
How to make adjika at home. How to make adjika from tomatoes, a sharp adjika with garlic at home - delicious recipes

How to make adjika at home. How to make adjika from tomatoes, a sharp adjika with garlic at home - delicious recipes
How to make a homemade adjika - delicious recipes. How to make adjika at home: from tomatoes, with garlic, with pepper, from a dry mix. How to make adjika with cooking and without cooking.

Although Adzhika is considered a national dish of Abkhazia, this fragrant and acute sauce use cooks in many countries. Not only tomatoes, but also apples, plums and even zucchini can be the basis for it. One of the mandatory ingredients of the dish is horseradish, acute pepper or garlic to give sharpness. The sauce is most often served in liquid form, but there are recipes for preparing adjika as dry seasoning.

How to make adjika with garlic on tomato juice

The traditional sauce recipe is prepared on the basis of tomato juice. For the main ingredient, you can use ready -made juice or take fresh tomatoes. Salt is best added to large grinding. Large crystals slowly dissolve, thereby gradually saturate the ingredients with their taste.

For a classic recipe for adjika, prepare the following products for the winter:

  • fresh tomatoes - 2.5 kg. or tomato juice - 3 l.;
  • sweet pepper red -1 kg.;
  • apples with a sweet and sour taste-1 kg.;
  • raw carrots - 1 kg.;
  • gorky pepper - 3 pods;
  • fresh garlic - 200 g.;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • sunflower oil - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt - 1 stack;
  • vinegar 9% - 150 ml.

How to make adjika with cooking:

  1. Remove the skin from tomatoes. To do this, boil water in a separate pan, make an incision on the fruits and lower them into boiling water for a few seconds. Then carefully remove them with a slotted spoon, let it cool. Remove the skin with your hands, cut the stalk and move the flesh of the vegetable on the meat grinder.
  2. Rinse the apples with running water, peel from the peel. Cut the fruits with slices, remove the seeds. Remove the top layer from carrots, rinse and cut in large pieces. Wash the bell pepper, cut in half and remove the seeds with a tail.
  3. Grind the pulp of prepared ingredients in a meat grinder. Do not use a blender for this. Adjika is characterized by a heterogeneous consistency with grains. To make the sauce is no more gentle, pass the products through a meat grinder 2-3 times.
  4. Pour a tomato into a large pan, add apples, carrots with pepper. Mix and bring the mass to a boil. Boil the ingredients for 1 hour over low heat, constantly stirring and removing the foam. If you use the finished tomato, then separate the apples with carrots and pepper for 40 minutes, then pour in tomato juice and boil the mass for another 20 minutes.
  5. Peel the garlic and pass through the garlic or very finely chop with a knife. Rinse the bitter pepper, dry. Cut in half, remove the seeds and a stalk. You can cut the pulp with a knife or use a meat grinder. When working with sharp pepper, use gloves.
  6. Measure sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil. The classic recipe uses sunflower oil, but you can add any, depending on taste preferences. Add spices (garlic and bitter pepper), sugar, salt and oil to the boiling mass. Mix the mixture thoroughly and boil for another 10 minutes. When you turn off the burner, pour in vinegar, mix with a spoon and cover the container with a lid.
  7. The sauce according to this recipe can be left in the refrigerator under the kapron lid or rolled with metal lids and put in storage in the basement. The only condition is to use only sterile banks. Pour adjika in a container in hot form.

How to make adjika without cooking

Many housewives prefer Adjika recipes without cooking. In this case, the taste of fresh ingredients remains throughout the winter. Do not worry that the sauce will be thrown. As a preservative, vinegar and sugar are used, but only a little in larger quantities than in recipes with cooking.

Ingredients for cooking 1.5 liters. sauce:

  • bulgarian pepper of any color - 5 pcs.;
  • ripe tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • gorky pepper - to taste;
  • garlic cloves - 1 tbsp.;
  • greens (parsley, cilantro, dill) - to taste;
  • sand sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • sea salt - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • vinegar essence (70% vinegar) - 1 tbsp. l.

How to make a home adjika:

  1. Sweet pepper, tomatoes and greens wash under running water and let dry with excess moisture. Remove the skin from tomatoes, cut in half, remove the seeds, remove the seeds. Peel the garlic from the husk, cut the leaves of the greens from the stems. Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder. You can also use a combine product, but not a blender.
  2. Pour the resulting mass into a deep container, add chopped garlic, sugar, vinegar and salt to it. Mix the sauce until the grains of sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Let the mass brew for 10-15 minutes.
  3. During this time, prepare a container for storing adjika. Since it is not welded, use small banks so that the sauce does not stand for a long time open. Strail the dishes, pour adjika on it and close tightly. You can use kapron covers or twist.

