
How to draw a dolphin in a stages with a pencil. How easy it is to draw a dolphin for beginners

How to draw a dolphin in a stages with a pencil. How easy it is to draw a dolphin for beginners
The article will be useful to those who want to learn how to draw a dolphin in different ways.

The underwater world captures with its diversity. One of its most cute and charming inhabitants is a dolphin. It is difficult to meet a person who would remain indifferent after watching an interesting video or after a “personal” meeting. For a professional artist, it will not be difficult to make a spectacular sketch of a dolphin with a pencil. But what about people who only comprehend the basics of drawing? For this, special step -by -step drawing instructions are created. In this article, we will teach you to draw a dolphin using the most simple instructions. Parents will be able to show the child how the dolphin is drawn using simple lines. 

How to draw a dolphin for beginners. Adviсe

  1. Before starting drawing, view pictures, photos, videos with dolphins. Beautiful illustrations will help you inspire and tune in to a creative way.
  2. It is difficult for novice artists to draw a dolphin without an appropriate picture. Choose the most attracted illustration and place it in front of you.
  3. Prepare everything you need for drawing: sheets of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser. Paper can be of different formats and different colors. Dolphin’s drawing with a simple pencil on paper of a light blue shade depicting the sea will look spectacular. Beginner artists are suitable for absolutely any simple pencil that you have at home. More advanced drawing masters are usually armed with pencils of different types of softness and hardness. Remember that with the help of a very solid and sharply sharpened pencil, you will get light, almost invisible lines that are ideal for creating the first sketch. A very soft pencil creates oily, clear lines that can be shaved. With such a pencil it is convenient to make a clear contour of the picture, create darkening, etc.
  4. Do not be discouraged if your first drawing is not as spectacular and neat as we would like. With each new attempt, your skills will be honed and become confident.

How to draw a dolphin in stages

How to draw a dolphin, option 1

  • Step 1. We draw a dolphin torso, which should be depicted as smooth as possible. In the head of the head, the body has a more rounded end, and in the tail area - sharp. In general, the body of the dolphin should look in the form of an elongated drop of water or a large flower petal. Do not press the pencil too much so that unsuccessful strokes can be easily erased.

  • Step 2. Now you need to begin to draw more accurate outlines of the head and tail right on top of the sketch of the body. In a dolphin, the face has a kind of shape that protrudes forward. Draw a dolphin's face with several lines. At the end of the tail, draw a fin, which is bifurcated in the form of an inverted crescent.

  • Step 3. It remains to add a few important strokes to “revive” the dolphin. In the appropriate place, draw your eyes in the form of a point. In the middle of the back, draw 1 fin, and at the bottom of the body - 2 fins.

  • Step 4. The picture is ready. It remains to erase all auxiliary lines with the help of an eraser that we needed to create this sketch. One of the simplest images of the dolphin is ready.

How to draw a dolphin, option 2

The next version of the picture will allow you to portray a playful dolphin with a tail raised up. Follow the following drawing instructions:

  1. Start drawing a dolphin from its muzzle. In this figure, it looks in the form of a cap of cap. Before drawing, imagine the location of the future drawing on a sheet of paper, leave enough space for the body on the left side of the sheet.
  2. Next, we begin to draw the outlines of the head of the dolphin. Two smooth lines should proceed from the muzzle. which you have already drawn.
  3. Now we proceed to drawing a line that will go in the middle of the body, separating the dolphin tummy. At the very beginning, depict a slightly curved line so that under it there is a place for the eye of a dolphin.
  4. We draw the upper fin of the dolphin in the form of a triangle.
  5. Symmetrically, the upper fin at the bottom of the body draw the lower fin. It should also be pointed.
  6. Starting from the lower fin, we extend the body line. It should be in the form of an arc raised upward, depicting a playful tail of a dolphin.
  7. Similarly, we extend the upper body line.
  8. Now draw a tail with a bifurcated fin.
  9. Wipe all the extra lines with an eraser, draw a dolphin outline more clearly. If desired, you can paint the picture in any way convenient for you. The cheerful dolphin is ready.

How to draw a dolphin, option 3

The next option of step -by -step drawing instructions for dolphin is also perfect for beginners. If you learn to draw a dolphin in different positions, then very soon you can start more complex compositions.

  • Start drawing a dolphin from your head. First, portray a regular circle, and then give it a more elongated shape with smooth lines. Dolphin's muzzle is significantly forward. Also in simple lines, draw a forehead, a line separating the mouth.

