
How to make candles yourself at home. New Year's candles with their own hands: step-by-step instructions. Candles from waxed with their step by step with a photo. Master classes, how to make different candles: from paper, out of old candles, aromatic candles, gel candles with their own hands

How to make candles yourself at home. New Year's candles with their own hands: step-by-step instructions. Candles from waxed with their step by step with a photo. Master classes, how to make different candles: from paper, out of old candles, aromatic candles, gel candles with their own hands
The article presents detailed master classes with step-by-step photos for the manufacture of candles at home not only from wax and gel, but also ice, paper, as well as citrus peel. Learn how to make candles with your own hands with step by step photos.

Candles help create a comfort and a festive atmosphere at home. Among their diversity is difficult to choose the present. If you want to make it nice and give a part of the heat of your hands, then pour the candles yourself. For their manufacture, you will not need special skills. The main thing in this business, adhere to several rules and recommendations that are specified in this article.

How to make a candle at home - necessary materials

Before entering into the pouring of the candles, prepare the necessary materials. This is not only wax and molds. It is important to choose the proper wick, various flavors and special dyes.

Candles with your own hands. What is the basis for candles

The base material for the candles uses bee and soy wax, challenge, gel, as well as paraffin.

  • Wax. This material is a natural component for the manufacture of candles. It can be determined by a characteristic cod during burning and smell. Wax candles not only expensive decor object, but also useful. It has no harmful additives, it is ignited in viral diseases and for air purification.
  • Watch. Candles from the coaster are becoming increasingly popular. This is a pressed bee wax in the form of a drawing of cells. Candles of it are stored for a very long time and are high quality. At the same time, the Wagon is expensive material for the manufacture of candles.
  • Soy wax. The most popular candlestone, which is made from soybeans. A natural and inexpensive base is burning longer than paraffin, safely during operation is easily washed off with warm water.
  • Paraffin. Paraffin candles are one of the inexpensive decors. Oil refining products are used as the basis. Candles have white color and do not possess the smell. Paraffin is often used as a basis for flavoring candles.
  • Gel. Transparent candles with decor inside are gel. They are safe when burning, do not form drowshes, they burn for a long time, without sharp smell and cheap. Working with gel mass is quite comfortable and easy. It is important to consider that the gel does not hold the form, so they fill the case.

How to make or prepare a form for a cast candle with your own hands

  • The case for the bay of candles allows you to give a variety of shape. To cast candles, any forms of metal or silicone are suitable, even plastic cups, packaging from juice or yogurt. In general, any form from which you can get frozen wax.
  • It is most practical to pour candles into glass forms or glasses. You can see the drawing and color of wax. Some needlewomen use tea sets instead of shape, small vases or digesters. They can be reused for the bay of candles.
  • For lovers of a romantic setting, you can pour hot paraffin into metal covers with bottles.
  • Well, if at hand there is no case at all, then take the peel of citrus fruits or eggshell. Banks are also suitable as a form for the manufacture of candles.

How to make a wick for a candle with your own hands - step-by-step photos

  • To burn candles, they must be wick. You can take ready made from already molten candles or make it yourself.
  • Most often, the phytyl is made of durable threads. Twister a few pieces together or glow the pigtail. Instead, apply a thin cord for wick. Melt a little wax, plunge the thread into it. After a few minutes, get the cord, and leave the tool to frozen.

  • Fitil must be resistant with a small weight loss below. To do this, purchase special metal blanks in stores for low tide candles. Prepared wick insert into the foundation and clamp.

  • Before installing it, put in the form and pour some wax into it. Wait until it freezes. Only then proceed to the pouring of the candlestone.

  • Alternative threads will be a tree. Fitili from the tree is suitable for any candlestone, have a longer burning time and complement the aroma of the candle with woody odor. Prepare wooden rails. Be sure to measure its height depending on the size of the form.

  • In a separate bowl, pour 50 ml. Olive oil, lay wooden blanks into it. Leave them to soak half an hour. Then remove, blot with paper towels.

  • On each rail, tighten the metal legs of wicks. Secure the workpiece on the bottom of the wax glue or hot wax.

