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How to choose a mattress

How to choose a mattress
How to choose a mattress for sleep.

Specialists recommend approaching the purchase of a mattress with all thoroughness to choose a high-quality and really useful thing that will serve as years. About 90% of people are familiar with a sense of tension in the spine, painful feelings in the back, and not all of them turn to orthopedic. Often, such sensations are caused by an incorrectly equipped sleeping place.

How to choose a mattress: Useful Tips

Signs indicating the need to buy a new mattress:

  • the product creaks, rolling springs, is presented and saves under the weight of the body;
  • the filler is collected by lumps.

The correctly selected mattress will provide its owner support for the spine and allow the muscles to get relaxation in a dream.


To choose a mattress, pay attention to:

  • the degree of its rigidity - each person has these requirements individual. In order to choose a mattress, test it before buying - put the product near the wall vertically and lightly click on it from the outside. The quality mattress, the deflection will not exceed 20-25 cm;
  • quality of support - how evenly the load is distributed at a pressure on the mattress. When you sit down or lie on it, the corners of the mattress should not bounce. To choose a mattress, try to go on your back and spend your hand between the spine and the mattress if the hand goes easier - it means that the mattress is harsh. If in order to turn on the side, the effort is required, the mattress for sleep is unnecessarily soft;
  • the size of the mattress - must correspond to the base on which it will be located. The length of the product should at least 10-15 cm exceed a human height. Produced as thin mattresses with a thickness of 3-4 cm (the so-called mattress covers used on top of the main mattress) and products with a large amount of filler - up to 30 cm thick;
  • product quality - To select a mattress, read the offers of famous manufacturers of mattresses, it is not recommended to save health on health.

When analyzing, what mattress is better to buy, it should be borne in mind that some types of fillers can cause allergies.

How to choose a mattress: Types and Mattress Designs

According to the design, flavored and spring mattresses are distinguished. You can choose inflatable mattresses (for example, Intex mattresses are inexpensive, compact, easy to transport and easily repaired in the event of puncture), as well as water mattresses. They are often used in travel either as a guest version, such mattresses can be attributed to a blackout type.

Many orthopedists recommend to sleep on a spring product to their patients, especially for a double mattress, about one-sized opinion diverge. In any case, how to choose a mattress is a matter of personal preferences.

How to choose a mattress: Spring products


Over the years, the spring mattress has not lost its popularity. For a comfortable sleep, you can choose the mattress of the middle rigidity of the spring type.

Depending on the design, two types of spring mattresses distinguish:

  • In the form of a metal spring block consisting of a bonded frame of two-disconnect springs with 4-5 coils covered with a layer of foam rubber or felt and covered with a cover. Such mattresses are inexpensive, withstand a significant load and it is distributed qualitatively. The disadvantages of this product include:
  • the possibility of the appearance of rust, accumulating inside dust, and even in some cases insects;
  • skin Springs;
  • over time, it is possible to sagging a mattress.
  • The mattress from independent spring blocks - consists of springs packed in separate covers of thick soft tissue. At the same time, the springs do not come into contact with each other, the diameter of them is less and the amount of turns is greater than in classical dependent spring blocks. The more the springs have turns, the more convenient the mattress (usually in such springs 6-9 turns). Due to this design, there is a uniform distribution of the load and the effect of orthopedic support occurs. Such a mattress will not creak - it is completely silent, lasts more than 10 years. Of the disadvantages can be noted quite high cost - twice as expensive than a mattress with a dependent spring base.

Quality spring blocks of mattresses can be used to arrange a bedroom without any medical restrictions.

How to choose a mattress: flavored products

Such products consist of one or more layers, both natural materials and synthetic latex, polyurethane foam, are used as a filler. These mattresses are usually characterized by high wear resistance, suitable for both urban and country conditions are easily transported and ventilated. Flameless mattresses are characterized by greater rigidity and can withstand a large weight load than spring, and also cost somewhat more expensive. The height of spring mattresses on average is 18-25 cm, and 50-15 cm flashes.


