
How to knit socks with knitting needles for beginners. Knitted socks - schemes and description

How to knit socks with knitting needles for beginners. Knitted socks - schemes and description
How to knit socks with knitting needles for beginners: where to start, how to determine the size and choose tools, step -by -step patterns of knitting socks.

In winter, an intuitive desire to envelop yourself with warmth and softness constantly arises, to protect yourself from the cold with warm socks. They can be tied independently. This is not done as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

How to tie socks: instructions for beginners


With the help of ordinary knitting needles, you can create many different and completely unusual things. The most popular homework of needlewomen are practical and warm socks. Such a knitted gift can be please not only yourself, but also your loved ones. To create an individual presentation, you can use different schemes and techniques with which it is possible to create various sock options.

How to knit socks. Necessary tools

The key to a quality product is correctly selected resources. In order for the work or hobby for manual knitting products to bring not only benefits, but also the pleasure, before starting the process, you need to choose the right tools.

To tie the socks with knitting needles, you need not only to choose the main tool, but also not to forget about the rest of the useful and necessary things. Therefore, for the knitting of homemade socks with our own hands, we will need:

  • circular knitting needles - 5 pcs.;
  • yarn;
  • scissors;
  • knitting hook;
  • tape centimeter;
  • several parts of the eraser.

How to knit socks. Nuances of selection of material for beginners

  1. To obtain a tight knitting canvas, you need to take thin knitting needles.
  2. Yarn is selected on the basis of the future product.
  3. Beginners are recommended to start working with synthetic materials. Such yarn consists of dense fibers, which are divided into several thinner threads, so working with such materials is an order of magnitude easier.
  4. It is better not to use fluffy yarn when knitting the first products, since it is quite difficult to work with it, but the socks are very soft and extremely comfortable.

How to knit socks. Features of the manufacturing process

  1. With the help of a centimeter tape, when knitting socks, the diameters of the product at different stages of work will be measured.
  2. The eraser will be needed in order to distribute it along the tips of the spokes while working with other knitting needles.
  3. This technique will help prevent the loops, especially if you are still an inexperienced needlewoman.
  4. In order to understand how to tie socks, you can use the general scheme and instructions. Standard knitting is usually carried out by 5 average knitting needles. Before proceeding, you can see several schemes in needlework magazines on the network. In order for them to be more understandable, it is recommended to first familiarize yourself with a textual description of the process of manufacturing socks, and then proceed to needlework.

We knit socks with knitting needles: how to start correctly


Before starting work, when all tools and materials are already selected, you need to calculate the required number of loops for the future product. This can be done in several ways.

How to knit socks. Method 1

  1. Follow the legs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heel around the circle.
  2. Measure the same indicator, but already in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ankles, in the area with the thinnest part of the leg.
  3. Developed results must be folded, and then divided into 2.
  4. Upon receipt of a certain result, it is recommended to round the number in such a way that it can be aimed at 4 parts. This will allow you to make knitting more convenient.

How to knit socks. Method 2

You can also calculate the number of loops for the initial row based on data on the size of the shoe and the length of the foot. This, for example, will help you if you prepare a gift with your own hands and want to surprise people close to you with an original gift.

There are certain recommendations, as on the basis of the size of the shoes and the length of the foot, to determine the number of loops to start knitting the product.

  1. If the size of the shoes is 22 or 23, and the length of the foot is 14.5 cm, then you need to dial 44 loops.
  2. If the size of the shoes is from 24 to 25, and the length of the foot is 15.5 cm, then you will need 48 loops.
  3. If the size of the shoes is 26 or 27, and the length of the foot is 17 cm, then you need to dial 48 loops.
  4. If the size of the shoes is from 28 to 29, and the length of the foot is 18 cm, then you need to dial 52 loops.
  5. If the size of the shoes is 30 or 31, and the length of the foot is 19.5 cm, then you need to dial 52 loops.
  6. If the size of the shoes is from 32 to 33, and the length of the foot is 21 cm, then you need to dial 56 loops.
  7. If the size of the shoes is 34 or 35, and the length of the foot is 22 cm, then you need to dial 56 loops.
  8. If the size of the shoes is from 36 to 37, and the length of the foot is 23.5 cm, then you need to dial 60 loops.
  9. If the size of the shoes is 38 or 39, and the length of the foot is 25 cm, then you need to dial 60 loops.
  10. If the size of the shoes is from 40 to 41, and the length of the foot is 26.5 cm, then you need to dial 64 loops.
  11. If the size of the shoes is 42 or 43, and the length of the foot is 27.5 cm, then you need to dial 64 loops.
  12. If the size of the shoes is from 44 to 45, and the length of the foot is 28.5 cm, then you need to dial 68 loops.
  13. If the size of the shoes is 46 or 47, and the length of the foot is 30 cm, then you need to dial 72 loops.

