
How to eat grenades

How to eat grenades
In the grenade grains, a powerful charge of energy and health lies. To get them in full, you need to know how to eat grenades.

When looking at the purified grenade, an association with precious rubies arises - before the color of its grains is bright and deep. But not at all valuable stones owes this fruit with its name: "Granatus" in Latin means "faceted", "grainy". The concepts of how it is impossible to reflect the essence of the pomegranate - the thick robust peel hides the sections filled with juicy sour-sweet grains. Pomegranate is considered a unique delicacy, since all its components of the components are peel, juice and grain - represent tremendous value for our health. From time immemorial, the amazing fruit qualities use medicine, cosmetology and, of course, cooking. How to eat a grenade to extract the maximum benefit from it, our article will tell.

In the depths of the mature fruit is covered from 400 to 700 seeds, and each seed - a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. No wonder there is a belief among the inhabitants of ancient Babylon that pomegranate juice makes a warrior invulnerable. And this is partly true.

11 indisputable facts about the benefits of pomegranate

  1. Regular use of fruit increases the level of hemoglobin in the body. Everyone knows that a grenade is an effective means to eliminate anemia. The problem of Malokrovia is solved by using diluted garnet juice: 0.5 tbsp. Delicious drink drink half an hour before meals 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 2 months.
  2. Under the influence of useful substances in the composition of the pomegranate juice, slightly increased blood pressure comes to normal.
  3. Prepare an effective remedy for insomnia from the grenade is very simple: dried and add to hot tea with a ripe fruit.
  4. Thanks to his astringent property, the pomegranate will help to cope with the intestinal disorder and to defeat the diarrhea. To do this, you will need 20 g of dried and crushed peel or 40 - 50 g of ripe grains that need to be pouring 1 tbsp. Water and boil for half an hour on slow fire. Take natural medicine for 2 tbsp. l. in the morning and in the evening.
  5. Cubilane elements and organic acids in the composition of the grain fruit are striking the microbes in the oral cavity, so during such inflammatory diseases, like angina, pharyngitis, gingivitis and stomatitis, it is useful to rinse the throat with a water decoction of the grenade peel. The means surprisingly pains quickly and disinfect the affected areas of the tissue mucosa.
  6. Without unnecessary fears, the garnet can be eaten with diabetes mellitus, and then sugar in the blood will certainly decrease. This is the best natural medicine for diabetics. For well-being, it is enough to take 60 drops of fresh pomegranate juice 4 times a day immediately before meals.
  7. Pomegranate juice - a reliable shield from radiation. For this reason, residents of zones with an elevated level of radioactive radiation and those who have been dealing with radioactive isotopes on debt, should include a grenade on its diet on an ongoing basis.
  8. Pomegranate improves skin condition. Cosmetic masks, for the preparation of which are used fresh pomegranate juice, eliminate the face from greasy shine and unattractive poverty rashes. The grenade peeled and fluttering into powder can be added to wound-healing ointments - so burns, cracks and scratches on the skin are tightened faster.
  9. Pomegranate is an effective anthelmintic agent. In the fight against helminths, the peel of a mature fruit is used: 40 - 50 g of raw materials are crushed, then for 5 to 6 hours, they are soaked in 0.5 liters of cold water, and then boil on slow heat until exactly half of the decoction fell. The cooled tool must be strain and drink in small portions for 60 minutes. After 1 hour, a laxative drug should be taken and to make the enema after 5 hours.
  10. Many are interested, whether it is possible to eat a pomegranate with a bone. Definitely yes! Substances stored there have a positive effect on the hormonal background of the body. The fiber, phytogorms and essential oils that you get, having a fruit grains, without cleaning them from the bones, are able to replace estrogens. That is why the pomegranate is very useful for women - its regular use will relieve cute ladies from hormonal "races", irritability and migraine on the eve of menstruation and during menopause. And the ancient Greeks quite accurately noticed the amazing impact of the pomegranate on the increase of male potency, nickling a ruby \u200b\u200bfruit fruit of passion and fertility.
  11. Pomegranate's peel has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and perfectly helps to cope with the blockade of inflammatory processes in the organs of the urogenital system. To prepare a medicine, take 2 h. dried and crushed peel and pour 1 tbsp. Boiling water, then put it on the water bath for half an hour, after the strain and decrease the water to the starting volume. The medicine must be taken in 3 - 4 tbsp. l. in 30 minutes Before eating in the morning and in the evening.

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Pomegranate in cooking

Experiments with garnet in the kitchen always succeed, because pomegranate juice is a universal seasoning for marinated and stewed meat dishes. Protein enzymes and organic acids (citric, tartaric and malic) make incredibly meat juicy and tender. And if you add a handful of pomegranate seeds in a salad, dishes will have a spicy taste with a "sour." On the festive table Free ice cream or whipped cream richly previously decorating delicacy ruby \u200b\u200bgrains - dessert appreciate both children and adults. The energy value of 100 g of fruit part juicy fruit is about 65 - 80 kcal, and 100 ml of juice contains about 40 - 65 kcal.


The use of garnet for children

For parents, the question is whether children can eat pomegranate, will always be relevant. The kids who have not had time to celebrate their first birthday, introduce fruit to the diet too early. After a year, offer a small gourmet pomegranate juice, half diluted with water. Remember that the grenade can cause the development of an allergic reaction, so start to acquaint the baby with this product from half a teaspoon of diluted juice. After 10 - 14 days, increase the portion up to 100 ml gradually bring it up to 200 ml. With whole pomegranate grains, the child is introduced when he will be 3 years old.

