
Recipes for cooking mushrooms. Honey agarized marinated for the winter, honey agarized salted, caviar from mushrooms - recipes for cooking

Recipes for cooking mushrooms. Honey agarized marinated for the winter, honey agarized salted, caviar from mushrooms - recipes for cooking
Recipes for cooking mushrooms: features of choice and their preparation, step -by -step recipes of mushrooms in the marinade and cooking caviar.

All dishes from mushrooms are tasty and look very appetizing on the dish. Many housewives prefer to pickle these mushrooms for the winter, while others love to greas them, and some more to taste caviar made from mushrooms. Each of the dishes is prepared very simply and quickly enough, which is an undoubted plus. The most important thing is to know a few secrets that will come in handy in the preparation of these dishes.

Choosing mushrooms: Principles


To prepare mushrooms for the winter, it is not enough to know only the content of the recipes and clearly follow it. It is very important to be able to distinguish when buying real mushrooms, from false. If you accidentally buy the wrong mushrooms, you can be poisoned due to the poison contained in them. In order not to make a mistake, take note and always remember a few simple rules.

  1. Real mushrooms have a discreet color, poisonous mushrooms of similar shapes look more bright.
  2. There should be scales on the hat of a good mushroom.
  3. The pulp of edible mushrooms has a white color, in the toxic mushrooms it gives it with yellowness.
  4. The leg of normal mushrooms must be decorated with a ring.

Proper preparation of mushrooms


  1. Before starting the preparation of different treats from the mushrooms, they must be slightly kept in water. You need to add a little salt and the same amount of citric acid to the liquid. Salted water will help mushrooms cleanse themselves of worms and bugs, if they are still inside it. Citone acid promotes the preservation of the natural color that the mushroom has. If this is not done, then the hats will darken with further preparation. This will not affect the taste characteristics, but the aesthetics can suffer.
  2. If you have chosen to prepare a meadow variety of mushrooms, then before pickling the legs of such a variety it is better to remove. You can leave only a small piece - about 2 cm. Cut off the legs can be used to make caviar from mushrooms or just fry them by adding the onion.
  3. If the hats on the mushrooms are large, then they can be cut into several parts for the convenience of cooking. Only do not flash much if this is not caviar.
  4. During the preparation of pickled mushrooms, you do not need to roll jars with metal covers. To prevent the development of botulism, you need to use kapron covers, which must be boiled. Banks, of course, should undergo sterilization. Otherwise, the conservation may quickly deteriorate.

Latest preparations of mushrooms: nuances


  1. You can calculate exactly how much mushrooms you need to buy to fill a certain number of cans. For example, 1 kg of mushrooms is enough to fill a jar with a volume of 3 liters, but pickled honey mushrooms in a 3-liter jar will be occupied by only the 3rd part, so for 1 kg of pickled mushrooms you will need one bank with a liter volume.
  2. For pickling, you can use not only fresh mushrooms, for any dish, frozen mushrooms can also be suitable. Before cooking, there is not even need to engage in defrosting them, you can take the recipe right away.
  3. It is necessary to boil mushrooms in several stages. First, they must be put in water, which begins to boil. About 10 minutes after that, the liquid must be drained. It is with this water that all harmful components that the mushroom absorbs from the soil will leave. Next, the mushrooms should be cooked until fully readiness in new water.
  4. The whole process of cooking mushrooms, which must be done, will take from half an hour to 60 minutes. In the process, you need to constantly remove the collecting foam. When you see that most of the mushrooms settled at the bottom, cooking can be finished.
  5. The marinade is best in a decoction of mushrooms, it can also be prepared on the water. But if the water was not drained, then the broth will need to be poured after boiling in any case.
  6. For each of the recipes for cooking from mushrooms, the main point is that they should be contained in banks that have passed preliminary sterilization.

Recipes for cooking pickled mushrooms

Mushroom marinating does not take much time and does not require special culinary skills. You just need to clearly follow the preparation instructions. Consider how you can pickle honey mushrooms according to several recipes.

Recipe for pickled mushrooms # 1



  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. L.;
  • vinegar - 30 ml;
  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • carnation - 3 pcs.


