
How to clean silver when blank at home. The better to clean silver - means

How to clean silver when blank at home. The better to clean silver - means
How and what to clean silver at home. How to clean silver from blackening.

Each house has silver products. It can be not only jewelry, but also cutlery, dishes, interior items and much more. Over time, blackening appears on the surface of the metal. There are several effective ways to clean silver items at home. In order to maintain the previous attractiveness of the product, it is necessary to take into account the features of cleaning and clearly follow the tips on the use of this or that tool.

Why is silver blackening?

  • The cause of silver blackening is not a reference to damage, but the process of oxidation of metal. This fact has long been scientifically proven. When silver sulfides in contact with sulfur, blackening appears. This substance can be part of cosmetics for care and is in sweat droplets.
  • There are other causes of silver blank. This process is actively affected by increased humidity and contact with water, interaction with rubber products, medicines and a dishes washed.

Important! It should be taken into account that Rod silver is not subjected to oxidation. Such products from above are covered with a thin layer of rhodium, which belongs to metals of a platinum group. Modern products have such protection, but ancient objects and antiques need regular cleaning.

  • In addition to chemical processes, silver often blackes due to a low metal sample. This is due to the fact that the products do not use metal in its pure form, but only in the form of alloys. Most often, silver is supplemented with copper, which, as a result of contact with air, is transformed into copper oxide. It is because of this process that the products lose their shine, and blackening appears.

How to clean silver. Preliminary preparation of products and cleaning rules

  • Since there are a lot of methods of cleaning silver products, before the procedure, you should carefully consider the choice of cleaning and study the purification process. If you do not take into account all the rules for cleaning silver at home, then you can damage the surface of the product.

Important! Any doubt about the issue of independent cleaning of silver products should alert you. In this case, it is better to use the services of professionals.

  • Before cleaning, check the silver sample number on the product. It indicates the amount of pure metal. The lower the sample, the more impurities in the alloy. The method of cleaning and choosing the product will depend on this. If it is wrong to clean silver products, then you can ruin their appearance.
  • So silver dishes are most often made with a high content of impurities, which means that the test will be low. In this case, soda and various acids will be enough for cleaning. For jewelry with a breakdown of 925, use ammonia and foil. If you have 960 samples, you will need help in a jewelry workshop.
  • Be especially attentive in the presence of inserts from another metal and careful if the product has a decor made of stones or rhinestones. This is especially true for jewelry. So, if they are decorated with pearls, corals or there are inserts from amber and turquoise, then you can use peeled or ammonia.
  • For cleaning silver products, special pastes or cleaning powders for this type of metal are also used. But home remedies that are at hand are considered more effective. When working in a home environment, it is important to observe the exposure time of the substance on silver and clean objects very carefully, slowly.
  • When using improvised materials for cleaning, it is strictly forbidden to use substances based on abrasive components. They can damage or scratch the surface of the object. Also, do not use tooth powder, salt and any cleaning products for dishes, tiles or ceramics for cleaning.
  • If you have already chosen how to clean silver during blackening, then clearly observe the time of action of the product on the metal. This is especially true for acids. If the specified cleaning period is exceeded, you can provoke the corrosion process, which will irrevocably spoil the product. Also, do not allow changes in the level of concentration of the product when cleaning silver.

Important! During the cleaning of silver items, do not forget about your own safety. Work in gloves and open the windows when using alkali or acids.

  • When cleaning silver by home products, first remove fat spots and other possible pollution on the surface. Soap solution is suitable for this. In warm water, dilute a small amount of chopped soap, immerse the product into the liquid and leave it for 50-60 minutes. Then rinse with clean water and dry well before applying the cleaner.
  • If you do not want to damage the surface of the product, then use foil. She will return silver brilliance and beauty, and also does not scratch it. When the blackening occurred in hard -to -reach parts of the product (for example, inside the figure), use citric or acetic acid.
  • Facial alcohol will cope with severe blackens. It belongs to aggressive cleaning methods, so the product should not contain gold inserts and jewelry stones. Soda powder is used to silver, without any drawings and additions from minerals.

How to clean silver at home

After washing the silver product in soapy water, go to the use of cleaners. Silver cleaning should take place according to the rules for using this or that tool. Then the item is thoroughly washed in clean warm water. After that, the product is left on a kitchen towel for drying and rubbed with a soft cloth.

How to clean silver with alcohol

  • Cleaning of metal with alcohol can pass in 2 ways in which the product is used in a pure and diluted form. At the same time, it is important to use only the purified alcohol of the medical appointment. You can buy it at the pharmacy.
  • If silver products do not have golden spraying or inserts from other metals, then prepare the solution: 1 tbsp. l. alcohol and hydrogen peroxide per 1 liter of warm water. Dear silver into the solution, leave for 15 minutes. Then transfer to clean water, rinse from the residues of alcohol and peroxide, then dry thoroughly and grate with a soft cloth.
  • For objects with gilding, soaking in a solution of alcohol is not recommended. It is necessary to act differently. Prepare soft material, soak it with alcohol and gently wipe the silver until the clean surface is obtained. Do not use alcohol without additives.

