
How to choose a bread maker

How to choose a bread maker
Types of bread makers. Characteristic and price

Such a new -fangled kitchen technique as the bread maker continues to conquer the hearts of the hostesses and occupy a place of honor in the kitchens. This fact is explained by the useful and taste qualities of an indispensable product cooked at home.

It is recommended not only to buy a bread machine not only to all fans of the hot baking and bakery products, but also to people who monitor their health. Referring to reviews about bread makers, we can safely say that home bread is much tastier, fragrant and more useful than you buy in stores. What is the warm slice of bread with a crispy crust, cooked with your own hands.

Bread should be consumed by everyone, even if you are on a diet, since it contains the vitamins of group B necessary for the body, which are not contained by more than one other product in the right amount. There are no difficulties in cooking using such a machine, because it can knead, withstand the dough and bake bread to your taste. But the question is how to choose a bread maker that meets your requirements without overpayment for unnecessary functions, we will try to help you decide further.

How to choose a bread maker: a bread machine device

The first furnaces for the preparation of bread were developed by the past century by Panasonic, but initially the bread in them turned out to be buried with raw chaff inside. New developments have led to a change in the vertical walls of the form for the best batch of dough and combining the shape for the test with a baking shape into one. The entire today's computerized system consists of approximately the same elements of the bread maker (photo):


  • external form with one or more heated elements;
  • the internal form for the test and pastries;
  • device cover;
  • shoulder blades for the batch of dough;
  • management panel.

It is noteworthy that over time, manufacturers came to the conclusion that the narrow shape for the test and baking contributes to better and uniform preparation. The outer chamber that supplies temperature is regulated by the given programs and allows you to twist mechanized blades. The internal form is always made of special anti -stick Teflon coating, which should be carefully handled to avoid damage, and at the bottom of the form there is a mixing shoulder blade, which must be removed from the finished product.

How to choose a bread maker: types of bakers


The best bread maker does not mean expensive, but one that completely satisfies your needs. The cost of such equipment may depend on the advantages and disadvantages of the furnace, as well as on the brand of the manufacturer. In order not to pay more, you need to know by what functional differences to select a baking device and what types of stoves can be found in stores.

How to choose a bread maker: power

First of all, the power of the device is determined by its size and the preparation time of products. In modern models of bread furnaces, power can be from 400 to 1700 watts. The higher the installed capacity, the faster the product will prepare, but the electrical consumption will require more.


How to choose a bread maker: external body

Basically, the outer case is made of light plastic, which can be deformed in case of careless handling. A more durable stove with a stainless steel body is considered to be a stainless steel, which requires particularly careful care. Depending on the material of the external case, weight (from 4 to 8 kg) and the price of the bread maker will vary.


How to choose a bread maker: internal form

In most popular models, a form for dough and baking is a rectangle. There are also forms in the form of a bucket or long for baking loans. The material for the form can be aluminum or stainless steel, and the coating in all forms must certainly be anti -stick.

The weight of the furnace and the beneficial space occupied by it in the kitchen directly depend on the size of the baked product. The most compact furnaces will allow you to bake only 400 g of bread, and large more than 1,500 g. It makes no sense to bake home bread, since home baking does not contain special preservatives that increase the shelf life, so you should determine in advance what kind of product the product is needed by your family.

How to choose a bread maker: cover

A transparent cover or with a built -in window does not affect the taste of the product, but allows you to simplify the cooking process. Also, for the hostesses, the lid is made. The possibility of its complete disconnection allows not only to simplify the process of removing baking, but it will also allow you to clean the equipment easier.


How to choose a bread maker: control

All models have a convenient control panel and or without backlighting display. Distinguish between voluminous button models and drowned sensory. The display indicates information about the processes of preparation, time, temperature and other settings, therefore, the more it will be, the more informative for the user.


How to choose a bread maker: safety

Any process of the batch of dough and baking the product requires 3 to 6 hours of continuous operation of the machine. This programmed process should not be interrupted by electro -spacing malfunctions, so the technique has a function of memorizing up to an hour, which allows you to resume work from an interrupted stage. However, a longer lack of energy supply will lead to a breakdown of the baking program.

