
How to make yogurt at home - recipes. How to make homemade yogurt in a slow cooker, in yogurtnitsa. How to make a sourdough for yogurt. How to make yogurt without leaven

How to make yogurt at home - recipes. How to make homemade yogurt in a slow cooker, in yogurtnitsa. How to make a sourdough for yogurt. How to make yogurt without leaven
Recipes for homemade yogurt in a slow cooker, yogurts. How to make yogurt from milk, without milk. How to make yogurt with a sourdough and without a sourdough.

In each supermarket and even a small grocery store you can buy ordinary yogurt with different additives. Such a large assortment is presented that it is difficult to choose. And not only this stops the hostesses as the realization that the products may not have useful additives: preservatives, flavors and food colors. When giving preference to natural products, at home it is easy to prepare healthy yogurt.

How to make yogurt at home

Many housewives are wondering if you can make yogurt if there is no special device? This is really not burdening at all.

What will be needed:

  • take a package of milk (1 liter);
  • zagovaska - bottle;
  • sugar - optional;
  • vanilin - a pinch (optional).

How to make home yogurt:

  1. Farm milk or a regular store boil, cool to 35-37 degrees. Ultrapasterization milk is enough to heat.
  2. Drive sugar and vanillin, mix.
  3. Then pour bacterial leaf, stir.
  4. Pour the liquid into jars/cups (pour boiling water), close the lids and wrap it with something warm (for example, a blanket, blanket, etc.).
  5. Keep the containers in the heat for at least 7 hours, in the cool room - 12.

Place the finished product in a cold place, it is advisable to use it for 3, a maximum of 5 days.

How to make natural yogurt

It is not difficult to eat right and you do not need to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, especially if you want to make a sour -milk drink.

Prepare everything according to the list:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • yogurt (home) - 200 g.


  1. According to this recipe, we will prepare a dairy product in a thermos. To begin with, boiling milk.
  2. Cool it up to +38 degrees.
  3. Prepare a thermos: wash it, dump with boiling water, leave for a couple of minutes to cool the flask, then we cover it with a lid.
  4. In half a glass of milk, dilute the yogurt so that there are no lumps. Combine both mixtures.
  5. Pour the milk with a sourdough into a thermos, cover with a lid and leave it overnight (as much as possible 8 hours).
  6. The finished product must be poured into a container convenient for storage, sent to the refrigerator.

How to make a league for yogurt

Mistresses are interested in:

  1. What is the role of sourdough? It gives the finished product density, taste and aroma.
  2. Where to buy? In a pharmacy, specialized stores or in supermarkets. One bottle is designed for 1-3 liters of milk, but yogurt will turn out to be tastier and useful if you cook it from a liter of milk.
  3. How to choose? Pay attention to the packaging: a list of bacteria and their number should be indicated.
  4. What sourdoughs are in demand? Popular: “Narine”, “lactobactrin”, “Evitaly”. Each jar contains good bacteria for health, which, with a favorable environment, begin to actively multiply.
  5. Why is it better to buy a special leaven? Useful lactic acid bacteria help to normalize the work of the stomach and intestines, increase immunity, cleanse toxins and toxins, and help get rid of dysbiosis.
  6. How to store? Only in the refrigerator, bacteria die warmly.

You can eat a finished product on a special sourdough for those people who suffer from lactose intolerance and those who are allergic to animal proteins.

Each housewife can make the basis for the preparation of a useful sour -milk product, for this you need to prepare a bio -product from a bag/bottle of purchased leaf and set aside 150 ml to prepare a new batch.

How to make your own coffee yogurt

For coffee lovers, we suggest preparing a drink from:

  • portions of sourdough and liter of milk;
  • coffee - 80 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil milk and cool to +38 ° C.
  2. Add coffee and sugar, mix.
  3. Pour the starter culture, beat with a mixer for a minute until sugar is dissolved.
  4. Pour the mixture into jars or cups, wrap with a warm blanket. After 8-10 hours, a useful drink will be ready.

Cooking sweet fragrant yogurt

The following products will be needed:

  • liter of milk;
  • home leaven - 100 g;
  • honey - 2 tbsp.;
  • vanilla in powder - 10 g;
  • gelatin - 20 g.

