
Simple and tasty canapes on a skewers on a festive table - photo recipes. Flash Canap, Canapes with Cheese, Canape, Festive Sandwiches

Simple and tasty canapes on a skewers on a festive table - photo recipes. Flash Canap, Canapes with Cheese, Canape, Festive Sandwiches
How to make canapes. Canape for a festive table. Canapes from cheese, olives, herring, ham, pineapples

If you decide to cook something fast for a snack, you want to surprise guests or prepare to celebrate New Year's holidays in the office along with colleagues, then the best option for a festive table is to prepare a variety of canapes.

Do you know what canape is? These are small sandwiches on the skewers. Excellent snack, which will be happy with all guests. Height, and size canapes - at the discretion of the hostess and even more so, filling. And in this case, there is where to raise, because Canapes are prepared from everything: from meat, fish, croutons, vegetables and even fruits. To prepare canapes, you will need a little fantasy to think over and present your version, fresh products and spanks. By the way about the skeins - initially canapes were prepared as small snacks in the height, so that it was more convenient to take in your hand and immediately put in the mouth. That is, the main purpose of cooking snacks was the convenience and speed of filing to the table. Over time, the practice has shown that without the retaining item it is impossible to create unusual canapes, so they began to use special spats for creating various canapes. Snack is eaten - fingers clean.

It is believed that Canape is a treat for the holiday and a light buffet. If you hit the festive event, where they serve cocktails and canapes, then the tiny sandwickers can be eaten. And now it's time to delve into all the subtleties of cooking snacks to independently make several options canapes for the New Year's table.

How to cook canapes. Simple canapes on a festive table

There are some rules that need to be observed. For example, if the pate, fish, boiled meat, buckhenin, etc. are served, then it is necessary to need a "pillow", which then fits the second element. The basis is the bread, which is desirable to dry in a toaster or fry on the oil (best of all olive). Such a toast must be cut into small cubes, from which canapes are then formed. Bread also absorbs excess fluid and besides this - holds the form. It is believed that layers for making canapes should not be too much.

Suppose if you want to organize the herring original to the table, then here is one of the simple recipes for making canapes.

What will take:

  • gray bread;
  • selenge fillet;
  • creamy cheese;
  • fresh tomatoes;
  • little fresh parsley.

About cooking:

  1. Cut gray bread on slices of the same thickness. Approximately that each piece is not thicker than 1 cm. Bread can be taken anyone that you like.
  2. Each piece of bread should be smeared with a thin layer of cream cheese, and then cut into the same squares. The size of each bread square with a side of 1.5 cm.
  3. You can go a little differently and first cut the bread into squares, and then each smeared with cheese. But it will turn out longer in time.
  4. Now you need to prepare the next ingredient for making canapes - this selegant fillet. Simply cut herring to the same cubes equal to the size of a piece of bread.
  5. Similarly, fresh tomato is cut.
  6. Now the assembly: on a piece of bread is laid out by the second floor piece of herring, then a cube of tomato.
  7. Fastened by canape with special skeps or toothpicks.
  8. There is a fresh parsley - you need to break down a small twig, insert from above - decorate the top of the canape or do it at the initial stage - after you pretend the slices of herring. That is, several parsley leaves are inserted between the first and second layer.

It turned out very beautiful and naturally, very tasty! Try and you make such a simple and festive dish for the New Year's table.

Canapes with herring. Photo:


How to make a canape with shrimps on a festive table

Snack with shrimps is not only very tasty, but also festive. We offer a simple option to prepare the Khanpa snacks on the festive table.