Candle flavor selection

  • To fill a room with various aromas, the flavor is added when the candles is added. As a natural base, use essential oils, both individually and in combination with each other. In addition to oils, coffee grains, dried slices of citrus fruits, spices are widely used.
  • Adding an aromatic component into wax will make it possible to achieve the desired emotional effect or disinfection air.

Advice. If you want to achieve a more saturated fragrance from a lit candle, then drip in hot wax more aromamasel.

Adding dyes for homemade candle

  • Dyes give a candle a different shade. They do not affect the quality of burning, only give the wax color. You can add one color or a few, creating a drawing. Food dyes for pouring candles cannot be used, as they are made on a water basis.

Advice. Special wax dyes can be replaced by oil paints or wax pencils.

Additional candle tools at home

  • Melt any base for candles is necessary at low temperatures using a water bath. Therefore, you need two tanks. In addition, prepare the scales to accurately determine the amount of the base, the knife with a grater for its grinding.
  • You also need a thermometer to measure the degree of heating the base for the candles. To fix the wick on the edge of the form, you'll need a wooden skewer or ordinary pencil.
  • When you have prepared all the materials and tools, time to start pouring candles. On what basis you use will depend on the method of manufacturing candles.

How to make a candle made of natural wax at home with their own hands - Photo

The most popular material for the bay of candles at home can be considered beeswax. The cheapest its substitute is paraffin and soy candlestone.

  • First prepare the work surface. Hot wax droplets will spoil any coating. Therefore, check the table with paper. Additionally take a towel or taps not to burn about a hot pan.
  • Carefully inspect the forms in which you plan to fill the candlestone. Since they will pour hot wax in them, any crack or chip can lead to burns.
  • Clean form pollution - rinse them under running water.

  • Put the glass blanks on the bail and warm them in the oven with a small degree. Leave in this position until the wall temperature becomes above room temperature. Wax must be poured into warm and dry forms to avoid the formation of bubbles in the mixture.

  • Secure the filtic on the bottom of the center. To install them on the surface, lower each wick in hot wax, let it sprinkle slightly and press it for the bottom.

  • During the freeze of wax, the thread may fall. Fix it at the level of the upper edge of the form with the help of wooden speakers or wrap the handle.

  • Cut the basis with small pieces or soda. So he melts more evenly. Place the wax to the measuring container.

  • Make a steam bath. To do this, type the water in the metal dishes, put on the stove. Place the vessel with wax. Do not bring fluid to boiling - the wax must be melted at low temperatures. Constantly stir the candle mass with a wooden skewer, so all pieces melted evenly.

  • Keep track of hot wax temperature. It should not exceed 80 degrees.

  • To give the color of the wax mixture, add the crushed dye. Check the intensity of the color by applying the wax on paper. If necessary, add the coloring agent for intensity or wax for a lighter shade.

  • If you decide to make a flavored decor, then it's time to add essential oils. For every 450 g. Candle mass use no more than 10 drops of oil.

  • In the prepared capacity, gently break the hot mixture. At the same time, it is not worth a hurry, otherwise, when frozen inside, bubbles will be formed. Fitil hold in the center.

  • Do not pour wax to the very edge of the form. When you scatter a candle, then the wax is perceived through the edge.

  • During frosting, depression and emptiness can form. Melt a little mixture and pour it on top of the frozen mass.

  • Leave the wax to stick. The time of complete solidification depends on the quality of the material that you used for the candle bay. Then do hard wick.

How to make a candle from the gel at home - Photo

One of the bright decor options are gel candles. Make them with your own hands much easier than from wax.

  • At the bottom of the form install the wick. Be sure to secure it on the surface so that it does not fall. Next to put the decor: shells, colored sand, pebbles.

  • Grind gel, then melt it on low heat. The mixture is often stirred to obtain a homogeneous mass. Keep track of the gel temperature, otherwise it will fit when it freezes. To remove bubbles from the mixture, leave it in the oven for 5 minutes. Or completely interfere with a hot gel for the formation of a large number of them.

