
How to cut the chicken correctly. How to gut chicken at home

How to cut the chicken correctly. How to gut chicken at home
The article is devoted to the topic of cutting the whole chicken at home. You will also learn how to properly gut the carcass, pluck it and what dishes can be made from chicken.

Some modern young housewives completely lost the skill of cutting chicken. Most often, they prefer to buy ready -made sets consisting of wings, legs, hips, etc. But an experienced mistress should still know how to cut the carcass of chicken, if suddenly such a thing appears in her kitchen. To buy a whole chicken and cut it into parts is cheaper than buying ready -made chicken sets. In addition, by cutting the whole carcass you will get meat for the second and soup set, and some parts for baking, etc. Absolutely the entire carcass of chicken can be cut without waste. In this article, we will dispel the myth of the complexity of this process and try to easily and pace the cutting in the most detailed and step. And also you will learn about how to gut the chicken.

The benefits of chicken meat

Chicken meat is one of the most popular foods all over the world. Especially now, when the world was seized by fashion for proper nutrition and sport, the chicken began to be present in almost a daily diet. This excellent dietary product differs in a lighter way to get a global scale. Huge agricultural complexes for growing cattle make a significant contribution to the deterioration of the environmental situation on our planet. The content and cultivation of chickens is a more “light” type of industry. What is so valuable in this meat and why is it so popular? For example, you can list the following:

  • a huge amount of animal protein. As you know, protein should enter the human body in sufficient quantities. We need it to build new fabrics, ensure normal metabolism, etc.;
  • diet. All people who care about their weight suffer from obesity replace all other types of meat with chicken meat. The breast is especially useful. It contains a minimum of cholesterol and fat. This is a truly dietary product from which an incredible amount of delicious and healthy dishes are prepared;
  • rich vitamin composition. Chicken meat contains B vitamins, A, E, which are very important for the normally functioning of the organs and systems of the human body;
  • minerals contained in chicken meat perfectly affect the circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Of course, it is worth not forgetting that no matter how dietary chicken meat in itself, all its benefits can be lost with improper preparation. It is foolish to believe that having fired a diet breast in a large amount of oil, you will not harm your figure. The most oily part of the chicken is the skin. It is she who is not advised to eat all losing weight. And of course, the meat of homemade chicken, and not grown at various compound feeds, will be much more useful, a chicken on a large farm.


How to cut a chicken. How to pluck chicken correctly

Perhaps you will never come in handy in your life skill to pluck chicken from feathers. But you need to be ready for everything. The meat of home chickens grown in free conditions, at good nutrition, is considered much more useful. What should be the procedure for plucking chicken immediately after slaughter?

  1. You can pluck the chicken in a dry way.   To do this, immediately after the slaughter, start pulling feathers in the direction of growth. If you do this against growth, then the skin will be worsened. For beginners in such a lesson, this may seem a long and exhausting process.
  2. The second method is “wet”. You need to place the carcass in very hot water, you can even boiling water for a few minutes. Get ready for the fact that the smell will not be the most pleasant. It is better if you do it on the street. If in the room, then it should be as well ventilated as possible. Prepare garbage bags to fold feathers, an additional deep container to move the carcass there after boiling water. Featers will be removed much easier than with a “dry” method.

  How to gut chicken at home

After you got rid of all the fumes of the chicken, you have to engage in gutting it. The correctness of actions in this process is no less important than when plucking:

  • rables, i.e. Getting rid of the internal organs of the carcass should begin with cutting the rear opening. Make sure that the knife is sharp enough. Cut the anus in a circle, trying not to hurt anything superfluous;
  • now you need to make a neat incision to the keel. Accuracy is needed in order not to damage the intestines of the bird. You understand, if you rip it off, then it will be not enough pleasant, and the meat will be spoiled;
  • now we proceed directly to the process of gutting. We take out all the internal organs, starting with the intestines and ending with the liver and stomach;
  • next, you should get rid of the goiter. As a rule, the bird is prepared in advance for the face, and to pull out the goiter in this case will not represent labor, because It will be empty. Otherwise, it is necessary to make an incision on the neck and then already pull out the goiter, which will be complete;
  • part of the touch of the carcass is also getting rid of the genitals (ovaries or seeds, if it is a rooster), heart;
  • the final action in the process of gutting the whole carcass will be washing it under running cold water.