Squeare of actions:

  1. Dissolve the gelatin in milk (cast a glass). Warm the mixture over low heat until the gelatin crystals were dissolved.
  2. Heat the remaining milk to +38 ° C, combine both mixtures.
  3. Introduce liquid honey (melted out) and vanillin, mix.
  4. Pour half a glass of a mixture, enter the starter, mix.
  5. Pour into milk, mix and pour into pre -prepared jars.
  6. Wrap, leave alone for 8 hours, then put in the refrigerator and use after cooling for 5 days.

How to make yogurt with chocolate

Preparing an unusual, healthy and delicious dessert is very easy to independently from such products:

  • liter of milk;
  • chocolate tiles;
  • spring bag.

Squeare of actions:

  1. Boil milk and cool to a temperature of +38 ° C.
  2. Break the chocolate into pieces, melt in a water bath.
  3. Mix quickly with milk and introduce dry bacteria.
  4. Pour into cups, cook in a yogurtnitsa for 6-8 hours or wrap it with a warm blanket, leaving for 8-10 hours.

One of the ways to prepare a useful dessert is to pour fermented milk into clay containers, cover with cling film, and keep in a warm place for at least 8 hours.

How to make yogurt without leaven

In the absence of yogurts and when it is not possible to buy a special leaven, you can prepare a dairy product from store yogurt. For cooking, yogurt is suitable “Danon” or “activation” without additives.

What will be needed:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • yogurt from the store - 1 pc.

How to make yogurt from milk:

  1. In the store, choose a short storage milk, carefully read the information on the packaging, as it will not work to make a drink from dry milk.
  2. Boil milk, cool. The temperature should be +36-39 degrees, higher-undesirable.
  3. Pour half a glass of milk, add store yogurt at room temperature from a jar, mix well.
  4. The container must be covered with a lid, wrapped with a blanket and left in a warm place for 6-8 hours.
  5. Milk can be poured into small jars (first scald with boiling water) or pour into a thermos.
  6. As soon as the product is prepared, it can be moved to a cold place, poured into small jars and be sure to put it in the refrigerator.
  7. Shelf life is not more than 4-5 days. Every day, the drink will lose useful properties, so it is advisable to use it in the first few days.

How to make yogurt without milk

Sour -milk drink is not only tasty, it will perfectly refresh on a hot day and give strength and vigor, helps to establish the digestive system. But there are people who are contraindicated in cow or goat milk. You should not refuse a useful product, because you can cook yogurt, but without milk, while maintaining nutrients.

Almond yogurt recipe

A very tasty, rich and thick product is obtained according to this recipe, and also unusual, since few people know the secrets of preparing such yogurts.


  • raw almonds - 2 glasses;
  • honey - 2 tbsp.;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • agar-agar-from 1 to 3 tbsp.;
  • zkavaska - 1 bottle.

Squeare of actions:

  1. Soak almonds in the water in the evening.
  2. In the morning, free from the shell (it is easily separated).
  3. Pour the almonds into a blender, add water and liquid honey, chop.
  4. Pass the resulting mixture through a small sieve or gauze folded in 4 layers.
  5. You will get milk from almonds, which must be heated over medium heat almost to boiling.
  6. In hot milk, you need to mix agar-agar (quantity-depending on the density done). Continue heating for 7 minutes.
  7. The resulting mixture must be cooled to a temperature of +38 degrees, add lactic acid bacteria, mix.
  8. Prepare clean jars with lids (pre -pour boiling water), pour the mixture into containers, cover with lids and wrap it.
  9. Insist within 8-12 hours, rearrange in the refrigerator for cooling for 1-2 hours. The shelf life of the finished product is no more than 5 days.

How to make silent banana yogurt

Adhering to this recipe, you will get a delicate product, very tasty and healthy.

List products:

  • cashew nuts - 1 cup;
  • coconut milk - a glass;
  • ripe bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • yogurt league - 1 bottle.