  • Plastic spoon put the gel into the form. Work quickly, as the gel mixture works very quickly. Secure the wick with two skewers or handles.

  • After full of the gel, cut the thread. Its length above the candle should not exceed 1 cm. This is enough so that the gel began to melt and there was a small light.

How to make a candle from the platform with your own hands with a photo

Candles of the coat look original. They can also be done at home, while the basis is not required. Such candles can be immediately adjusted after their manufacture.

  • Determine the size of the decor. Depending on it, cut the massacre. Usually this is a rectangle, in which the length will make the thickness of the candle, and the height is equal to its size.

  • Cut the wick in the altitude of the form. Attach it to the edge of wax, then slightly prescribe along the entire length.

  • Prepare aromatic additions. You can use wormwood or spices powder. Dyes and flavoring are not needed, as the Watch is a natural component that has a saturated smell. Apply the mixture to the inside of the wax plate.

  • Start twist the massacre from the side where the thread is located. Try to level the edge as much as possible so that the candleaves have a smooth base.

How to make a candle based on wax pencils with your own hands with a photo

One of the simple and fun ways to bay candles is the use of wax pencils. You can do them with children.

  • Remove the packaging with fine, cut into small pieces.

  • Place them in plastic cups.

  • Put in a microwave per minute at an average power. Stir the mixture.

  • At the bottom of the banks stick wick, secure it with a pencil.

  • Pour hot color wax to bottom banks. Leave the liquid to stick.

  • Then hear each color of wax chalk alternately and pour it on top of the frozen mixture.

  • When all the layers harden, root the wick. Now the candle can be used.

How to make a decorative candle from citrus at home with photos

In the absence of a special basis for the low-end candles and case, use sweater materials. For example, tangerines and olive oil.

  • Cut the circle of peel at the base of the fruit. Gently separate it. If you can't do it with your hands, then use a tablespoon.

  • Slowly immerse the spoon between the flesh of the tangerines and the shell. Scroll through it around the circumference, thereby freeing the peel.

  • Do not remove the core, it will serve as a wick for a candle.

  • Pour inward fruit shape olive oil. The core tip is plunged into the oil for a few seconds, then adjust.

  • Empty peel can also be filled with a candle mass and add dyes. Fragrances do not use, as the fruit sheath has a bright smell.

How to make candles for Halloween with your own hands - Photo

On the autumn holiday, Halloween is accepted not only to make terrible makeup, but also decorate the room with a terrible decor. The candles will look original in an unusual form, for example, black or with red drifts. Make them you can do it yourself.

How to make bloody candles at home

Candles with bruises will create a terrifying atmosphere at home. How to make such candles at home? For this you need only a large white candle and a small with a red tint. To decorate candles, pick up the decor in the topic of the holiday.

  • Large candles install on candlesticks. Red candle burning. Wait for the wax will start melting. You will need a sufficient amount of candlestone, so let the candle of the corrite about 10-15 minutes.

  • Placing a burning red candle over white. Gently grind it so that the wax of the red color of the drip on a large candle.

  • Gradually turn it around the axis. So you can decorate the surface of a white candle with a red wax. Give the mass to frozen.

  • Scary decor stick to white candles. But do not use hot glue for this, as it melts wax and you will not succeed to fix the decorations.

  • Make this way at once a few horrific candles. Arrange them around the room in different places.

How to make a black candle at home - Photo

In addition to bright red blood, a black decor is used often on Halloween. The same color can be made of a candle with your own hands.

Prepare such materials:

  • soy wax - 900 g.;
  • glass flasks of transparent color;
  • long phytolis;
  • dye for black wax;
  • essential oils;
  • double sided tape;
  • capacity for melting wax;
  • thematic decor.

How to make a black candle yourself:

  • Wax grinding on a grater or cut into small pieces. In any case, make sure that the pieces had the same size. So the mixture is melted at the same time and will have the same temperature. Sill Soy Wax to Metal Capacity, put on a slow fire for melting. At the same time constantly stir the mass.

