole residence of Santa (Jowlopucca for local), in which he takes guests and distributes gifts to children. Snowmobiles, deer and dog harmors, walks in Santa Park, winter fishing, New Year's sale of branded things ... It will be able to plunge into the New Year's fairy tale and parents, and children of all ages! The local traditional cuisine will not leave anyone indifferent, and the Finnish sauna will be heated in the evening and will prepare for sweet sleep after so many impressions.

Noisy festivities Finns prefer to celebrate in a family circle and loved ones. Full immersion in a fairy tale is guaranteed, and an abundance of all kinds of active entertainment will make this trip unforgettable.

The weather in Finland will delight those who love snow and moderately cold for the New Year: up to -15 degrees may drop the thermometer column, and the abundance of snow is guaranteed!

Hyvää Uutta Vuotta!


New Year 2017 in Austria

New Year in Austria is called the Day of St. Sylvester. Traditional feast with the main dish - milk piglet - along with the punch of self-cooking from red wine, sugar and cinnamon - will make a New Year's Eve unforgettable! Houses and hotels will receive guests with New Year's garlands, decorations and a whole set of fabulous characters. Interesting to meet 2017 in the capital of Austria Vienna, because there will be the brightest show! Restaurants, show programs and, of course, colorful fireworks. Near St. Stephan's Cathedral, you can meet the New Year in the crowd, and the famous Bell Pummer will announce his offensive. Well, what to do in Austria in New Year's holidays? Of course, the study of the beautiful mountains Alps, on the mountain skiing or snowboard - this is someone like more in the soul!


New Year 2017 in France

Definitely the most romantic city throughout Europe. And no more beautiful, he will become completely fabulous on the eve of the New Year holidays. Everywhere lights, garlands, trees. The aromas of Mulled wine and all sorts of overseas dishes are in the air: fua-gras, fondue, Maron-shrench ... Unusual puppet ideas are designed to delight and adults and their children.

Already on December 10, the pre-New Year sales will start! Discounts are not so patients, as in other European countries, but profitable offers are still real. Fairs on the Champs Elysees and in the quarter Defens will please the variety of assortment, and on the famous flea markets it will be possible to find rarity and antiques from around the world! But keep in mind that at the height of the New Year holidays, the trip to France will cost completely at least, it is in itself much more expensive than many other European countries.

Temperature is about +5, raw and sometimes rainy in France for the new year. There is a chance that snow you are there and will not wait.

Bonne Année!

Silvester In Paris, Eiffelturm Foto: Rainbow Tours

New Year 2017 in England

Majestic, but on business strict London on the eve of the New Year holidays in merry lights. The festive atmosphere penetrates each corner of the city by songs and dances, fairs and fireworks. On the famous Trafalgar Square set a fluffy Christmas tree of huge sizes, here and flows the main masses. If you want to meet the new 2017 in a noisy crowd of like-minded people, be sure to come to London! When Big Ben breaks 12, such bright and colorful fireworks will be launched over the Thame that you will remember this spectacle to all your life!

The weather is quite comfortable, day until +7, and freezes are possible at night. However, the probability of rain is also there, so it is better to stock up the umbrella in advance.

Happy New Year!


New Year 2017 in Turkey

Although Turkey mainly belongs to Asia, yet 20% of its territory is officially relating to Europe, so that with a small stretch, we will take it to the category of European countries.

A sufficiently low-cost vacation option abroad on New Year's holidays, it is completely explained. Temperature order +12 degrees, seeing our autumn, but in a softer and pleasant climate. In other words, there are no snow, and you do not swim in the sea. New Year as such in Turkey to protect not accepted among the local population. It is rather entertainment for tourists. However, every hotel is appropriately decorated, there is a new year in offers, let's say on the ship: at least in a noisy company, at least setting a romantic evening for two.

Shopping in Turkey is always, but there is nothing to say on ordinary fairs and markets on the quality of the products offered. Here you can find good souvenirs, hookahs, and the like. The most important thing is not to forget to bargain, so they are accepted. You need to go for the brands to some stores or shopping centers, where the price is fixed, and hope only for Sale.

