
How to make candies from sugar at home. The best recipes for sugar candies step by step. How to cook candy from sugar in molds and without molds

How to make candies from sugar at home. The best recipes for sugar candies step by step. How to cook candy from sugar in molds and without molds
How to make candies from sugar at home. Recipes of homemade candies made of sugar in a mold and without molds. How to cook candy from cough sugar, on a stick, from burnt sugar.

Children are very fond of sweets and always ask their parents to buy sweets, and if they see on the street that someone went out with a cock on a stick, they can arrange a hysteria, since such sweets are not sold in the store. Such a treat can be made independently from available products.

Literally 15 minutes in the kitchen - and your child will have a lot of sugar candies. It is not difficult to cook delicious sweets, you will need not only a minimum of time, but also a minimum set of products.

How to make candies from sugar. Tips from experienced culinary culinary

Many mothers in bewilderment, it seems, choose the recipes simple, do everything right, but they remain unhappy with the result. Lollows cannot be obtained as we would like.

How to make a delicious treat:

  1. Do not double the norm of sugar and other ingredients, hot caramel quickly grasps and therefore you may not have time to fill the syrup into forms. It is better to make candies a little.
  2. Follow the proportions, pour so much water so that it only barely covers sugar.
  3. If you want to add the dye, the powder must be diluted in water (take 20 g) and add a concentrated solution at the end to the finished syrup.
  4. When boiling syrup, liquid cannot be mixed so as not to provoke the formation of bubbles. So that the mass does not bubbulate, make a firing quieter.
  5. After removing the dishes from the heat, stir the finished caramel with a stick and lower it into a glass of cold water. So you will simultaneously get rid of air bubbles and determine the readiness of caramel. If the mass stretches, the syrup is not welded.
  6. For a beautiful shine of domestic candies, rinse the finished sweets under a stream of warm water. Under cold water, the candies do not hold, as they immediately crack.
  7. After drying, it is advisable to wrap the sweets in the food film or baking paper.
  8. If the syrup is not welcomed, the candies do not freeze, and if they digested, the sweets will be bitter.
  9. For the preparation of candies to the syrup, you can add to taste: cream, coffee, milk, herbal decoction, fruit and berry juices, vanilla, ginger, lemon, ground cinnamon, and cocoa powder.
  10. If there is vinegar in the recipe: cook the syrup until then, until there is a vinegar aroma.

How to make candies from sugar

Prepare everything you need for work. In order to make candies from sugar at home, you will need:

  • form for filling hot syrup. This can be either a special detachable aluminum form (our grandmothers had such) and silicone modern small forms for sweets or ice;
  • if there is no suitable shape, then take table and teaspoons, they also get delicious candies;
  • sticks: wooden skewers, toothpicks. And if there is nothing like that, ordinary matches are suitable, only you need to cut the sulfur head.

What will be needed:

  • water - 1 part;
  • sugar-sand-3 parts;
  • table vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil is a few drops.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Pour water into a thick -walled pan, add sugar, mix.
  2. Enter vinegar, mix.
  3. Warm up liquid on low heat. As soon as she begins to thicken and the bubbles appear, you need to turn off the fire.
  4. Syrup cannot be brought to a boil, otherwise the sweets will turn out to be tasteless and will be bitter.
  5. How to check whether it is time to remove the pan from the stove: pick up a little syrup with a spoon and drop a few drops of hot liquid into a glass of water (water should be cold). If the drops are immediately hardened and small candies are obtained, the syrup can be poured into forms.
  6. Pre -lubricate the form with vegetable oil, so that then it is easy to remove frozen sweets.

Sugar pets recipe

If you prepare a treat according to this recipe, sweets will turn out sweet, but with sourness. Such candy will appeal not only to adults, children will also appreciate your efforts.


  • white sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • fresh lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • vegetable oil - grease the shape;
  • form;
  • wooden thin sticks.

We cook candies from sugar and water:

  1. Squeeze the juice, strain through a sieve or gauze folded in 3 layers.
  2. Pour the juice into a bucket or a pan, pour sugar, mix.
  3. Put on a slow fire, stirring, cook for 3 minutes. The syrup can be cooked as much as possible for 5 minutes, but no more, since bitterness will appear.
  4. Prepare forms, grease with oil.
  5. Pour hot syrup into the mold, insert sticks.
  6. Leave the sweets for 15 minutes, after cooling, open the shape. Rinse the finished candies under running warm water and dry. You can try!

