
How to draw Princess Elza from a cold heart. How easy to draw Elsa phased pencil

How to draw Princess Elza from a cold heart. How easy to draw Elsa phased pencil
The cartoon "Cold Heart" has long been loved by millions of girls of different age, so it is worth trying to learn how to draw Princess Elza - the main heroine. The drawing process will not be difficult, especially if you have already attempts to draw a person.

Walt Disney Studio Cartoons are always great popularity and love in children and adults. Thanks to the bright pictures, unforgettable and cheerful characters, an intricate plot, such multiplication series can be watching without stopping. One of the most recent masterpieces of this studio is the cartoon "Cold Heart", the plot of which reminds all the famous fairy tale "Snow Queen".

After watching the work, the main characters immediately became idiots of millions of girls around the world. Princess Elsa and her sister Anna were so loved for children and their parents that today on the Internet you can just find a huge number of instructions of how to draw Elsa from the "Cold Heart" or other heroes.

In this article, consider the features of the phased drawing of the princess Elsa, and also give a few facts about this heroine. Let us describe several options in detail how to draw Elsa in stages.

Princess Elsa - Another Creatment Studio Walt Disney

The cartoon "Cold Heart" was 53 a full-length film, which released the legendary Studio Walt Disney. For the first time, this picture came out on the screens of cinemas in 2013, after which the love of fans of cartoon fantasy instantly won. The "Cold Heart" at the time of access to the rental was the most cash cartoon studio in recent years. A huge amount of tickets for the cartoon premiere worldwide, including in Russia, was sold.

The plot of the cartoon "Cold Heart" very much reminds all the famous fairy tale of Hans Christine Anderson "The Snow Queen" and even the names of the main characters are similar to the names of the tales. In the plot in the same kingdom there were two sisters, one of which had dangerous abilities since childhood - she could manage cold, snow and ice. Once Elsa accidentally put a spell on his city and, frightening it, ran away in the forest. Her younger sister Anna, together with friends, rushed to her searches to remove the spell from the city and return his sister home.

It was the princess Elsa that is one of the main characters of the cartoon, which so loved fans of the work for their beauty and character. She restrained, majestic and proud princess, managing his kingdom, but somewhere inside Elsa lives a little frightened girl who asks for help.

In 2019, a new part of all the favorite cartoon "Cold Heart 2" will be released.

Features of phased drawing Princess Elzy

Your child will simply be delighted, if after watching this entertaining cartoon you will try to draw a princess Elza together. Of course, you immediately draw beautiful and correctly you can hardly succeed, but after several joint attempts you will definitely see an impressive result. The following information and a description of several options for how to draw Elza Penndasha in stages, will help you cope with this task and surprise your princess.

  • First of all, before the start of drawing, it is best to watch the cartoon carefully, because it is much easier to draw the cartoon hero that you have seen recently. You can also view a huge number of posters and drawings of the princess Elsa on the Internet - they will also provide you with invaluable benefits.
  • The first steps in the training of Elsa drawing should be done with an ordinary simple pencil and eraser. So you and your child will not be afraid to make extra lines and wrong strokes. Pencils can be taken any: solid and well sharpened to give clear contours and drawing small parts, such as eyes and cilia; Soften pencil you can paint the dress and hair princess, give a figure volume and shadow.
  • Start drawing princess Elza stands with small details. First, you can practice to draw the face of the girl with her chic oblique, after trying to portray the portrait of Elsa with shoulders and hands. And finally, you can leave the elza drawing in full growth. Your child will undoubtedly like to draw Princess Elz Chibi - cartoon image.
  • When drawing the princess Elsa pencil is important to clearly observe the proportions of the body, head, hands and legs. Otherwise, the beautiful figure of the girl you will not work. It is for this that the schematic sketch is made before the start of phased drawing and proportions are allocated.
  • Drawing with your child a princess, you can experiment with its dress and create your own unique image. Your daughter will like it.
  • In order for the drawing to be more alive and interesting, offer the child to paint it with markers, color pencils or paints.

How to draw Princess Elza Penndasha Phased

If your child asked you for help, how to draw Elsa from his favorite cartoon, do not be afraid and immediately to deny him. In the process of image shapes or faces little princess is no big deal. In addition, the optional start drawing Elsa in full growth. You can first represent it a little, then try with your child to draw her face. Here is a description of several drawing options Elsa stages to have no difficulty with this process.