How to cut a chicken

Some may doubt the need for such a skill as the skill of proper cutting. What is it for? You can simply cut the carcass into completely arbitrary pieces that will turn out in the process of cutting. But good housewives always have something to object. Firstly, with the correct sequence of actions when cutting, you can use absolutely the entire carcass, without waste. Secondly, it is much more pleasant and more aesthetically cooked from neat portioned pieces, approximately the same in size than from “torn” obscure pieces. From a correctly cut carcass, you can make blanks for both the first dishes and the latter. If someone loves the legs in your family, and someone breasts, then buying a whole chicken and cutting it correctly, you will satisfy the requests of all family members.

How to cut a chicken step by step without waste

  1. The cutting of chicken begins from the separation of the legs. In the place where the leg is attached to the body, we make a neat incision. Then you need to "turn out" the leg to separate the joint. Now you just need to make an additional incision, and a leg, or a ham, will be separated. The same actions need to be carried out with the second leg. If the size of the chicken allows, then you can separate the hips from the lower leg. To do this, you also need to find with your fingers where the hip joint ends, and make a cut in this place.
  2. Then you can start the wings separation. To do this, you just need to press the wing to the body well. The shoulder joint will become clearly visible. In this place and you need to make an incision. Just pull the wing slightly, and it will separate from the chicken. The same actions are made with the second wing.
  3. Then you need to separate the back of the carcass from the front. To do this, you need to enter the knife into the chicken and start cut along the spine.   Make the same section on the other side. As a result, you will get the front of the chicken - the breast on the bones, and the back - the back. The breast fillet must be carefully separated from the bone.
  4. The back that can be useful for the preparation of soups, broths must be divided into 2 parts. To do this, gently press the bone in the middle and make a cut. The bones of the thoracic region must also be divided into 2 parts.


How to cut chicken into portioned pieces

The second version of cutting chicken will allow you to get approximately the same pieces of meat, i.e. portioned. This method will require you a little greater dexterity, but with the help of clear instructions, you will fully cope with such a task.

  1. As in the first proposed version, first we proceed to the separation of the legs. To do this, turn the chicken with a breast down, make cuts in the lower part along the ridge on both sides. We also make incisions below the scapular part also on both sides. These incisions will allow us to easily remove meat from the "oyster" bone.
  2. The “oysters” bones are located along the ridge. They need to be carefully removed with the whole leg. It turns out almost an identical “leg”, as in the first version, but with a “oyster” bone.
  3. In order to cut the wings, you need to turn the chicken again with a breast down. Between the spatula and the ridge we make an incision and separate the entire shoulder blade. We repeat the same on the other side.
  4. With a section from the inside, we separate the breast and wings from the skeleton along the ridge.
  5. Now it remains to cut off the wings. You will get: 2 wings, a piece of breast.

How to cut chicken. Photo


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How to cut a chicken. Video

How to cut a roulette chicken

The chicken roll can become a festive dish and a real decoration of the table. By adding your branded ingredients to it, you will definitely hit guests and your household with your culinary abilities. Many housewives, and especially young ones, often scare away the cutting of chicken for roll. Indeed, you need to show a maximum of dexterity and effort in order to turn a whole carcass into a flat "sheet" of meat. Your task is to get rid of all bones in the carcass without damaging the skin. One of the main conditions of such cutting is the presence of a very sharp knife. You will have to make numerous incisions, and if the knife is not acute enough, then the time and nerves for cutting will need many times more. So, let's start:

  1. the chicken carcass should be washed and dried. Start with sections along the spine on both sides;
  2. your task is to get rid of the main bones in the dorsal and chest parts. Make incisions from the inside, maintaining the integrity of the skin and meat. If such work is in a new product for you, then take your time, act step by step. Remove the sternum and bones of the back;
  3. to get the bone from the wings, make a cut along the bone, gently cutting the tendons near the cartilage. As if turn the bone outward without damaging the skin and meat;
  4. now it is necessary to remove the seeds of the legs. To do this, also make cuts along the bone, cut off the tendons;
  5. after the main and largest bones are removed, check the entire carcass for the presence of small bones that you may not notice. Check your fingers every centimeter of the carcass. Remove all the remaining tendons, fat. Now you know how to cut the chicken from the bones.


