
Simple, tasty and original recipes for salads on the festive table are photo recipes. Meat, fish, lean, vegetable, puff salads - top 10 recipes

Simple, tasty and original recipes for salads on the festive table are photo recipes. Meat, fish, lean, vegetable, puff salads - top 10 recipes
Recipes of delicious and original salads for the festive table. TOP-10 puff festive salads.

Delicious, beautifully and original festive salads - a highlight of any celebration. Each mistress on the eve of the holidays, thinking over the festive menu, is looking for new, original salads for the feast to surprise guests. To prepare salads for the holiday, as a rule, boiled meat, fish, seafood, sausages, cheese, vegetables, mushrooms, which give the food dish and quickly saturate the guests, placing to cheerful pastime. There are many recipes for meat, fish, vegetable and even lean salads. Even having a set of simple and affordable products, adding a new unusual ingredient or sauce to them, you can prepare a real culinary masterpiece and make the recipe known to the original and interesting recipe. And if you turn on the imagination and give the salad a bright, original appearance, the guests will be pleasantly surprised by the culinary masterpiece. We bring to your attention a selection of lungs in preparation, but very tasty festive salads using a wide variety of ingredients, original methods of decorating and serving the dish, as well as the top 10 puff salads for the holiday, which will certainly like all invited.

Light salads for a festive table with a photo

Festive salads should not be difficult to prepare and consist of dozens of ingredients. You can prepare a delicious salad, worthy of attention of guests, you can have only 3-4 ingredients, the main thing is that they are combined and complement each other to taste. As a sauce to simple salads for the celebration, there is mayonnaise, so you can make such a salad in a few minutes, and have time to come to the arrival of guests.

Peking cabbage with ham

A simple, delicious salad that does not require large cooking costs. Salam salads are given by crackers from white bread. Making homemade crackers is very simple - cut the bread with cubes and dry it at low temperature in the oven, not forgetting to turn them over.


  • Beijing cabbage - half of the head.
  • Vetshchina - 200 g.
  • Large red pepper - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise, crackers, salt and pepper.


  1. Cut the ham with a beautiful thin strip.
  2. Also beautiful, straw, cut vegetables: pepper and cabbage.
  3. Add mayonnaise, spices, sprinkle the dish on top with crackers - immediately serve to the table so that the crackers are crispy.


Salad Isabella

A delicious, vitamin salad for a celebration, which uses kiwi and apple - a charge of energy and vitamins.


  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • Large sour green apple - 1 pc.
  • Kiwi - 1 pc.
  • Half a glass of walnuts.
  • Mayonnaise, salad leaves for a beautiful presentation.


  1. Boil the chest and cut into cubes.
  2. Clean the apple, cut into cubes, be sure to boil it with lemon juice.
  3. Kiwi should also be cleaned from the peel, cut into cubes, leaving a small piece of fruit for decoration.
  4. Grind the nuts, leave a few things for decoration of the salad.
  5. We proceed with the preparation: mix chopped chicken breast, apple and kiwi with chopped nuts, seasoning the ingredients with low -fat mayonnaise. On a wide dish, lay out clean salad leaves, lay out the finished salad on top, decorate the kiwi and slices of the nut.


Many housewives, especially those who care about health and figure, prefer to replace the salads familiar to everyone with mayonnaise with light salads, which are refueling with vegetable, olive oil, balsamic vinegar is used. You can offer your guests simple, original salads in which there are no mayonnaise:

Salad Romance


  • Vetshchina-150-200
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Cucumber (fresh) - 1 pc.
  • Radis - 10 pcs.
  • Greens (dill, bow of tears, parsley).


  1. Cut the ham into strips, the cucumber - chop into cubes, cherry - on rugs, and radishes - thin plates. Grind the greens.
  2. Separately prepare the sauce: 4 tbsp. Mix the oil from 1 tbsp. We add a few finely chopped garlic cloves, salt, pepper. Mix prepared products with sauce and enjoy the unforgettable taste of the dish.


Salad Randev

Original salad for a holiday with vegetables and a broin.


  • Onion (you can sweet Crimean).
  • Cucumbers - 300 g.
  • Tomatoes -300 g (you can use cherry).
  • Brynza - 150 g.
  • Bank of canned corn.
  1. Cut the onion in half rings, tomatoes with cubes or half, if you use cherry. Cut the cucumber into thin plates. Cut the brinza into cubes.
  2. Mix all products, add corn to the salad, season with oil, adding spices to taste.


Lenten salads for the festive table

Lenten salads are ideal for vegetarians and for those who adhere to church posts or observe a diet. For the preparation of lean vegetarian salads, fresh, boiled, canned or steamed vegetables that preserve even more vitamins, as well as the taste and color of vegetables, are used.

Lentil salad with avocado

  1. Cut into cubes: cherry tomatoes (about 10 pieces), avocados, bell pepper and onion.
  2. Add lentils to the ingredients, greens to taste.
  3. Refun the vegetarian salad with sauce: olive oil, lemon juice, honey and mustard in grains.


