
Which wallet to choose

Which wallet to choose
How to attract money using a wallet. How to choose a wallet as a gift for different signs of the zodiac.

Money is a powerful energy that allows you to make changes to life, making it bright and diverse. There are many teachings on how to increase the flow of this energy to a particular person. One of the options for attracting money is the right wallet. Everything is logical and natural here: everything in life rotates around beauty and prosperity, because we try to find beautiful clothes and shoes worthy of work and a life partner. We subconsciously hope that all this will provide us with a happy and prosperous life, will charge us with positive and reliability.

How to choose a wallet: recommendations


A wallet is an apartment for money, and the more luxurious and attractive this house will be, the more financial energy it can attract. A logical conclusion follows from this: the wallet should be beautiful, expensive, made of genuine leather. Products from synthetic materials do not hold energy, so the money there is not delayed. When buying a wallet, it is better to give preference to natural leather and suede products. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the material from which the wallet is made. Sometimes manufacturers offer leather products with a short -lived coating, scuffs and scratches quickly appear on such skin.

For most modern people, a wallet is a status thing, so it must correspond to the floor, style and age of a person. Even if the wallet is not very expensive, it should be spacious, with a large number of departments and pockets, so that the money in it “live” with pleasure. Functionality is not in last place: choose a storage for money with a variety of departments and pockets for trifles and banknotes of different advantages.

Astrology experts advise not to buy a wallet yourself, but to receive as a gift. It is desirable that the person who gives him has financial force, the energy of money. He will be able to invest as a gift part of this energy, which will positively affect your financial well -being.

If you choose a wallet as a gift, do not save money on a gift, choose an item that looks respectable and expensive. Do not forget to immediately put at least one large banknote in the wallet, it will be the key to the financial security of the person to whom you will give a gift.

How to choose a wallet to attract money


  1. The first indestructible rule for financial well -being - the wallet should not be cheap. Do not skimp, because you are not so often buying this accessory. It is better to choose the moment when you receive a large monetary reward: a bonus or an impressive salary, then it will be very useful to spend part of the money on a decent wallet. Gently place the money there and do not spend it for at least a few days. Money should take root in the new house and charge it with energy.
  2. The size of the “monetary house” should be such that the largest monetary bill is placed without a bend. Otherwise, the money will not rush into your wallet. Do not forget, decompose banknotes in a certain order: at first the largest, in the next compartment medium, then small and so on. Closer to you should be bills of fine dignity, and then large. A trifle is in a separate pocket.
  3. For financial well -being, it is recommended to put “prosperity coins” in the wallet. Such a magic souvenir can be bought in gift departments of stores. It is 3 Chinese coins made of yellowish metal with square holes in the middle. These coins are connected by a silk lace or a red ribbon. It is recommended to hide the souvenir in a secret pocket and constantly wear in a wallet. If you cannot buy “coins of prosperity”, they can be replaced by any other irreplaceable money that you will not pay in stores. It can be a foreign center or shekel, or a regular ruble. A collection ruble is suitable for this purpose, which is rarely found in circulation.
  4. With any lack of money, do not leave the wallet empty, this is a bad sign. There should be at least a few banknotes of small dignity in the wallet.
  5. If your goal is to attract finances to the wallet, do not store paper garbage in it. Different receipts, tickets, accounts, checks should constantly be removed from the wallet, freeing the space for money.
  6. To attract money, the Fengage experts advise to wear an image of a ripe clustard of grapes or a mint piece of mint in a wallet. Such pictures increase monetary luck and attract energy. Hide in a hidden pocket of a wallet an image of a thing you dream to purchase. This can be a picture of the place in which you dream of visiting, or an expensive car. After a short period of time, you will notice that your dream begins to come true.

What color to choose a wallet

When choosing a wallet, hold it in your hands. Analyze your feelings: how much it is to the touch, how lies in your hand. If everything suits you and you like the wallet, you can buy it. Most experts in the preservation and increase of energy advise to acquire wallets of wealth flowers. These shades include:

  •   brown;
  •   black;
  •   gold;
  •   yellow;
  •   red;
  •   orange.

It is not recommended to choose green, blue and blue “money for money”. The energy of objects of such colors is very fleeting, it has the ability to slip away and disappear. A light print in the form of butterflies, ribbons, precious stones and banknotes is allowed on the wallet. It can be done with paint or made using embossing technique.

How to choose a wallet according to the zodiac sign


It became popular to make gifts, given the sign of the zodiac of a person. How to choose the right wallet for different signs of the zodiac? What nuances should you pay attention to?

Which wallet to choose: Aries

Aries are often ambitious and purposeful. For them, it is better to choose leather wallets from famous manufacturers with a bright label. Such an accessory will celebrate Aries status and amuse his pride. Aries will be very pleased to realize that you spent time to find such a wallet and laid out a tidy amount of money for this. Pay attention to the colors for Aries: red, raspberry, golden.

