
How to smooth out a leather jacket at home, if it was blocked. How to smooth leather jacket from leatherette

How to smooth out a leather jacket at home, if it was blocked. How to smooth leather jacket from leatherette
Smooth the jacket from leather and leatherette at home. The main thing is to comply with all the recommendations and tips.

Incorrect long-term storage of a jacket made of genuine or artificial leather can lead to its excessive reference, the appearance of deep races and folds. To return the product the original appearance, it is necessary to take appropriate measures. How can I smoke a leather jacket at home?

There are several proven methods, with which you can easily put a mere jacket in order.

Each of the methods has its own nuances and restrictions. Therefore, before proceeding directly to the process, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the details and features of the smoothing of the leather and leatherette jackets.

So that the leather jacket does not sweat

Restoring your favorite jacket does not have to, if you properly care for the leather product, namely:

  • Keep the jacket is needed in a straightened form, on the shoulders, in the closet.
  • Before storing for a long period, it is important to make sure that the jacket is completely dry, without any stains or contamination.
  • After that, the jacket must be fastened to all buttons, buttons or zipper.
  • It is better to store such a thing in a special case for clothing (preferably of natural fabric).
  • When stored on the shoulders, not too squeezing the jacket in the cabinet with other things.
  • Do not wear a thing that does not fit the size. The leather product can be saved or, on the contrary, stretch, which will lead to deformation and loss of form.
  • Try not to hang the jacket on the hook or for the collar, but only - on the shoulders.

If for some reason, still a leather jacket is blocked, "there are several proven ways to smooth out the product and return the original appearance.

How to smooth leather jacket

Jackets can be sewn from different types of skin, which means that they will have to smooth them in different ways.

The skin of the bulls is durable, rigid and dense, but at the same time enough elastic. Pork leather is significantly thinner, with small holes from the bristles. Sheep leather soft and thin.

Consider the most popular ways to smooth leather things, ranging from the simplest, delicate and ending with more troublesome, complex procedures.

How to smooth over a leather jacket, method number 1

Before proceeding with any fundamental methods, it follows, to begin with, just hang a mad leather jacket on her shoulders (if it was not there before that) and just give her to "shift" for several days.

Handers must match the size of the jacket. On short shoulders, the product will wrap up and will not accept the necessary form, and on too long - the shoulder line and the leather sleeves are deformed.

Instead of the shoulders, you can simply wear a jacket and stay in her at home for several hours. Such a "volumetric" skin smoothing in some cases gives a 100% positive result.

This gentle method of smoothing the skin is relevant for things with small crumbs and shallow chances.

The jacket made of soft and thin skin easily will easily develop and take the primary appearance. In this case, it is not necessary to resort to more complex skin leveling methods.

How to smooth the leather leather jacket, method number 2

The following method is also easy to perform, without the risk of damage to the product. And it concerns, basically, how to smooth out the chances on the leather jacket. For this, mitigating fatty substances are used, for example: castor or walnut oil, vaseline, glycerin.

These funds are applied to the jacket using a cotton disk (tampon), slightly rubbing into the skin. The procedure is repeated several times, paying particular attention to the most crushing sites and beds. After that, the thing is ventilated and dried in the fresh air (without direct sunlight).

Apply oils should only be on pure surfaces, without dirt and stains. The dirty thing must be cleaned first and only then start smoothing. Otherwise, high risk of dirt penetration is still deeper into the structure of the leather product, after which it will be problematic removal.

Absupping oils deeply penetrate the structure of the leather product, soften it and contribute to rapid straightening. At the same time, they dry quickly, not leaving fat traces on the treated chairs. When excess, the oil is easily removed using a napkin. After such treatment, the leather thing becomes much softer and more elastic.

To make sure that there will be no stains on the jacket after processing, it is better to make a preliminary sample. To do this, choose an inconspicable section of the leather product, apply oil on it and check if there are no traces after absorbing and drying. Only after that, you can safely process all the product.

How to smooth over a leather jacket, method number 3

How to smooth the leather jacket at home if the previous methods are not effective? In this case, you can resort to "steaming" products in the bathroom. To do this, the jacket on the hanger is transferred to the bathroom, where they open hot water and close the door to form a thick "steam curtain". A pair source can also serve as any capacity (pan, pelvis) with swashed water. Water should not fall on the thing, only steam. Otherwise, there is a risk of spoiling a leather product. Clothes hang on her shoulders above the ferry, periodically removing excess condensate with a dry cloth.

After the procedure, the jacket must be shaken and turned into a dry, ventilated place for final drying.

When the jacket "steamed", the skin is smoothed in a natural way. As a rule, the time of procedure ranges from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the degree of reference and thickness of the leather product.

For thick skin, this method is likely to be ineffective. In addition, it is not worth practicing this method for leather jackets with fur inserts.

How to smooth over a leather jacket, method number 4

If there are particularly marked areas on the jacket, for example, a collar or sleeves, you can use such an instrument such as a steam generator (steam generator). The essence of the procedure is somewhat similar to the second way, but it is applied locally for polling stations.

First of all, the thing is placed on the hanger. Then, a manual steamer or an iron with a vapor agent, withstand over the framework of the product at a distance of about 10-15 cm. In one place, do not delay couples more than 5 seconds so that the condensate does not form on the jacket or, which is even worse, the thermal deformation has not happened Skin. After processing, the thing is dried outdoors.

The method is convenient because the jet of steam can be directed to certain chances or folds, hard-to-reach places.