How to make an acute adjika

The traditional Abkhaz sauce is acute and it is prepared from the minimum number of ingredients. Its feature in the preparation lies in the process of fermentation and a large amount of bitter pepper and garlic. Because of this, the volume of adjika decreases, and the sauce itself becomes very sharp.

How to make adjika for the winter, ingredients:

  • ripe tomatoes - 1.3 kg.;
  • acute pepper of any color - 2.3 kg.;
  • raw garlic - 3.3 kg;
  • salt and vegetable oil are to taste.

How to make the Abkhaz Adzhika:

  1. Wash the tomatoes with pepper and let them dry. Remove the skin from tomatoes and cut into slices. In pepper, it is necessary to cut off only the tail, leave the seeds. Clean the garlic from the husk. Since you will work with a lot of pepper and garlic, it is recommended to wear gloves and gauze bandage. Chop the indicated ingredients in a meat grinder 3 times.
  2. Pour the mass into glass or enameled dishes, mix. Fold the gauze segment several times and cover them with an ingredients. Leave the mass to roam at room temperature seven days.
  3. After the indicated time, a thick paste will rise up the masses. It must be assembled with a slotted spoon and transferred to dry and clean dishes. You will no longer need the remaining liquid.
  4. Add salt and vegetable oil to the sauce. Mix the mass well, put it on sterile dishes and close. You can store a sharp adjika in the refrigerator or eat immediately.

How to make adjika from tomato paste

Experienced housewives know how to make adjika even in winter. For example, instead of fresh tomatoes, they use tomato paste. The recipe is so universal that you can change it to your liking.

For 3 l. sauce you need the following products:

  • fresh greens - 0.5 kg.;
  • sweet pepper red - 5 pcs .;
  • acute pepper red - 5 pcs .;
  • raw garlic - 0.5 kg.;
  • tomato paste of any company - 0.8 kg.;
  • white sugar - 300 g.;
  • marine salt - 120 g.;
  • lenten oil - 30 tbsp. L.;
  • the seasoning of the dry “hops-Sunels”-25 g.;
  • vine's essence - 4 tsp.

How to make adjika at home:

  1. This recipe uses parsley, but you can replace it with a cilantro, basil or celery. So the dish will be more fragrant. Wash the greens thoroughly, sort and put on paper towels for drying.
  2. Clean the garlic, cut the excess part of the pulp. Wash the sharp and bell pepper in running water, cut in half, remove the seeds. Pass the greens with garlic and peppers through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  3. Put the tomato paste from the package in a deep container, combine with garlic, herbs and pepper. Mix. Then add salt with sugar, pour in vegetable oil, pour spices and knead the mass thoroughly. After that, add vinegar essence, mix again and put in sterile jars.
  4. Adjika from tomato paste is well stored in the refrigerator and in the basement. It is recommended to eat the sauce after 5-7 days. During this time, vegetable oil absorbs part of the severity, and adjika will turn out with a piquant taste.

How to make adjika from a dry mix of spices

Adjika from dry spices is used for the preparation of pizza, rolls, seasonings for second dishes and meat marinade. By consistency, it is more like a thick pasta, unlike tomato and bell pepper sauce. You can prepare a dry Adzhika even in winter. How to do it? Read the recipe below.

Prepare such ingredients according to the recipe:

  • dry mixture of spices hops-sunels-30 g.;
  • chili pepper or red pepper - 20 g.;
  • ground coriander - 10 g.;
  • dill greens in dried form - 10 g.;
  • fresh garlic - 1 head;
  • vinegar 3% - 3 tbsp. L.;
  • dining salt - 2 tsp.

How to make a dry pepper adjika:

  1. Clean the garlic and dry well, since even a drop of excess fluid can ruin the taste of the finished dish. Skip slices through garlic or meat grinder. In a separate container, rub dry dill with garlic. It is advisable to use a mortar for this.
  2. Measure all the other ingredients. Add spices alternately. At this stage, it is important to mix spices very carefully with each other in order to get a homogeneous mass. So the taste of Adzhika will become uniform.
  3. At the end add salt and vinegar. Ripe the mixture until the grains of salt are completely dissolved. Try it to taste and, if necessary, add the ingredients at your discretion. Let the sauce brew, roll up in sterile containers or put in the refrigerator under the nylon cover.