Cooking like this:

  1. We soak nuts in water for 2-3 hours, drain the water.
  2. Grind the ripe bananas, put it in a blender bowl.
  3. Add nuts and pour coconut milk. Beat in a blender to get a homogeneous mass.
  4. We pour it into a sterile clean container, pour the starter in the powder, mix.
  5. Cover the container with a lid, wrap it with foil, on top with a blanket. We leave for 6-10 hours. If the room is cool - at 12.
  6. The shelf life of a useful drink is 5 days in a cold place.

How to make Greek yogurt

This is a very tasty yogurt, it is more dense in consistency and thick, almost like homemade sour cream. Greek yogurt has a thick consistency and more protein than in ordinary (from 10% or more). To prepare it according to the original recipe, you will need to buy sheep’s milk, but it is not sold in stores and you can also rarely meet it in the markets. Therefore, housewives have long learned to prepare such a product from cow's milk.

What will be needed from products:

  • ultrapasturized milk - 3 l;
  • dry leaven - 1 jar.

How to make thick yogurt:

  1. From 1 l. About 400 g or even a little less will come out of milk. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately prepare a large portion and take 3 liters of milk and choose a starter for adjustment of such a volume of milk (“yogurt” is suitable).
  2. Heat milk over low heat to +38 degrees, pour a little into a glass to mix with the sourdough, combine both mixtures.
  3. Fulling for 10 hours (maximum time), covering the container with a warm blanket or prepare a multicooker/yogurts.
  4. After the bending, the clot should be thrown back in a colander (put a gauze folded in several layers at the bottom) and leave for a while. The duration of the drain will depend on what density yogurt will be. Sometimes 4-6 and even more hours are allocated for this process. Therefore, you need to initially put a colander with the contents in a cool place in order to avoid excessive acid, since in a warm place bacteria begin to multiply.
  5. The finished product must be cooled in the refrigerator.

How to make yogurt at home

In order to prepare ordinary yogurt, you need only 2 components and a little patience, since depending on the desired result, you will have to expect from 6 to 8 hours.

What will be needed:

  • liter of milk;
  • bacterial leaven.


  1. Milk needs to boil and cool to a temperature of +36-38 degrees.
  2. Pour a little warm milk into the cup, pour the leaven, stir.
  3. Pour concentrated solution into milk, mix.
  4. Pour the milk mixture into pre -prepared jars (pour the cans and lids with boiling water, can be sterilized).
  5. Put glasses in a yogurt, activate the device.
  6. Depending on the desired result, cooking time is from 6 to 8 hours. If you need dense yogurt, hold for 8 hours, then put in the refrigerator. Shelf life is no more than 5 days.
  7. You can use the first yogurt as a sourdough, leave one jar to prepare a new batch of the product. For 1 liter of milk you need to leave 150 g of sourdough.

How to make yogurt in a yogurtnitsa

Preparation of yogurt at home with a yogurt is very easier for the task, there is no need to control everything, wrap the banks, and monitor. At home, it is easy to make not only classic white yogurt, but also with different additives. Let's find out how to make fruit yogurt.


  • home yogurt - 150 ml;
  • ripe banana - 1 pc.;
  • peach - 1 pc.;
  • liquid honey - 1 or 2 tsp. To taste.

How to make yogurt at home:

  1. The recipe indicates the finished yogurt, but if you do not know how to make yogurt without a multicooker, mix boiled milk chilled to 36-38 degrees with a sourdough or a glass of white ugly yogurt (“Danon” or “activia”).
  2. Cover with something warm, after 10-12 hours (and if it is hot in the room, after 8), the base will be ready.
  3. Cut the fruits into pieces, grind in a blender bowl, add liquid honey (you can take maple syrup), mix. You can do without a sweet additive, since the banana itself is quite sweet.

Mix the finished chilled yogurt with fruit in a blender for 30 seconds, serve immediately after cooking.

How to make yogurt without yogurtsnitsa

Another simple way to prepare a sour milk product of only two components.


  • liter of milk;
  • source in powder - 1 bag.