Carrot salad with orange and pumpkin seeds

  1. Cut the peeled orange with cubes, grate the carrots.
  2. Add peeled pumpkin seeds, you can cut a hazelnut, season with olive oil.


French lean salad "Nisuaz"

Salad with a bright unusual taste.


  • Canned beans -200 g.
  • Potatoes, red pepper, 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Maslin, salad leaves.

Refueling: half of the lemon, mustard -0.5 tsp, 4-5 tbsp of olive oil, wine vinegar -0.5 tsp, salt, you can add to the taste of spices, for example, Provencal herbs, for aroma.


  1. Prepare sauce for salad. All ingredients must be mixed in a blender.
  2. Near the leaves of the salad and lay in a deep bowl, adding half of the gas station, mix.
  3. Cut the sweet pepper, cut into halves and add to salad leaves. We send olives there.
  4. The last ingredient is canned beans and the second part of the gas station, mix.


TOP-10 festive puff salads

In order to diversify the feast with mouth -watering dishes, housewives, as a rule, try to prepare several completely different salads that differ in ingredients, taste and gas stations. Each person, invited to a celebration, will be able to choose a suitable salad for himself or try all the dishes offered on the table.

Favorite salads of any feast are hearty puff salads, which use boiled meat of chicken, pork, beef, egg white or yolk, mushrooms, boiled vegetables. All ingredients are laid out by tiers, impregnated with mayonnaise or sauce and not mixed. Puff salads can be meat, fish, vegetables. The golden rule in the preparation of multi -layer salads is a harmonious combination of tastes, shades and juiciness of products. Festive puff salads are served in transparent cups, cremas, so that you can consider all layers of dishes or open plates, where they are given a certain shape.

Salad Semga on a fur coat

One of the most famous classic festive puff salads is herring on a fur coat. Having shown imagination and a little moderation of the recipe, you get a new fish salad for the festive table, which will surprise with its original taste.


  • Small Sal Semi - 300 g.
  • Boiled vegetables: potatoes-2 pcs, carrots-1 pcs, beets-1-2 pcs.
  • 2 boiled eggs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise, greens.


  1. Grate the boiled vegetables, finely chop the eggs and onions.
  2. We put the products on a wide plate or tray using a ring for salads: a layer of beets, carrots, potatoes, eggs, onions. All tiers are impregnated with mayonnaise. It is better to use light mayonnaise, and to give tenderness to add a little sour cream to the sauce.
  3. The upper and final layer of salad is the chopped salmon fillet. Decorate with herbs.


The salad is table

Meat multilayer salads - an unchanging attribute of any holiday. In this recipe for meat puff salad, smoked chicken breast is used, which gives the dish a special charm and aroma.


  • Chicken smoked breast - 200 g.
  • Pickled mushrooms - 200 g.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Cheese - 150g.
  • Mayonnaise (sour cream), greens.


  1. Grate egg whites and yolks, cheese on a fine grater.
  2. Cut the chicken boiled breast and mushrooms with cubes. Smooth chicken meat with mayonnaise.
  3. We spread the layers, starting with the lower: meat layer, mushrooms, proteins, cheese, yolks, lubricate with mayonnaise.


Salad Astra

No less delicious meat salad, which uses boiled chicken breast. Due to the bright colors that give the dish of a layer of tomatoes and sweet pepper, the salad looks like a special festive.


  • Boiled chicken (breast)- 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • 2 teeth of garlic for piquancy.
  • Sukhariki are white.
  • Mayonnaise.


  1. Cut the breast chicken, tomatoes - cubes, salt, finely cut garlic, pepper - cubes, grate eggs.
  2. We spread the layers, slightly lubricating with mayonnaise: chicken meat, tomato, garlic, eggs, pepper, and crackers on top.


Salad Acorn

An interesting multilayer salad with an original presentation. This is a fish festive salad, which uses cold smoking mackerel.


  1. Land deep dishes with cling film. The first tier is grated cheese on a fine grater (200 g).
  2. Then - pickled mushrooms.
  3. Pickled onions.
  4. 4 boiled eggs grated.
  5. Finely chopped mackerel of cold smoking.
  6. Grand-grated potatoes (4-5 pcs).
  7. We grind all layers with light mayonnaise. Salad must stand in the cold. When serving, turn the salad, the cheese layer will be from above. Decorate with olives and mushrooms.


Fish festive cake

This is an incredibly spectacular delicious salad in the original design in the form of a cake for the festive table, which will become the main favorite of the feast.


  • Salt saline - 500 g.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Rice (boiled)-4-5 tbsp.
  • Crab sticks.

For sauce:

  • Cream cheese (soft) - 100 g.
  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp, mayonnaise - 4 tbsp, gelatin - 8 g.
  • Greens, red caviar for decoration.


