
How to make homemade cheese from goat milk. Recipes for making cheese made of goat milk step by step with photo at home

How to make homemade cheese from goat milk. Recipes for making cheese made of goat milk step by step with photo at home
How to cook homemade cheese from goat milk. Step -by -step recipes for making cheese from goat milk at home. Cossack cheese: Sychuzhny, Adyghe, melted, Russian, Kachotta.

Goat milk, as well as products cooked on its basis, are not only tasty, but also unusually useful. The additional advantages of goat milk are its good digestibility and hypoallergenicity (unlike cow milk). Homemade cheese made of goat milk is a natural and tasty treat, which is guaranteed to appreciate all households. How to cook cheese from goat milk yourself?

Homemade cheese from goat milk - beneficial properties of the product

The cheese made from goat milk at home will delight group B vitamins, vitamins A and D, as well as rich micro- and macro-element composition.

  • The finished product contains potassium and calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus and selenium.
  • High calcium content strengthens the bone system of the body, improves the condition of the teeth, nails and hair.
  • Useful acids that make up the cheese normalize blood pressure.
  • Selenium serves as a good prevention of diseases of the colon and mammary glands.
  • The presence of probiotics normalizes the work of the digestive tract.
  • Cosius cheese is a low -calorie product, so it can be an excellent choice for people with overweight.
  • The antioxidants that make up the cheese increase the body's resistance to infectious ailments, contribute to the elimination of harmful substances (carcinogens, toxins) from the body.

How to make cheese from goat milk - the intricacies of the process

  • During the preparation of cheese, follow the observance of purity and sterility. Otherwise, there is a high probability of undesirable bacteria entering the product.
  • The best choice is raw (fresh) milk. If there is no opportunity to obtain the necessary volume of raw materials at once, milk should be stored only in pasteurized form. To do this, it must be heated to 65-70 ° C and “boil” at a given temperature of 10-15 minutes. To control the temperature, use a submersible thermometer.
  • It is best to cook homemade cheese in a water bath.
  • The minimum output of the finished cheese is 0.5 kg. With smaller volumes, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result. To obtain 500 g of cheese, 4-5 liters of milk will be required.
  • Do not pour the serum formed when receiving cottage cheese grain, but use it to prepare a brine. The serum has a lot of healthy elements, so you can use it both for propagation of milk for subsequent preparation of cheese, and in the dough.

Homemade cheese recipes from goat milk

The variety of variations on the preparation of cheese from goat milk at home will allow each housewife to choose the optimal recipe for her. In addition, you can always look at the usual treat in a different way, having mastered the new technique of preparing home goat cheese.  How to make cheese from goat milk on your own?

Simple recipe for goat milk cheese

The smaller the list of ingredients, the simpler the recipe for cooking. The basic recipe for homemade cheese made of goat milk is perfect for those who take only the first steps as a cheese. Prepare:

  • 2 lemons;
  • 5 l of goat milk;
  • 2 tsp. salt.


  • Place milk in a clean container and send on fire.  Add salt to a slightly warmed product.
  • When bubbles appear on the surface of milk, the time has come for lemon juice. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the pasteurization temperature does not exceed 90 ° C.
  • Stir the liquid. After 2-3 minutes, you will notice how the serum gradually began to separate.
  • Prepare a colander, lieter its surface with gauze. You set the sieve over a clean container. Put the cottage cheese in a colander (as it is formed).
  • After 30-40 minutes, when the serum is completely draining, wrap the cottage cheese with gauze, giving it the desired shape.
  • Ready cheese can be tried after 1-2 hours.

From 2 liters of goat milk, about 300 g of cheese is obtained.

Homemade spicy cheese made of goat milk - a detailed recipe


  • 3 l of goat milk;
  • 2 liters of yogurt (also from goat milk);
  • 1000 ml of sour cream (fat content of at least 20%);
  • 500 g of kefir;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salts;
  • 10 chicken eggs;
  • dried herbs (basil, dill, garlic).


