
How to make a paper ballerina with your own hands. Cutting ballerinas from paper according to the template

How to make a paper ballerina with your own hands. Cutting ballerinas from paper according to the template
If you want to spend time with your child and unusually decorate your house for the upcoming holiday, then be sure to pay attention to paper ballerinas. For their manufacture, you need a minimum of materials, and the result is simply amazing - beautiful and air dancers.

The decoration of the house for any holiday with your own hands or the creation of an original and unusual gift in the handmade style is an excellent tool to distract from gray everyday life and create a mood for yourself. The most popular and used material for creating crafts is ordinary paper, from which you can get very beautiful and elegant figures of ballerinas.

Dancing ballerinas in air and openwork packs can be just a great gift for a best friend, they will help you in an original way to decorate the house for the new year or birthday. Ballerin soaring under the ceiling can be made just to decorate the room. This will undoubtedly add comfort and heat to your room, as well as a little lightness and airiness. Turning on the imagination and adding a little fiction, from simple white paper and with the help of a variety of improvised means, you can make the unique and unique crafts of ballerinas.

In this article, we will consider options for manufacturing templates and stencils of ballerinas, as well as give an example of several master classes to create unusual crafts of paper ballerinas.

Paper ballerina - elegant decoration and original souvenir

The creation of paper crafts recently is very popular, because with the help of the simplest paper you can do very unusual and beautiful things with your own hands. For example, it would seem that a simple ballerina without any bright jewelry, simply cut out of white paper, can become an interesting decoration for a Christmas tree or for a birthday, can decorate a banquet wedding hall or simply become a souvenir for a best friend. If, in addition to everything, your girlfriend will be a ballerina or a loyal fan of this art, a ballerina of paper with his own hands will become the most amazing gift.

  • Using a simple process of cutting out paper ballerinas, you can very beautifully and interestingly decorate the window before the New Year. To do this, it is enough to cut the template or stencil and stick on the window using tape or PVA glue.
  • Paper ballerin can be made voluminous and created with their help a real air ballet, soaring high under the ceiling.
  • Of the several paper ballerinas, you can make an unusual New Year's garland. To do this, print the templates of paper balerin on the printer, come up with bright and interesting outfits to them and place them on a lace or beads, then hang on a Christmas tree or on the wall.
  • Snowflakes are the main decoration of the New Year tree and the New Year's interior of the apartment or house. Sometimes, together with my child, I want to come up with the most unusual and fabulous snowflake, which cannot be found similar. In this case, you can make ballerinas snowflakes, which are easy to decorate any room or Christmas tree.
  • If you have been fond of paper from paper for a long time, you can make a paper ballerina using Quilling technique. As a result, you will have an original and bright souvenir or a Christmas tree decoration in your hands.
  • To create beautiful paper ballerinas, you do not need to go to the store for intricate materials or look for something on the Internet for a long time. It is enough to have several sheets of white paper, a little waste from organza or other air fabric, scissors, different templates or stencils and, of course, your imagination and inspiration.

Paper Ballerin templates

Paper Ballerin templates:

  • Do not confuse templates and stencils. You cut out the template, then apply to the paper and circle it with a pencil or immediately cut it with scissors.
  • Print the ballerina from paper on the printer of the size you need. You can print the ballerina without a pack and a ballerina with different types of outfits. Also, your template may differ in the position of the body of the ballerina itself, they can have hands and legs in different ways. Thus, you will definitely get an original air ballet.
  • Next, attach your templates to thick paper - so the figures of your ballerinas will keep their shape. Then carefully circle them with a pencil, then cut them with scissors.
  • Such templates can be used as a window decor for the New Year holidays. You need to cut the ballerinas of various shapes and it is interesting to arrange them, creating a magical dance. Then, using glue, glue the templates on the window.
  • Templates for cutting paper ballerinas can be hung under the ceiling on threads or attached to curtains.
  • Ballerin templates are used to create unusual crafts using improvised materials.

