
How to cook the dough for a crumb on Easter step by step. Alexandrian Dough for Kulichi - Recipe

How to cook the dough for a crumb on Easter step by step. Alexandrian Dough for Kulichi - Recipe
Kulich is a central dish for Easter holiday. It can be baked without any problems independently, the main thing is to choose the dough you are interested in and keeping all the rules for its preparation.

Our calendar recesses a large number of different holidays, which, in turn, differ not only by their name and origin, but also by the presence of traditional dishes. Such dishes are symbols, always recognizable and beloved. One of the biggest and revered holidays among Christians is Easter, whose symbol has always been cake.

Warm, fragrant, high, with a crispy crust Kulich is certainly present on the festive table in each family. There are a large number of dough recipes for Easter Mood. You can use both older recipes and more modern. Also, many recipes were adopted from European cuisine and with minor changes enjoy great success with our hostesses.

In this article, consider the history of the creation of an Easter crouch, as well as the basic rules for its preparation. More Let's describe the phased process of cooking various types of dough for the crumb.

The history of the emergence of Easter slices

Kulich is a special, festive baking, which occupies a central place in the Easter breakfast menu, lunch and dinner. According to tradition, the cakes must be bakeed in pure Thursday or on Saturday before Easter. Until that time, everything should be cleaned and clean. After all, this holiday is a real principle of light and warm spring, the beginning of something new and good. According to the customs of our ancestors, the cakes should be laid on Thursday evening, then the cakes are baking all friday, and on the night of Saturday, they will be covered in the church on Sunday. This is a long and laborious process, however, it was his grandmothers and great-grandmothers, preparing for the bright holiday of Easter.

Delicious bite cakes could be eaten to the Raduani itself. They treated all the nurses who came to the house of guests.

Since Easter is inherently an Orthodox religious holiday, the history of the appearance of a crude is directly related to religion and with Jesus Christ. Kulich is identified with the main bread on the table of each family in this holiday, since before serving on the table it is consecrated in the church. The cakes are known in the world since ancient times. Such bread was baked with Slavs. During Jesus Christ during his trapes with his students in the central part of the table, there was always a round bread for him. Before his death, he was fresh, but after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the disciples began to put on the table only sinky bread.

It is this essence that is laid in modern traditions of kulukhai baking. It is important to acquire the highest quality and good products, do not regret add more milk, oil and eggs to the dough.

Delicious test rules for cakes

  • In order for the dough for the crumb, the recipe of which you use is perfect, do not make it too liquid or very thick. If the dough is very liquid, your cake is blown and becomes flat. With a more dense test, the cake may turn out too dense and will quickly become worn.
  • The secret of a delicious and softstorm is a long-lasting test of the test. It must be kneading until it is easy to lag behind the hands and the table without plugging flour. In addition, it should be well separated by a knife.
  • When preparing a test for kulichi on Easter, it is necessary to take all the products of the same room temperature. There should be no sudden drops, for example, if eggs from the refrigerator, and the oil temperature.
  • The perfect dough for cakes should be at least three times. The first time the layer is suitable, then the dough is suitable with all added products. The last time the dough is suitable in the shapes before baking.
  • In order for the dough to rose well, be sure to create an optimal temperature for it, which should be at least 25 degrees. And optimally about 30-40 degrees.
  • At a time when the dough rises, there should be no drafts and a sharp decrease in temperature in the room.
  • Baking forms must be filled with a test only half, as it should rise again.
  • Before putting the dough into the oven, stick into the middle of the toothpick or a skewer. So your cake will rise smoothly. And delivering to the toothpick after a while, you can learn about the readiness of the crumb.
  • Bake the cakes are needed in a moistened oven. To do this, put a water container on the bottom of the oven.
  • Remember that for each crouch will be your baking time. It is possible to focus on the following indicators: if your cake is less than 1 kg - baking time 30 min, 1 kg - 45 minutes, 1.5 kg - 1 hour, 2 kg - 1.5 hours. These are approximate indicators, focus on your oven.
  • If your wonderful Easter cake has become burning on top, cover it with bakery paper.
  • Culich must cool on its side.

Compliance with all these rules will help you make a very good dough and get a tasty and fragrant cake as a result. The dough for the Easter Mood can absolutely different. Consider several options for the dough stitching.

Alexandrian Dough for Culiche

Alexandrian Dough for Kulukhai is one of the most popular among modern owners. It is rather traditional and combines the most wonderful qualities of the Easter Mood: softness, airiness, aroma and very pleasant creamy taste. Since Easter is once a year, you can afford to make cakes from the Alexandria test, because for him you need a pretty decent amount of butter, milk, eggs. It is like to use for baking due to a large number of cakes, which are obtained from one portion. You can easily make 1/3 or 1/4 of the specified ingredients and you will get 2-3 slices for the family.