  • shrimps;
  • bread;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.;
  • wine vinegar - 2 tbsp.;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook a simple snack:

  1. Bread or Fresh Cucumber - as a substrate to choose from. Great with shrimps both gray or black bread and cucumber. If the first option was chosen, then 1 cm thick pieces are desirable to fry on one side on olive oil. If the cucumber is needed to cut the vegetable in half, then along the plates with a thickness of 1 cm.
  2. Now shrimps - just boil in salted water and form a canape - it is fresh and not so tasty. We offer: Mix in a bowl oil with wine vinegar and chopped garlic, add a little salt and pepper, mix.
  3. Shrimp to boil, as usual, shifting in the marinade (when they cooled), leave somewhere half an hour or a little more.
  4. Assembly: bread or cucumber, then shrimp, in the silence of shrimp into the hole insert a twig of fresh dill or parsley.

Everything, a tasty snack is ready. It turns out not only beautiful, but also very, very tasty, try to prepare a delicious canape at home.


Canape with Mozarella on the festive table

And again the favorite shrimps, only in another performance. This time we offer ... fry shrimp! Original and unusual, as well as very tasty. It is worth trying to make a canape for this recipe.

What products will need:

  • shrimps;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper black ground to taste;
  • white bread;
  • mozzarella cheese";
  • mix of fresh greenery: basil, parsley, dill.

Simple assembly:

  1. Yesterday's bread should be cut into slices so that each thickness does not exceed 1.5 cm.
  2. It will take a glass of thin glass to cut neat mugs - it will be the basis for creating a canape. It is desirable that the size of the bread mugs is no less than shrimp size.
  3. Each bread circle should be sprinkled with butter, put on a baking sheet to dry in the oven.
  4. Shrimps need to be cleaned, fry on oil. In the oil you need to add black ground pepper (you can make a mixture of peppers), as well as salt. The time of roasting is not more than 7 minutes, but not less than 5 minutes on medium heat.
  5. Finished shrimps need to be cooled, but as long as you can prepare the basis.
  6. In the blender, grind a basil, parsley and dill. Greens are pretty mixed with cheese fork.
  7. Now cheese with greens need to smear on bread. You can not even smear, but on every piece of bread, put on an incomplete teaspoon of the cheese cream.
  8. From above, gently beats in the cheese mass of the shrimp. By the way, so that the shrimp keeps well, it must be carefully planted on a thin skeleton. You can put a few shrimp on one skewer, it all depends on the size.
  9. A stick with shrimps is placed on bread, lay a canape on plates. Each decorate with a sprig of fresh greenery.
  10. By the way, to speed up the process, you can not pick up the cheese mass with a spoon, but to shift into the confectionery sleeve. And if there is no such device in your arsenal, then put cheese with greens in a dense polyethylene package, release excess air. The package must be tied, cut off the tip scissors - everything, the homemade pastry bag is ready!

More options canapes with cheese:



Recipe Snacks canapes with fish for a festive table

The main component of the ingredient in the preparation of the Canape's Fish line is salmon. From it and we will prepare several options for delicious snacks.

Option first and what you need:

  • saline salmon;
  • slices of white bread;
  • sobable cheese;
  • fresh tomato;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • canned olives;
  • sucks.

Cooking Canape:

  1. And collect ready-made products - will not be a lot of work. The occupation is fascinating, you can safely connect the Middle School Devora.
  2. First, they go into the oven chopped into thin slices (up to 1.5 cm thick) white bread.
  3. While the bread is dry, you need to cut into cubes with cheese, cucumber and tomato - thin plates with a thickness of 0.5 mm.
  4. Assembling canape: a pile need to be cut from the bread of the circles, to put the ring of tomato on top, a piece of unsalted cheese.
  5. Now it will take a long spanchka to plant a thin slice of weakly salmon salmon, then the cucumber (planted "accordion") and completes the olive composition.


More options canapes with olives. Photo:



The second option, which will be needed from the products:

  • tuna - 1 jar;
  • white bread;
  • egg;
  • basil;
  • parsley twig;
  • lemon or salty cucumber - to choose from;
  • salt pepper.