Paper balerin stencils

In addition to templates on the Internet, there are a huge number of stencils of paper ballerinas. If the template needs to be circled on the outside, then the stencil is usually circled on the inside. The balerin stencil can be downloaded from the Internet and printed on a regular sheet of A4 paper. You choose the size yourself. It can be one silhouette of paper ballerina, in the end you will get a large figure. On one sheet you can print several ballerinas.

  • Find the ballerina stencil you need on the Internet and print it.
  • Further along the contours with sharp, preferably small, scissors cut the figure of the ballerina. There will be a sheet of paper with a ballerina stencil.
  • Your ballerina can be without a pack, but on the Internet there are a large number of stencils where the ballerina appears in beautiful and unusual outfits.
  • Next, you need to attach your stencil in a dense sheet of paper, for example, to cardboard. After that, you need to cut out the ballerinas from the paper. If small details are present in the figure, it is better to cut them with small manicure scissors.
  • Stencils can be used as an independent decoration, and as a basis for crafts with your own hands.

Ballerin from paper-master classes of original crafts

Perhaps many have heard about such an air decoration of the room, but some do not know exactly how to make a paper ballerina. This is very simple, in addition, there are a lot of such delicate ballerinas. You can easily select the most optimal option for yourself. Next, we consider several master classes of crafts of paper balerin, which are perfect for decorating the house for the celebration or will become a bright and unforgettable gift to a friend or a loved one.

Paper ballerina-master class No. 1. Ballerina in a pack of snow

You can make a beautiful and air ballerina snowflake of paper, which then decorate the apartment or house for the New Year. This craft is ideal for decorating a festive Christmas tree. The ballerina in a pack of snowflakes will be a good replacement for ordinary snowflakes that have already lost their charm and always want to somehow diversify and change. We give a detailed instructions for how to make a snowflake from ordinary paper with your own hands.

  • First of all, print a template or a stencil of the ballerina, you can make several templates, so you get a whole ballet corpse.
  • Next, you need to cut the obtained templates from thick paper. In this case, you can use white cardboard or Whatman.
  • The size of your templates can be completely anything, it all depends on the composition you planned and on the place of placement of the ballerinas of snowflakes.

  • Next, you need to start cutting snowflakes, which will subsequently become beautiful packs for our ballerinas.
  • Snowflakes can be cut out of memory if you remember something since school times. If such memories are not enough to get beautiful outfits, you can use the Internet and download several templates and snowflake patterns.

  • Cut several snowflakes by the number of your templates. Wining patterns can be cut out with manicure scissors.
  • Next, put the received snowflakes on the balancer templates, fasten them with glue.

  • Next, fasten each ballerina on a thread or a beautiful lace, if this is a New Year's craft, you can use a regular rain.
  • Put the ballerinas under the ceiling on the chandelier.
  • As an option, you can make an original garland of such ballerinas of snowflakes and decorate it with a Christmas tree or room.

Paper ballerina-master class No. 2. Ballerina of paper with a fatin skirt

An unusual decoration for your room can be made using a regular ballerina template and a beautiful cut of tulle tissue or organza. Thus, you can get a bright and unusual composition of several ballerinas. Piece them on the chandelier and before your eyes will always be performed differently by a beautiful ballet dance.

  • To make the ballerina of paper with a skirt yourself, it is necessary to prepare scissors, thick white paper, ballerinas, a piece of air fabric, thread.
  • Next, find the ballerina template on the Internet or several options so that your composition is more diverse. The main thing is that your ballerinas are without openwork packs, since in the future the skirts will be made of fabric.
  • Cut the ballerinas from the paper.
  • Next, you can start making packs of tulle or other type of air and light fabric.
  • Cut a small piece of fabric, approximately as it was done in childhood for a doll.
  • After that, wrap around our ballerina and fix the two ends of the fabric.
  • You will get beautiful and air dancers. They can be fixed on the threads and hung to the chandelier. As an option, such ballerinas can decorate curtains or tulle or hang them on a Christmas tree. At the slightest blow of the wind, small ballerinas from paper will perform a delicate and slow dance.