How to clean silver at home with peroxide

  • This cleaning method is suitable only for objects with the highest breakdown or if you are sure that the products are made of pure silver. For cleaning, use 3% hydrogen peroxide. Wet the fabric with a soft structure and wipe the metal surface with the product. Additionally, rinse after cleaning the product is not necessary.

How to clean silver foil

Experienced housewives prefer to use food foil for cleaning silver. It is quite thin and is made of aluminum. There are several ways to use foil, but all of them are not suitable for cleaning black silver.

Method number 1:

  • The foil is cut into small parts, the product is laid in the center. Separately, make a gruel of baking soda and water, add it to silver. The foil is tightly wrapped so that the liquid does not pass through the layers.
  • In a separate container, boil water, transfer foil with objects into boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. If the product is large, then increase the time to 15 minutes. After boiling, take out the foil, cool completely. Expand it and remove the product. Rinse it well with clean water, leave to dry. Then wipe it with a soft cloth.

Method number 2:

  • The fastest option for cleaning silver, which will take you only 5 minutes. Bull the tray or other deep container with foil from the inside, wrap the edges outward. Put silver products on the foil.
  • Separately mix salt with baking soda in equal proportions. For example, for cleaning one chain or coins, 1 tbsp will be enough. l. dry ingredients. Also in another bowl, dissolve 100 ml. table vinegar 6% in 100 ml. boiling water.
  • Powders silver with powder from salt and soda. Try to cover the surface of the metal as much as possible with a dry mixture. Then fill the silver with a prepared solution, wait until the reaction passes. Get out the products, rinse, dry and grate.

Method number 3:

  • If you do not want to use vinegar and salt, then there is a simpler option for cleaning silver products. Only for him you will need more time. Cover the container with foil, lay out the products and fill it abundantly with soda.
  • Pour metal with boiling water soda. In this case, the water should completely cover silver. Leave the products in water for 20-25 minutes or until the moment when the soda reaction is completely over. Using a spoon, take out silver items, rinse with water and wipe dry with a velvet cloth.

Important! If you rarely wear silver jewelry or do not often use silver items, then store them wrapped in foil. Try to wrap the products as tightly as possible to eliminate air.

How to clean silver soda

Soda effectively copes with blasting on silver. But the particles of the powder are too rough for use in pure form, as they can scratch the surface of the metal. Therefore, a solution is prepared from soda or mixed with a small amount of water until the gruel is formed.

  • 200 ml. Add 20 g of baking soda. Bring the solution to a boil, remove from the stove. Dear silver into it and leave the liquid to cool. Then be sure to rinse from the residues of the solution and rub with a dry cloth.
  • Also, silver products can be boiled in soda solution. To do this, dissolve the powder with water in a ratio of 3: 1, respectively, heat, lower silver into the solution and boil for 5 minutes. After the procedure, let the metal cool and wipe dry.
  • This solution can be wiped with silver. Wet the fabric, process products. Then rinse well with clean water and let it dry. For shine, grate silver with a soft cloth.

How to clean silver with ammonia

The most popular way to clean silver products, which cleanses the metal from blackening. This option can clean the metal with small patterns. Also, such cleaning is suitable for cleansing the chains of pollution. Using silver to cleanse silver, only medical ammonia.

  • If the product has small blackening, then you can clean them with an undiluted ammonia. To do this, soak the soft tissue with ammonia and wipe the pollution. It is not necessary to wash silver after such a procedure.
  • When cleaning the entire product, prepare a soap solution. Use liquid soap, shampoo or grate out laundry soap. Add 6 drops of ammonia, mix the solution thoroughly and lower the silver into it for 15 minutes. After cleaning, it is necessary to wash the product with clean water and dry.
  • With strong contaminants on silver, it is allowed to use a solution of ammonia without additional ingredients. So by 100 ml. You will need 10 ml of water. Means. Dear silver into the solution. It should be cleaned in this way for no more than 30 minutes, constantly shaking. During the procedure, cover the container with alcohol lid so as not to damage the mucous membrane in pairs of ammonia.
  • Ecveerates can be used with chalk powder. Mix the ingredients in such a way that you get a gruel. Grate silver, then rinse with soap water and after in clean water. Process before use thoroughly.

How to clean toothpasic silver

  • The toothpaste turned out to be such a universal means that they can even clean the blackening on silver objects. As a cleaning tool, take a toothbrush of the lowest stiffness.
  • Squeeze the product in a small amount on the brush and process the product. You will have to wipe it several times until the pollution disappears completely. After processing silver, wash with a brush in soapy water to clean the remaining pasta from the metal. Then dry and grate the metal.