If there are children in the house, then the function of blocking the cover and buttons during the operation of the equipment is very relevant, but in addition to the opening of the lid can disturb the process of kneading and preparing the product. Also, high temperatures inside the device can cause injuries or burns in case of accidental opening, so the blocking will reliably protect all the family members of those interested in the process of preparation. The dedication function of the device when overheating will save the house from the fire, even if you forget to turn off the equipment.


How to choose a bread maker: programs

Naturally, all pre -installed stove programs provide a greater opportunity for the preparation of various products, but the number of programs also affects the cost of equipment. The minimum number of special programs in the furnace is 3 - batch of dough, pastries and fast pastries. The maximum possible number of installed programs can reach 20, however, the manual settings mode will help repeat any recipe.

Multifunctional stoves have the following modes:

  1. Baking several varieties of bread and marshes:
  • nonsense;
  • bessoleum;
  • borodinsky;
  • buns with additives;
  • vitaminized;
  • mustard;
  • dietary without gluten (from special types of flour);
  • cupcake;
  • honey;
  • rye;
  • with additives;
  • sour cream;
  • pumpkin;
  • french baguette.
  1. Baking from the finished dough.
  2. Preparation of several types of dough.
  3. Preparation of jam and jam.
  4. The level of frying crust


Extra baking allows you to reduce the main time of cooking bread by 2 times and cook from the finished dough. The reduction in time directly depends on the qualitatively mixed dough and therefore requires the mandatory presence of yeast for the splendor of baking. In models of non -free -free bread products of this mode may not be, since the dough must be lifted several times under the usual mode, and in the extra mode the dough is baked immediately without a batch and will not be able to rise without yeast.

The temperature support program allows you to keep the product warm for several hours. This is very relevant in the case when you are not ready to serve bread right away. However, depending on the dough recipe, some products can be drew and become not as crispy as freshly baked ones.

Surgery and multifunctional modes allow you to prepare dough for pancakes, pizzas, pasta, pies and dumplings or dumplings. Also, the presence of a regime for jam or jam will help to cook your favorite treat for tea without difficulty in a couple of hours. You just need to place fruits or berries and sugar, as well as select the desired program mode according to the instructions for the bread machine.


How to choose a bread maker: functions

There is a timer in almost all models of baking equipment, which allows you to postpone the preparation of products for a maximum of 15 hours. This function will undoubtedly become indispensable if you want to cook fresh bread for breakfast or dinner, even if you are resting or you are simply not at home. You just need to lay all the ingredients and install a program with a timer for launch.

The function of the dispenser allows you to automatically add any desired additional ingredients to the prepared baking. Such a function is only in expensive models, as this complicates the design of the furnace. In ordinary models, the ingredients are added manually by the sound signal of the equipment.


How to choose a bread maker: equipment

In the kit, instructions for the bread maker, measuring dishes (a glass and spoon), as well as a warranty card for maintenance, should certainly be attached to the equipment. A book of special recipes for the main popular bakery products from different types of dough can also be attached. In order to correctly measure all the ingredients, it is recommended to acquire accurate kitchen electric boards for the correct measurement of the number of products.

How to choose a bread maker: Khlebopel manufacturers

You can buy a bakery on the Internet or in household appliances stores. It also makes sense to ask and personally determine the model you need in popular stores, and it is already cheaper to purchase your beloved model of bread makers in the online store, since it is often much cheaper there. A virtual store can offer a wider range of goods and make a purchase on order cheaper than the market price, and popular forums about bread makers will allow you to find out real reviews of customers about famous stove brands.

How to choose a bread maker: Ranasonic bread machine


The SD-ZV2502 VTS model from the manufacturer Ranasonic has a steel case, anti-stick buckets and 2 dispenser sectors (for additives and yeast) and allows you to postpone the preparation for the set time. Panasonic bread machine has 12 modes of baking bread, 10 programs for various dough. The model is also equipped with jam and jam modes, temperature maintenance functions, memorizing the program, choosing the weight and crust of the product.

