
Mask for dry hair at home

Mask for dry hair at home
Dry hair needs careful care constantly. How to improve weak curls with home masks, read in the article.

To stay beautiful, you need to regularly take care of yourself - this is the most important female commandment. However, in an attempt to increase its attractiveness, the beautiful floor often bends the stick. For example, the hair almost always suffers from an excessive desire for perfection - ladies expose their hair with a chemical curl, long -term styling, straightening, staining and building. These procedures bring only a temporary effect, and the condition of the curls worsens irrevocably. Dryness and brittleness are the two most common lack of hair in women today. The elimination of this problem provides for constant delicate care of weakened locks. One of the points of therapy is masks for dry hair.

When hair wants to drink

The scalp and hair become dry when the secretion of fat with subcutaneous glands is reduced for one reason or another. Salo protects the hairs from the effects of adverse environmental factors and holds moisture in their structure. When this substance is not enough, the curls change beyond recognition - they are brittle, dull, sung on the tips. There is no trace of the former natural elasticity! By the way, dryness may not be acquired quality, but an innate feature. The owners of dry by nature of the type of hair are originally doomed to suffer from problems such as the weakening of the hair and the “straw” hairstyle.


Why normal hair loses moisture

There are several main adverse factors that can provoke the development of excessive dry hair:

  1. Incorrect lifestyle: the lack of proper and high -quality nutrition, inferior rest, regular stresses, the presence of bad habits in the form of smoking and abuse of alcohol.
  2. Regular contact of hair with the so -called “chemistry” - persistent colors, synthetic means for curling or straightening hair.
  3. Regular exposure to thermal devices on curls (the use of a hairdryer, thermal car, ironing, curling iron, neglect of a headdress on a sultry sunny day).
  4. Neglecting elementary procedures for hair care (for example, masks for dry and damaged hair).
  5. Excessive use of hair styling products.
  6. Acute deficiency of vitamins in the body.

If most of the causes of hair damage are relevant for you, in this case you certainly need to review your program to improve the curls.


How to care for dry hair

You will have to make a lot of effort to return their strength and beauty to their hair. It is most convenient to cut more than half the length of the hairstyle and take care of the newly growing locks with double energy. For those who have hairs, due to strong weakening, break off right at the base, this is generally the only correct beginning of a healing program.

But what the owners of dry hair are advised by trichologists:

  1. Turn on in your diet products that help strengthen hair from the inside: oily fish, whole grain bread, green vegetables, fresh carrots, poultry, nuts and legumes.
  2. Buy a high -quality multivitamin hair.
  3. Enrich the purchased masks and air conditioning for oil solutions of tocopherol acetate and retinol acetate (in other words, vitamins E and A). They are sold in any pharmacy.
  4. To improve a simple dermatological shampoo, add a mixture of essential oils to it. In its composition:
  • ylang-ylang oil-5 drops;
  • mirra oil - 5 drops;
  • chamomile oil - 7 drops;
  • incense oil - 5 drops;
  • sandal oil - 6 drops.

In addition, you need to regularly pamper hair with medicinal products prepared at home. Recipes of the best masks for dry hair, we will share with you a little later.


The most popular ingredients in the preparation of masks for dry hair at home

A home mask for dry hair will give positive results only if you approach with all responsibility to the choice of products from which you will mix it. You can regenerate and strengthen brittle damaged hair using the following ingredients:

  1. Sour -milk products. Thanks to kefir, sour milk, yogurt, hair roots receive the necessary energy to strengthen and restore the previous, normal, structure. These ingredients become a protective barrier that separates hair and negative environmental factors. Moreover, masks for dry hair from sour -milk products will make your curls shiny.
  2. Natural honey. Active components in this product fill the hair with a vital tone and prevent the appearance of split ends.
  3. Eggs. According to cosmetologists, masks for dry hair prepared with the addition of eggs, nourish the damaged hair from the root to the tip. Such a therapeutic agent will save your hair from the habit of breaking and looking sadly, make it more resistant to vitamin deficiency, if any.
  4. Cosmetic natural oils. You can effectively moisturize your hair, as well as once and for all to forget about the split tips, if you make a rule the use of castor, olive, almond, grape seeds and apricot oils in the care of curls.
  5. Essential oils. Healing fluid obtained from geranium, chamomile, juniper, jasmine, rosemary and lavender, helps to increase hair elasticity and more efficient renewal of scalp cells. Masks for dry and brittle hair using essential oils prevent brittleness and hair loss.
  6. Grassing decoctions. Chamomile, burdock root, birch, coltsfoot-plants with powerful natural potential. They fill curls with the missing energy and tone. Herbal decoctions can be used both for hair treatment, and to prevent the development of undesirable problems.


How to make masks for dry hair at home correctly

In order not only to restore damaged and dry hair, but also to make it even better than before, to choose a little saving agent suitable for them. The technique of preparing the mask, the rules for its application and the duration of the health procedure are also of great importance. We suggest you familiarize yourself with how to apply a mask cooked at home with your own hands:

  1. During the preparation of the therapeutic composition, clearly follow the dosages of the ingredients indicated in the recipe.
  2. If any of the components of the mask is distinguished by an irritating effect or is a potential allergen, be sure to test the skin for sensitivity. To do this, apply a much mask to the inside of the wrist or elbow fold, and after half an hour, rinse it with water and observe the skin in this place for one day. When rashes, redness, itching or burning occur, you will have to abandon this mask and choose a safer option.
  3. Before direct application of the mask, the hair should be washed and slightly wet.
  4. The mask is first rubbed into the scalp, and after 5 minutes the remaining remains are distributed along the rest of the strands.
  5. After applying the mask, long hair is hardened on the back of the head, covered with plastic film and wound the head with a dense towel.
  6. To eliminate brittle hair, the masks must be kept on the head for at least 30 - 40 minutes.
  7. Wash the hair from the components of the therapeutic agent will help water acidified with lemon juice (for 1 liter of pure water 200 ml of lemon juice). A mask for dry, split hair with the addition of oil is washed off with ordinary shampoo. First, a sufficient amount of shampoo should be beaten on the head in the foam without adding water, and then thoroughly rinse the curls with a large amount of running water.
  8. Masks for dry damaged hair cooked at home are used at least 2 times a week.