You can choose mattresses with a base in the form of metal or wooden frames - with legs or without them. The frame across the frame is located wooden lamellas - racks with a thickness of 3 to 9 cm, on which the mattress lies. A qualitative base together with the mattress helps to reduce the load on the spine, provides normal ventilation and extends the service life of the product.

How to choose a mattress: Mattress Upholstery and Fillers

For upholstery of mattresses, durable jacquard fabrics with high weaving density can be used. It is allowed to use cotton, synthetic and mixed composition of materials. Adding synthetic gives tissues of durability and strength, the ratio of 60% of cotton and 40% of synthetic additives is optimal. Jacquard cloth for upholstery is impregnated with special antibacterial drugs, dust pliers are not breeding on it. It is not recommended to choose mattresses on the bed with a synthetic upholstery (for example, from a flock), as it will not be too pleasant to sleep on such a mattress, besides these materials cannot provide the necessary hygroscopicity and air permeability of the product.

There are removable and non-removable covers. Both options have its pros and cons. Removable covers can be removed and wrapped, however, they are not so perfectly adjacent to the mattress as non-removable, and also after washing can give shrinkage.

As fillers for mattresses, both natural fillers and synthetic, as well as the mixed composition of materials are used.

Products with natural fillers of different types are produced, among them you can choose mattresses:

  • from the extruded cotton - the air is well passed and creates a comfortable microclimate at any time of the year;
  • from woolen fiber (sheep wool) - environmentally friendly material with excellent thermal insulation characteristics, used for the winter side of a two-way mattress type "Winter - Summer";
  • from natural latex foam - produced from rubber tree, characterized by antibacterial properties, hypoallergenicity, depreciation resistance. The latex mattress repeats the form of the human body, is able to withstand high loads, it is distinguished by elasticity and elasticity;
  • coconut coyra - a rigid material from the coconut octoplate is impregnated with latex for elasticity. Koyra - elastic, not absorbing moisture, hypoallergenic, durable filler, has antibacterial properties. Coconut mattress is both rigid and elastic;
  • from the fiber of natural cotton wool - cheap mattresses, distinguished by pomp and elasticity, pleasant to the touch are made of this material. Weightful disadvantage of cotton mattresses is their short-life - wool after a short operation can fall into Koma;
  • from horse's hair (tails and horses) - high-strength and elastic material, well passes air, hygroscopic, all-year, does not accumulate dust and harmful microorganisms, has a healing effect in rheumatism, as well as orthopedic properties.

You can also choose mattresses with sisal filler, felt, merino wool and other materials. Latex and horse-hair products are traditionally considered one of the best mattresses. True, recently, due to the allergenic of the horse's hair, a tendency appeared more often to use coconut coir as a filler.

Alternatively, mattresses with the following synthetic fillers can be selected as an alternative to products with fillers from natural materials:

  • elastic polyurethane foam - hypoallergenic and durable material;
  • artificial Latex - it is distinguished by greater rigidity and elasticity compared to natural latex, as well as less weighs. It does not cause allergies, the mattresses from this material are withstanding large weight loads, differ in a low price;
  • foam with the effect of memory - takes the shape of the human body and creates maximum comfort, it is recommended that there is enough sleeping sleep without numerous change of poses - otherwise orthopedics advise to sleep on a hard mattress.

Cotton, coconut fiber, natural latex, polyurethane foam and holofiber are considered the best fillers for children's mattresses.

How to choose an orthopedic mattress

When using a poor-quality saving mattress, the spine will be tense, disk displacement may appear, which threatens in future health problems. To prevent such situations, you can choose orthopedic mattresses designed to maintain the spine in a natural position, given its physiological form.


For this, various technologies are applied, such as:

  • uniform load distribution using the creation of various zones of the stiffness of the mattress, respectively, the weight of various parts of the human body;
  • in latex mattresses, the rigidity of different parts of the product is adjusted by perforation of individual zones, in spring - with springs of different stiffness.

Popular domestic mattresses of Ascona are widely represented. This product passes strict quality control in a sleep laboratory certified by international standards. To date, the range of orthopedic mattresses exceeds several hundred different models.

How to choose a mattress - video


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