  • When the wax acquires a transparent shade, add a dye. Pre-grind it for quick melting. If you want to make a rich black color, then use a large amount of dye. For a gray shade, add it smaller.

  • Remove the wax from the slab, thoroughly stir the candlestone to a homogeneous color and add flavoring. Also, instead you can pour essential oils. Their quantity will depend on what intensity you want to get the smell. Stop wax again.

  • Prepare forms for candles. To make the decor original, use transparent flasks. Thoroughly wash them in warm water, dry and soda paper towels.
  • Secure the wick at the bottom of the tank. The opposite side of the metal base is smeared with wax glue and lower in the flask. Press the glass with a knife or skewer.

  • While the wax is hot, pour it into the form. Pour a mixture with a thin flowing, slowly. So you will avail extra bubbles in the wax. Immediately fasten the wick in the center of the neck of the dishes. Use for this toothpick. Put candles to stick at room temperature.

  • After the black wax completely freezes, decorate the outer side of the flask festive decor. Stick it or use double-sided tape.

How to make a candle of paper at home - Photo

Candles can be not only from wax. To decorate the house on Halloween, you can make a paper decor. As the basis, use a roll from paper towels.

To work, also take such materials:

  • malyary Scotch;
  • decorative candles;
  • transparent pebbles;
  • scissors, brush;
  • foam sponge;
  • glue pistol;
  • black and white acrylic paints.

Master class on the manufacture of candles:

  • You can make a paper decor for a frightening composition with your own hands in just a few steps. Since the basis for the candle will be a cardboard roll, then it is possible to give it a weighting with a clear pebble. Instead, use a flat stone of a small size or a metal nut.
  • Cut 2 stripes of paint tape and glue them as a cross. Turn over the sticky side to yourself and secure pebbles on it.

  • From above, put a vertically tuber. Scotch edges, wrap and stick to the cardboard. Hands as close as possible fix the paper.

  • On the top of the workpiece will be a decorative candle. To secure it use the greasy tape. Cut a small strip, place it on a roll. Put the candle on top. So you will find out the depth of attachment.

  • Then plunder the catch with scotch, wrap the edges on the outer side. You must have a figure, as shown in the photo. Candle should not be deeply inside the sleeve, but be along with a cutting level of cardboard.

  • Advanced Scotch edges cut or press to the cardboard. With the help of hot glue, make items. Before applying the next layer of glue, wait until the previous one will freeze.

  • Apply black paint to cardboard. Instead of acrylic paint, you can use the means in the aerosol, it is at your discretion. Give the paint well to dry.

  • To create an aging effect, apply white paint on top of black. Pour the paint on the saucer, plunge the sponge and light movements to paint the convex parts on the candle. So you will have a light pattern, as if a dust.

  • When the paint dries, position the candles upstairs. Install the decor in the room or on the composition.

How to make an aromatic candle with coffee with your own hands - Photo

If you have no essential oils at hand, then use ordinary coffee as a flavor. It can be added to the candlestone, both in the hammer condition and bends. Also as a whole, you can decorate the candle on top of the wax as a decor.

Take such materials and tools:

  • any wax;
  • paper disposable cup;
  • coffee grouse;
  • fitil, scissors;
  • paper towels;
  • capacity for melting wax;
  • sink or spoon.


  • Cut the base with small parts or soda on the grater. Purchase into a metal container. Large saucepan fill with water to half of its volume, put on the stove. During water boiling, reduce the fire and place the dishes on top with wax.
  • When the candlestone starts to melt, start it to interfere. Do it until the wax does not get transparent color. But do not allow its boils, otherwise the structure of the foundation is disrupted. The whole process will take you about 5 minutes.

  • A form for the bay of candles can be a disposable cup. But choose it on a paper basis so that it was easy to break. Wash the dishes thoroughly with paper towels. Inside the cup must be absolutely dry.
  • Prepare wick. You can make it with your own hands or buy already in the finished form. Secure it on the bottom of the form. If you want to add a used coffee thickness as an aroma, then pour it on the napkin and get well. So you will remove excess moisture from the mass. For freshly hammed coffee, such an action is not needed. At the bottom of the cup, pour a tablespoon of coffee.