A visible positive effect can be achieved after 10 - 15 sessions of treatment.


Dry hair masks recipes

Recipe No. 1.

You can saturate the hair with nutrients and restore their structure using home mayonnaise. You will also need a crust of black bread and a raw chicken egg. Pull the bread crust, connect it to the egg and 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise. Distribute this mass evenly on the strands of hair and wrap your head. Keep for half an hour. After 2 to 3 sessions, this nutritious mask for dry hair will make your curls smooth and obedient.

Recipe No. 2.

This mask is a real saving circle for extremely weakened hair. Its main component is henna. The natural remedy will quickly lead the curls into the senses after staining with a persistent ammonia paint or a long stay under the scorching sun with an uncovered head. Heat will need colorless, it can be found in any pharmacy. Pour the contents of the bag into an enameled bowl, carefully pour such a amount of water there that henna acquire a semblance of sour cream after dissolution. Then add 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey and 1 fresh chicken yolk. Distribute the mixture evenly through the hair and leave it for 20 - 25 minutes. When you wash the mask from the hair, be sure to apply a tonic balm on the strands that does not require washing off.

Woman Applying Conditioner After The Shower

Recipe number 3.

And this is one of the most popular masks for dry dyed hair. She copes with dry hairs along the entire length. For the preparation of the therapeutic agent, you will need the following products:

  • arnic infusion - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • burdock oil - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • chicken yolk - 1 pc .;
  • home mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • grinded garlic slice - 1 pc.

Mix all the products thoroughly and apply this mass to the hair roots, then massage your head a little so that the mixture is better absorbed by the pores of the skin. Wrap your hair with a warm terry towel. When the fabric has cooled, heat the towel again. Wash your head after half an hour. This nutritious mask for dry hair normalizes the production of skin fat on the head and quickly returns a healthy look to the hair. To consolidate a positive effect, practice this procedure at least 2 times a week for 3 months.

Recipe No. 4.

We bring to your attention a wonderful mask for dry hair ends.  It is prepared on the basis of sour -milk product and a mixture of essential oils. So, 1 cup of yogurt or sour kefir heat in a water bath, then add 2 to 3 droplets of ylang-ylang and orange essential oils there. With intense movements, treat the basal part of the hair with your fingertips, and then very carefully so that the weak hairs do not inadvertently pull out, distribute the healing mixture along the entire length. The fingertips carefully soak the tips with a useful mixture. Please note that after half an hour the mask needs to be washed off without shampoo!


Recipe No. 5.

If the curls are prone to excessive dryness from birth, take the recipe for a moisturizing mask for dry hair and regularly use this wonderful tool. The mask is quite simple to prepare, so it can be made with its useful habit. 2 tbsp. l. Mix the regenerating shampoo with 2 tbsp. l. olive or almond oil. Distribute the mixture evenly through the hair and rinse after a quarter of an hour.

Recipe number 6.

In order not only to moisturize dry hair, but also to make it shiny, use the next treatment: 1 tsp. Mix fruit vinegar from 1 tsp. Glycerin, then add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. Burdock oils and 1 egg whipped to the state of foam. Mix the mass thoroughly and treat it with the hair. Keep the mask on your head for up to half an hour. This procedure can be carried out once a week.


Recipe number 7.

Very damaged hair will live on a few procedures using the following mask: connect 50 g of cognac and 50 ml of warm water, add 10 drops of essential eucalyptus oil there, and then 1 tbsp. l. Heated in a water bath of floral honey. Then carefully intervene the egg. Apply the resulting mixture to the entire length of the curls, and after 25-30 minutes, rinse with the rinseum.

Recipe No. 8.

And finally, we will share with you a super mask of instant action. After the first procedure, dry and dull hair is transformed right before our eyes - natural elasticity and energy come back to them. Write down the recipe for this universal nutrient and strengthening agent. Here are what products will be needed for its preparation:

  • 2 tbsp. l. Lanolin;
  • 3 tbsp. l. castor oil;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. almond oil;
  •   1 tbsp. l. melted pork fat;
  • 0, 5 tbsp. water;
  • 1 tsp. glycerol;
  • 1 tsp. shampoo;
  • 0.5 tsp. fruit vinegar.

Put lanolin and oil in one container, and then melt the products in a water bath, at the same time heat the water in another dish. Now pour water into the melted oily mass and mix the components until the mass acquires homogeneity. Then add vinegar there. Everything is ready, it remains only to wait for the cream to completely cool. It must be applied to the scalp and directly on the hair itself. The duration of the mask exposure is 30 minutes. Wash it off with a conventional shampoo.

We hope that of all the recipes that we have collected for you in this article, you are the one that will satisfy all the needs of your dry hair and restore their health and its former attractiveness.

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