  • Now it's time to draw a dolphin body. Calculate the direction of the lines so that the head is the highest point of the picture, and the tail below. Two arcuate long lines will create the outlines of the dolphin body.

  • Now it's time to draw fins and tail. The fins are very similar to triangles, and the tail has a bifurcated shape. The front of the tail looks much larger in size than the back.

  • Now our dolphin is almost ready. It remains to add some strokes for greater realism. Wipe all the extra lines and random strokes using the eraser, make the contour of the picture more clear. You can use a pencil with greater softness. You can also slightly outline with a pencil the darker areas on the body of the dolphin. Creating such shadows in the figure, you will see how “it comes to life”.

  • The drawing can be left already in this form, but you can bring it to even greater perfection. With a simple pencil. Black or dark blue shake the body of the dolphin. In order for the pattern to look more voluminous, you can create light places with the help of an eraser. Make a hatch very soft. You can use a piece of paper with which the drawing is “rubbed”. Now you know how to draw a dolphin.

How to draw a dolphin for children

Joint drawing of parents with children is always a very fun and useful activity. Perhaps the dolphin is a beloved hero from the read fairy tale or the viewed cartoon. The baby will be incredibly interesting if mom or dad teaches him to draw a dolphin. Older children can try to repeat your drawing, and the kids will be very interested in watching the creation of the drawing. Sound each of your actions, call each part of the dolphin that you draw. In addition to the pleasure of drawing, the child will learn new words, the structure of the dolphin’s body, etc.

How to draw a dolphin, option 1

  • Let's try to draw 2 dolphins together. One of them will play playfully because of the second. The first step is to draw 2 inverted testicles. One of them will be half hidden behind the second.

  • We proceed to create the outlines of the dolphin’s head in the foreground. Draw an elongated nose and a couple of small fins below.

  • A cheerful appearance to our dolphin will give a smiling muzzle. Draw a large eye of a slightly elongated shape and mouth with a curved line.

  • Now you need to finish the torso of the dolphin in the foreground. Draw a pointed fin on top, and with 2 curved lines, portray the body of our hero. The tail should be bifurcated at the end.

  • Now it's time to start drawing a second dolphin, which will be only partially visible. It will differ from the first with an open mouth. Give the head more elongated forward and draw your mouth.

  • Draw an expressive eye to the second dolphin.

  • Drawing the second dolphin is practically completed. It remains to add a fin on the back and a tail that will peep from behind the body of the first dolphin.

  • Figure 2 funny dolphins is almost completed. Wipe all auxiliary lines with the help of an eraser, make the contour more clear. The drawing can be painted with paints, pencils, pen.

How to draw a dolphin, option 2

The next phased option for drawing a dolphin is also suitable for demonstrating to children, because It is performed in a simple "cartoon" style. This is no longer a dolphin-boy, but a completely adult hero. He has a wide smile, which instantly attracts to himself.

  • Drawing a dolphin begins with the image of his body. Draw it in the form of a large curved drop of water.

  • The narrow lower body will be a tail. Do not connect the lines to the end. Draw a dolphin tail in the form of 2 triangles. Remember the angle of the dolphin. The front of the tail fin is located closer to us and therefore should look longer.

  • Now we proceed to draw a dolphin muzzle. She should be funny and smiling. The jaws should be open in such a way that the impression of a smile is created. Give the volume of the lower jaw using an additional parallel line.

  • We continue to formalize the "face" of the dolphin. Draw a arched line a little above the nose, and draw a figure in the form of a pea in the corner of the mouth.

  • Of great importance in drawing living objects is the look. So, in drawing our dolphin, pay special attention to the eye. Right above the pea that you drew in the corner of your mouth, draw a small eye in the form of half the oval. Inside, draw a pupil that will determine the direction of the look. Add an eyebrow overdoorly above the eye.

  • We continue to “revive” our dolphin. With the help of a pencil, paint the pupil, be sure to leave a small glare, which will give shine and naturalism to the look. For greater expressiveness, the eyebrow should also be painted in dark color. At this stage, you can also begin to wash unnecessary strokes and random lines.

  • The final strokes remained. At the top of the back, draw a fin. A long curved line, connect the pea in the corner of the mouth with the tail fin. So, you will designate the tummy of the dolphin. Do not forget to draw two fins at the bottom of the body. Now you know how easy it is to draw a dolphin.