We make candies from sugar in a mold

According to this recipe, we will prepare candies in silicone molds intended for the preparation of ice or chocolate sweets. In this form, it is very convenient to make candies and extract them after solidification.

Prepare the list as follows:

  • white sugar - 4 tbsp.;
  • water - 2 tbsp.;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp;
  • oil - any for lubricating the shape;
  • food dye - optional;
  • forms;
  • bambo or wooden bar sticks.

Preparation process step by step:

  1. Pour water into the saucepan, pour sugar, mix.
  2. Put on the stove on a slow fire.
  3. Stir until sugar dissolves.
  4. As soon as the syrup begins to change the color and thicken, add vinegar, mix, it will prevent the sugar of ready -made candies. Vinegar in the finished product will not be felt.
  5. Lubricate the form with oil.
  6. Check the readiness of the syrup: dip the wand in hot sugar syrup and immediately dip in a glass of cold water. If the syrup immediately seized and became solid, you can pour it into small molds. If it stretches, bring it to readiness.
  7. Pour the syrup forms, insert sticks.
  8. Leave to cool for 15-20 minutes.
  9. After cooling, carefully remove the candies from the mold. To make the candies transparent, they can be washed in warm water. It is impossible in cold, as they can crack.

How to cook lollipops from reed sugar? The recipe is described above, only instead of white sugar take reed. In the process of cooking, it is undesirable to mix syrup, as soon as the bubbles appear on the surface, make a sample (on a stick and a glass of water). Pour the finished syrup into forms, leave until the hardening for 30-40 minutes. Sugar louds of brown sugar are dark, and from white - light and transparent if the syrup is not digested.

Sugar candies. Photo

How to make candies from sugar without mold

When there is a desire to prepare a treat with your own hands and remember your childhood, there are no barriers. And even if there is no special shape at home, there are no silicone small molds, you can still make candies. For cooking, either food tracing paper or tablespoons is used.

Let's get to work, preparing:

  • sugar - 140 g;
  • small salt - 1 tsp;
  • baking paper;
  • toothpicks.

Squeare of actions:

  1. There will be no water, flavorings and dyes in this recipe. Such candies will differ from sugar only for the better.
  2. To prepare candies, you need any thick -walled pan, but with a light coating inside to see the cooking process.
  3. Pour sugar in the dishes, put on a very slow fire (you can substitute a cutter).
  4. Watch the process of melting crystals. If the sugar melts unevenly and the syrup is darkened along the edges, tilt the pan.
  5. You can’t mix the mass. As soon as it begins to darken and after checking (confectionery thermometer, the temperature should be +140-150 degrees or lower the stick with syrup into non-cold water), it must be trimmed with small salt and tilted the container with syrup several times to be uniformly so that the salt is evenly Distributed.
  6. On the table, spread the baking paper, pour hot syrup into circles, insert toothpicks. Leave until completely cooled.
  7. Ready -made candies can be wrapped in cling film and stored in a cool place.

We do a lollip on a spoon of sugar as follows: prepare the spoons, lubricate with any oil a thin layer, pour hot finished syrup, insert sticks or toothpicks. We wait until we grab, after solidification we remove from a spoon and enjoy the taste of childhood.

How to make candy sugar from cough

During illness, children often act up and do not want to take bitter mixtures and drink cough medicines. To alleviate the condition of the child, prepare a delicious treat to him, children love such sugar candies and will suck with pleasure, and at the same time get rid of dry cough faster.

Take for 1 portion:

  • sugar-sand-a tablespoon.

How to cook candies:

  1. Wrap the handle of the spoon with a kitchen towel.
  2. Pour sugar into a spoon.
  3. Turn on the fire and hold over low fire until completely dissolved.
  4. You can add a drop of water.
  5. When the sugar begins to darken, the syrup needs to be poured into another spoon, previously greased with butter.
  6. After hardening, the sugar lollip can be given to the child.
  7. Another method: lubricate the saucer with oil, pour hot syrup on the saucer, wait for it to harden and then divide into small pieces convenient for resorption. Give the children this delicious medicine.

You can add to the candy sugar sugar: vinegar (1 tbsp for 4 tbsp sugar), freshly squeezed lemon juice (half a teaspoon for 2 tbsp sugar), a pinch of vanillin for aroma, a few drops of mint essence and Even a teaspoon of cognac, if the candies prepare for yourself.