Beach holidays in Turkey in winter is impossible, but the ski season is in full swing! So forward, to extreme adventures!

Yeni Yılınız Kutlu Olsun!


New Year 2017 on the sea: where to go

New Year 2017 on the beach: where to go

To plunge into the New Year's fairy tale, of course, well. But so sometimes I want to return to the summer, at least for a few days! So why not do it for the new year 2017?

Where to go: Vietnam for the new year 2017

For a comfortable rest, you should choose the south of the country (Phanthet, Fukokuchi, Muin, Vungtau), there is a comfortable temperature for a beach holiday - about +30 degrees. The center and the north of the country is rather rainy, and the temperature is about 20 degrees. On the Fukuok, the calm sea, but in Muin the New Year's Eve can overstenitate the strong wind and high waves, which makes a noncomfortable swimming.

In Vietnam, it is not customary to celebrate the New Year among the locals, however, hotels, bars and restaurants make a truly exciting show for tourists.

If you are not afraid of a long flight, then Vietnam is a great place to rest in terms of price / quality ratio. Soft climate, no visa, complete immersion in a summer fairy tale - what else to wish?


Where to go: Indonesia for the new year 2017

Probably, everyone heard about Bali Island, but few people know that there are also such islands such as Java and Bintan in Indonesia. The characteristic climate for the end of December +30 on land and +28 in water. Sounds attractive, isn't it?

Bali is a true paradise for beach lovers and for connoisseurs of all sorts of water entertainment. Diving, kaiting, surfing, rides on the hydrocycles ... In addition, interesting excursions will be organized for you in local temples and reserves, and after you can please yourself with SPA and wellness treatments.

Again, from the minuses a long flight, from the advantages - no visa. In addition, you should know that the transport network is very poorly developed on Bali Island. It is important if you do not take excursions: the beach area is very far from the sights. There is a taxi, but they are pretty expensive.


Where to go: Dominican Republic for New Year 2017

Dominican Republic is a real paradise with its snow-white sand and the purest azure sea. Why not meet here 2017? The climate is chic: +30 on land, +28 +29 in water. You can meet the new year 2017 quietly at the hotel, and you can in a noisy company under the open-air of the capital - Santo Domingo. At midnight you will see a grandiose fire show, and the next day - the procession with the local Dancing Merenge.

Entertainment in Dominican Republic is full: swimming, surfing, diving, the most interesting excursions riding horses, melting on the boat, behind the wheel of the jeep, in the cabin of a small, but reliable aircraft ... in a word, there will be a lot of impressions! And what are chic hotels there, with excellent service, interesting programs and a variety of delicious food. Believe me, once having been there, you will want to return there.


Where to go: Cuba for the new year 2017

Cuba and at regular times one of the most expensive resorts, which is there to talk about prices for New Year's holidays. But if you can afford it and you do not scare again the length of the flight, boldly buy a ticket, you will not regret! On the island of freedom air temperature order +26 degrees, the sea is slightly cooler, +22. For outdoor activities, saturated nightlife and review attractions Choose Trinidad, Varadero and Havana. Here you will find everything that the soul wants. New Year Tourists meet in the luxury restaurants of the hotel, and as for local residents, they prefer to hold noisy parties in the family of family. Already after midnight, the Cubans are poured into the street, for example, at the Cathedral Square Havana.


Where to go: Thailand for New Year 2017

Another beautiful country with clean beaches and azure sea. The visa is not required again, and the flight is very long. Thais lovers of noisy festivities, however, the new year they are found in the family circle. Music, Dancing, Colorful shows, Fireworks - it and much more You will see in Thailand. Want a cleare of the sea and away from the fuss? Then take the ticket to Phuket, and the farther from the center, the more your dream will be.