Tips for housewives about cutting chicken

  • To cut the chicken, you will definitely need a sharp knife. Kitchen scissors, which should also be sharp, can greatly facilitate the separation of some parts of the carcass. Scissors cut the skin much better.
  • It is better to wrap a cutting board with a film or put on a plastic bag on top. At the end of the cutting, it will be necessary to process the boards: pour over with boiling water and wipe with vinegar.
  • The chicken should be completely defrosted. It is advisable to defrost the chicken, putting it in a convenient container on the lower shelf in the refrigerator. You can also resort to the help of cold (but not hot!) Water or use the defrosting regime in the microwave. Rinse the carcass thoroughly under running water and drain paper towels.
  • If you are not going to immediately cook food from the pieces received, but you want to freeze them, then prepare the containers, trays or clean packages for freezing in advance. If the chicken has already been defrosted, then repeated freezing is not recommended.
  • Start cutting with cutting the third phalanx on the wing, this will significantly improve the aesthetic type of finished dishes.

How to cut the chicken correctly. Cooking options for chicken dishes

Chicken -cut in batter

With such an unusual dish you will please your guests or just turn an ordinary family dinner into a festive one. You will need to prepare such a dish:

  • chicken -cut;
  • cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tsp starch;
  • 1/3 of the article of milk;
  • salt and pepper taste.

Rinse the legs well under water, put it in a deep pan, pour a little boiling water and freeze under a closed lid for a couple of minutes so that the meat becomes white and acquires softness. In a separate bowl, beat an egg, milk, salt, starch, black pepper, grated into small grater cheese. Sear the frying oil in a pan. Dip the legs into the resulting cheese mixture, then in panning crackers and carefully spread in the pan. Fry to readiness. Serve on a table with garlic sauce, green salad and vegetables.


Vegetable soup from chicken breast

Such soup is perfect for those who are on a diet or just watching their weight and tries to eat right. Chicken breast is dietary meat, which, moreover, has excellent taste. If you are frightened by dry breasts, then you will not feel it in a vegetable soup. To prepare this simple dish, you will need a set of the simplest products that are in every refrigerator:

  • one half of the chicken breast;
  • 1-2 potatoes;
  • half of carrots;
  • half of the head of onions;
  • a couple of inflorescences of cauliflower;
  • salt and pepper taste.

Cut the breast in a form convenient for you: cubes or strips. Throw the meat into boiling water. A couple of minutes later, put potatoes chopped with cubes, carrots, onions. Cook until readiness. Lastly, put the inflorescences of cauliflower in a pan. Before serving, decorate with fresh herbs. Remove the onion from the soup before serving. Such a light soup is quite suitable for the children's menu.


Chopped cutlets from chicken breast

Chopped chicken meat cutlets is another version of the dish with proper or dietary nutrition. You do not have to fry such cutlets in a pan. You may well bake them in the oven. You will need to prepare such cutlets:

  • chicken breast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • half of carrots;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a little greenery;
  • salt and pepper taste.

Separate the chicken breast from the bone. Finely chop the meat into strips, and then cubes. As a result, chopped minced meat should be obtained. It remains to add eggs, grated carrots, greens, salt and pepper, chopped garlic. Put the cutlets on a hot pan with a spoon. Fry to golden crust. Or lay out on a sheet of parchment and bake in the oven.


Chicken in the oven

A whole chicken in the oven is a good and proven option for any festive table. Each housewife will find his own “secrets” and his own “highlight” in the preparation of this dish. Such tricks are usually passed down from generation to generation. Only marinade can give a unique taste and aroma of such a chicken that is prepared in a special way. A huge number of such marinades can be found. There are options for lovers of acute chicken, for lovers of sweet and sour notes in meat, for fans of spices, etc. The longer you withstand the chicken in such a marinade, the juicier and tastier it will turn out. Such marinades can also be used for cut chicken in the oven. If you bake the entire chicken, it is better to buy a chilled carcass, not frozen. You can try one of the simplest recipes for cooking chicken in the oven:

  • chicken or chicken carcass;
  • olive oil;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • dried basil;
  • paprika dried;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.

Mix herbs and spices with olive oil, add chopped garlic. This will be our marinade. Crush chicken on the outside and inside. Leave for 2 hours or all night. Bake on a baking sheet breast up.


Remember that there is no limit to improving your culinary abilities. Rejoice yourself and your loved ones delicious dishes from dietary chicken meat!



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