How to clean silver

  • Another universal remedy in the fight against blasting with silver products. For cleaning, use extrack or small grinding. Iodized salt for the cleaning procedure is not suitable. Pour salt on the soft tissue, put silver products on top and wrap. Salt powder should be enough for silver to be completely covered with it. Put the bundle into a deep dish, pour in clean water. For cleaning, set aside silver in water for 1-1.5 hours. Rinse clean items with water, be sure to dry and then rub with a cloth.
  • Salt along with soda can also clean silver. Mix them in an equal proportion, dilute with water to the state of gruel. Put the foil sheet on the bottom of the container, put the products on it and apply a paste of salt and soda on top. Let the cleaner act for 30 minutes, then rinse with water and wipe it.
  • Boiling in a solution of salt will be more effective for table silver. To prepare it, mix salt with baking soda for 10 g for each powder, add 10 ml. Any detergent and dilute half a liter of water.
  • Boil the solution, then gently immerse the devices into it and boil for half an hour. Get silver immediately, cool and rinse with clean water. This method of purification can leave a light plaque on the surface of silver. To remove it, rub the devices with soft material.

How citric acid clean silver

  • Cymonic acid will help to cope with blasting on metal no worse than previously presented options. For purification, dilute 100 g of crystals in half a liter of warm water, immerse copper wire into the solution.
  • Bring a solution of citric acid to a boil. Then reduce the temperature to a minimum, lower silver items for 15 minutes in boiling water. After drying, grate objects with a suede fabric.
  • If you use citric acid with foil, then act as follows. At the bottom of the metal container, put the sheets, lay the silver on top and pour the powder. Pour warm water, boil and boil the products for 5 minutes. After boiling, be sure to rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

How to clean silver vinegar

  • For cleaning silver items with vinegar, use the diluted solution, since the vinegar essence can ruin the product. This option for eliminating contaminants on the metal is suitable for jewelry with stones decor, but not pearls.
  • Pour the product into a separate dish, put products in it and leave for 25 minutes. If the blackening is large, then increase the time of silver in the solution up to 40 minutes. It is not necessary to rinse items, but it is necessary to dry.

How to clean Coca-Koloy silver

  • Another effective and simple tool that is used to clean silver objects. The composition of Coca-Cola has orthophosphoric acid. It is she who will cope with the blank on the metal.
  • Pour the drink into a pan, put silver products in it, put on the stove. Bring the solution to a boil, leave on the stove for 5-7 minutes and remove. Gently take out the silver, rinse with clean water and dry.

How to clean silver with potatoes

  • Folk methods are good for purifying small pollution on silver. For the procedure, take one potato, grate with small holes. Pour cold water, leave for half an hour. At the same time, constantly stir the vegetable so that the starch stands out as much as possible.
  • Then drain the liquid into a separate bowl, put silver products in it for 20 minutes. After that, rinse the items with clean water, dry and thoroughly grate the suede.

How to clean silver - unusual ways

  • There are completely unusual methods that can cleanse silver of blackening. For example, water in which eggs were cooked can remove pollution. Lower silver products into hot water, wait until it cools down, and then rub the surface of the metal with a napkin.
  • Our grandmothers also knew how to clean silver with garlic husks. To do this, remove the upper layer of the husk, pour it with boiling water, leave to brew for 10-15 minutes. Then immerse silver into the liquid and boil for 10-15 minutes. Rinse the products, dry them and grate them.
  • The chicken egg will effectively cope with silver. This method is suitable only for objects with a flat surface. Separate the yolk from the protein, beat it with a whisk. Pierce the cotton pad and process the metal. After that, rinse the products thoroughly with warm water. Before rubbing silver, dry it well.
  • If the blackening on the metal is small, then the usual eraser will help to remove them. In addition, you do not have to additionally rub the products after processing with an eraser. Hygienic lipstick will also be removed on silver. Grate silver products with cosmetics with cosmetics, leave in this form for half an hour, then remove with a clean cloth and polish.
  • Beer with a slight alcohol content can remove small blackening, while cooking or rubbing silver. Pour beer into a small container, lower the product into it and wait 30-40 minutes. After that, rinse silver with water and grate with soft material.

How to clean the black silver

  • Cleaning silver products should be approached very carefully so as not to spoil the surface of the metal. One of the simple ways is a soap solution with the addition of a pinch of baking soda. Lower the silver into the liquid, leave for half an hour, then rinse and rub.
  • The option of cleaning black silver using potatoes is also suitable. The water in which you kept the potatoes slightly heat and hold silver in it for 20 minutes. Rinse the remaining starch with water. Silver objects should be well dried from moisture residues and polished with a napkin.
  • Silver cleaning with foil with the addition of soda solution is strictly not recommended. But if you decide to completely remove the blackening from silver along with the pollution, then this option is suitable.