Based on this data, you can more likely be able to tie socks to the future owner.

How to knit socks on 5 knitting needles: Instructions


Most often in everyday life, socks are knitted on 5 knitting needles. This method is very popular precisely because it is the simplest of all, it will be understandable and simple for a beginner needlewoman.

  1. In the case of this approach, the so -called hoods are used. To knit adult socks in this way, it will take about 200 g of yarn, and for the children's option you will need half the material.
  2. If you dwell on natural woolen threads, then remember that such material after the first washing will certainly sit, so make a tolerance by about 15%.
  3. You need to start a knit with the creation of an elastic band at the base of the sock with a size of 1x1 or 2x2 cm. You can make a double tightening at will.
  4. Remember that the cuff should sit tightly on the leg, so it is important to individually calculate its density and size.
  5. After the cuff is completely ready, you can proceed to the manufacture of the heel of the product, and after that it is smoothly approaching the delicate work on the toe.
  6. It is recommended that you start work on socks with 5 knitting needles with only two tools. First, you need to knit the first row of the wrong and facial loops so that in such a way we dial the right amount in the total row, and then remove them by 4 knitting needles, distributing evenly along the tools.
  7. The next step we proceed to the elastic band.

How to knit an elastic band toe

  1. Work on this part begins with the very first, previously recruited loops. Most often, a value of 10 is chosen for the cuff.
  2. To obtain a lapel, this amount needs to be increased at least 2 times.
  3. As soon as the elastic band is ready, we knit several more rows with the help of facial loops, and then we start work on the design of the heel.

How to knit a heel of a toe

Many needlewomen who knit socks for the first time have problems at this stage of the product, because it is not so easy to understand how to tie the heel on the wear with knitting needles. To do this, we will consider in more detail the sequence of this work.

  1. First of all, we need to knit a rectangular canvas. To do this, you need to transfer the loops from two, located next door, to another. The first two after that you do not need to touch.
  2. The heel is knitted with a hollow viscous, but the bromic loops are controlled.
  3. If the toe is made for the child, then the heel length is needed about 3 cm, for an adult - 5 cm.
  4. After reaching the desired length, distribute the loops into 3 knitting needles in an uniform way.
  5. If there are extra loops, then they must be moved to the middle knitting needle and knit.
  6. Now use the loops located on the middle and extreme knitting needles. The last cloak from the middle knitting needle is knitted together with the 1st loop from the 3rd knitting needle.
  7. Next, expand the resulting product and continue to work on knitting loops on the middle spoke. Stop on the penultimate loop and do the same operation with her as before.
  8. Continue this process until all the loops go to the middle knitting needle.
  9. Using a hook on the sides of an almost completed heel, you need to start typing loops on each side.
  10. The resulting number of loops must be knitted with a hut with 4 spokes.

Girls often wonder the question of knitting socks on 4 knitting needles, because if there are less, then the process itself should be easier. We will dispel doubts, because the method of knitting socks on 4 knitting needles practically does not differ from how knitted products on 5 knitting needles are made, but it is even a little more complicated. Everything is done in the same way, only the main work is held on 3 knitting needles.

How to knit a toe toe

  1. You need to start the knitting of the mouse when the finished part of the product is equal to the foot in length. It is necessary to reduce the loops in about the same way as the formation of the heel was carried out, but in this case the process goes in a circle.
  2. The last 2 loops on each of the 4 knitting needles are knitted together. As a result, one loop remains on each of 4 spokes.
  3. The last loops must be knitted together and fix the end of the thread.

How to knit socks on two knitting needles


The simplest way to knit socks at home is technology on 2 knitting needles. It is done quite quickly and simple. For example, if you need to urgently tie socks, but there are no special 5 hitchfuls, then you can make knitting on 2 knitting needles.

We will need the same tools that are used to knit socks on 5 knitting needles, additional only a gypsy needle needs to be prepared. The process of such a knitting begins with the knitting of the cuff. Its length should be about 4 cm. In this version, we will use the "elastic band".

When knitting the sock, the length of the elastic band should be 4 cm. After that, you need to transition to the front knit and knit another 8 cm. Next, you can go to knitting the heel.

