
How to draw a dolphin phased pencil. How to easily draw dolphin for beginners

How to draw a dolphin phased pencil. How to easily draw dolphin for beginners
The article will be useful for those who want to learn to draw dolphin in different ways.

The underwater world captures its manifold. One of the most cute and charming inhabitants is Dolphin. It is difficult to meet a person who would remain indifferent after watching an interesting video or after the "personal" meeting. For a professional artist, it is not difficult to make a spectacular sketch of dolphin pencil. But how to be people who are just comprehended by drawing aza? For this, special step-by-step instructions for drawing are created. In this article we will teach you to draw dolphin using the most simple instructions. Parents will be able to show the child, as Dolphin draws with simple lines.

How to draw dolphin for beginners. Advice

  1. Before you start drawing, view pictures, photos, videos with dolphins. Beautiful illustrations will help you inspire and tune in to creative way.
  2. Beginner artists are hard to draw dolphin without an appropriate picture. Choose the most visiting you illustration and place it in front of yourself.
  3. Prepare everything you need for drawing: sheets of paper, simple pencil, eraser. Paper can be of different formats and different colors. It will be implicitly watching a dolphin drawing with a simple pencil on paper of a light blue shade depicting the sea. Beginner artists will suit a completely simple pencil that you have at home. More advanced drawing masters are usually armed with pencils of different types of softness and hardness. Remember that with the help of a very hard and sharp pencil, you will get lungs, almost invisible lines that are ideal for creating the first sketch. Very soft pencil creates fat, clear lines that can be crushing. Such a pencil is convenient to make a clear contour of the drawing, create dimming, etc.
  4. Do not be discouraged if your first drawing is not so spectacular and neat as I would like. With each new attempt, your skills will be cleaned and becoming confident.

How to draw dolphin stages

How to draw Dolphin, option 1

  • Step 1. Draw a dolphin torso, which must be depicted as smooth lines as possible. In the head of the head, the body has a more rounded end, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tail - sharp. In general, Dolphin's body should look like an elongated water drop or a large flower petal. Do not press the pencil too much so that unsuccessful strokes can be easily erased.

  • Step 2. Now you need to start to draw more accurate outlines and tail on top of the sketch of the body. Dolphin has a peculiar form that comes forward. Multiple lines draw a dolphin's face. At the end of the tail, draw the fin, which is splitted in the form of a crumpled crescent.

  • Step 3. It remains to add several important strokes to "revive" the dolphin. In the appropriate place, draw the eye in the form of a point. In the middle of the back, draw 1 fin, and at the bottom of the body - 2 fins.

  • Step 4. Drawing ready. It remains to erase with the help of natural auxiliary lines that we needed to create this sketch. One of the easiest images of the dolphin is ready.

How to draw Dolphin, option 2

The following image version will portray the playful dolphin with a raised up tail. Follow the following instructions for drawing:

  1. Start drawing a dolphin with his face. In this picture, it looks like a visor cap. Before drawing, imagine the location of the future drawing on the paper sheet, leave enough space for the body on the left side of the sheet.
  2. Further begin to draw the outlines of the head of the dolphin. Two smooth lines must proceed from the muzzle. Which you have already drawn.
  3. Now we proceed to drawing a line that will go in the middle of the body, separating the tummy dolphin. At the very beginning, the line is a slightly curved, so that under it there was a place for the eye of the dolphin.
  4. Draw the upper fins of the dolphin in the form of a triangle.
  5. Symmetrically, the upper fin at the bottom of the body is drawing the lower fin. He must also be pointed.
  6. Starting from the lower fin, prolong the line of the body. It should be in the form of an arc raised, depicting a playful tail of the dolphin.
  7. Similarly, prolong the top line of the body.
  8. Now draw the tail with a split fin.
  9. Will erase all the extra lines, draw a more clearly loophole contour. If you wish, you can paint the drawing in any way convenient for you. Cheerful dolphin ready.

How to draw Dolphin, option 3

The following version of the step-by-step instruction of Dolphin drawing is also perfect for beginners. If you learn to draw a dolphin in different positions, you can immediately begin more complex compositions.

  • Start drawing dolphin from my head. Picture first the usual circle, and then give it more elongated shape with smooth lines. Dolphin's muzzle significantly stands forward. Also, draw the forehead, line separating the mouth.