For security purposes, it is impossible to correct the product during an excavation so as not to get a thermal burn. You can remove the jacket with a hanger after its complete cooling.

This method copes perfectly with mint leather products from thick and non-danguable skin.

This is not suitable for the reception of smoothing for jackets impregnated with special water repellent means. You can see if you can, having studied a label or tag on the product.

How to smooth over the leather jacket, method number 5

For this method you will need an ordinary iron. It is necessary to iron a jacket very carefully so as not to spoil the leather product. The procedure should be carried out only through cotton fabric or wrapping paper. The fabric should be smooth, without relief so that the drawing is not imprinted when ironing on the leather product. That is, a kitchen towel (with a pronounced cellular structure) cannot be used for such purposes.

You can try to iron a thing and from the wrong side, provided that the process will not interfere with the lining fabric.

The temperature on the iron should be with a minimum value, the steamer function is turned off. If the iron at a light pressed, does not smooth out folds and referring, you can gradually increase the temperature.

The iron should be applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe rummy skin, accompanying, with a slight force and pressure. That is, it is not necessary to iron leather clothes in the usual understanding of the meaning of the word "iron".

When smoothing it is important to pay attention to each section of the jacket alternately, slowly, moving from one place to the next one. In hard-to-reach places, it is recommended to use a small stand that is included with the ironing board.

When ironing, the thing can not stretch so as not to deform it. This is especially important for products from fine elastic leather.

After stroking, the jacket must cool well. You can not wear the product immediately after ironing, so as not to pull out and do not deform it in some places.

To irretrievably not to spoil the thing, this method is not used for products from pressed skin or extruded volumetric pattern (embossing).

How to smooth the leather leather jacket, method number 6

If all previous ways of smoothing the mint of the skin were not crowned with success, it remained to attribute a dry cleaning problem or a specialized service center. In such a workshop, they will not only speak the product, but also purify it from dirt and stains.

At the same time, the procedure will no longer be cheap, but, on the other hand, it is not necessary to "mess around" and worry that it is possible to ruin the jacket in the process of own experiments.

An alternative to dry cleaning can be a cabin or a leather store, which has special presss in its arsenal to smooth skin. You can try to contact them to bring your leather jacket in order and give it a proper look.

Special attention should be paid to leather delicate products to not damage and not spoil the thing. It is better that such jackets smooth experts on special equipment.

How to smooth the collar on a leather jacket

In order to smooth the collar on the leather product, you can apply different methods described above.

Methods will be the most effective ways No. 4 and No. 5. The local application of the steamer or iron will help to easily correct the situation, smoothing the collar of the jacket. The main condition is accuracy, by the etching and thoroughness of the procedure.

How to smooth out the folds on the leather jacket

To get rid of deep folds and chances on the skin jacket, there are also several most effective options.

It is better to start with method number 2, and if the oil rubbing is intact, proceed to other ways. Most likely, you will need the local application of the iron or the vapor agent, described in the methods No. 4 and No. 5. At the same time, it is important to observe all precautions when working with the skin, in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

How to smooth out an artificial leather jacket

Before, answer the question "How to smooth out a leather jacket from the leatherette", it is important to determine the difference in artificial and genuine leather.

The leathesis is a polymer manufactured by applying a polyurethane coating on the tissue base and used instead of genuine leather.

Unfortunately, this material is less flexible and elastic, not able to absorb moisture, immediately begins to melt when contact with fire and worse recovery after deformation than leather.

These qualities are important to take into account that correctly, without unwanted consequences, smooth the crumpled jacket from the leatherette.

In fact, the method of smoothing is largely identical to leather products.

  • You can wear or raise a jacket on my shoulders and give it to "drop out" and naturally dealt.
  • If the time does not allow a long time to wait, ironing the product. You can only iron from the wrong side, at low temperatures. To smooth out the sleeves, use special nozzles (in ironing boards) or put a thick roller from a towel into the sprinkled sleeve.
  • The steamer is used in exceptional cases when the above-mentioned methods were not effective. The effect of steam jet is carried out from the wrong side, briefly, at a distance of about 10 cm from the surface of the leatherette.
  • The placement of the mint jacket above the hot steam or in the bathroom is also practiced. You can wet the artificial leather jacket with water (from the sprayer) and hanging on her shoulders, let it gradually dry. At the same time, it is impossible to include heaters or hang a thing to a heating battery. The jacket must dry naturally and evenly.
  • Fat oils, vaseline or glycerin are also used to smooth out bends and races. The means are applied to the outer surface of the leatherette, softening it.

In any case, before proceeding to smoothing the jacket, you need to carefully examine the product label. There are types of leatherette, not allowing ferry processing or the use of any chemicals.


  • In order not to "break the head" over how to smooth out a crumpled leather jacket, it is necessary to comply with the basic principles of proper storage of leather products.
  • If the leather jacket or leatherette was blocked - you can use a variety of proven methods for smoothing such products at home.
  • It is better to smooth up a jacket with simple and gentle procedures. If they are not effective - apply more complex manipulations.
  • Ways to smooth out differently affect the product made of natural or artificial leather. It depends on the quality and thickness of the skin (leatherette), the degree of crop the jacket.
  • When smoothing a meat jacket, it should be carefully familiar with all the advantages and disadvantages of the selected method. Perform all manipulations, you need not rush and thoughtfully. Before constructive intervention (the impact of the ferry, ironing), be sure to learn the label of the product in order to exclude undesirable consequences and do not spoil the appearance of the jacket.

Video: how to smooth leather jacket


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