Another feature of the Alexandrian test is a longer time to raise the test in comparison with other dough recipes for cakes. But during this time the dough rises very well, it becomes very soft and air. Easter cake from Alexandrian dough will be a real delicacy for the whole family at a festive table for a cup of fragrant tea.

Alexandrian Dough for Kulichi - Ingredients

  • Milk (it is better to take a foiled, which is also sold in the store) - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Creamy oil of good quality - 500 grams.
  • Fresh eggs - 10 pcs.
  • Yolks (for lubricating cakes) - 3 pcs.
  • Yeast (necessarily fresh) - 150 grams.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Raisins or walnuts - 200 grams (can be added instead of the isisum of the candied or something else to taste).
  • Vanillin - 2-3 grams (or 1-2 bags).
  • Cognac or rum, you can use a liquor - 2 tbsp. (for raisins).
  • Flour of the highest brand - 2.5 kg.

All ingredients must be top quality and necessarily room temperature. From this number of products, approximately 5 kg of cakes is obtained. If you need less, boldly divide on 2 or even 3.

Alexandrian Dough for Kulichi - Recipe Cooking

  • First of all, we are preparing a layout for the Alexandria test for Easter cakes. Beat together 10 eggs and 3 yolk (you don't need to beat too much). Add sugar to the eggs, mix everything thoroughly. Then cut into small pieces of creamy oil and add to future opaar.
  • Heat foiled milk, but do not boil. Add to it broken fresh yeast and mix well. Pour milk with yeast into a pre-prepared egg-oil mixture.
  • Put the prepared pole approach the warm place without drafts for 10-12 hours.
  • Before starting work with the test, soak pure raisins in boiling water. It can also be dunk separately in brandy or Roma. Or add aromatic drinks separately.
  • After your opara is suitable, you need to add all the other ingredients of our Alexandrian dough for a crumb. Immediately add salt, vanillin or vanilla sugar, then cognac or a raisin clouded in it. Mix everything thoroughly and add a sifted flour in advance. Flour spare gradually, kneading the dough after every portion of flour.
  • If the dough sticks greatly to the hands, you can moisten them with vegetable oil. The dough should eventually get sticky.
  • Leave the dough to climb the warm place, sticking the tank with it with a film or towel. It is necessary to wait until it doubles twice. It goes about 1-1.5 hours.

  • After a half hour, the dough should increase twice. It must be changed again and decompose according to the molds of about 1/3 of their heights.
  • Give the test once again to rise, about the fill 3/4 of the volume of molds.

  • You can put the cakes in the already preheated oven to 180 degrees for 40 minutes, and you can put in a cold oven and gradually increase the temperature. It looks like this: first turn on the oven cabinet for 100 degrees and bake the cakes for 10 minutes, then increase the temperature to 150 degrees and bake for another 15 minutes, then increase the temperature to 200 degrees for 150 minutes. After this interval, medium-sized cakes should be prepared. At this stage, you can open the oven and check the toothpick or skeining the readiness of cakes. If they are still damp, leave baked for 15 minutes at 200 degrees. Culici from above can be covered with wet bakery paper so that the crust is not burned on them.
  • After the cakes are caught, leave them in the oven for about 30-40 minutes. Remove cake and put it on the side, without getting out of the form.
  • After a complete cooling of cakes, get them out of the molds and decorate your desire and preferences.

Alexandrian Dough for Kulukhai - Hostess Reviews

On the Internet, various culinary and women's sites, as well as forums, you can find a large number of reviews for the Alexandria Dough for Kulice. Judging by them, it is safe to say that it is very soft, fragrant and delicious Easter cakes from this test, which will also come to the most demanding gourmet.

"I have a hurry to bring you another recipe for a silence on the Alexandria test. Today baked, very gentle and air ballish, not dry ... Of all the options, that I tried this year - this is the best! "

"About 5 years on this recipe! Delicious dough !!! I recommend to everyone…"

"I baked on this recipe - a miracle of cakes are turned out! Cooking is quite simple, you can do without any problems to do, even if you have small kids and a bunch of work on home! "

Viennese dough for cakes

In addition to the above-described test for Easter cakes, there is still a large number of recipes, with which you will get delicious cakes for the holiday. Viennese dough is an excellent version of a cookie dough for cakes. It turns out very tasty, soft, air cakes, which are not mistaken for a long time, and you will eat them up to the Raduanian itself. This dough recipe came to us from Austria, where tasty buns are prepared on its basis.

Vienna dough for kulukhai - ingredients

  • Top quality flour (sifted) - 1.5 kg.
  • Fresh yeast - 50 grams.
  • Milk (cow or vegetable) - 0.5 liters.
  • Creamy oil (can be replaced by margarine) - 300 grams.
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.
  • Fresh eggs - 6 pieces.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Raisins - 300 grams (it can be replaced with candied chocks or nuts, lovers can add and raisins, and candied).

If you want to bake a couple of small cakes in fors 11 cm in diameter, then the ingredients need to be taken at the rate of 0.5 kg of flour.

