
How to make caramel at home. How to make sugar caramel at home - the best recipes. How to make a caramel for a cake. What can be done from caramel

How to make caramel at home. How to make sugar caramel at home - the best recipes. How to make a caramel for a cake. What can be done from caramel
How to make a homemade sugar caramel - the best recipes. How to make a liquid caramel, salted caramel, cream at home. How to make caramel on a couple, colored caramel, caramel for popcorn in the microwave.

The viscous, soft, crystal, transparent, fragrant caramel, prepared with your own hands, will become a worthy replacement of all purchased sweets. The treat is prepared very simply and quickly, and the result will delight all, without exception, both adults and children.

The literal translation from the French “Caramel” is the sweetness made from reed sugar. The dessert has an interesting story and if it were not for an accident, it is difficult to say that it would be with the confectionery industry and its development.

Now sugar is sold in each store, thousands of confectionery are lured by buyers, different caramels, candy, iris, loafers, etc. are sold in stores. Any sweetness can be bought in every grocery store. But since the 14th century and for two centuries there was no such luxury in those days. Sugar was inaccessible to the delicacy for many people, louds and caramels could afford only people with income. Around the end of the 19th century, when sugar became available to each person, a new form of medicine for sore throat, pain and cough - candies with a therapeutic effect appeared. They were sold in pharmacies, but every housewife could make a delicious medicine on her own.

Make a home caramel just

What does a store caramel and home performance look like? In mass production, glucose, sucrose or maltose, the main ingredient is used - sugar, plus inert syrup or starch pathos - to choose from. All this is mixed in large volumes and heats up. In the process of heating, a thick viscous and elastic mass is obtained, which can be given any shape until it has time to cool and grasp.

At home, caramel is prepared from ordinary sugar and water, plus, depending on the expected effect, additives are joined.

We will learn how to make sugar caramel and water from such components:

  • sugar - half a glass;
  • water - 2 tbsp.

The first method of cooking:

  1. A very simple and common method of cooking goodies: you need to mix sugar with water.
  2. Put on a stove on a slow fire.
  3. Wait for the dissolution of crystals, and as soon as the sugar melts, bring to caramelization (the shade of melted sugar will change).

The second method of cooking:

  1. Sugar proportions - 2 parts, water - 1 part.
  2. It is necessary to cook sugar syrup until crystals dissolve.
  3. Boil up to 160 degrees (check the temperature with a culinary thermometer).
  4. A simple way to understand the readiness of the mass: take a little caramel on a spoon and lower it into a glass of cold water. You can drop a drop of hot caramel on a piece of ice. If the drop is instantly froze and becomes solid or even split from the difference in temperature, caramel is ready.

Then, depending on the desired, use the cooked mass for its intended purpose.

How to make caramel. We comprehend the intricacies of culinary business in the kitchen

To be proud of the result, follow the simple rules:

  1. The choice of dishes: with a thick bottom, you can cook in a cast -iron pan or ordinary, but with a coating so that caramel does not pester the walls and bottom.
  2. Fragrant and saturated caramel is obtained only from reed sugar. Such a caramel is obtained by a beautiful chocolate shade, it is not at all to the taste of it as cooked from molasses and white sugar. Its aroma is incomparable.
  3. From white sugar, you can also cook delicious caramel, follow the indicated proportions in the recipe to achieve the desired result.
  4. Do not melt sugar over high heat, the mass heats up strongly and quickly. In order not to burn and get a burn, remember safety measures: work in gloves and apron.
  5. Sugar is heated over low heat until crystals were dissolved. After boiling the syrup, it cannot be stirred.
  6. Syrup must be brought to a boil only after all sugar melts. If there are grains on the walls of the dishes, take a silicone brush, dip in hot water and remove the crystals.
  7. So that caramel does not crystallized, a few drops of lemon juice or apple homemade vinegar need to be added to the hot mass.

How to make caramel at home

Let's begin to master the recipes for making a delicious delicacy, sweets and candies, decoration of cakes, cakes and various desserts from the basic recipe.