  1. In boiling water, honey mushrooms should be brought to full readiness. That is, they need to be boiled from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  2. While the mushrooms are boiled, you can sterilize and dry the banks.
  3. Then we place mushrooms in prepared banks so that a third of the space remains free.
  4. Preparing the marinade. To do this, the decoction must be filtered. Salt, pepper and cloves are added to it, as well as sugar at will.
  5. Then the mixture is again brought to a boil. Then it is immediately removed from the gas burner and vinegar is added.
  6. Then the marinade is evenly distributed between banks with mushrooms, which are immediately tightly closed with lids. The dish is ready! Naughty, pickled according to this recipe, make the easiest to make.

Recipe for pickled No. 2


This dish is designed that the cooked marinade will be at least 1l, therefore, the number of cans and mushrooms should be calculated the corresponding amount.


  • water - 1.5 l;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • garlic - 2 tooth;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
  • pepper - 8 peas;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Pre -peeled mushrooms, mushrooms must be boiled until cooked.
  2. The resulting broth must be placed in a separate container.
  3. Cut the garlic in small pieces and add it to the decoction.
  4. Put spices there.
  5. The mixture should boil and boil for another 10 minutes.
  6. Then we remove the pan from the gas and add vinegar to the mixture.
  7. In the meantime, banks need to be well sterilized and dried.
  8. Drain the mushrooms and fill the banks with them, evenly pour in the marinade.
  9. Close ready -made containers with nylon lids.
  10. Leave the banks for a while so that they cool down.

Recipe for pickled No. 3


Consider a step -by -step simple recipe for cooking mushrooms for the winter.


  • water or marinade - 1 tbsp.;
  • vinegar - 30 ml;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • mushrooms - 500 g;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • pepper - 3 peas.


  1. Rinse the mushrooms.
  2. Pour them with boiling water - 1 cup enough.
  3. Place them on the fire and keep them before the boiling.
  4. After boiling, cook for about 20 minutes or more - until the honey agaric is settled to the bottom. Then remove from the heat.
  5. Sustain the banks.
  6. Lay the boiled mushrooms into banks.
  7. Close them with lids, do not forget to pre -boil them in the same way.
  8. The decoction that remained at the very bottom of the pan must be filtered. Add salt and the same amount of sugar to it. Cover there with a clove with pepper and cook until boiling, and only then remove from the stove.
  9. As soon as the liquid boils, do not forget to add vinegar.
  10. At the boiling stage, the marinade must be removed from the stove and pour it into banks with mushrooms. Close them tightly with lids. Bon appetit!

Pickled mushrooms: step -by -step recipe No. 4


You can add ingredients to the marinade, which will give the future dish a thin and extravagant aroma. Then the taste of mushrooms will become a little more saturated. Among these components can be cinnamon or currant leaves. They are added to the marinade during boiling. If you put them immediately in banks with mushrooms, then the conservation can deteriorate too quickly, and you will not work to try the dish. Consider one of these options for dishes.


  • mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • garlic - at will and taste;
  • currant - 5 sheets;
  • dill - 2 branches;
  • cherries - 5 sheets;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • pepper - 10 peas;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.


  1. Wash the mushrooms well.
  2. Place treated mushrooms in a pan.
  3. Pour cold water into the container.
  4. Add the required amount of salt.
  5. Put the pan on the fire and not remove it from it until the water boils.
  6. Cook everything about 20 minutes before the start of the mushrooms at the bottom.
  7. From the remaining decoction, cast two glasses and add to the mushrooms, and the rest can be poured or left on the mushroom soup.
  8. Add oil to banks.
  9. Pour garlic pre -sliced \u200b\u200bin small pieces, as well as leaflets with dill and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.
  10. Put the pan again on the fire and hold until the liquid boils. Then boil for another 20 minutes and add vinegar.
  11. Prepare cans and lids for the dish.
  12. Put ready mushrooms in them.
  13. Install banks in a pan with hot water and let stand for about 20 minutes. The fluid level should not reach the top itself.
  14. Then remove and wipe the jars dry, close the covered lids. Store in a dark place for about 7 days, and then you can try. Bon appetit!