  1. Crab sticks, grate eggs.
  2. Cover the deep shape of the cling film. Cut the salmon into thin strips and put them on the bottom and on the wall of deep dishes or shape.
  3. We prepare a cream for impregnation of layers: mix cream cheese (for example, philadelphia or other soft cheese with a creamy taste) with sour cream and mayonnaise, add gelatin, previously diluted in water.
  4. We lay the layers: boiled rice, eggs, crab sticks, lubricating each layer with a cream sauce.
  5. We send the cake for impregnation to the refrigerator, preferably at night.
    Before serving, we turn the salad, decorate the cake salad with fresh herbs and red caviar.


Salad pineapple


  • Boiled chicken - 1 pc.
  • Boiled potatoes (3 pcs), eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Red bulb.
  • Cheese - 100 g.
  • Pickled cucumbers-4-6 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Shampinons pickled, green onions.


  1. Cut the boiled chicken breast and cucumbers with cubes. Eggs, potatoes and cheese are grated.
  2. Finely chop the red onion and pour it with lemon juice, leaving it for 5 minutes.
  3. Put the salad in layers, give it an oval shape resembling pineapple. All layers, except for layers of pickled onions and cucumbers, are impregnated with light mayonnaise. The alternity of layers: potatoes, pickled onions, ½ chicken, cucumbers, second part of meat, cheese, eggs.
  4. As a decoration of the salad and its resemblance to pineapple, we use pickled champignons that need to be cut into thin slices and gently lay on the finished salad. Featers of green onions are used as a top.


Salad "Monomakh hat"

Light festive salad in the original design. This meat salad uses boiled beef, a special charm gives a layer of pomegranate grains.


  • Beef (boiled) - 200 g.
  • Boiled vegetables (potatoes- 2 pcs, beets- 1 pc, carrots- 1 pc).
  • Bunny, walnuts.
  • Cheese.
  • Pomegranate.
  • Mayonnaise.


Grate boiled vegetables on a coarse grater, beef, chop chopped with strips, cut nuts.
We begin to lay tiers of salad in the form of a hill. First, a potato layer, then a beetroot layer with prunes and nuts, not forgetting to impregnate the tiers with mayonnaise. Then - cheese, half of boiled meat, salt, pepper, carrots and again mayonnaise with a net. We repeat the layer - cheese, the remaining half of the meat and mayonnaise. Decorate with nuts.


Salad "Sea"

The layer of the "sea" salad - looks appetizing, airy.


  • Seafood: shrimp: 200 g, mussels - 100 g, squid - 100 g.
  • Pomelo - 0.5 pcs.
  • Cheese - 100 g.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Leave leaves, dill, salt, mayonnaise, shrimp for decoration.


  1. Put salad leaves on a wide large plate or tray, grease with a layer of mayonnaise.
  2. Cut boiled seafood and add salad to the leaves.
  3. Ground grater with egg protein put on seafood.
  4. Cut the pomelo into small pieces and send to the protein.
  5. The next layer is cheese, and mayonnaise on top.
  6. The final tier is a grated yolk, decorate the salad with dill and boiled shrimp.


Salad Sea star

An interesting new festive salad of seafood and salmon will become a worthy decoration of the celebration and will surprise with its original appearance all guests.


  • Semga - 400 g.
  • Boiled rice - 200 g.
  • Shrimp - 350 g.
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Filadelphia cheese for refueling - 175
  • Maslin.
  • Salad leaves.
  • Mayonnaise.


  1. Prepare a salad for soft cheese and mayonnaise mixed in equal proportions. Beat the blender.
  2. Put the salad leaves on a wide plate and, using mayonnaise, make the contour of the star on which we lay boiled rice, soak in the top with refueling.
  3. The following layers: shrimp, cucumber, eggs. Each tier is impregnated with refueling.
  4. We proceed to decorate the original salad. Cut the salmon into thin plates and lay on a star, decorate with chopped rings of olives.


Malachite bracelet salad

One of the exquisite and interesting in taste combinations is salad, the highlight of which is a kiwi jewelry.


  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Chicken meat (fillet)- 1 pc.
  • Cheese - 200 g.
  • Bunny - 200 g.
  • Kiwi - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots-1-2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise, green onion, dill, lemon.


  1. Cut the chicken fillets, boiled carrots, eggs and 2 kiwi slices.
  2. Cut the prunes into strips, cut green onions.
  3. Take a wide dish, form a salad: eggs, mayonnaise, green onions, chicken, mayonnaise, prunes, kiwi and a layer of mayonnaise again. The last layer is carrots.
  4. We make a salad in the form of a ring using a glass. Lubricate the edges of the salad with mayonnaise, sprinkle everything with grated cheese, decorate the kiwi chopped plates.


Salad decorations for the festive table

Beautifully and originally decorated festive salads will decorate any feast and cause delight among the guests. Boiled vegetables, olives, and greens are used as decoration. The design of the dish is a creative process that requires time and manifestation of imagination. We bring to your attention unusual ideas for decorating holiday salads:











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