Children under 7 years of age are shown not more than 1 tbsp. Diluted grenade juice per day. And notice that every day this drink can not give the child, otherwise you will provoke constipation from him. The optimal option is to diversify the children's menu with pomegranate juice 1 - 2 times a week. By the way, pomegranate juice purchased in the store is less useful than a freshly squeezed product.


Pomegranate for pregnant and nursing mothers

Pregnant women not only can be, but also need to eat grenades. A woman waiting for the birth of a child, faces a lot of problems, and many of them can be eliminated by eating ruby \u200b\u200bfruit. The grenade increases the general immunity of a woman, and this is so important when a new life grows inside it! In addition, the pomegranates of the future mother need to be stocking at least in order to protect themselves from the development of anemia. Conductible anemia - almost the most common problem for all women in the position.

Useful substances that are part of the fruit normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the activity of the cardiovascular system and improve the ability of blood to roll. If regularly drinking pomegranate juice, then we can significantly weaken all the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis.

Pomegranate Seeds in Woman Hands Shaping Heart Symbol

It is now only to find out the daily rate of pomegranate juice for the future mother. Maintain health with the help of a pomegranate Fresh woman can throughout the entire pregnancy provided that she has no contraindications to its use. The maximum daily dose of the pomegranate juice is 3 glasses per day. It is necessary to drink it half an hour before meals (in front of breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Is it possible to eat a grenade with a nursing mom? The question is very controversial. In principle, you can eat granular fruits and drinking their juice of a newly minted mother in the same mode as during pregnancy. However, you should not forget that the garnet belongs to strong allergens. This means that elements that are saturated with fruit juice, and the child can get both a child, and not the fact that his body loyally reaches this product. If, contrary to everything, you cannot abandon your favorite fruit, carefully follow the condition of your baby and at the first signs of allergies immediately consult a doctor.


Easy way to clean the grenade

Many belong to a grenade with some dislike, knowing how difficult it can be cleaned. Bright red spots from juice on clothes and kitchen furniture also do not make anyone. We offer a simple, but effective way to clean the recalcitrant fruit:

  1. Put on the apron - you are still not insured from splashes.
  2. Remove a deep bowl. Granate wash.
  3. A sharp knife cut the foot-"crown" from the fruit in such a way that the white streaks are expovered, which divide grenade grains on the section.
  4. Carefully make a knife not deep cuts along the residences.
  5. Turn the garnet with grains down above the mission and, slightly sprouting the outcropped peel, try to shake them. If it does not work, help yourself with a spoon.


Contraindications to consuming grenade

Natural garnet juice represents a certain danger to dental enamel, namely corrosive its top layer. Under the influence of acids, which are contained in the juice of the grenade, the color of sealing material and teeth changes. After you eat a grenade, be sure to get your mouth with water. Or drink diluted garnet juice. If necessary, eat pomegranates very often, buy two toothpastes - whitening and strengthening. They will help you protect your teeth from the destructive action of the pomegranate juice.

It is not recommended to eat a pomegranate with a bone to people suffering from gastritis, enteritis and increased acidity of the stomach. The same applies to those who undergo a course of treatment of ulcers and a 12-square intestine. Born, lemon, apple, wine and succinic acid only exacerbate the course of these diseases.

It is impossible to eat grenade to people prone to the development of allergic reactions. The main symptoms of manifestation of allergy on a grainy fruit are considered to redness of the skin, an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, dry throat, general weakness and dizziness.

Folk recipes, where the garnet of the rose has been involved, it is necessary to apply with great care. Specific substances in pomegranate peel (peelletierine isopellate and alkanoids) poisonous, so it is possible to use the peel in very temperate doses.


How to choose a ripe grenade

Do you know that the pomegranate is premature from the branch, unlike many other fruits, never will be no longer enough? Without the excreant grenade unpleasantly surprising you with sour taste and will not bring the expected benefit, so the choice and purchase of the fruit should be related to a great responsibility.

So, how to choose the "right" grenade:

  1. The main indicator of ripeness and grenade health is its peel, the color of which ideally should be bright red. If the fruit is ripe enough, its upper "clothes" can decorate orange stains and scuffs. The peel must be fine enough to see the outlines of the grains under it.
  2. If the peel shines, the fruit was assembled too early. On sufficient ripeness of the pomegranate indicates dry skin.
  3. Also carefully inspect the scope of the pomegranate to the tree - it should not be greenish.
  4. You are lucky if the seller allows you to cut the fruit - now you have the opportunity to assess the state of the grains. They must be elastic and have a rich red color. Please note that seeds of some grain grain whites.
  5. Take a grenade in your hand and feel it with my peel with my fingers. If soft sections come across on its surface, it means that the fruit has already managed to support either it was incorrectly stored and frost. Mature grenades are always solid.
  6. Evaluate the weight of the pomegranate "on the eyes", and then ask to weigh it. The real weight of the fruit is always greater than it seems.


Pomegranate storage features

It is necessary to store the garnet in the lower separation of the refrigerator - there is the perfect temperature in order for the fruit longer to retain your freshness.

If you plan to store grenades for a long time, then take into account some rules:

  1. For successful storage, the fruit should not be familiar or fired, and its peel should be a whole, without any visible damage. Then you have a chance to store a grenade into refrigerators for about 2 months without losing his valuable qualities.
  2. From time to time, inspect the grenades that store. If you find spoiled fruit, immediately remove his other fruits, otherwise they will ruin the same way. Whole parts of the fallen pomegranate can be immediately eaten.
  3. If you have partially spoiled grenades, and you want to store them for some time, use freezing grains for this. Remove the peel from the fruit, fold the whole grains into a dense package or a special container with a hermetic lid and deposit into the freezer. Note that before freezing, the pomegranate grains are not necessary.


Interesting information about grenade. Video


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