Than clean the table silver from black

  • Silver cutlery is allowed to be cleaned with a dishwasher. In this case, each product is placed in a nylon sock and laid in a tray. Together with silver, you can not wash the dishes from another metal. Also carefully approach the choice of detergent. After cleaning, the silver is thoroughly wiped with velvet fabric and stored in a special box.

Important! During the cleaning of the metal, do not use metal sponges, powders or brushes with hard bristles. Otherwise, you risk spoiling the surface of objects, or scratches will appear.

  • The cutlery can also be washed in a soap solution with the addition of a small amount of ammonia. So for 1 liter of warm water you will need 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. Do not boil the products in the solution, but soak in it for half an hour. After cleaning, wash with water and dry. To appear shine, grate the surface with a paper towel.

Is it possible to clean matte silver

For owners of silver with a matte surface, it is best to contact specialists on the issue of cleaning. Most methods for purifying metal are not suitable, especially using acid. Silver at home can only be cleaned in soapy solution.

The better to clean silver with stones

Particular attention must be paid to jewelry with stones. The choice of cleaning option depends on the quality and type of stones that decorated with silver.

  • Jewelry with dense minerals, such as aquamarine, emerald or sapphire, can be cleaned with almost any means. But ammonia with soapy solution will cope with pollution more efficiently.
  • In the presence of lunar stone, opal, malachite, or turquoise, do not use baking soda, powders and rough brushes. The surface of such stones is less dense, so scratches can form. For purification of silver with such stones, water with the addition of soap chips is suitable.
  • Hot water cannot be used for silver products with emerald, grenade and ruby. From high temperature, the stone will change its shade. It is allowed to clean silver with a soap solution or ammonia, but the water should be cold. After cleaning, the stone is wiped with purified alcohol.
  • Special care is necessary for products with inserts of pearls, mother of pearl and amber. Such stones are afraid of any acids, alcohol solutions and even alkalis. For cleaning, use a soap solution, but do not immerse the decoration in it, but wipe it with a damp cloth.

Important! When using water in cleaning products with stones, remember that it should be filtered or pre -boiled. The chlorine located in it can ruin the surface of the stone.

How to clean silver with gilding or golden inserts

  • Make a gilding jewelry, as well as with gold inserts, you need to be very careful. Gold does not like cleaning with aggressive means, especially acid. Inserts and coatings should only be wiped with a soft cloth.
  • Fat pollution and dust will remove the purified alcohol or a weak solution of vinegar (per glass of water 2 tbsp. 6% of the product). But jewelry does not need to be soaked. It is allowed to rub the fabric moistened in the solution. Then the golden inserts are wiped dry and polished.
  • Beer is good for cleaning. Soak the jewelry for 20 minutes, then wipe with a damp cloth and rub with a cloth or suede.
  • If the product is very contaminated, then prepare a soap solution with the addition of ammonia. For 1 liter of warm water you will need 6 drops of alcohol and a teaspoon of liquid soap. Lower the jewelry into the solution, withstand for half an hour, then rinse with water and dry.

Emaly's inserts cleaning

  • Jewelry with enamel inserts is contraindicated in cleaning with chlorine content, alkalis and especially acids. Therefore, the processing of products with powders, soda and other detergents is excluded. Also, the enamel inserts will damage any temperature change.
  • Cleaning of silver jewelry with the presence of enamel is possible only with cold water with a few drops of ammonia. Eliminate soaking, only wiping with a solution with a solution is allowed. It is also possible to use toothpaste, but without additives. The surface of the enamel is rubbed with a soft brush, then washed with water and wiped dry.

How to store silver correctly?

In order for silver products to serve you for a long time, it is important not only to know about the ways of cleaning them, but also to store it correctly. Subject to the conditions of blackening on the metal will appear less often, which means that they should not be cleaned often.

  • You can’t keep silver items together, especially this applies to jewelry. With this method of storage, scratches appear on the surface. If there is no way to buy a special box for them, then use covers of soft fabric or bags.
  • The place for storing products should be absolutely dry. Any humidity will lead to rapid blackening of the surface of the silver.
  • Do not store products near ovens or heating items, as well as avoid direct sunlight entering metal. The surface of silver can deteriorate from a sharp temperature difference.
  • Wipe silver only with a velvet fabric or a material with a soft pile.
  • As soon as you notice the blackening on silver, immediately proceed to its cleaning. After the procedure, be sure to dry the metal well and then wipe it with a soft cloth.

Many housewives are wondering: how can silver be cleaned? It turns out that there are a large number of ways, so you will not need to turn to specialists for help. But when choosing a means for cleaning silver, be sure to follow the rules for its use. Only in this case, silver products will delight you with their beauty and radiance for a long time.

How to clean silver - a quick way, video



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