Read more about how to make canapes:

  1. A jar of canned tuna needs to be opened and shifted into a bowl to make a good fish fork.
  2. Boil the egg, grind (or grate), mix with the tuna.
  3. Cut several twigs of fresh basil as little as possible, mix with fish and egg. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Bread to cut, dry in the oven. From each slice of bread squeeze the circles with a pile.
  5. At the bread base, put a spoonful of fish paste, decorate canapes by a piece of lemon or a fresh sliced \u200b\u200bof cucumber.


Snack canape with cucumber. Interesting recipes

We offer simple and delicious canapes with cucumber.

What to prepare from products:

  • fresh cucumber;
  • cheered sausage;
  • black olives (no seeds).

Prepare canapes together:

  1. In this recipe, only 3 components: it is sausage, cucumber and olives.
  2. And this simple snack is done as follows: you need to cut the sausage with thin slices.
  3. Cucumber wash, wipe, cut along on 2 halves, then chop each other on the halves of circles with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm.
  4. Assembly: cucumber, then you need to ride half sausages, olive, wrap the second half sausage. Get a boat.
  5. This composition you need to insert the basis - a piece of cucumber and such canapes must be decomposed on a long dish. In the photo you see that olive can be replaced with cucumber.


Recipe of the second with cucumber and quail eggs:

  • we take a fresh cucumber;
  • boiled eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • solid cheese - 250 g;
  • black bread - 5 slices.

Assembling canapes with eggs, cucumber and cherry tomatoes:

  1. Boiled eggs clean, cut in pressure.
  2. Cheese cut into cubes, size 1.5 at 1.5 cm.
  3. Cucumber and tomatoes - thin circles.
  4. Assembling on a skeleton: if you take up, then you first need to put a piece of black bread (dry in the oven, cut into cubes), then a tomato mug, a solid cheese - a cube, one mug of cucumber and halves eggs. This is such a multi-layered appetizer.

Canape on skewers. Recipes with photos:




Canape with ham. Recipes canapes on a festive table

The simplest recipe canape consists of only 3 main ingredients, it is:

  • ham - 150 g;
  • solid cheese - 200 g;
  • green olives (no seeds) - 10 pcs.;
  • greens (parsley or dill) - 2 twigs.


  1. The ham is cut by rectangles, cheese - cubes.
  2. Assembly on a skewer: Ham, folded in several layers, parsley, olive and cube of cheese.

Stock Foto Snacks Canapes on a festive table:



Canapes from fruits for the New Year's table. Recipes with photos

Another kind of snack when not bread is used as a substrate, but a vegetable substrate. These are not only vegetables: cucumber, carrot, beets and even potatoes, but also fruits.

Canapes with Pineapple will like cheese and olives lovers. Each ingredient not only complements, but also emphasizes, improves each other's taste.


  • canned pineapples - 200 g;
  • olives black without seeds - 100 g;
  • solid cheese - 200 g.

How to make canapes with pineapples and olives:

  1. Immediately open the jar with canned pineapples, merge juice. Pineapple circles lay on the plate, get rid of extra liquid.
  2. Olives also shift on a plate to glass liquid.
  3. Pineapples and cheese cut into cubes.
  4. Assembly from the bottom up: first a piece of cheese, then olives and a cube of pineapple. Nothing is added anymore.


Canapes with grapes

This option is just suitable for the New Year's table. You just need to purchase all the components in advance so that everything you need is at hand.

And it will take the following: grapes, pineapple, cheese, strawberries and several leaves of fresh parsley.

Preparation Simple:

  1. Cheese is cut into cubes, and it is best to squeeze the cheese with small molds in the form of stars.
  2. Pineapple (fresh) is cleaned, then cut into slices and cubes of the same size as cheese. Canned pineapple need to be removed from the jar, cut into cubes.
  3. Strawberry need to be washed, carefully cut into thin slices with a sharp knife.
  4. Channel Order: First layer - cheese, fresh parsley leaf, pineapple cube, strawberry slices, vintage ber without seeds. All this needs to be secured by a spike. Canape for the holiday ready!

Recipes canapes with photos:





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