  1. The number of loops must be divided into 4 equal parts.
  2. At first, the work goes only with the first three parts, and the latter is still not involved.
  3. Three parts need to be knitted and performed the boot, perform 1 cloak.
  4. Next, it is necessary to knit loops from the middle part, using 3 working areas. Then the product turns over again and when this stage is knitted, after the penultimate loop, a cloak is again performed. This approach must be repeated until the number of loops is equal to 10.
  5. Now start to add loops. One loop is taken from the side, a cloak is made and the last loop from the middle is added, which are knitted together. Do not forget at the beginning of each of the rows to add crochets. Thus, all other loops are knitted.
  6. After that, the knitting changes to the hollow as in the option with 5 loops. With its help, the work continues until the canvas is knitted to the thumb.
  7. Knitting will begin to come to an end when the last 4 loops remain, which need to be knitted together and fix the end of the yarn.
  8. The resulting product is folded by the wrong side up and its parts are connected using a needle.
  9. Similarly, the second toe is knitted.

How to tie children's socks


At first glance, it seems that there is simply no difference in the adult product and children, but this is not so. Children's socks need to start knit only with an elastic band.   Consider a step -by -step sequence of work.

  1. Type 8 loops on 4 knitting needles.
  2. The next row is knitted in a circle with the help of facial loops.
  3. From 3 to 12 row they are knitted with alternating facial and wrong loops.
  4. From the 13th row, knitting continues only with the front viscous and already in two threads.
  5. The 14th row must begin with an alternation of 4 wrong loops with 4 facial loops. In the same way, you need to knit 15, 16 and 17 rows.
  6. From the 18th row the combination changes: now we knit 4 facial and 4 wrong ones. In the same way, 19, 20 and 21 rows are knitted.
  7. From the 22nd row, the combination of 4 wrong and 4 facials changes again. At this stage, knitting the boot ends. Its length at this point should be about 3.5 cm.
  8. Now proceed to knitting the heels. To one knitting needle you need to transfer the loops from the 2nd. First, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 rows are knitted with the wrong loops, and then 27, 29, 31, 33 - facial. Next, you need to wrap the heel.
  9. For the foot, it is best to use the Polish Glastic technique.
  10. The last rows are knitted with facial loops. At first, at the end of the spokes, the loops are knitted 2, the remaining tie is tied, and the thread crocheted into the product.
  11. Socks with patterns are knitted as ordinary, but with the addition and alternation of threads of different shades. After knitting the elastic band, you need to add a thread of the other color and knit in two threads.

How to knit socks without seams


  1. Combine two threads: the main and additional, the length of which should be at least 35 cm.
  2. Take the right number of loops, but do not tighten too much. The main thread should form the loops, and the additional thread should be fixed from below.
  3. Stitch 1 row with facial and another wrong loops.
  4. Turn the product over and continue to work with facial loops.
  5. In all rows, knit one loop less. It is necessary to knit so until there are a third of the loops from the original amount on the knitting needles.
  6. Now move the side loop to the left knitting needle. It needs to be knitted with the other on the left knitting needle. In the facial and wrong rows, facial and wrong loops are used, respectively. Thus, the whole toe is knitted.
  7. Now include loops fastened with additional thread. From the left loop, transfer them to the right until all the loops are on the opposite side.
  8. Next, knit as follows: the front loop and loop are removed. The latter must be knitted with the facial way.
  9. The heel is knitted in the same way as the toe.
  10. Then all the loops need to be transferred to one knitting needle, and knit the toe to the top like a foot.
  11. You need to finish the work with a viscous elastic band.

How to tie the socks of the track


For the manufacture of simple, but warm traces, needles, yarn and a small hook will be required. Knitting such a product is carried out in direct, as well as in reverse rows. You need to start work with a sock.

  1. Dial 14 loops and do not forget to leave the tip of the thread 30 cm long for stitching.
  2. Then put a note 4, 9, 10 and 11 loops. Use the front knit, add a loop on each side of the mark. Repeat this process 4 times in each row. The result is 30 loops.
  3. Upon reaching a height of 11 cm, a new row is knitted starting from the plates of 7 loops, then - 16 facial loops and again 7 with a scarf knitting. It is necessary to continue in this way until the height becomes 27 cm.
  4. Next, the product is sewn and tightened with a thread.

How to quickly repair knitted socks


It is not so difficult to repair knitted socks with a damaged thread. If a hole or thread has rubbed somewhere, then you can cut this part of the toe and slightly dissolve the yarn. Further, 4 knitting needles are threaded into the hinges, and with the help of the fifth knitting needle and thread the same color, the desired part of the sock is tied. When the knitting needles, pay attention to the fact that each of them should have the same number of loops.



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