Another recipe for cooking coughing at home from such products:

  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 1/3 cup of water;
  • ground ginger - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp

How to do:

  1. In a bowl, mix water with sugar, wet sugar should be obtained.
  2. Add ginger to it and put a pan on a slow fire.
  3. Heat, stirring. First, the liquid will be muddy, then it will become transparent and begin to thicken.
  4. Check the readiness of the syrup by dropping a little into a glass of cold water. If a drop is frozen, you can pour syrup into forms.
  5. Lubricate the forms with oil, fill with syrup, insert the sticks.
  6. After hardening, within 30 minutes, the finished candies must be removed from the mold and absorbed 1 candy every 4-5 hours.

Sugar lollipops recipes

Very tasty candies are obtained from sugar, fruit juices, chocolate and cinnamon. Let's learn to prepare a delicious treat for the whole family.

How to make candies from sugar and juice

Fruit and berry candies look very appetizing, they can be presented as a treat for a festive table for children.

The following ingredients will be required:

  • fruit or berry juice - a glass;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • honey - teaspoon;
  • ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon.


  1. Place all the ingredients in a pan (except for cinnamon and honey), turn on a slow fire.
  2. Stiring, cook until the first bubbles are formed.
  3. Add ground cinnamon, mix.
  4. When the syrup is ready, enter honey and mix again.
  5. Pour the syrup into molds, insert sticks.
  6. After half an hour or a little more, the candies froze and they can be removed from the form.

How to make creamy candies

Creamy candies really like children, they turn out to be moderately sweet and resemble store creamy carats. Only as store sweets many mothers doubt it, therefore it is easier to cook sweets at home on their own from such products:

  • sugar - 200 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • milk (low percentage of fat content) - 100 g;
  • honey - half a teaspoon.

How to make candies from sugar on a stick:

  1. Put all the ingredients in a bucket or a pan except honey. Put on a slow fire.
  2. Warm up until the crystals melt and bubbles appear.
  3. Enter honey, mix.
  4. Pour the mass into molds (grease with oil), leave for several minutes. In a viscous caramel, insert sticks for 1 hour.
  5. Then remove from the form and you can try. Wrap the remaining candies in the food film.

How to make chocolate candies

To prepare chocolate candies, it is worth allocating only 15 minutes of time and wait another half an hour while they freeze. You can make a delicious treat even with children, they can be instructed to insert holders for candies.

What products to prepare:

  • sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp;
  • honey - 1 tbsp.;
  • boiled water - 5 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

Preparation of candies:

  1. Put sugar in the pan, add cocoa powder and mix, pour oil and pour water. Mix everything and put on a slow fire.
  2. Cook until the first bubbles, check the readiness of the syrup.
  3. Introduce honey into the finished syrup, mix and quickly pour the syrup into forms pre -lubricated with oil.
  4. After 1-2 minutes, insert the sticks into the candies and wait for the solidification.
  5. Lollows will be ready in 30 minutes, they need to be removed from the form and can be absorbed.

We make mint candies without sugar

Not everyone can eat sugar, some people have allergies for sugar, you can’t eat sugar and people suffering from diabetes. But this is not a reason to give up sweets, you can cook candies without sugar.

What products are needed:

  • fructose - 170 g;
  • mint essence-1-2 drops.

Preparation of mint candies:

  1. Place fructose in a pan, put on a slow fire.
  2. Make sure that it does not burn, since it melts faster compared to sugar. After 50-60 seconds, fructose will melt and as soon as it slightly changes the color, remove from the stove.
  3. Lubricate the form with oil, prepare the holders.
  4. Add 1-2 drops of mint essence to hot syrup, fill the forms, insert sticks.
  5. Leave the candies for 40-60 minutes to solidify. Lollows are ready!

Instead of the finished mint essence, you can take dried mint 2 tbsp. And brew in half a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for 20 minutes, then strain the infusion and enter a teaspoon of 6% vinegar. The finished mixture must be inserted into fructose syrup, cooking to stirring until thickened.

Sugar candies: benefits or harm?

On reasonable limits, all products bring only benefits and do not cause side effects and an allergic reaction. Homemade candies or burnt sugar can bring not only pleasure for children and benefits, riding dry cough, but also harm.

To whom it is undesirable to absorb sugar candies:

  • people with diabetes mellitus;
  • with a tendency to allergies to sugar;
  • in case of malfunctions in the work of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, every mother should remember that sugar in large quantities destroys tooth enamel. Therefore, you can give the child 1 lollipop per day and make sure that after eating he rinsed his mouth with water or brushes his teeth.



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