Which wallet to choose: Taurus


For Taurus, it is better to choose a solid wallet with a huge number of soft leather compartments. Inscriptions and drawings should be avoided, but the color of the accessory should be elegant and festive in order to correspond to the character of the body. Do not forget about the mercantile of this person, be sure to put large money in the wallet!

Which wallet to choose: Gemini

The duality of this sign involves a wallet of two halves of different colors, and even better 2 wallets in different colors. Very quickly the mood changes in the twins! The color of the accessory is gray or orange. Wallets of such colors will help stabilize the financial condition of the twins.

Which wallet to choose: cancer

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A cancer wallet should be mysterious, like a representative of this sign. Choose a “house for money” with a large number of departments that are closed to fasteners and lightning. Like cancer is secret pockets and secret fasteners. Cash luck will bring cancer silver and lilac wallets.

Which wallet to choose: lion

Leo appreciates wealth and quality, so a handmade wallet with sparkles and rivets will be a good gift for him. The colors of the accessories that will bring financial well -being: black, scarlet, coral. Do not forget to put a shiny yellow coin in a pocket, let it not be gold, if only to sparkle!

Which wallet to choose: Virgin

Virgo seeks to have elegant, but comfortable and practical things. To do this, you should choose a neat wallet of a small size, made without frills, rhinestones and sparkles. Contrary to all the laws of saving monetary energy, the wallets of white, turquoise and green are recommended for the maiden.

Which wallet to choose: Libra

For weights, the monetary house should be stylish. Libra prefers a wallet with a variety of pockets, among which are exactly the same. This will provide an opportunity to fluctuate the sign to shift banknotes from one place to another. Regarding the color - stop on the cold range: blue and greenish colors.

Which wallet to choose: Scorpio


This zodiac sign is extremely demanding and capricious. If you decide which wallet is better to choose for Scorpio, choose a very high -quality product. The souvenir should have clear seams, high -quality lining, classic unwilling fittings. The passionate nature of Scorpio loves red, orange and gold colors, it is they who will ensure financial stability to this sign.

Which wallet to choose: Sagittarius

The ability of Sagittarius to forget everything and lose often disappoints loved ones. In order for the wallet to be always in the field of view of the scattered sign, give him a large thing that is difficult not to notice. So that Sagittarius does not experience financial difficulties, choose a souvenir of blue, lilac or green.

Which wallet to choose: Capricorn

If you decide to give Capricorn any thing, first find out exactly how much it needs it. Capricorn most often has his own plans and aspirations. This zodiac sign like classic things that combine beauty and practicality. Recommended by astrologers of color to attract money: black and brown.

Which wallet to choose: Aquarius

For financial well -being, Aquarius is best suited by a handmade wallet. It should be large so that the banknotes in it do not crumble. The colors of the gift are cold: blue, purple, turquoise.

Which wallet to choose: fish

Fish will appreciate the vintage or antique thing, so choose a wallet that corresponds to the past era. It is important to pay attention to the quality of the skin of the wallet, it should be impeccable. Recommended colors will not only provide financial stability, but also delight the eye. Astrologers advise giving fish silver, steel, white and turquoise wallets.

Which wallet to choose: tips for financial well -being

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It is necessary to get rid of the old wallet immediately. If you notice that a trifle is sprinkled from your wallet, and it has become shabby, it's time to think about the new house for money.

In the wallet you can not store photos of your loved ones and relatives. This negatively affects the psycho -emotional state of people, over time they can become too mercantile. Such a reverse effect sometimes has the energy of money in the photograph. In addition, images of people can interfere with the replenishment of monetary energy.

If you find the money, do not waste it on your own needs and do not store it in your wallet. Try to give them to charity or give them out to the poor. Believe me, these funds will return to you in double.

Try to get rid of torn, worn and dirty bills. At the first opportunity, exchange them or pay them in the store. Try to keep crispy new bills in your wallet.

Do not waste the entire salary on the very first day, even if you do not receive it in cash, but store it on the card. Money should spend the night with your day or two so that your cash account is never empty. A bank card, which constantly turns money, can be safely placed with money. But the overdue card must be immediately sent to garbage.

You can not store prescriptions for medicines in the wallet. The neighborhood of recipes and cash can provoke large pharmacy expenses.

In one of the wallet departments, you can put a piece of cinnamon or beans. There is a belief that these items attract cash flow and make it endless.


Constantly plan your income and expenses. Remember that rich people became wealthy only because they knew how to count money well. Set real life goals and calculate how much funds are required for this.

Each decides to believe or not believe the signs and advice of astrologers. Most importantly, to believe only in good and not think about the bad, because thoughts are material. And if you carry only positive to the universe, he will definitely return to you!

What kind of money for money to choose. Video

Practical tips for choosing a wallet.


Diana 05.05.2018 Answer

I chose a leather wallet for myself and my husband according to Fengi here Everything is super, after a month, the fin’s condition has clearly improved!