  • Now it's time to draw Dolphin's torso. Calculate the direction of the lines in such a way that the head is the highest point of the drawing, and the tail below. Two arcuate long lines will create the outlines of the dolphin's body.

  • Now it's time to draw fins and tail. Feds are very similar to triangles, and the tail has a split form. The front of the tail looks much greater in size than the back.

  • Now our dolphin is almost ready. It remains to add some strokes for greater realistic. Will erase with the facility all extra lines and random touches, the contour of the picture is more clear. You can use a pencil with greater softness. You can also slightly outlaw the pencil more dark areas on the dolphin torso. Creating similar shadows in the picture, you will see how "comes to life."

  • The drawing can also be left in this form, but it can be brought to even greater perfection. With the help of a simple pencil. Black or dark blue stitching Dolphin's torso. In order for the drawing to look more voluminous, you can create bright places with an eraser. Make a hatching very soft. You can use a piece of paper that "rubbing" drawing. Now you know how to draw Dolphin.

How to draw dolphin to children

Joint drawing of parents with children is always a very fun and useful occupation. Perhaps Dolphin is a favorite hero from a fairy tale or a viewed cartoon. The baby will be incredibly interesting if moms or dad will teach him to draw Dolphin. Senior children may try to repeat your drawing, and completely kids will watch the design of the pattern with interest. Voiced every action, call each part of the dolphin you draw. In addition to the pleasure of drawing, the child will learn new words, the structure of the Dolphin's body, etc.

How to draw Dolphin, option 1

  • We will try to draw 2 dolphins together. One of them will play playfully due to the second. The first step will be drawing 2-twisted eggs. One of them will be half hidden for the second.

  • We proceed to creating the outlines of the head of the dolphin in the foreground. Draw an elongated nose and a couple of small fins below.

  • A fun view of our dolphin will give a smiling muzzle. Draw a big eye a slightly elongated shape and mouth with a curved line.

  • Now you need to try the body of the dolphin in the foreground. Draw the pointed steel fin, and 2 curved lines depict the body of our hero. The tail must be split at the end.

  • Now it's time to start drawing a second dolphin, which will be visible only partially. Different from the first it will be open mouth. Give your head more stretched forward and draw your mouth.

  • Draw an expressive eye to the second dolphin.

  • Drawing of the second dolphin is almost completed. It remains to add a fin on the back and the tail, which will look out due to the body of the first dolphin.

  • Figure 2 of the fun dolphins is almost completed. Will erase with an elasty all auxiliary lines, make the outline more clearly. The drawing can be painted with paints, pencils, handle.

How to draw Dolphin, option 2

The next phased version of Dolphin drawing is also suitable for the demonstration of children, because It is performed in a simple "cartoon" style. This is no longer a dolphin-kid, but a completely adult hero. He has a wide smile that instantly attracts to himself.

  • Drawing dolphin begins with the image of his body. Draw it in the form of a large curved water drop.

  • The narrow bottom of the body is tail. Do not connect the lines to the end. Draw a dolphin tail in the form of 2 triangles. Remember about dolphin aid. The front of the tailfold is closer to us and therefore should look longer.

  • Now we proceed to drawing a stradder Dolphin. She must be cheerful and smiling. The jaws should be open in such a way that the impression of a smile is created. Purify the lower jaw using an additional parallel line.

  • We continue to make a "face" of Dolphin. Slightly above the nose, draw a arcuate line, and in the mouth of the mouth, draw a figure in the form of a skipper.

  • Huge importance in drawing live objects has a glance. So, in drawing our dolphin, pay special attention to the eye. Right over the skit that you painted in the corner of the mouth, draw a small eye in the form of half an oval. Inside, draw the pupil, which will determine the direction of the view. Above the eye add valid raised eyebrows.

  • We continue to "revive" our dolphin. With the help of a pencil, the pupil is sure to leaving a small glare, which will give shine and naturalistic look. For greater expressive eyebrows, it is also worth painting in dark color. At this stage, you can also begin to wash extra strokes and random lines.

  • The final strokes remained. Upstairs, draw the fins. Long curved line Connect the pea in the corner of the mouth with the tailflower. So, you denote the tummy Dolphin. Do not forget to draw two fins at the bottom of the body. Now you know how easy it is to draw a dolphin.