Recipe for how to make caramel

Prepare all components:

  • white sugar - 300 g;
  • cold water - 100 g.

How to make sugar caramel:

  1. Pour sugar into a pan with high sides, pour water.
  2. Turn on the slow fire, wait for the dissolution of crystals.
  3. Not bringing to a boil, cook sugar syrup to a change in color for 7, a maximum of 10 minutes. Time will depend on the quality of sugar, as soon as you see that the mass becomes darker and sugar is on, it's time to stop.
  4. It is important to cook caramel correctly. If you have not been welded, it will not harden, if they are digested, it will be bitter.
  5. Lubricate the dishes with any oil (not abundantly), pour hot mass, insert the holders as necessary and wait for the solidification.

How to make caramel on a stick

Many adults still keep in memory the best moments of their childhood. One of them is probably a beautiful amber cockerel on a stick that parents bought on holidays on the street from the tray.

We propose to make such a treat independently from:

  • sugar (any) - glasses;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • lemon juice-2-3 drops;
  • cognac (you can take brandy) - 1/3 cup.

We cook the candies like this:

  1. Pour sugar into the pan.
  2. Add vanilla sugar, mix.
  3. Pour cognac and put the container on the slow fire.
  4. Warm up for a minute, stirring.
  5. Move the dishes to the free burner to add lemon juice. It can be replaced with mint oil.
  6. Mix the syrup, pour it into pre -prepared forms (you need to lubricate with oil to make it easier to extract finished products). At the base of the form, insert into each by the holder.
  7. Leave harden for 30-60 minutes in a cool place. You can not immediately place the shape with the candies in the refrigerator so that they do not crack.

Such a caramel is a beautiful shade, it is tasty and healthy, since molten sugar helps to get rid of sore throat and even cure dry cough. And in order for the finished products to be transparent, you need to wash off the oily layer in warm water immediately after the roaring frogs.

How to make salted caramel

It will not be a shame for such a caramel of home performance to the festive table, decorate the cake and any pastries, water the dessert and serve with a ball of ice cream.

You will need:

  • brown sugar (you can white) - 200 g;
  • cream (high percentage of fat content) - 150 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • vanilla - pod or pinch of powder;
  • sea salt fine grinding - 1 g.

How to make caramel at home:

  1. Pour sugar into a pan or saucepan with a thick bottom, turn on medium heat. Without mixing, bring sugar to a shade change (to light brown).
  2. In hot sugar, enter the cream (pour a thin stream and stir immediately with a spatula).
  3. Mix, put a piece of oil and vanilla. Keep on low heat until thickened. This is not a quick process, it is allocated from about 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. Put the salt into the finished mass, mix and immediately pour it into a glass container or distribute according to the molds.

How to make a liquid caramel

The recipe is borrowed from French cuisine, the result will especially impress you, as the caramel will turn out to be sweet-salt.

It will take the following:

  • brown sugar (or white) - 300 g;
  • sour cream (fat content of 30%) - 350 g or replace with cream fat content 33%;
  • salt butter - 65 g or ordinary + 1 tsp. Salt without a hill.

How to make a cream caramel:

  1. In fact, this culinary masterpiece is prepared easier: first you need to divide the sugar into 6 equal parts (50 g of one portion will turn out).
  2. Pour sugar (1 part) into the dishes, warm until dissolved. As soon as the sugar melts, add another part and so you need to melt the entire portion of sugar. This method will allow you to cope with the set task not faster, but better, because it is necessary that the crystals will melt evenly.
  3. It is important not to doubt the quality of sour cream. If this is a store product, and even with additives, sour cream can be curled up and then everything will be spoiled. Therefore, either fresh sour cream or fat cream.
  4. Attention: cream must be put on a slow fire in another bowl and heated, brought almost to boiling.
  5. This must be done simultaneously in order to remove molten sugar from the stove, enter soft butter. If this is a regular product, add salt (you can half a portion), mix quickly.
  6. Introduce hot cream in small portions into the syrup, mixing thoroughly.
  7. Caramel is almost ready, it must be put on the stove on low heat to warm for 5-6 minutes. If the dishes are ordinary (with a thin bottom), warm only 2-3 minutes.
  8. The finished caramel must be cooled, transferred to the dishes convenient for storage and use and store in the refrigerator.