Where to go: Egypt for the new year 2017

Locals celebrate New Year from time immemorial in September, but for tourists, of course, arrange a show with songs and dances. Christmas trees and grandfathers look extremely unusual on the background of the sea and the beach, and there is a special charm. Everywhere of garlands, funny music: local residents try well every year in creating a real New Year's atmosphere. Hotels in Egypt really correspond to stars if they took 5 stars, then do not doubt it for a second in your choice. Merry entertainment program is guaranteed!

In winter, the weather in Egypt is quite pleasant, sometimes she can even remind a summer. Usually, the air temperature is up to 27 degrees, water - to 25. The Red Sea is considered one of the most beautiful, so be sure to take at least 1 lesson on diving, or acquire a mask. Picturesque corals and fish of all colors and sizes are guaranteed. And if you measure, then they will come completely close! Unlike previously discussed resorts, it is very close to fly!


Mountain skiing for the new year 2017: where to go

Where to go for the new year in the mountains? One uniquely will suit you any tour in Scandinavia, which covers Denmark, Finland and Norway. Add to the list of countries France, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Slovenia ... and the eyes are already beginning to scatter.

It is worth noting immediately: the tickets involving skiing or snowboarding, an order of magnitude more expensive than the rest. To the cost of the flight, accommodation and services of your tour operator, add equipment rental (if, of course, you do not have your own) and daily payment of skipping up the mountain, or even a few mountains. Be prepared and to the fact that this type of rest is very effortful, and a part of the passengers of the aircraft in the cast on the way back is quite ordinary spectacle. So carefully study your insurance, because even an experienced skier can slip into a flat place with all the ensuing consequences.

  • Austria is not the cheapest option, but the price / quality ratio is just perfect here. A large number of mountains, trails of different levels of difficulty, from flat children's slides to the transcendental extreme vertices. Research of the glacier, mountains from the inside, wind, speed, sun ... And as the cozy cafe with mulled, schnapps and a bunch of different food are waiting for you.
  • Italy, though later, began to master this direction in tourism, it is no longer inferior to the competitors. Elite holiday, the highest level of service, and many mountains with all sorts of tracks - all this you will find in Italy.
  • Switzerland is a VIP in all its glory, and for what sphere it will not take: whether it is cheese, clock or mountain skiing.

The list can be continued to infinity: Germany Bulgaria, France, Spain, Andorra, Turkey ... Everywhere beautiful mountains and a variety of routes. The price / quality ratio is acceptable everywhere, just somewhere more expensive, somewhere cheaper. If you are interested in more budget options, then Bulgaria, Turkey and the Czech Republic at your service.


New Year 2017 in Russia: where to go

If there is no possibility or desire to go celebrate the new year 2017 abroad, not trouble: Our homeland is so immense, is there enough of life to explore each of its corner?

New Year 2017 in Veliky Ustyug

So Lapland is the birthplace of American Santa, and the Great Ustyug is our native Russian Santa Claus! Frost and fluffy snow cover are provided to you, add to this music, garlands, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden with their unique performance and understand that there is a paradise for adults and children, and all ages! Troika skating, evenings in a pleasant company at the billiard table or in the sauna, luxury dinners in the restaurant, hiking in the forest and all sorts of winter fun: there may be a Russian new year!


New Year 2017 in the capital of our Motherland

In general, the new year is very like to celebrate in Russia, someone does it in a narrow circle of relatives and loved ones, someone in a noisy company with songs and dancing until the morning. At midnight, the salute rattles, and then the young people explodes everywhere, hesitates his own fireworks. Santas are walking through the streets, and everyone who wants to communicate with them is photographed by the word, everyone is having fun as they can. In every big city on the central (and not only) area there is a Christmas tree, where and flock all who are going to post or have already guided the New Year! Of course, the most colorful presentation and the most beautiful Christmas tree can be seen in Moscow on Red Square. This is truly enchanting when the atmosphere of the expectation of the New Year's miracle pierces everyone together and everyone separately. In the company of their compatriots-like-minded people in the open-air should meet the New Year at least once in life!