How to draw Dolphin, option 3

The next image of the dolphin is so simple that even a child can cope with him. Try to teach your baby with simple lines, and it will be delighted with the result. How to draw a dolphin in stages? Follow the next instruction.

  1. Dolphin in the figure will be with a curved torso. We start creating an image from drawing a large bean. One end should be slightly sharper, and the other is wide.
  2. Now you can proceed to the decoration of the head of the dolphin. From the other side where the torso has a wide part, draw a stradder of dolphin. His nose must come forward, but not too much.
  3. Little stroke Draw a smile dolphin. Eye portray in the form of a large dark circle with a glare in the middle. Drawing like glare is a very important element in the drawings. The view immediately acquires naturalness and special shine.
  4. In the form of 2 elongated triangles, depict fins that are located below. That fin, which is closer to us, must be larger.
  5. Smooth line Dorisinate Spin Dolphin. Also at this stage, drew the dorsal fin.
  6. The tail of the dolphin looks like a split fin. The drawing is practically ready. It remains to erase all the auxiliary lines and draw a clearer contour.

How to draw Dolphin, option 4

In order to deliver joy to the child. You can master some simple dolphin drawing techniques. The following schematic instruction is also very simple. Little dolphin looks very sad. In order to find out how to draw Dolphin with a pencil in stages, read the following recommendations:

  • We start drawing the contour of the body with two smooth lines. The body of a small dolphin will be curved. The head will be at the top, and the tail below. In a wider part of the body, the outlines of the Dolphin in the form of a circle.

  • Now it's time to draw a "character" dolphin, namely the face. Simple lines draw a spout, mouth and eyes inside the circle. Pictures first depict small circles. There should be three of them. The smallest circle is a glare inside the pupil. To add "smiling" to our hero, use one trick. Round eye need to give another form with a small arc. Just erase the extra part of the eye. Now the look will acquire hopping and broth will appear at the dolphin. Black or simply soothed the pupil. A circle that helped us draw a face can be erased.

  • The drawing is practically ready. It remains to draw fins and tail. The dorsal fin look like a triangle, and the lower two fins are on small wings. At this stage, it is also necessary to draw a longitudinal line on the torso, which will denote the area of \u200b\u200bthe tummy. Usually this area is the brightest of dolphins. To make a drawing of dynamism, you can use another tricky reception. Little dolphin must be very mobile and playful, constantly move to his tail. Three parallel screenshots near the tail and pass this movement.

  • Now it remains to use the eraser to erase the extra lines and strokes.

  • For greater realistic drawing, coloring the dolphin with colored pencils or paints. Children such a drawing can be offered as coloring. You can also draw the sea with waves and sunshine.

How to draw dolphin in the sea

The most realistic and spectacular images of dolphin are images of it in water. The natural habitat of the dolphin in the picture allows you to draw it in the most incredible positions. You can choose for yourself the most interesting perspective: playfully peeking dolphin from waves, dolphin in a jump over the sea, dolphin under water.

  1. To draw such a soaring over the waves of dolphin, it does not need a lot of effort. Start the drawing from creating the outline of the body. It must be elongated and curved shape.
  2. Next, begin to make a dolphin's head. Draw a backward nose.
  3. The tail of the dolphin will be the highest point of the drawing, because He head will be directed down. The tail fin must be split.
  4. The eye of the dolphin has a small size and slightly fastened shape.
  5. Long longitudinal line Draw a dolphin belly area.
  6. Now it's time to add fins on the back and bottom of the body. Dolphin is in such angle that only one is visible from the 2 lower fins.
  7. Complete the pattern with the symbolic image of the sea and splashing the water around the dolphin. The image will make special effects after coloring.

How to draw dolphin by cells

The simplest and schematic image of the dolphin can be obtained by drawing through the cells. So a cute dolphick you can decorate the page in a notepad or diary. To cope with such a task can even schoolboy junior classes. For drawing, you can use both a simple pencil and markers, colored pens or pencils. All the necessary accessories are in the penalty of each student. In order to accurately convey the outlines of the dolphin, three colors will be useful. The tummy will be white, the eye will have the youngest color, and the rest of the torso can be made blue or blue.

Dolphins. Pictures drawn

If you have learned how to create the simplest images of the dolphin, now you know exactly how to draw a butt dolphin, how to draw a person on a dolphin how to draw two dolphins at the same time, etc. Do not learn your attempts to learn how to draw and accustom to the creative process of your children. Successes!


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