  • Gently break hot wax. Fill out the form half. Basis Do not mix with coffee, it should stay at the bottom. Give the mass to frozen.

  • Then pour into the melted coffee again. Equally distribute it along the surface of the frozen wax.

  • Heat the remaining wax base and pour from above. Give a candle to frozen. You will need about 2 hours.

  • To remove the candle from the form, carefully supervise the paper cup and burst it with your hands. If necessary, do cold wick.

  • The aromatic candle can also be decorated with whole grains. To do this, make the table with a food film or package, tilt the candle. Toppack melted wax on it and attach grains to it. As the decor adds to wrap a candle in the package.

  • When the candle is completely covered with coffee beans, leave the wax to frozen. After that, remove the package. During the burning of the candle, you can enjoy the smell of coffee.

How to make a New Year's candle with your own hands - Photo

New Year's miracles are waiting with impatience. For this holiday, unusual candles are needed that you can make ice. Such a New Year decor will decorate not only the street, but also a festive table.

Materials for work:

  • two glass forms of different sizes;
  • fir or fir branches;
  • orange, blueberry and cranberries;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • boiled water;
  • decorative candles.

How to make christmas candles with your own hands:

  • Purified water must be boiled, cool. Gently drain the water so that the sediment does not get into the liquid. It must be done if you want to get transparent ice candles. If you pour ordinary water from the water supply, then the walls of ice gets muddy.
  • For this technology, you can make several candles with different decor. First, try making a simple candle. Take two containers of different size, but such that smaller dishes are placed inside a large bowl.
  • Large dishes fill with water half. From above, put the container of a smaller diameter. The edges fasten with painting scotch. So your base will be placed in the center.

  • Splits of fir, juniper or fir cut into small parts. Carefully place them in the water between the walls of the tanks.

  • Orange cut into circles, each of which is also lowered into the water. Expand it along the surface of the dishes.

  • For the next version of the candle from ice, first fill the bottom of the large dishes with branches and berries, then pour water carefully. Also put a small container on top, secure it with a scotch.

  • On the sides, put the branches with the rest of the berries. Blueberry will fall on the bottom, and the cranberries, on the contrary, to pop up. To exclude it, get them on the branches. Then immerse in the water.

  • Now it is necessary to cool the liquid. Put the blanks on the snow or place them in the freezer.

  • After the water turn into ice, get the form. To easily remove candles from the dishes, let ice to melt. Establish an ice decor on the street, decorate it with branches and put the decorative candle inside.

How to make a candle in a mug or a glass with your own hands - Photo

If you like to light the candles at home, then you have a lot of firewood from them. Do not rush to throw out the remnants. The wax can be melted and make a new candle, a form for which you can choose an old mug or even a glass.

It will take:

  • heat-resistant forms: mugs, glasses or banks;
  • soy wax;
  • ready Fitil;
  • glue pistol;
  • scales, measuring glass;
  • big saucepan, pile;
  • bowl for the preparation of wax;
  • spoon, confectionery thermometer;
  • paper towels;
  • tape, scissors;
  • flavors.

Instructions for work:

  • If you use forms from old candles, then before work they must be cleaned. To quickly remove the wax, lower the container in hot water for a few seconds. Then swallow with paper towels.

  • For ordinary dishes it will be enough to wash it with a detergent. But the remnants of the fluid should be thoroughly wipe, as the moisture will contribute to the formation of emptiness on the candle.
  • To determine the amount of wax for one candle, use water. Pour it into shape, then recover in a measuring glass. So you will avoid excess waste of wax.

  • Soy wax in weight is the same with water. Therefore, it is very easy to calculate the required amount of candle mass. Weigh water without packaging. Put an empty tank on the scales, reset them and pour rubbed wax.

  • Pan fill with water, bring to a boil, then reduce the fire. The basis for candles will perepay in a jug or other dishes with a thick bottom. Gently lower the container with wax in boiling water. After 5-7 seconds, lift and mix.