How to draw a small Elsa - instruction

  • Learn to draw princess Elsa best small, where there is no strict proportions and the large number of small parts. Of course, not necessarily choose their sample-baby princess, you can draw and Elsa in the form of three-year or schoolgirl. In the same article describes the gradual drawing little Elsa, like a cute Pups.
  • Take the white and blank sheet of paper, a pencil, which is pre-should be well sharpened. You will also need an eraser, and possibly other pencils to paint a picture your future together with your child. Then proceed to the drawing of the heroine of the famous cartoon.

  • The first stage draw a circle guided by the dimensions of the paper. Then, in the circle need to draw two slightly curved lines that intersect in the center. Thus we do the layout Elsa person. A place of intersection of these two lines should be slightly shifted in the direction as to draw baby Elsa we slightly sideways. From the head, draw the torso girl resembling a bean.
  • Next draw a girl's ear, and on the other side a bit looms cheekbone. Short strokes draw a girl bangs. Circle the girl's face with a light pencil.
  • In the next step you need to draw a baby Elsa big open eyes and short lashes. Also over each eye, add a little eyebrow. Draw the nose and mouth of a girl with two wavy lines. To make an image of a little princess more lovely, Doris freckles on his cheeks in the form of points.
  • Next, finish drawing the child's eyes. Pupils need to draw such a way that she looked sideways at you. Make the necessary reflections from incident light. The ear shells pririsuyte schematic form.
  • After that, should finish drawing a princess hairstyle. This example will draw a beautiful ring. Draw two lines for the formation of the rim, slightly narrowing them to the edge. Next, draw a semicircle top of the head.
  • Make a small throat, from which start drawing two little hands with your fingers. Lock the meek stomach line.
  • At the next stage, draw the princess back and bent into the knee leg. Girl we will draw in panties or diaper.
  • At the last stage, Dorisuy girl braid is a distinctive feature of Elsa from the "Cold Heart".
  • Our baby-princess is ready.

How to draw Elzy's face - instruction

  • After you practiced with the drawing of the baby princess Elsa, then you can proceed to the face of the face of the girl. To do this, take a blank sheet of white paper, as well as a well-sharpened simple pencil.

  • In the center of the paper sheet, draw a schematic image of the head in the form of an inverted drop or a heart shape. In any case, at the chin, the shape of the head should be narrow. In the center of the figure, draw two intersecting lines, which is a kind of markup for the future of the princess.
  • At the next stage, give the person a more realistic form. Well lose the cheekbones Elsa and her chin. In this picture, the chin is sharp in Elsa.
  • Next, proceed to drawing hairstyles of the princess. Do it with wave-like lines, creating volume. On the top of the forehead hair line, make such a form so that the face seems to be a heart.
  • Take the eyes of Elsa, which need to draw a little cat. To do this, make your eyes oval, and paint the oblong corners around them. Top over your eyes draw eyebrows.
  • Elsa's eyes Draw round with the same pupils that look straight.
  • With the help of small lines, make the shape of the bottom of the nose. The rest of the nose in the future will draw shadows using hatching. After the nose, it is necessary to draw lips curved in a smile.
  • At the last stage, Dorisuzh Princess's ears, which, as it were, hidden and add a little concluding strokes into the chic spit Elsa.
  • Picture of princess ready.

How to draw a portrait of a princess Elzy - instruction

  • Take a blank sheet of paper and a well-sharpened simple pencil and start drawing a portrait of princess Elzy.

  • First of all, it is necessary to draw a schematic drawing of the head of the princess. To do this, in the center of the sheet, draw a large circle that will be head. From the bottom of the circle, draw a slightly elongated and pointed chin. Then, through a circle and semicircular part, drew two slightly curved lines that intersect in the center. You need to draw them in such a way that the princess later looked a little side.
  • Next, give the face a clearer outline and remove unnecessary lines. After that, draw a thin neck in the form of two parallel lines, slightly curved in the central part. Mix the shape of the shoulder Elsa with a small semicircle.

  • At the next stage, draw beautiful, widespread princess eyes. Make them a little oblong and pointed around the edges. Over your eyes, draw curved abnormal arcs and eyebrows. The eyebrows should be drawn by two lines, which on the one hand are connected by a sharp corner, and on the other hand, a thicker edge.

  • At the next stage, remove all lines of marking from Elsa's face, after which it is draws to draw the nose and lips. It is necessary to draw the lower part of the nose in the form of two curved lines connected in the center. Note the nostrils in small depressions. Next, draw lips in an open smile. The upper and lower lip is drawn by two lines that are connected at the ends in the sharp corners. In small strokes, highlight the teeth line, and under the lips dash, make a cute snatch.
  • Next beautifully faces Elzy's eyes. Inside, draw big eyes with pupils in which make glare from falling light. Lines depict eyelashes from the top and bottom of the eye.