  • Combine milk with yogurt, pour into a pan and send on fire.
  • At this time, connect sour cream, kefir, eggs and grass. As soon as the milk approaches boiling, pour the egg mixture into it. Mix the components, continue heating.
  • Cook the composition of about 20 minutes. Put the mass on gauze, cover the colander with a lid and give the excess fluid to drain.
  • Form a cheese head, put it on a board, install another board and a press on top. Leave the cheese in this position for 4-5 hours.

Recipe for cooking cheese from goat milk and cottage cheese


  • 4 l of goat milk;
  • 4 tbsp. l. fat sour cream (at least 20%);
  • 4 kg of goat cottage cheese;
  • 2 tsp. salt.

Greens and herbs - optional.


  • Pour the milk into the pan and send it to the fire. Warm the liquid to 50 ° C.
  • Add part of the milk to the cottage cheese. Rub the cottage cheese until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Add salt and groomed cottage cheese to warm milk. Send the pan again to the fire.
  • When the composition will practically boil, make sour cream. Mix the components until a whole clot. If this does not happen, add a little vinegar (0.5 tsp. 6% acid).
  • Cover the colander with gauze. Remember the resulting mass on it. In this position, leave the cheese for 12-16 hours. This time is enough for the whole excess liquid to leave the cheese. Next, shift the head in the shape and put under oppression in the refrigerator for another 6-7 hours.
  • The next day, the cheese can already be tried.

Cossack milk cheese recipe


  • 4 l of goat milk;
  • 800 ml of sour cream or home yogurt;
  • 10 chicken eggs;
  • 4 tsp. salt.


  • Warm up milk (almost to a boil), add salt.  While the milk is heated, beat the eggs, add sour cream to them.
  • Next, enter the egg mixture into the milk. As a result, you will see how the milk is curtailed and the serum is separated.
  • Pour the contents of the pan into the prepared colander with gauze. Wait until the excess fluid is draining.
  • Form a cheese head and put it under the press. Leave cheese for 5 hours.
  • Next, in the same gauze, transfer the cheese into the cold for another 3-5 hours.
  • Cossack cheese is ready.

Melted cheese of goat milk


  • 5 l of goat milk;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 50 g of butter;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda and salt;
  • if desired, you can add grass and fresh greens.


  • Warm up milk to 25 ° C. Squeeze lemon juice. Enter acid with a thin stream into milk. Mix the ingredients and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Next, put the composition in a colander (covered with gauze) and fix the cottage cheese.
  • Put the resulting mass into a separate container and knead until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Add other ingredients (soda, salt, egg and butter).
  • Put a homogeneous mixture in a water bath. Stiring the composition, wait for the mass to become glossy and homogeneous. If you want to add greens, spices or herbs, it's time to do it.
  • Next, pour the cheese in shape and send to the refrigerator.

Recipe for Adyghe cheese from goat milk


  • 4 l of goat milk;
  • 1300 ml of serum;
  • herbs to taste;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Salted salt.


  • Place the goat milk in the container and heat to a temperature close to boiling. Next, add a crushed mixture of herbs.
  • Heat the serum and add it to milk strictly along the edge of the pan. If there is not enough sourness in the serum, add a little lemon juice (or citric acid).
  • Until large cheese flakes appear, the composition is not mixed.  Put the grains into a colander previously covered with gauze.
  • Sprinkle the cheese with salt. When the liquid is draining, turn the cheese over and sprinkle it with salt again.
  • Form the head and let it cool. Next, send it to the refrigerator for a day.

How to cook cheese from goat milk-video lesson

Recipe for rational cheese from goat


  • 4 l of goat milk;
  • dry Sychug;
  • salt.


The optimal basis for the starter culture for goat milk will be a natural dried ration. A narrow strip must be grated and pour 300-400 ml of boiled water. Leave the sourdough for 10-12 hours, periodically shaking. If it was not possible to get the Sychug, you can use the Sychuzhnaya enzyme (for example, "Bakzdrav"). 1 stick of this enzyme goes to 50 liters of milk.