How to draw a dolphin, option 3

The next image of the dolphin is so simple that even the child will cope with it. Try to teach your baby simple lines, and he will be delighted with the result. How to draw a dolphin in stages? Follow the following instructions.

  1. The dolphin in the figure will be with a curved body. We begin to create an image with painting large beans. One end should be a little more sharp and the other is wide.
  2. Now you can start decorating a dolphin head. On the side where the body has a wide part, we draw a dolphin muzzle. His nose should be forward, but not too much.
  3. Draw a smile to the dolphin with a small stroke. Place the eye in the form of a large dark circle with a glare in the middle. Drawing such glare is a very important element in the drawings. The gaze immediately acquires naturalness and special shine.
  4. In the form of 2 elongated triangles, depict fins that are below. That fin, which is closer to us, should be larger.
  5. Dreaming the back of the dolphin with a smooth line. Also at this stage, draw a spooning fin.
  6. The tail of the dolphin looks like a bifurcated fin. The drawing is almost ready. It remains to erase all auxiliary lines and draw a more clear circuit.

How to draw a dolphin, option 4

In order to deliver joy to the child. You can master several simple dolphin drawing techniques. The next schematic instruction is also very simple. The little dolphin looks very fervent. In order to find out how to draw a dolphin with a pencil in stages, read the following recommendations:

  • We begin to draw the outline of the body using two smooth lines. The body of a small dolphin will be curved. The head will be at the top, and the tail below. In the wider part of the body, the outlines of the “face” of the dolphin in the form of a circle are very light movements of the pencil.

  •   Now is the time to draw a “character” to the dolphin, namely the muzzle. Draw a nose, mouth and eyes inside the circle with simple lines. First, portray your eyes with small circles. There should be three of them. The smallest circle is a glare inside the pupil. To add “smiling” to our hero, use one trick. A round eye must be given another shape with a small arc. Just wipe the excess part of the eye. Now the gaze will acquire ferventness and the cheeks at the dolphin will appear. Black or just darker color paint the pupil. The circle that helped us draw a face can be erased.

  • The drawing is almost ready. It remains to draw fins and tail. The dorsal fin is similar to the triangle, and the lower two fins are small wings. At this stage, you also need to draw a longitudinal line on the body, which will designate the area of \u200b\u200bthe tummy. Usually this area is the brightest in dolphins. To give the drawing dynamism, you can use another tricky technique. A small dolphin should be very mobile and playful, constantly move your tail. Three parallel dashes are near the tail and convey this movement.

  • Now it remains to use the eraser to erase the extra lines and strokes.

  • For the greater realism of the pattern, paint the dolphin with colored pencils or paints. For children, such a drawing can be offered as coloring. You can also finish the sea with waves and the sun.

How to draw a dolphin in the sea

The most realistic and spectacular images of a dolphin are its images in water. The natural habitat of the dolphin in the figure allows you to draw it in the most incredible positions. You can choose the most interesting angle for yourself: a playfully peeping dolphin of waves, a dolphin in a jump over the sea, a dolphin under water.

  1. To draw such a dolphin soaring over the waves, you will not need much effort. Start the drawing with the creation of the body. It must be elongated and curved.
  2. Next, begin to formalize the head of the dolphin. Draw a forward nose.
  3. The tail of the dolphin will be the highest point of the picture, because His head will be directed down. The tail fin should be bifurcated.
  4. The dolphin's eye has a small size and slightly narrowed shape.
  5. Draw a dolphin abdomen with a long longitudinal line.
  6. Now it's time to add fins on the back and bottom of the body. The dolphin is in such an angle that out of the 2 lower fins, only one is visible.
  7. Complete the drawing with a symbolic image of the sea and spray of water around the dolphin. The image will acquire a special spectacity after coloring.

How to draw a dolphin on cells

The simplest and most schematic image of a dolphin can be obtained by drawing in cells. Such a cute dolphin can decorate the page in a notebook or diary. Even a schoolboy of primary schools can cope with a similar task. For drawing, you can use both a simple pencil and felt -tip pens, colored handles or pencils. All the necessary accessories are in the penalty of each student. In order to convey the outlines of the dolphin as accurately as possible, three colors will come in handy. The tummy will be white, the eye will have the darkest color, and the rest of the body can be made blue or blue.

Dolphins. Pictures drawn

If you have learned to create the simplest images of a dolphin, now you know exactly how to draw a white -colored dolphin on how to draw a person on a dolphin, how to draw two dolphins at the same time, etc. Do not give up your attempts to learn how to draw and accustom your children to the creative process. Success!



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