  • At the next stage, you need to draw a lush and beautiful hairstyles of the princess Elzy. One strand draw falling on the forehead and slightly curved. The line where the princess hair begin to make a heart. Locks on the top of the head draw the wavy lines, creating a shape hairstyle. On the right side, depict the form of a braid that goes beyond the back and appears on the other side.
  • Add more details into the hairstyle of Elsa. You can do it with the help of small lines and strokes. In conclusion, remove all unnecessary lines with an eraser.

How to draw Princess Elza in full growth - instruction

  • After you with your child practice in drawing the princess Elsa on the individual parts of the body, you can start drawing a girl in full growth. On the Internet there are many options in what position to draw a princess, with what dress and with what mood. In this embodiment, it is important to clearly place all the proportions for the body so that the head and the torso are harmonized.

  • At the first stage, draw touches-limit parts of the body of the princess. They must separate their heads, neck, chest, waist, hips and the base of the dress. Then depict the princess head schematically in the form of an elongated oval with a sharp chin and protruding cheekbones. After that, spend the line that will be the center of the girl's body.
  • Next, draw the neck and schematically depict the contours of the dress, highlighting the breast of the princess, waist and hips. Head Dresses Book Make a little extended.

  • Next, make markup to draw face. It is intersecting in the center of the line, while the center is slightly shifted to the side, since the head of the princess will be slightly tilted in the side. At the same stage, schematically depict the hands of Elsa. One hand is lowered downwards, which also place the strokes separating the bend of the elbow, the wrist and fingers. The second hand will be bent in the elbow with the opened palm on which there will be snowflakes.
  • By markup Draw Elsa's eyes. Make them quite large and wide open, slightly pointed around the edges. Digid a heart shaped start line. Next, on the noted strokes, draw the hands of the princess.

  • Draw the hands and palm of the princess in more detail, with the right hand, make the right hand with the opened and rotated up the palm. Further, schematically depict the hairstyle, which is more voluminous from above, and then the braid is descended. At this stage, you can draw a loop to the dress in the form of a straight and slightly curved line, which reaches the floor. On the dress, make folds using straight and short lines. So you give the drawing realistic and volume.
  • Take a detailed drawing hairstyle. Using small strokes, give it the volume, and with the help of wavy lines, give her shape. Draw a braid with intertwing strands. Over the opened hand Elsa, drew two small snowflakes that symbolize the abilities of the princess. Dorisite your fingers on two hands, as well as eyes, nose and mouth. The nose is depicting a straight line that is spinning at the bottom, and the lips draw a winding line.

  • At the final stage, add more folds on the dress and the princess train, as well as draw the waistline in the form of a wedge-shaped belt. Add more lines in the hairstyle that will be hairs in the hairstyle. Next, take a softer pencil and outline the circuit of the Elsa figure and all the details of the wardrobe.
  • Princess in full growth is ready.

How to draw Princess Elza in Chibi technique - instruction

  • Recently, the cartoon heroes in the form of small cartoon figures have become popular in the form of small cartoon figures. They are characterized by a large head and sufficiently small parameters.

  • Draw a small circle and divide it with two crosses slightly curved lines, the intersection center of which is slightly shifted in the side. Thus, we made a markup, according to which the princess looks down to the side. Turn the incorrect part of the oval to the bottom of the circle, which will be half the body.
  • Next, draw by handling Elsa. Create a chin outline and highlight the cheekbones. Curved and wavy lines draw hair in the hairstyle of the princess. One strand with two lines converge into a sharp angle, make the forehead.
  • Draw the eyes of a rather large size a little turned up and pointed. Add beautiful eyebrows drawn by curved lines. With the help of short strokes, depict eyelashes, mouth paint a small throat, which is bent, expressing discontent. Add some strokes into the hairstyle of the princess.
  • At the next stage, draw the body of Elsa, where one hand is elongated to the side, and the other hidden behind the back. Add a loop and minor dresses details.
  • Princess Chibi is ready, you can paint it with color pencils.

How to draw Elz by cells - examples of work

Another technique of the image of the cartoon heroes is drawing them by cells. If you draw a princess in full growth, you will need quite large sheets of paper into the cage, so it is advisable to draw Elsa's face and her portrait on cells.

How to draw Elza - video

Princess Elsa from the cartoon "Cold Heart" is a favorite heroine of many girls. Having learned to draw the princess along with his child, you will spend your best time, and also learn something new, which is always good.


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