  • Pour the milk into a pan and send to the stove. Warm the liquid to 40 ° C. Add league.
  • After 15-20 minutes, you will notice that milk begins to turn into a jelly-like mass.
  • Cut it into pieces and continue heating until you see the appearance of cottage cheese grains.
  • Remove the mass in a colander on gauze. Squeeze the cheese and put in a plastic shape with holes for oppression for 12 hours.
  • Next, remove the cheese head and rub it with salt. Send the cheese to the cold for another 12 hours.
  • Keep cheese in an enameled vessel in gauze.

From 4 liters of goat milk, 400 g of cheese is obtained.

Russian cheese from goat milk

  • 10 l of goat milk;
  • 0.5 tsp. mesophilic sourdough;
  • calcium chloride;
  • 2.5 ml of a liquid owl enzyme;
  • 2 l of boiled water, t \u003d 42 ° C


  • Pasteurized milk previously bring to 32 ° C. Add league. Leave the product for 3-4 minutes. Next - gently mix the ingredients with a slotted spoon.
  • Take 30 ml of water, dilute them with a raw enzyme. Pour 50 ml of water into a separate container and add 1/4 tsp.  calcium chloride. Add the resulting solutions to milk. Mix the components.
  • Cover the milk with a lid and leave the clot to ripen for 20-30 minutes at room temperature. Next, try to make a neat incision of the mass. If the edges are even, proceed to the next stage. If not, wait another 10-15 minutes.
  • Divide the clot into cubes with a side of 1-2 cm. Kneam the resulting mass for 10 minutes (the temperature is still 32-33 ° C). You will notice how elastic cheese grain appears.
  • Drain half the serum, and mix the remaining mass for another 5 minutes.
  • Add 2 liters of warm boiled water. This procedure is designed to reduce the acidity of the cheese. Knead the mass for another 25 minutes. In this case, its temperature should be 42 ° C.
  • Transfer cheese to a drainage bag without compaction of it at the same time. Leave the product for 20 minutes. Turn it over and wait for 20 minutes again. Send 12 hours the head under the press.
  • Prepare the brine. Combine 2 l of boiled water, 0.5 kg of salt, 2 g of dry calcium chloride and a quarter of pp. 9% vinegar. Send a cheese head to brine. Save time - 3 hours for every 500 g of cheese. Every 3 hours you turn the cheese.
  • Dry the product in the camera for ripening (the head is shrouded in gauze and placed in a shape with holes) at a temperature of 10-13 ° C for 5-6 days. Every day you do not forget to turn the product. Mature cheese will be ready in 60 days.

Fragrant cheese made of goat milk - step -by -step recipe


  • 4 l of goat milk;
  • 6 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 70 g of salt;
  • a large pinch of caraway seeds.


  • If there is cream in a jar of milk, remove them. Next, pour the milk into a pan and put on medium heat.
  • Before boiling milk, add vinegar. Stir the composition so that it thickens faster.
  • You threw the resulting viscous clot on gauze. High the "cocoon" to allow the serum to drain. Leave the cheese in this position for a day.
  • Next, put the mass in a bowl, add salt and knead like a dough. Form a cake and put it in a pan with thick walls. Put the pan on a slow fire and drown the cheese.
  • Next, remove the dishes from the stove, add caraway seeds and other spices at will. When the cheese thickens, cut it with stripes of 150-200 g.



  • 5 l of goat milk;
  • pepsin (for example, natural Meito enzyme);
  • salt.


  • Warm up raw milk to 30 ° C. When preparing cheese from goat milk with an enzyme, the latter is pre -dissolved in a small amount of milk. Enter pepsin (you calculate the quantity based on your volume of milk, 1 MEITO bag is 100 liters of milk).
  • Mix milk until the clotting is formed. Leave the mass on fire for another 20-30 minutes-the clot should be compacted. Cut it with cubes.
  • Put the cheese mass in a sieve, lined with h/b with a cloth or gauze. Place a napkin or gauze on top. Install the sieve on the pallet so that the liquid can flow freely.
  • When the cheese seals, form the head and send it under the load for 10-12 hours to a cool place.
  • Create the brine from the serum. Add salt to the liquid to get a 10-15% salty solution. Heat the brine until the salt is completely dissolved.
  • Cut the cheese head into fragments of 200 g and send it to a warm brine.
  • The cheese is stored in the refrigerator in the brine, but no more than 5 days.