How to make adjika without tomato with plums

You can cook adjika based on drain without using tomatoes. Plums give the dish the original taste with sweet-acid notes. This recipe provides for cooking, so the sauce can be stored throughout the winter.

List of the necessary products according to the recipe:

  • ripe plums - 2 kg.;
  • fresh garlic - 200 g.;
  • chili pepper or sharp - 4 pcs.;
  • dining Salt - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • tomatnaya paste - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • white sugar - 100 g.

How to make a delicious adjika:

  1. The taste of adjika will depend on the variety of plums. Plum of the “carrier” is best suited for the recipe, since they are not too sweet and have a light sourness. Rinse the fruits, put on a kitchen towel for drying. Then remove the bone.
  2. Wash the bitter pepper in running water, cut in half, remove seeds and a stalk. If you want to make the sauce more sharp, then leave the seeds. Peel the garlic from husks and films. Grind the pulp of pepper, plums and garlic in a meat grinder. To get a more tender consistency of the sauce, pass the ingredients through a meat grinder several times.
  3. In a separate container, mix tomato paste, salt with sugar. Carefully grind the mass and combine drain, garlic and spicy pepper with a chopped mixture. Pour the sauce into the pan, put it on the fire, bring to a boil and boil Adzhik for 20-30 minutes. D evapate the mass to the desired density.
  4. In the meantime, prepare cans and covers. Sustain them in boiling water or use a microwave oven for this. Pour hot adjika into tanks, roll up. Turn the banks to exclude the flow of sauce. Cool and put in a cool place for storage.

How to make adjika on pepper without cooking

If you want to get a delicate, but acute taste at the sauce, then prepare it on the basis of Bulgarian pepper. For the recipe, choose ripe red vegetables. Such fruits are more juicy and delicate with a sweet taste.

You will need the following recipe ingredients:

  • sweet pepper red - 2 kg.;
  • burning pepper or sharp - 6 pits or to taste;
  • raw garlic - 300 g.;
  • dining salt and sugar - 1.5 tbsp. L.;
  • dining vinegar 9% - 150 ml.

How to make Adzhika sauce:

  1. Wash the bell pepper, wipe with paper towels. Cut along, cut the seeds and stalk. Sharp pepper also rinse with water, cut the tail, leave the seeds. Grind cleaned garlic in a meat grinder with peppers.
  2. Put the mass into a separate container, add salt with sugar and vinegar. Mix the sauce thoroughly, cover with a lid and let stand at a room temperature of 10 hours. Then taste, if necessary, add salt and sugar to taste. Pour into sterile jars and store in the refrigerator.

How to make a hell with horseradish

You can make the sauce not only sharp, but also piquant when adding horseradish. Such Adjika will become a bright addition to any dish and will be useful for the body, since the recipe will preserve the maximum of useful elements in the ingredients.

List of the necessary products for the preparation of adjika:

  • ripe tomatoes with fleshy pulp - 1 kg.;
  • red pepper red - 0.5 kg.;
  • garlic slices - 150 g.;
  • horseradish root - 150 g.;
  • sharp pepper or chili - 150 g.;
  • food salt - 1/3 of Art.;
  • dining vinegar 9 % - 1/3 of Art.;
  • refined vegetable oil - 200 ml.

How to make adjika at home:

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly so that there are no grains of sand left on their surface. Cut the sweet pepper, remove the seeds and tail. Leave acute pepper with seeds, so the taste of adjika will turn out to be more spicy. Peel the garlic from the husk, and be sure to remove the inner film.
  2. It will have to work with horseradish very carefully and carefully. Peel the root. Put on the meat grinder on the meat grinder, tighten the edges with an elastic band. Grind horseradish in a meat grinder. Then pass acute and Bulgarian pepper through it.
  3. In a separate container, boil water, lower the tomatoes into it for 2-3 seconds, take out a slotted spoon and remove the skin. Cut the tail from the pulp and grind with a meat grinder. Put the mass into a deep dish and mix well with garlic, horseradish and peppers.
  4. Add vegetable oil. Use only refined oil so as not to spoil the sauce with a bright aroma. Mix the mass and boil for 1 hour. Stir the sauce constantly. After the specified time, add salt and vinegar. Cook adjika for another 40 minutes. The sauce will be boiled and become thick. Pour hot adjika into sterile jars, roll up and put in the basement.

Recipes for making acute or piquant adjika are a large number. Therefore, everyone can choose a suitable taste for themselves. You can prepare several recipes at once and enjoy the sauce all winter.

How to make Georgian Adzhika, video



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