New Year 2017 on Baikal

Have you ever been on Baikal? Do you know that this is the cleaner and deep lake in the world, which is beautiful at any time of the year? But it is not somewhere there on the other end of the globe, but here we have, in Russia. Be sure to go there, and if you do this to the new year 2017, you will not regret for a minute! It is in winter that it is possible to consider the bottom of the lake, because it is covered with a transparent bluish thick bracker. You can meet the New Year 2017 in your hotel, and you can go to the island of Olkhon in your hotel. It is said that it is here that the grave of Genghis Khan himself is.

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In fact, places where you can go in Russia for the new year 2017 and not read, because every city of our Motherland is beautiful! St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Vologda ... And you can take and drive around 8 cities of the Golden Ring of Russia at once: Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Ivanovo, Sergiev Posad, Vladimir, Suzdal, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Rostov Great.
In the end, if it did not work out anywhere, do not worry! Surely and in your city has its own highlight! Meet the New Year 2017 at the square under Christmas tree, or maybe with a traditional Olivier in the company with the most close people to you ... After all, the main thing is not where to meet the new 2017, but with whom and how to do it!

Where to go to New Year 2017

From December 25, by about 3 January of each year, prices take off, because "demand gives rise to a sentence" - a well-known market law. Therefore, it may be reasonable to meet the new year 2017 at home, and after leaving: in the Alps, on the Caribbean Sea, yes anywhere!

If you still want to carry out the new year to spend abroad (not in vain they say that how to meet the new year, so you will spend it), then you can consider Turkey. She was always an excellent option of budget recreation for Russians. Egypt leaves a little more expensive, however, if we snatch a burning trip, then there may be an inverse situation.

Due to the fall of the ruble, Europe became less accessible to rest, however, even Europe is different. Italy, Austria, France will definitely undermine your budget. It is worth paying attention to the beautiful city of Krakow in Poland, Riga in Latvia ... Czech Republic and some Italy hotels with successful coincidence will also make significant savings in the budget and a lot of new impressions.

If we talk about Russia, you can get to the great Ustyug for a reasonable price. Although of course, and our homeland is torn to heaven! Suzdal is an excellent option for the budget New Year, Karelia ... and, of course, your own city!


Where to go with your family for the new year 2017

Where to go to the new year 2017 married couple

In principle, it all depends on the preferences and capabilities of the pair itself! Want romance? Definitely, Paris! Want romance on the seashore or ocean? Then you are in Dominican Republic, Cuba, on Bali ... A good shopping can be made in Germany, and other European countries arrange the grand sales on the eve of the New Year holidays!


Where to go for the new year 2017 with children

If the family couple already has children, then the list of countries is significantly reduced. All countries with a beach view of the rest are still suitable. The same Dominican is famous for its luxurious hotels in which entertainment for all ages, for every taste and color! One children's animation of what is worth. And when all-inclusive, the head does not hurt than feed the child, and your loved ones too!

When choosing a beach holiday with children, be sure to see what beach, read reviews about it and about the purity of the sea. What put the descent into the sea, the better, comfortable and safer. The hotel's level is important - as far as there is hygienic, what they say about the staff, what kind of children's entertainment programs ... If you are traveling on a journey with a child, then you need to pick up a tour first of all under his needs, and what he is the younger, the time it sounds stricter!

Be sure to challenge your babies to the Motherland of Santa Claus and Santa Claus. While childhood in full swing, while the kids believe in a miracle, it is necessary to make these memories to be fabulous for them!


Let's summarize

We have conducted a brief overview of New Year's and Christmas tours, appreciated them for the criteria for the price / quality, climate, entertainment and saturation of New Year's programs. There is no one else to celebrate the new 2017, of course, not. To each his own. The most important thing is that at this moment when the whole country is one, in one voice counting the number of hours of hours, with you were the closest and dear people! It does not matter whether you will be in the Maldives in a chic restaurant or at home for an old dining table. The most important thing is people, relationships, love. Everything else will definitely apply! Certious the desire for the battle of the chimes, and it, of course, will come true!

Video: "Where to go for the new year?"


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