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How to choose skates

How to choose skates
Choose skates for adults and children.

Skating - a fairly popular kind of physical activity and recreation. Such a passion requires the corresponding convenient equipment for skating, i.e. Specialized boots with an attached system for movement. Modern skates are of different species and will be useful to you at different times of the year.

What skates choose

Given the wide range of products on sale, it is not difficult to choose good skates. You can ride in the fresh air, as well as on the covered rims. If you are thinking about what skates it is better to choose for yourself or a child, you need to choose them thoughtfully and carefully - after all, a well-chosen model will qualitatively fix the leg during movement and will provide comfortable skating for a long time. There is a wide selection of ice and roller models. To choose the right skates, you must first decide where and how do you plan to ride.

How to choose skates: Skate varieties

We produce several types of ice skates, these include:

  • pleasure;
  • figured;
  • hockey;
  • skating.

The above models, as well as roller skates refer to the varieties of sports inventory. In addition, skate models are divided into men's, women's and children. Women's skates are usually made with an enhanced toe, as well as a backbone - for safe riding. Skate boots are lightweight and insulated.


We produce children's skates with a sliding mechanism that allows you to change the boots for 3-4 sizes.

To figure out how to successfully choose skates for skating, consider the type of skates and the features of their choice.

How to choose hockey skates

This type of skates is designed specifically for playing hockey - they are used for sports workouts, therefore special requirements are presented to their execution and quality. Hockey boots are characterized by stiffness - to protect the legs of the player from the falls of washers, sticking sticks and collisions. Release amateur, semi-professional and professional skates for hockey.


The blade of hockey skates is rounded, its straight plot is short - such sports shoes is distinguished by good maneuverability and is not designed for slipping, but on the run on ice. Depending on the type of movement in the game, you can choose hockey skates:

  • for attackers - with a maneuverable blade of a curved form;
  • for defenders - with a direct blade that gives sustainability;
  • for goalkeepers - with low shoes and wide blades.

For shoes of hockey skates, wear-resistant synthetic materials are used, inside the package to enhance protection, as well as the lining to give softness. In the semi-professional and professional models of skate boots, more stringent and at the same time lightweight, additional reinforced protection, thermoforming, air chambers, as well as the "breathable" sole and quick-drying materials, depreciating moisture are used. For cycling on the frost it is recommended to choose amateur skates for hockey, professional models are usually designed for use in indoor rooms.

How to choose skates polikes

For outdoor activities, roller skates have proven perfectly. Roller skating is becoming increasingly popular among children and adolescents, as well as adults, because it is an excellent opportunity to organize a vacation from everyday cases - alternate them with physical activity in the fresh air.


The following types of roller skate boots are manufactured:

  1. Hard - durable plastic boots with inserted soft toes provide reliable foot fixing and injury protection, as well as well ventilated. The disadvantages of such models include not always convenient fixation, which can lead to equilibrium loss.
  2. Soft - comfortably sit down and are well fixed, maneuverable, lungs and well ventilated.
  3. Combined boots combine the advantages of both rigid and soft models.

Choosing this type of skates, also pay attention to the wheels and frame.

Frames for roller skates produce the following types:

  • plastic (composite) - soften the shock when driving around the uneven surface, are recommended for beginners;
  • metal - allow you to quickly accelerate and maintain speed, tread models are equipped with such frames.

As a material for wheels, polyurethane is most often used, cheap models with plastic wheels for riding are unsuitable. Models with reduced wheels are intended for advanced roles, such skates allow you to do complex tricks - for example, ride on the railing. Roller skates with five wheels, as well as low boots are designed for high-speed driving, so they have a low-speed maneuverability, they are hardly suitable for beginners.

Also note how the skates are attached to the leg - with the help of cords or mechanical clips (lacing allows you to achieve a better fit of the boot), whether they are equipped with a brake.

We produce children's roller skates with a sliding mechanism, which allows them to be used for more than one year, adjusting to the legs. Roller skates The child can be adjusted within a few sizes.

How to choose skates fokory

Skates for figure skating are designed to slip on ice with the performance of complex dances and tricks. For high-quality fixation of ankle without loss of mobility of legs, high, thin and hard shoes made of durable materials are characteristic of them - without insulation, with lacing and heel. The blade is attached to the form that allows you to perform various jumps, accelerate and slide on the ice.

To do this, ice skating are used:

  • the blade protruding in the rear;
  • special notch in the form of a "groove";
  • teeth ahead above the ice line.

The curly blade is lower and wider than the hockey skates, is distinguished by stability when sliding. Pay attention to the sole of the boot - the easiest is plastic. Choose curly skates follows the foot.

How to choose skating skating

This type of skates is designed for high-speed run and is distinguished by a very thin long blade, low and light boots. It is necessary to move in them with the inclination of the hull forward, heavily bent down the legs. Such skates are affordable for any maneuvering and are intended for good ice skating stadiums - for running on long tracks in compliance with safety. For amateur and family skating, this type of skates is not suitable.

How to choose skatesrogulic

For someone who wants to just ride his pleasure without studying and performing complex pyruettes and tricks, pleasure models are suitable - these are skates for beginners, as well as for walking and relaxed riding. Their blade resembles the shape of figureless or skating skates, below hockey and slightly wider, is distinguished by short teeth, located significantly above the line of movement - so they will not hurt ice when riding. Pleasure skates are usually soft and well insulated boots for a comfortable ride, which are comfortable to wear (they can be provided for both laces for tying and comfortable fasteners).

How to choose skates: nrimerka

If you have already decided what to choose skates for skating, it is recommended to start choosing in specialized stores. Measure boots with a sock in which you plan to ride. For sustainable riding and high-quality support for ankle, you need a dense fit of the boot. It should be noted that skate shoes are swallowed with time. The scale of the size of the skates is different from ordinary shoes, so it is possible to correctly choose the skates or an adult, only by simply having a few models and achieved the most comfortable fit on the leg. Famous manufacturers offer comparative table sizes and conventional shoe size (for children, adolescents and adults).


To pick up the appropriate length, while trying out the foot in the footwear back - so that the heel stopped into the back. Foot fingers must reach the shoe sock and have free. If the length is suitable for you, but the shoe is either, on the contrary, it sits too loose, pick the desired completeness of the shoes, trying to achieve convenient adjunctions.

How to choose kids

It is recommended to choose skates for a child slightly on the increase (between the back of the shoe and the foot should be free to enter the index finger). Do not buy skates with a margin of more than one size, as learning to ride will be inconvenient, moreover, too free landing can be fraught with various injuries. Baby sliding rollers are convenient - such models produce most manufacturers. Understand how to choose sliding skates, it is possible intuitively - they are adjusted in size and they are simply fastened, with the extension of such a transformed construction in the future, the child can cope with himself.

How to choose skates - video


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