How to make a soft caramel

Soft caramel is used as a filling for baking, decoration of cakes, ice cream, fruits, cakes, dessert preparations.

What components are needed:

  • sugar - 200 g;
  • milk - a glass;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • vanilla to taste;
  • salt is a pinch.

How to cook caramel correctly:

  1. First you need to melt sugar in a container with a thick bottom and walls. Be sure to mix sugar so that it melts evenly.
  2. Try to stop in time and not overexpose sugar. As soon as the mass becomes amber color, enough.
  3. The container must be removed from the stove, stirring with a spatula, pour milk in small portions, since caramel can be sprayed and foam may rise.
  4. If you immediately pour the entire portion of milk, a dense lump may form. To dissolve caramel, you need to put the dishes on the stove and stir until it dissolves. You can not bring the mass to a boil.
  5. As soon as the liquid is uniform and without lumps, you need to add butter, vanilla and salt. Mix thoroughly.
  6. At this stage, it is necessary to pour the finished hot mass to the jar. After hardening, it will thicken a little and will not be so liquid yet hot.

How to make a caramel for popcorn

Why buy popcorn in the store, if you can cook it yourself. We learn how to make caramel fragrant and crispy popcorn at home.

Prepare for work:

  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • salt - 1/3 tsp

Squeare of actions:

  1. This amount of ingredients is designed for 150 g of corn grains.
  2. Pour sugar into a pan or pan, add water and put a piece of butter.
  3. Turn on the slow heating of the slabs, add a pinch of salt, mix.
  4. Warm up to the melting of sugar, almost bringing to a boil. If you see, on the walls of the dishes crystals of sugar, they need to be brushed and stuck in a hot mass.
  5. Cook caramel over low heat for 10-15 minutes, you should not stir.
  6. Control the color change. As soon as the mass begins to darken at the edges, you need to remove the dishes from the stove.
  7. Pre -prepare 2 convenient for mixing popcorn shoulder blades, greased with oil. This is necessary so that hot caramel does not stick to cutlery.
  8. Place the finished popcorn in a large bowl.
  9. Pour soda into the caramel mass. It should increase in volume and foam, prevent it from a whisk and, without delay, pour it into a bowl with the finished popcorn. For uniform distribution, stir with spatulas until the caramel is sticking together.

How to make a caramel from iris

A simple recipe allows you to prepare a soft and very delicate caramel, which can be used to prepare desserts: layers of cakes, cakes, etc.


  • milk - 125 ml;
  • cream - 125 ml;
  • soft iris - 20 pcs .;
  • vanilin - a pinch;
  • egg yolks - 3 pcs.

How to make a caramel for a cake and not only:

  1. Pour milk and cream into the saucepan, add vanillin to taste, put iris. Bring the mass to a boil over medium heat.
  2. Beat the yolks slightly with a fork, enter a hot mass, stirring continuously with a spatula. Boil the mass for 2 minutes.
  3. Pour into a uniform or into a jar, cool at room temperature, then place in a cold place for 1-2 hours.

How to make a colored caramel

Multi -colored carats, cockerels and hearts, as well as different other figures on sticks look very appetizing. They lure buyers, because this treats come from childhood and every adult, as well as the child will certainly want to enjoy such caramels.

We will prepare the following ingredients:

  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • corn syrup - 2/3 cups;
  • water - ¾ cup;
  • any food flavor - a teaspoon or according to the instructions;
  • food dye liquid to choose from - ¼ tsp;
  • oil for processing forms.

Also prepare: a confectionery thermometer, a thick -walled pan, forms and holders.