Vienna dough for kulukhai - Cooking recipe

  • The preparation of the Vienna Test is starting with the kneading moisters. To do this, slightly sweat the eggs with the specified amount of sugar.
  • Melt the butter or margarine on the stove and carefully pour it into the egg mixture.
  • Heat the milk slightly and dissolve yeast in it. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Next, connect the milk with the yeast and the egg-oil mixture. Mix well.
  • Cover the container with a tape or towel and put in a warm place so that the opara rose. It takes about 8-10 hours, so it is best to leave it for the night, and in the morning you begin baking.

  • Before kneading the test, the raisins must be soaked in boiled water for about 20 minutes, and then it is good to dry it with paper towels.
  • Add salt and raisins into the pole, mix well.
  • Lastly, pumped into the Vienna dough sifted through the sieve flour. It is best to do this by portions, after each addition, everything is thoroughly mixing.
  • The dough needs to be easily kneaded. It is necessary to do it until it starts to lag behind the hands and the table without flour.

  • You can start filling the molds. For cakes, a variety of forms are suitable: metal, ceramic or paper. All forms, except for paper, you need to lubricate with vegetable oil. Fill out forms about 1/3 part.
  • Leave the dough in forms about 1-1.5 hours. The dough should rise by 3/4 parts of the molds.
  • Preheat the overall wardrobe to a temperature of 180-200 degrees and place cakes in it. Depending on the size of your cakes, it is necessary to bake from 30 to 50 minutes. During baking, the door of the oven cannot be opened. Check the cakes for readiness can with the toothpicks.
  • After a complete cooling of cakes, decorate them at your request.

Double dough for kulukhai on sour cream

The dough for a crib is a large amount of eggs, butter and sugar. Only with this combination you will receive a real festive Easter cake, whose aroma will be for a long time in your home. In such a messy dough, do not spare add to your taste of raisins, walnuts, zucats, kuragu.

Double Dough for Kulichi - Ingredients

  • Sour cream - 200 grams.
  • Yeast fresh - 25 grams (you can also take dry if they are familiar with you - about 1-1.5 ppm).
  • Cow's milk - 170 ml.
  • Creamy oil or margarine - 50 grams.
  • Sugar - 150 grams.
  • Top quality flour - 650-700 grams (oriented over the test).
  • Fresh eggs - 3 pieces.
  • Cognac - 2-3 tbsp. (can be replaced by rum).
  • Raisins - 50-100 grams (pre-need to be scattered with boiling water).
  • Vanillin is 1 bag (1.5-2 grams).

All ingredients need to take the same room temperature.

Dough Dough for Kulichi - Cooking Recipe

  • First of all, it should be noted that in this test it is not necessary to do opaire.
  • Previously need to scream with boiling water and rinse it well. After that, fill it with cognac.
  • A little warm milk, pre-overflow 2 tbsp. Milk in an additional container.
  • Yeasts to dive into milk and mix well.
  • Since it will take 1 yolk for cake lubrication, separate it before stirring eggs.
  • The rest of the eggs are sculpted with sugar to a white state, gradually add sour cream and take everything together.
  • Add Yeast with milk to eggs, stir and pour salt.
  • At the end, start entering the flour sifted through the sieve. Add it parts to knead well.

  • The dough should be very soft, do not be afraid if it is sticking to the hands.
  • Cover the tank with a dough towel and put in a warm place for about 30-40 minutes.
  • After this time, it is necessary to add butter in room temperature to the test, after which it is well mixed.
  • Give the test to come up within 1.5-2 hours.
  • Raising dough sound well and add raisins-dried paper towels. After that, the dough needs to be very good to knead it to be added to the raisins evenly distributed throughout the volume.
  • Our dough can be distributed by molds! All forms are pre-lubricated with vegetable oil.

  • The test in forms also need to relax a little and come. Focus on the volume of the test - it should increase twice.
  • Before sending a drum in the oven wardrobe, lubricate the top of each throat with a whipped yolk with 2 tbsp. milk.
  • The oven heat up to 200 degrees and bake about 30 minutes.

In addition to the above dough recipes for Easter cakes, there are a lot of options for the preparation of this delicious and fragrant drift.

  • For those who follow the figure and do not eat yeast dough, you can cook cakes on the trunk-free test.
  • Gentle and soft it turns out a custard dough, which is prepared by heating in a water bath.
  • You can cook easter cake using cottage cheese dough.
  • Many classic dough recipes for cakes change and adapt to the tastes of specific cooks and hostesses. The cakes will differ from various additives: saffron, cardamom, chocolate drops, nuts.

Easter - a light and clean holiday, which is preparing very carefully. It is impossible to imagine this holiday without tasty smelling cakes that are cooked by your hands. Discard the purchase of this drift in the store, and spend a little time on its baking. You will get surprisingly delicious cakes and the aroma of homely creamy drift at home.



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