Recipe for solid cheese from goat milk


  • 4 l of fresh goat milk;
  • 1 liter of sour milk;
  • 8 chicken eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt.


  • Pour raw goat milk into a pan and send to the stove. Add salt, mix the ingredients.
  • At this time, connect chicken eggs and sour milk.
  • When the milk is practically boiled, enter the egg mixture with a thin stream. Mix the components. Cook milk until a thick curd mass is formed on its surface.
  • Filter the resulting substance through a sieve with gauze. Slightly squeeze the mass and send under the press (for example, cover the future cheese head with a plate on which put a three -liter jar of water on top). In this position, leave the cheese for 8-10 hours.
  • The next day, the cheese is ready for use.

Cossack milk of home cheese recipe

The most popularity of Kachotta cheese ("Caciotta") gained in Italy, where every farm farm is preparing it. Depending on the features of the preparation, the cheese may have a more or less acute aroma, as well as a soft or half -soft texture. How to cook this treat at home?


  • 10 liters of milk;
  • a quarter of h. thermophilic leaf;
  • 0.5 tsp. liquid rational enzyme;
  • 1 ml of calcium chloride (solution 8 - 10%) - if you use pasteurized milk;
  • 0.5 tsp. 6% vinegar.


  • Making cheese from goat milk begins with heating the latter. Place milk on fire and bring it to a temperature of 37 ° C. Next, sprinkle its surface with a sourdough. Wait for 1 minute, during this time the powder will absorb moisture, and it can be smoothly mixed. Leave the composition for half an hour.
  • In 30 ml of water, dilute the rational enzyme. Pour the enzyme into the milk. This should be done slowly, evenly distributing the composition in milk. If you work with pasteurized milk, it is time to add calcium chloride. Leave milk for 35-45 minutes. If you used not raw, but pasteurized milk, the aging time increases to 60 minutes.
  • When the milk mass is compacted, take the knife and cut it into cubes (side no more than 2 cm). The larger the cubes will be, the softer the cheese will eventually.
  • Send a container with cheese to a slow fire. Stiring the composition, bring it to a temperature of 40-45 ° C. Slide excess serum - you must see cheese grains. Stir the grains for another 15-20 minutes so that they gain enough acidity.
  • When the grains are “dried”, pour the remaining serum and proceed to transfer the grains into a special cylindrical shape (or any plastic shape with holes). To give the cheese head a more neat shape, the cheese container can be lined with gauze. In the process of laying out the layers of cheese, you can add various spices (for example, paprika).
  • Press the cheese a little and send it to the wet camera. You can organize the latter as follows: pour water into the pan (a layer height of 10 cm) and heat it up to 50 ° C, then install the wire stand, and on it - the shape with cheese.
  • In such a cell, the cheese should be 1.5 hours. Turn the head over every 30 minutes. Further, the cheese cools on the drainage grill for 2-3 hours. At this time, it also needs to be turned over a couple of times. Leave the head for 6 hours at a temperature of 8-10 ° C.
  • Take a job of Kachotta. 1 liter of water will require 200 g of salt and 0.5 tsp. 6% vinegar. Place the head in this solution. The duration of the ambassador depends on the size of the cheese head - 3 hours for every 0.5 kilo of product. Do not forget to periodically turn the cheese.
  • When the ambassador is completed, wipe the cheese and transfer it to drainage at a temperature of 10-15 ° C-the head must be matured. The mold will appear on the surface of the cheese daily, so the head must be regularly wiped (fabric or brush) and turn it on the other side. After 5-7 days, the cheese will be ready. But if you want to get more mature cheese with a pronounced taste, be patient for several months.

Cossack milk cheese-video recovery

Cossack cheese - photo

As you can see, getting cheese from goat milk at home is quite simple. It is important to observe the basic rules - to use exclusively high -quality goat milk (preference should be given to raw, not a pasteurized product) and strictly observe the temperature regime of cooking. And what cheeses to cook from goat milk will best tell your gastronomic preferences. Experiment and open new cheese horizons!



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