How to cook:

  1. Choose milk ultrapasturized milk. Boil milk from the market.
  2. Boil milk over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  3. You can drop milk to a volume of 0.5 liters, but this is not enough for the preparation of yogurt even for one person. Therefore, if you want to try this option, you need to take more milk. Take 3 liters and then you get 1.5 liters of useful yogurt. What you need to evaporate: the product will turn out to be more homogeneous and dense.
  4. Hot milk needs to be cooled to a human body (36-37 degrees).
  5. Pour half a glass of milk into a separate container, pour dry leaf, mix with a wooden spoon or spatula.
  6. Pour milk with a sourdough into a pan, mix.
  7. Pour the liquid into jars, cover with lids. Wrap with something warm (for example, a towel, an old jacket, a children's blanket).
  8. Bars can be put in the battery in the cold season so that yogurt is prepared faster. If the room is hot, you can leave wrapped jars with yogurt on the table for 6-8 hours.

Important: to move the cans is undesirable, the temperature of the milk should be the same, otherwise yogurt may not turn out as dense as expected.

As soon as yogurt becomes dense, after the indicated time it must be moved to a cool place. If you leave the warmth, the growth of bacteria will not be stopped, and the dairy product will turn out to be sour. Shelf life is no more than 5 days. It is permissible for the preparation of the next batch of yogurt to take 150 g of yogurt as a sourdough for each liter of milk.

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, preparing a dairy product is very easy, almost the same as in using a special device. We will learn how to make yogurt from goat milk.


  • fresh goat milk - 1 l;
  • zagovask - 1 dose.


  1. Many people cannot drink goat milk because he has a specific taste and aroma. But you can get rid of it if you heat the product to 90 degrees. It is undesirable to boil it so as not to deprive useful components.
  2. Milk needs to be warmed up over medium heat until the steam begins to rise, and bubbles appear along the edges of the container. Then the milk needs to be removed from the stove and cool to a temperature of +38 degrees.
  3. Then cast a little into a glass, pour dry leaf, mix.
  4. Pour the resulting liquid into the bowl (wash well so that there is no smell of previous food). Or pour milk into cups, pour water into the bowl. Install the Yogurt option for 6-8 hours.
  5. Pour the drink into a pre -prepared clean container, cover with lids, rearrange in the refrigerator. Shelf life is up to 5 days.

How to make yogurt from kefir

To prepare a dairy product useful for digestion, experimental housewives use home kefir. It also turns out very tasty yogurt.

List of necessary products:

  • milk - 1 l.;
  • kefir - 180 ml.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Boil milk, cool to normal room temperature. If the milk is used ultrapastricized, heat the product to the desired temperature.
  2. Pour half a glass of milk, mix with kefir, pour the mixture back, mix.
  3. You can prepare yogurt both in a multicooker and in a yogurtnitsa or without these devices. If you cook in a slow cooker: pour the product into jars, pour water into the bowl of the device, set the yogurt mode, put the timer for 6-8 hours.
  4. If you prepare in the yogurtnitsa: you need to pour the milk into jars (in advance to sterilize or pave boiling water), tighten the lids, activate the device, withstand it until cooked (from 6 to 8 hours).
  5. If you cook without assistants: pour the mixture into jars, cover with lids, wrap it with a warm blanket, leave it overnight.
  6. Result: the sour -milk product will not turn out so dense and it will be a little sour, so add any syrup, jam or chopped fruits.

How to make yogurt out of sour cream

Instead of buying sourdough, we use sour cream. You can homemade or store with 15% or higher.

What to prepare:

  • milk (fat content 3.2%) - 1 l;
  • sour cream - 1.5 tbsp.

Consistently how to cook:

  1. Boil milk, cool to a temperature of +36-38 degrees.
  2. Put sour cream from the refrigerator so that it is at room temperature. Open the packaging before cooking, if the sour cream stood open in the refrigerator for several days, you will be able to cook yogurt, but it will differ to taste.
  3. Mix a little milk with sour cream, combine both mixtures.
  4. Pour the jars, wrap it with a towel and put a warm blanket on top (you can an old jacket or fur coat), leave it overnight, but no more than 8 hours.
  5. It is undesirable to keep yogurt more, as it can turn out sour and not so dense.
  6. Keep the finished product in a cool place for no more than 4-5 days.

How to make yogurt. Video



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