Recipe for pickled mushrooms # 5



  • sugar - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • pepper - 6 peas;
  • mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • laurel sheet - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - 4 tsp;
  • water - 1l;
  • vinegar - 3 tsp


  1. Put a pan with water on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. Then add sugar with salt and other spices according to the recipe.
  3. Boil the decoction for 3 minutes.
  4. Add vinegar and interfere.
  5. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil again and remove it from the stove.
  6. Rinse honey mushrooms well and dry them. Pour water in a separate saucepan and hold on fire until they begin to boil.
  7. Drain the decoction and pour new water again. Add salt and boil mushrooms with spices again. Boil another 20 minutes. Do not forget to remove foam.
  8. Put the prepared mushrooms on prepared banks and add the marinade.
  9. Then the jars must be closed with lids and left to cool for a while.

Note: If the conservation does not stand for too long closed, then vinegar can not be added at all.

The tricks of cooking mushrooms

salad with Marinated Mushrooms, Garlic and Onion

  1. The remaining mushroom decoction after mushrooms can be left and used to prepare cubes from the broth. To do this, the liquid simply needs to be poured into special molds and put in the freezer. In a few hours they will be ready for use.
  2. For the preparation of marinade, a decoction resulting in the cooking process is perfect.
  3. So that the spices do not swim throughout the bank, you can use gauze and filter the marinade through it before pouring it to the mushrooms.
  4. Cooked mushrooms according to these recipes look appetizing not only in the photo, but in fact, if you clearly follow the instructions and follow all the rules.

Recipe for preparing salted mushrooms


Salads with salted mushrooms are very tasty, especially in the winter, when other vegetables are so lacking. Consider how to salt mushrooms, based on the simplest and fastest recipe.


  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • laurel sheet - 7 pcs.;
  • mushrooms-fifths-3kg;
  • pepper - 20 peas;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • dill - 1 beam.


  1. Treat the mushrooms: wash, dry, chop large into 2 - 4 pieces.
  2. Bring the purified water in the pan to a boil.
  3. Add salt and add mushrooms there.
  4. Keep it with a boil, and then cook for about 20 minutes.
  5. Then the mushrooms need to be thrown back on a colander and left so that they cool down.
  6. In the meantime, we clean the onion and cut it with halves of the rings.
  7. We add a quarter of all spices to the pan without water, and add a third of all mushrooms on top. Then again we distribute spices and mushrooms, alternating them in layers.
  8. Now we cover the pan with a napkin and a plate, and we put a weighting agent on top, it can be the same bank.
  9. We leave the mushrooms in this position for 4 to 5 days in a dark cool place. Then, together with the marinade, we distribute the mushrooms into sterilized jars and close them with nylon lids.

Note: Before setting on the table, mushrooms need to be washed and poured with vinegar and oil. If desired, you can cook salty honey mushrooms for the winter according to the same recipe, and serve them with greens, garlic or onions.

Caviar from mushrooms: recipe


From mushrooms, very tasty caviar is obtained. For its preparation, you can use both fresh mushrooms and frozen. Of course, from fresh mushrooms, the dish is much tastier, since they are full of juice, vitamins and other beneficial substances.

For the preparation of mushroom caviar, you can also mix with some other types of mushrooms. Foxes, boobs and white mushrooms go well with them.

Caviar from mushrooms can be prepared according to many recipes in which different components are used. Among them there are tomatoes, onions and carrots. The most popular caviar recipe is a carrot dish. Preparing such caviar is quite simple.


  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 150 ml;
  • carrots - 1 pc., large;
  • pepper - to taste;
  • vinegar.


  1. Mushrooms are well cleaned and washed from dirt.
  2. Pour the right amount of water into the pan and put it on the gas, do not remove to a boil.
  3. Place the mushrooms in boiling liquid and boil them for about 20 minutes.
  4. Peel the bow, cut it into small pieces.
  5. Grate the carrots.
  6. Mix onions and carrots, fry, but not much. Leave it for a while to cool.
  7. Put mushrooms on a colander. Wait until the whole excess fluid leaves.
  8. Then the mushrooms need to be passed through a meat grinder twice. Then similarly to do with fried onions and carrots.
  9. Pour pepper with salt in the right amount, vary to taste. Everything is good to interfere and fry everything for about 20 minutes in sunflower oil.
  10. While the caviar is stewing, banks must be sterilized. To do this, they need to be put in boiling water over low heat and hold for about 40 minutes.
  11. The cooked caviar must be laid out in jars. No need to fill them to the very top. It is better to take 0.5 liter containers for the dish.
  12. Fill vinegar to banks, 1 tbsp is enough. l. On each jar and put it closed upside down, wrap in something warm. Bon appetit!



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