Working process step by step:

  1. Stir in a saucepan sugar with corn syrup, add water.
  2. Cook stirring by turning on the average heating of the plate until sugar crystals are dissolved.
  3. Without mixing, bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. Measure the temperature of hot syrup with a special thermometer. If you reached 127 degrees (260 ° F), without removing the stove, enter the dye. It is not necessary to mix the mass, in the process of boiling the syrup will be painted evenly.
  5. Remove the container from the stove, add the flavor and immediately pour the mass into molds, previously lubricated with oil. Insert the sticks.
  6. Leave until completely hardened for half an hour, then open the shape, transfer caramel sweets to the plate. You can rinse the oily layer with warm boiled water. After drying - wrap the film.

How to make a caramel in a microwave

A quick way to prepare sweets is to make syrup in a microwave. To diversify the basic recipe, we offer to take any juice instead of water.

What else will need:

  • sugar - 80 g;
  • juice - 20 g.

How to cook:

  1. The main rule is to take 1 part of water or any liquid and 4 parts of sugar.
  2. For preparation, you will need special dishes for a microwave. You can take a glass jar.
  3. Put the power of the device to the maximum (not more than 900 watts).
  4. Mix all ingredients in a bowl or bank, set the temperature for 2 minutes.
  5. After the signal, check the color of the syrup. If it darkened, you can lightly stir it in a container (use a grab).
  6. Prepare the forms, sprinkle with oil, pour the finished hot mixture after the disappearance of the bubbles. Leave until completely cooled.

How to make an apple in caramel

Please friends and relatives with a delicious dessert prepared with their own hands with love and care.


  • brown sugar - 240 ml;
  • apples - 5 pcs.;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • distilled water - 100 ml;
  • butter of a high percentage of fat - 5 g;
  • cinnamon in powder - half a teaspoon.

Preparation of dessert step by step:

  1. It is advisable to choose apples of such varieties: Golden, Cox or grandmother Smith.
  2. It is also necessary to prepare wooden long sticks (for example, for barbecue) 5 pcs. And you can start.
  3. Take a small saucepan with a thick bottom, pour sugar, pour water, stir.
  4. Turn on the medium fire, mix the mixture several times, waiting for boiling, then you need to make a small fire.
  5. Put the oil in the mass, add vinegar, put the cinnamon. Mix again.
  6. Leave the mixture over low heat, it must quietly boil for 10 minutes. Stir the caramel periodically.
  7. In parallel, put a large pot of water on the stove so that it boils faster.
  8. Wash the apples, dry, put on sticks to the middle of the fruit, removing the stalk.
  9. Lower the apples into boiling water, leave for 2 minutes, then the fruits need to be washed and dry.
  10. Check the readiness of the caramel - it should be pulled and sticky. At room temperature, the caramel drop quickly sets.
  11. Lower the apples alternately into a hot caramel, tilting the pan, scroll the fruit so that they are completely covered with caramel.
  12. Remove the apples, leave to cool at room temperature until caramel is set.
  13. The dessert is ready and after cooling can be tasted.

What can be done from caramel

There are a lot of options for using the finished caramel. You can pour any dessert with hot syrup, you can add to porridge, pour fresh fruits and berries, decorate the ice cream ball. Any product can not only serve beautifully, but also caramelized - this applies to fruits and berries. For example, bananas are very tasty, if you boil them in a mixture of a glass of sugar (preferably brown), water and cream (2 tbsp) for 2 minutes, periodically turning pieces of bananas periodically. If the dessert is prepared for adults, at the end of cooking, pour 50 g of cognac and set fire to - then the caramel will turn out to be crispy.

A caramel basket filled with different goodies looks very impressive. It is very simple to make it: you need to take a suitable bowl or a cup, prepare a caramel according to the basic recipe. The cup must be lubricated with oil and pour caramel from a spoon with a thin stream, stretching it into long threads. After hardening, the dishes are carefully removed and you will get a beautiful salad for dessert.

How to make caramel. Video



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