  • Then drop it again for a short time, lift and hinder. When the mass begins to acquire a transparent color, you should start measuring the temperature so as not to overheat the wax mixture. Heat it up to 85 degrees.

  • Before adding flavors, the mass should cool up to 60 degrees. So the fragrance will be distributed evenly and not evaporate ahead of time. Pour the required amount of essential oil. You can add a combination of oils, if you are confident in the final mixture of smells.

  • While the wax mass cools, secure the wick in the center of the bottom of the form. Use super-glue or adhesive gun for this. Fitil Choose elastic with a thick basis, as wax in the circle will be much and it must slowly burn.

  • So that the wick holds in the middle of the candle case, secure it with a tape. Cut a small strip, roll in half and cut a small hole. Fit the wick, the edges of the tape are tapped on the sides of the container.

  • Slowly fill the molten wax into the mug. So you will not form bubbles on the candle. Put the dishes with the mass of cooling, then cut out an extra part of the wick.

  • Falling the candles is only necessary when the wax fully solidifies. As a form for decor, you can use any container.

How to make candles with openwork pattern inside with your own hands - Photo

An unusual openwork pattern is obtained inside the candle when using ice cubes. Such a decor, though beautiful, but quickly burns. Make an unusual candle at home.

Necessary materials:

  • candles of paraffin;
  • wax pencils;
  • ice, knife;
  • terry towel;
  • spoon for stirring wax;
  • melting capacity;
  • disposable tableware;
  • paper towels.

Work description:

  • The form for the candle in this master class is a disposable cup. But you can use any case, even an empty box from under the juice. Wipe it with paper towels. From one candle, cut the figure equal to the height of the glass and set aside.

  • The working surface is made by newspapers or unnecessary glued, so that the hot mixture does not spoil it. The remaining candles cut into pieces. At the same time try to get wick.

  • Prepare a water bath. Pour water into a large saucepan, warm it up. Inspire the metal capacity of smaller diameter. Sill in it sliced \u200b\u200bparaffin.

Important! Paraffin easily lights up, so observe the technique of personal and overall safety while working. It should also be considered that this material can not be melted in a microwave. If you have a fire happened, then pour the fire with food soda, and do not fill with water.

  • Wax pencil finely soda on the grater. To obtain a more saturated color of the candle, add a large amount of color chalk.

  • When paraffin melts, pour out the dye and stir the mass until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. But it is impossible to overheating the mixture, only to warm up. If you wish, you can add flavoring.

  • On the table lay the towel and pour pieces of ice on him. It must be split into small parts. To do this, cover the ice to the back side of the towel and beat the rolling pin. The smaller will be the ice, the more the candle will turn out.

  • At the bottom of the glass, glue the candle that you were previously cut. Place ice around it. Try to distribute it uniformly.

  • Warm Paraffin Fill out the candle form. Leite carefully so that the mass is time to grow between ice. The glass is necessary to the edges to fill the mixture.

  • Leave the candle to stick. You will have less time to do so, since the ice will contribute to the rapid cooling of the mass. If you have been formed on top of the depression, then melt a small amount of paraffin and fill it on top of the form.
  • To get an openwork candle from a glass, gently cut it from one edge and remove it. But do it above the tank or sink, as water will remain in the candles' depressions. After that, put the product from the moisture.

  • Use a bench with openwork pattern inside is necessary after complete drying. If you have turned out to be an uneven bottom, then align it on a hot frying pan.

Important! The dishes that you will use for pouring candles can not be used for cooking.

How to make candles in the form of easter eggs with their own hands - Photo

Candles are an essential attribute of any holiday. They help quickly decorate the interior of the room without much costs. The original decor for Easter days can be a candle in the form of painted, which you can independently make.

Prepare such materials:

  • chicken eggs of large size;
  • wax mass;
  • shilo or needle;
  • fitoli in finished form;
  • wax crayons;
  • aromatized oils.

Step-by-step manography instructions:

  • You can give candles to the type of painten if an egg shell is used as a form for their bay. It must be prepared in this way. From one edge, make a shill hole, from another small hole. Fold the contents of the egg and rinse it thoroughly in warm water. Leave the shell to dry well, as you can not wipe it.