Paper ballerina-master class No. 3. Ballerina from napkins and wire

There are a large number of ways to make delicate and air ballerinas, which are easy to decorate with a room or give a loved one for a birthday or another holiday. Try to make a ballerina of paper napkins and ordinary wire. From this minimum of the material you will get just extraordinary crafts. We give step -by -step instructions on how to make such a figure with your own hands.

  • Choose beautiful and unusual paper napkins. It can be ordinary white or blue, but you can use bright and interesting napkins with colors depicted on them. So you will receive ballerinas in luxurious dresses.
  • You will need a coil of wire, several napkins of different colors, PVA glue, threads, scissors, fishing line, needle.
  • From the wire, make the ballerina harvest. The result is a kind of skeleton with arms and legs, as well as with the head.
  • Next, we divide the napkins into several layers and tear with our hands on strips with a width of no more than 1 cm. We take PVA glue, lubricate the strips of napkins and carefully wrap our ballerina figure.
  • Leave the skeleton to dry. We proceed to the manufacture of skirts. In order for them to be more magnificent, it is best to make a few skirts, you can use napkins of several colors.

  • To make a skirt, a napkin must be folded in a triangle, as for a snowflake. Then cut the middle with scissors and cut to the desired length. Our skirt also needs to make a little folds.
  • In our skirts, make small holes for the hands and head and put them on the blanks. In place of the waist, the dress can be tied with a thread or ribbon.

  • Such ballerinas can also be hung on a fishing line or a thread on a chandelier. They will become an excellent decoration of your interior. They are perfect as a souvenir that you can give for a birthday to a friend or use for a gift on a bachelorette party.

Paper ballerina-master class No. 4. Ballerina from paper using Quilling technique

A beautiful paper ballerina can be made in a more complex technique - quilling. With the help of twisted paper, you will get a bright and spectacular ballerina, which can also decorate the room or use such a figure as a Christmas tree decoration.

  • Prepare the sheets of white paper, a pattern of ballerina, scissors of quilling paper. If you do not have a set of such paper, just cut the strips yourself. You can use paper of absolutely any color.
  • Find the template you need on the Internet. As an option, the figure of the ballerina can be drawn by hand, if you, of course, have an artistic talent.
  • Cut the template and attach it to thick white paper, circle it with a sharp simple pencil. Take the scissors and carefully cut the ballerina from the paper along the contour.
  • Next, you need to start preparing strips of paper for a pack. Twist the strips in the spiral and press them in such a way that the figure is obtained in the form of the eye.

  • Put a figure of paper ballerina in front of you and gently stick the figures using the quilling technique onto the pack. You can place them at your discretion.
  • As a result, a beautiful and air ballerina should be obtained, which can be presented to a loved one or supplement her with your own hands.

Paper ballerina-master class No. 5. Volumetric panel with paper ballerina

  • You will need the base in the form of dense cardboard or plastic, different ballerinas, various tapes, organza or tulle, rhinestones, beads or buttons, PVA glue.
  • Find small ballerin templates on the Internet, print their size.
  • Attach them on a black sheet of paper and circle them, then carefully cut them with scissors.
  • Wrap the basis for the panel with beautiful paper or fabric, for example, satin. Close with glue from the back.
  • In the center of the panel, glue the figure of the paper balerin, let it dry.
  • Next, you need to start making a beautiful and magnificent outfit for ballerinas. It is important to remember that the ballerina should remain fragile and airy, so do not overload the image with a large number of decorative elements.
  • Their piece of organza or tulle make a beautiful pack. To make it look more beautiful, in the place of the waist, the fabric can be assembled in an elastic band with a needle.
  • Attach the outfit to the ballerinas and decorate the connection place with rhinestones or a tape suitable in color.
  • The head of the ballerina can be decorated with tape or bead. The tape can also be put in the hand of the ballerina, so they will be in the dance.

Paper ballerinas are an excellent solution for joint leisure. Indeed, in this way you can not only have a fun time, but also make beautiful and cute little things, which in the future will become a bright gift or a colorful decoration of the room.



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