The furnace has a capacity of about 500 watts, baking up to 1.3 kg and a timer up to 12 hours. The cost is about 6600 p. And it works quietly enough. The lid can only be opened an hour after the batch of the test and the operation of the yeast dispenser, since the program sets the temperature necessary for baking within an hour.

How to choose a bread maker: Kenwood bread


The Kenwood VM 450 bakery model is equipped with a touch control and made of metal, in addition, it allows for air circulation for uniform baking and the formation of crust. The furnace has 15 programs (including jam and dough), 5 additional modes, 3 degrees of frying the crust, adjusting the baking weight and a dispenser for dry ingredients. The model is also equipped with temperature conservation modes, baking timer, and the program.

The technique has a power of about 800 watts, baking up to 1 kg and a cover of heat -resistant transparent glass. The cost is about 10700 p. And when kneading the dough and the work of the dispenser, it makes a specific noise. The touch panel does not require complex cleaning, and the screen is equipped with constant lighting.

How to choose a bread maker: bread bell Redmond


The Redmond Redmond Bakers RVM-1905 have a power of about 550 W, baking up to 900 g and made of durable and light plastic housing. Such a universal bread maker and a slow cooker in one will help knead the dough and bake bread, as well as boil jam and jam, porridge, compote, syrup, pitch meat and potatoes, bake vegetables and any bird. The furnace is equipped with 12 programs, the functions of the delayed cooking up to 12 hours, maintaining temperature, and the memorization of programs.

There is no dispenser and a sound signal is responsible for the additives, and the kit has a hook for blades and a culinary book. The cost of the model is about 4000 p. The furnace works quietly on all cooking modes and, due to simple and affordable management, helps to bake successful bread the first time.

How to choose a bread maker: bread maker moulinex


The OW6000 “Baguettes & Co” from the manufacturer Mouolinex is used to baking standard bread and the use of non -free -legged dough for dietary baking. The mulinx bakery allows you to adjust the weight of baking, the color of the crust, the shape of the baguette or loaf and bake products weighing up to 1500 g. The model is equipped with a timer for up to 15 hours, temperature support, dough, extra, preparation of jam and jam.

The number of programs installed for cooking reaches 19, and the stove has the opportunity to bake baguettes, sdoba and dietary bread. The model is made of stainless steel and has a removable cover. Additionally equipped with a sound signal for additives, but does not have a dispenser and has a power of about 1700 watts.

How to choose a bread maker: scarlett bread


The SS-400 scarlet scarlet model has a neat type of plastic case and is suitable for baking small size, allows you to knead the dough, cook jams and bake bread and muffins. The furnace has 12 programs, programs of program memory, cooking timer up to 12 hours, choosing crusting and maintaining temperature. The anti -stick bowl can be washed in a dishwasher.

The furnace has a capacity of about 600 watts and baking weight up to 800 g. The cost of this model will like economical housewives - about 2600 r. The technique is equipped with an observation window, it can cook porridge and bake bread from the finished dough, and also works quietly in all modes.

How to choose a bread maker: Philips


Model of the Bakery Philips ND9015/30 allows you to bake French, wheat and glutenic bread weighing up to 1 kg. The total number of programs is 12, which are supplemented by the functions of a separate batch of dough, jam cooking and baking. Also, the model has a color selection modes, baking and temperature support.

The mode of delayed cooking allows you to bake bread after 13 hours, and the preservation of program memory will continue to cook when the energy network failures. The furnace body is made of white light plastic and equipped with a display with touch buttons and a viewing window on the lid. The total weight of the equipment is about 5 kg and below the model is equipped with rubber legs, due to which it works almost silently.

How to choose a bread maker: Gorenje bread machine

Video about bread makers from the manufacturer Gorenje models VM900 Al and ND and their comparative characteristics can be seen later:



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