  • Wax soda on a grater or grind the knife. Try to make pieces of the same size. Place it into a disposable cup and put in the microwave per minute. Then remove, mix and warm again another 1 minute. Make sure that the mass does not overheat.

  • With wax pencils, remove the packaging and cut the color wax as much as possible. Put it in a hot mixture, mix thoroughly. If the grinds are not completely dissolved, then put a container with wax to the microwave for another 30 seconds.
  • You must have a homogeneous color. To give the intensity, add more wax with color pencils. When the mass is slightly cool, you can add flavors or essential oils.
  • When the shell dry out inside, fasten the wick on the bottom. Pour some wax on the bottom of the form and lower the wick. Hold it so that the mass is frozen, and the wicks stuck to the shell.

  • Put the billets into containers so that they take the vertical position. Then neatly fill in the case with warm wax. We take it with a thin weaving, since the hole on the shell is very narrow. Leave the candlestick to stick.

  • After the wax hardens, first cut the wick to the necessary height, then carefully knock the shell and clean it.

  • Such candles can be put on the stands for eggs and decorate them a festive table. They can also become an original gift.

  • If you leave the shell, then you do not need to add dyes or wax pencils.

How to make curly candles on the day of lovers at home - Photo

To decorate a romantic evening, make a candle of an unusual shape. The case for them will not be a glass or a mug, but the usual molds for cookies.

Materials for work:

  • soy wax;
  • any fragrance;
  • red dye for wax;
  • leaf for baking;
  • culinary parchment;
  • fittle with a tough basis;
  • knife, spoon and melting container.


  • For this master class you will need a baking sheet with high sides. Ship it with parchment. You must be covered and the walls of the dishes, so as not to be stained with their wax.

  • Candle base Grind any convenient way. If you work with paraffin, then cut the blanks with small pieces and remove the wick. Melt the mass in the water bath. When it becomes soft, pour the dye. From now on, it is necessary to constantly stir the mixture.

  • Wax slightly cool down, add your favorite essential oils. Carefully stir so that the fragrance spread uniformly on wax. Slowly fill it into a leaf for baking, which install on a flat surface. So the layer will turn out the same throughout the workpiece. Leave the mixture to stick.

  • When the mass begins to thicken, but has not yet accepted a firm state, molds for cookies in the form of hearts make blanks. In the central part, sell a hole for the wick. Leave the wax further to stick.

  • Then remove excess trimming. You can melt them again and use for the manufacture of other candles.

  • Now it is necessary to collect the product. To do this, take one workpiece to secure it through the wick. From the opposite side, stick it to wax. Then take the rest of the hearts on top.

  • You can use the same forms or different sizes for making candles. Also add different dye or make the "Play" with the intensity of the shade.

How to make a long candle at home - Photo

Surprise guests at birthday you can long candles. If you are interested in the question: how to make such beautiful candles, then carefully examine the following instructions with step-by-step photos.

List of Candle Materials:

  • festive candles;
  • lighter;
  • cutting board;
  • a sharp knife.

How to make candles with your own hands:

  • Candles for the birthday are thin and small size. While you are going to make a photo, they already burned out. Therefore, make long candles that will burn for a long time. To do this, get two candles out of packaging, put them on a cutting board.
  • Connect them together. Make sure that the wick of one candle is located above the thread of another. Knife make the same horizontal incision. Lighter melts one of the ends of the candle. Carefully glue two diagonal cuts, scroll the candles between your fingers and put them stick. Stick in this way the third candle.

  • At the time of removal of the cake, place the candles on top of it and install it. Do it carefully, since such an unusual decor is very fragile.

Make a candle with your own hands at home is very simple. To do this, carefully follow these guidelines for the selection of materials and tools, and also clearly perform step-by-step instructions.

Another way, how to make a candle with a carved pattern. Look at the video:


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Meir 25.01.2018 To answer

good afternoon. Big Please help buy master class on painting candles in gold and silver color. Thanks in advance to Meir. My Mele.
